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李伟 《驾驶园》2008,(6):69-71
道路设计和规划的安全审查起源于上世纪90年代初,随后在英国、澳大利亚、新西兰得以推广。我国是世界上道路交通事故最频发的国家之一,为提高我国道路安全水平,必须从公路规划设计抓起,将安全性要求置于首位,并贯穿于公路规划设计的全过程。  相似文献   

This paper presents the historical and cultural background relating to road improvement and road safety characteristics in Kenya, a developing country in East Africa. Some who come from low-developed areas of developing countries often take time to comprehend the modern transportation infrastructure, especially roads, and have difficulty assimilating and customizing the same to their culturally tailored modes.This paper discusses two case studies: one on the socio-economic impact following improvements to a 50-km, high-class, high-traffic-volume road and the other on the monitoring and evaluation of road safety aspects along the Northern Corridor in Kenya also following major road improvements.The road improvements to the Nairobi-Thika Highway (a trunk road) have attracted many investors along the highway corridor. The high-speed road has also brought with it the unfortunate consequence of speeding vehicles colliding with pedestrians crossing the road at undesignated locations.The Northern Corridor, the transportation corridor that links the Great Lakes Countries of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda from the port of Mombasa in Kenya, has had high accident rates for a considerable amount of time. The results of monitoring and evaluation exercises on the Northern Corridor have shown that drivers are the major contributors in causing accidents, with a component ratio of 49.4%; pedestrians are next at 21.7%. Data also shows that 24% of the accidents along the Northern Corridor are fatal, which is of major concern. The study additionally indicated that the majority of road users have not been exposed to education or training on road safety.This paper presents a number of recommendations arising from the road safety study regarding possible improvements in aspects of road safety along the corridor and potential applications of those changes to other roads in general. For example, there are recommendations related to the geometric design of the road, driver training and behavior, vehicle maintenance, and the need to enhance road safety through the utilization of road safety parks where road users can undergo training and drills on road safety aspects.In conclusion, we argue that the rehabilitation of the Northern Corridor from Mombasa on the Kenyan coast to the border with Uganda has led to significant road safety improvement.  相似文献   


在20世纪的后半叶,在各种情况下开发有效药物的研究范围发生了巨大的跨越。这些药物的问世已经毫无疑问地为挽救生命和减少疾病损失做出了重大贡献。不过,总的来说,这种进步的获得有赖于将注意力集中在大批已经被确诊的病人身上进行的临床试验。这种策略能确保即使试验药物不可能总是对每一个患者都起效,但至少对于患者的预期疗效而言还是安全的。[第一段]  相似文献   

城市客车水平的高低,从一个侧面体现着一个城市公共交通事业的发展水平,人们对城市客车的要求一般要高于普通客车,政府也制定了相应的政策和法规引导城市客车的发展.  相似文献   

"从来没见过这么大的风雪,从来没见过几万辆车拥堵在几十公里的路面上,也从来没有经历过长达7天之久的冰雪路大堵车.但我们终于胜利地完成了邮件运输任务."面对领导和同志们的热情迎接慰问,在风雪严寒中奋力拼搏了十四天的9名驾驶员和1名安全员带着胜利完成任务的喜悦心情和一身的疲惫,向欢迎的人们诉说着一路艰辛和难忘的经历.……  相似文献   

论述了统计分析在运输管理工作中的重要作用,并提供了统计分析的写作方法。  相似文献   

目前,很多人士对客车市场的前景并不看好。本文对公路客车的发展基础、产品状态和市场形势进行了深入地分析,对其趋势做了理性的评价,认为公路客车市场前景依然广阔。  相似文献   

通过新西线的工程实践,证实将风积沙应用于防治公路冻胀病害是可行的,这有利于风积沙的应用和降低筑路成本。  相似文献   

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