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In 2012,the maritime industry left us many questions,i.e.why did the secure green road lose its direction when each party is seeking its own gain? Why did Vale,the biggest ore trader enjoying a booming business,found itself trapped in the mire of big ship dream which is difficult to escape from? As the citizens of the biggest shipping country around the world,why were Greek shipowners not willing to fulfill their support responsibility in the crisis? Is it an alarm or a lie that the shipping financial mansion will topple down? These riddles appeared more complicated and confusing in the cold winter of shipping market. 相似文献
探讨了雷达式液位测量在船舶行业中的应用.详细介绍了雷达式液位测量系统的原理、计算、特点、组成及应用.在此基础上展望了雷达式液位测量系统在未来船舶行业中的前景. 相似文献
蓝色反恐席卷全球 进入2002年,陆上反恐出师未捷,海事反恐却接踵而至.2月中旬,IMO海安会下属的海上保安临时过渡工作组提出了一系列海上保安强化措施,以预防和控制危害航运的恐怖活动.紧接着,美国率先提出了海事反恐法案,规定凡是外国港口不能维持有效反恐措施的,美国海岸警卫队有权禁止拒绝这些船只和货物进入美国.5月,IMO海安会第75届会议明确将海事反恐列为新的主题.不过,所有的船东都希望这只是空穴来风.然而事实上蓝色的海洋正成为恐怖分子的新乐土.10月6日,一艘法国油轮在也门海域遭袭,一艘满载炸药的小船撞入油轮,引起爆炸. 相似文献
Mark D. Aspinwall 《Maritime Policy and Management》2013,40(4):313-314
This article discusses the regulatory and operational issues which have recently confronted a number of U.S. ports as a result of their dredging programmers. It describes the environmental concerns which have led community groups to raise legal objections to the traditional practice of ocean dumping of dredged material, the federal/state regulatory framework within which these objections have been considered and recent legislative changes to that framework. The paper describes in some detail the specific case of the Port of New York and New Jersey, which has experienced severe delays in its dredging programme since 1992 (and a resulting loss of business) as well mounting costs for dredged material disposal. The paper concludes that, complicated as the technical problems involving dredged material disposal may be, it is the political and economic issues involved which are likely to be decisive in the eventual outcomes for affected ports. 相似文献
Yang Peiju 《中国船检》2013,(5)
The constant introduction,modification and revision of international maritime conventions and regulations have been exerting more and more important influence on the development of region,country,industry and enterprises in almost every sector of maritime activities.Looking at the current establishment and development of international maritime conventions,we can notice a relatively distinct development trend:firstly,a high-speed and dynamic development time will come for international maritime convention,with more and more new maritime conventions to be introduced and the speed and frequency of convention modification to be accelerated gradually. 相似文献
弗米娜女士50来岁,热情好客,健谈.她在RS主要负责与世界各国的船检机构联络接洽.谈起普京,她的眼里直放光.我们年轻的总统很能干,他让我们看到了希望!她激动地说. 相似文献
菲律宾海员劳务外派成功经验及其借鉴 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
通过对菲律宾在劳务外派方面的相关法律、规章的分析,对其劳务市场的监督和管理、劳务输出主管机关和机构、各种保障制度和后勤措施、航海教育的培训体系和海员素质以及对外营销策略等方面的成功经验作了探讨与总结。指出这对进一步扩大中国海员对外劳务输出有一定的指导价值,我国应该在这几个方面采取相应的措施。 相似文献
2007年6月13日,巴拿马运河管理局在上海浦东香格里拉大酒店举办“巴拿马海运日”,巴拿马运河管理局国际顾问委员会主席、国际海事组织(IMO)前秘书长威廉·A·奥尼尔先生在开幕仪式上发表了演讲。奥尼尔先生的讲话着重强调海运在当代经济和社会发展中不可替代的巨大作用,集装箱化又是影响最大的因素之一,而且在可持续发展大趋势下,海运又是能效最高、对生态环境最友好的运输方式。演讲还指出海运事业广泛的国际性以及各国政府在政策法规等方面合作和协调对发展全球海运业的重要意义。奥尼尔先生高度赞扬巴拿马运河回归后的出色管理,以及运河在21世纪,尤其是在扩建计划完成后,对世界航运业的重大贡献。应本刊之约,讲演稿由作者修改后发表如下。 相似文献
William A. William A 《集装箱化》2007,18(7):1-4
2007年6月13日,巴拿马运河管理局在上海浦东香格里拉大酒店举办“巴拿马海运日”,巴拿马运河管理局国际顾问委员会主席、国际海事组织(IMO)前秘书长威廉·A·奥尼尔先生在开幕仪式上发表了演讲。奥尼尔先生的讲话着重强调海运在当代经济和社会发展中不可替代的巨大作用,集装箱化又是影响最大的因素之一,而且在可持续发展大趋势下, 相似文献
努力实现河北海事又快又好发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
河北海事“十一五”发展目标:创建安全、畅通、文明航区,全面落实国家安全生产管理格局:构建全方位覆盖、全天候运行以及快速反应的现代水上安全保障系统;推动落实“监管立体化、反应快速化、执法规范化、管理信息化”发展战略,建立海事工作管理规范、防治溢油应急反应管理、搜救协调、船员考试评估和发证质量管理四个体系; 相似文献
从有关报道获悉,广东海事局将以贯彻落实《珠江三角洲改革发展规划纲要》为契机,大胆创新,先行先试,积极探索船舶修造和设计单位的技术监管机制,积极扶持民营造船企业和广东船用产品产业发展。 相似文献