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One of the major concern in the excavation in soft soil areas is the effect of soil movement on adjacent pile foundations. In this paper, three-dimensional finite element models are established to study the axial response of the adjacent pile foundations close to an excavation in soft soil. The results show that, due to the nearby excavation, the axial bearing capacity of a single pile under compression decreases about 13.6%, and considerable additional settlements of a single pile subjected to the working compression load are generated. Therefore, the characteristics of load transfer mechanism between pile shaft and around soil, as well as the tip soil reaction are investigated extensively, which demonstrates that, as expected, the nearby excavation leads to a reduction of ultimate soil friction resistance. Furtherly, the widely employed load transfer method for pile foundation is modified to consider the effects of nearby excavation, which can be employed to predict the axial response of an axially loaded pile foundation beside an excavation. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

In order to study the impacts of the transient seepage on the stability of tunnel excavation face during the installation of lining segments, the fluid-solid coupling effect based numerical model of the tunnel excavation face was developed by the finite element software PLAXIS. With adoption of the variablecontrolling approach, the influences of the depth/diameter ratio (the ratio of the buried depth to diameter of the tunnel) and the support pressure ratio (the ratio of the face support pressure to water and soil pressures ahead of the excavation face) on the face stability and ground settlement were investigated, respectively. At same time, the failure modes of the excavation face under the fluid-solid coupling analysis were also discussed. The results show that:1) the transient seepage leads to the development of the soil arching at the front of the excavation face, in which the smaller deformation at the excavation face is achieved, and so less support pressure for the face stability is allowed. While for the plastic analysis without taking into account the effect of transient seepage, a higher support pressure is required to maintain the stability of the excavation face; 2) in the fluid-solid coupling analysis, the depth/diameter ratio has less impacts on the stability of the excavation surface, but has larger impacts on the ground settlement. The larger the depth/diameter ratio, the larger the ground surface settlement and the settlement profile; 3) however, with the combination of the decrease of the support pressure and the impact of transient seepage on the settlement of ground surface, the soil arching effect in front of the excavation face is gradually reduced. The deformation zone at the ground surface is then connected with the deformed part ahead of the tunnel face to form a wedge-shaped soil sliding zone. It is also observed that the wedge-shaped body tends to have a larger funnel-shaped failure mode than that in the plastic analysis without considering the transient seepage. The results show that the transient seepage has a great impact on the stability of tunnel excavation face in the soil condition with high permeability ratio. The fluid-solid coupling analysis should be adopted to evaluate the deformation of excavation face and ground settlement. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Restricted by site and construction period of ancillary structure of metro project, climbing excavation is often adopted. In order to determine tunnel face’s stability, the stabilities of working face in the cases of climbing ex- cavation and horizontal excavation were analyzed by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. With upperbound limit analysis, the affected scope and positions of failure zone were compared; the position of equivalent strain zone and the law of horizontal displacement changes were studied by simulation analysis. The results show that the scope of failure zone caused by climbing excavation was slightly larger than that by horizontal excavation and the po- sition of affected zone is slightly lower than that by horizontal excavation; the horizontal displacement caused by climbing excavation within a scope of 0-1/3 height of tunnel face is slightly larger than that by horizontal excavation while it is slightly smaller beyond the scope of 0-1/3 height of tunnel face; the maximum horizontal displacements in the cases of climbing and horizontal excavation both occur at the place where is 1/3 height of work face and the de- formation of work face in the case of climbing excavation is not larger than that of horizontal excavation; the work face stabilities are mostly the same in the cases of climbing and horizontal excavation without regard to advanced support, and the work face stability is to be guaranteed with proper advanced support. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

In a perspective of modern tunnelling philosophy, some problems on conventional tunnelling in soft rock mass were discussed. The development process of rock mechanical behavior and deformation caused by excava⁃ tion is attributed to the change course from yielding to discrete. Some effective control means were presented as well and the effect of advanced support system was evaluated. As to the deformation controlling technology for squeezing ground, the theory and design principle of yielding support system were introduced. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

It's really challenging for shield driving when hard rock partially intrudes into the excavation section of metro tunnels. Abnormal cutter wear is excessive during shield excavation in hard rock and comprehensive perfor⁃ mance of excavation system decreases greatly, resulting in abnormal advancing parameter, small penetration rate and low advance rate. Taking Shenzhen Metro line 9 project as the background, the main difficulties encountered for the compound EPB shield during driving in high-strength granite and the reasons were analyzed, the corresponding countermeasures were presented. EPB shield drove through the hard rock section safely and smoothly attributed to reasonable cutter configuration, in-time cutter replacement and proper advancing parameters. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Yu T.  Li J.  Jing L.  Xu S.  Xu J. 《现代隧道技术》2018,(6):33-41and52
The problems of TBM construction data loss, information barriers and absence of data mining have con⁃ strained the advancement of basic technologies in TBM field. Aimed at building a cloud computation platform for TBM operation information, a new concept of 3B, i. e. Born by digit, Born in format and Born to the cloud, was pre⁃ sented, the issues of information acquisition, transmission and storage during TBM operation were solved, and massive heterogeneous information intelligent transmission system and big data warehouse of TBM group were established. A structure model of cloud computation platform was designed by taking Hadoop system as ecosphere, and a cloud computation platform was built to deploy related algorithm, realizing on-line monitoring and data sharing, further⁃ more the data law mining of interaction of rock mass versus TBM machine was conducted based on big data tech⁃ nique, exploring the development direction of the information platform. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of tunnel construction in China, strengthening statistical studies of domestic tunnel construction accidents is of great significance in order to understand the safety status of tunnel construction and the development trends of tunnel construction accidents and for exploring the direction of future scientific re-search. There were 89 tunnel construction accidents in China (not including subway tunnels or municipal tunnels)from 2006 to 2016. The characteristics of these accidents are analyzed in terms of time distribution, spatial distribu-tion, grade and type of accident according to the statistics by means of line charts, bar charts and pie charts. Corre-sponding prevention and control recommendations are put forward considering the factors such as year, month, work-ing day, time period, region, location, grade and type. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Based on a shield-driven running tunnel project of Hangzhou Metro Line 2, this paper carries out field measuring of the ground surface deformation caused by two different shield machines in double-tube tunnelling in soft soil areas, obtains the laws of the surface deformation caused by shield-driven double-tube tunnelling and verifies the applicability of the modified Peck formula to double-tube tunnelling. The results show that in soft soil areas the impacts on ground surface deformation caused by different shield construction parameters in the previously and subsequently excavated tunnels are different, while the surface deformation changes sharply before and after the shield machine passing through the cutting face, and a rebound phenomenon occurs when the shield tail passes through the cutting face due to the influence of the grouting; The cutterhead torque of the shield machine in soft soil areas can be composed of five calculation factors, and the calculation results are in good agreement with the measured values. The larger the opening rate of the shield cutterhead is, the larger the average torque value will be, the higher the percentage of large ground loss rate will be, and the larger the maximum ground surface settlement will be; The ratio of cutterhead torque T to mucking volume per ring Q is used as the control parameter for analyzing the ground surface settlement, and a certain positive correlation between the ratio and the surface settlement value is determined, the smaller the cutterhead opening rate is, the more accurate the fitting results will be. © 2022, Editorial Office of Modern Tunnelling Technology. All right reserved.  相似文献   

The application of prefabricated tunnel technology has been become a new research field both in China and abroad. Based on the running tunnel between Yufuhe station and Wangfuzhuang station of Jinan rail transit line R1, a new prefabricated tunnel construction technology, the PBA method is presented. This paper makes a detailed discussion on section form, supporting scheme and construction process of the PBA method. In this study, 3D a new 3D numerical model for PBA method is presented by finite difference numerical simulation software Flac and the construction processes are modeled. The rule of ground surface settlement, ground deformation and structural stress caused by PBA method is studied in detail. Results show that the structure of PBA method can effectively control the deformation magnitude and scope. Stress concentration appears at the prefabricated connection parts and the reinforcement needs to check. The total assembled structure forms the load-bearing system after the completion of the lateral wall. The built-in depth of the precast pile and pile bottom grouting quality should to be ensured to control the displacement of the precast piles. The results of this study will be a useful reference for similar projects in the future. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Studying the in-situ stress distribution at a tunnel site is very important to determine surrounding rock characteristics, the engineering design and the construction scheme. By using the multiple linear regression method based on the least square algorithm, the initial geostress field is analyzed and the corresponding regression coefficients are obtained. The ground stress obtained from the proposed back analysis is reasonable and can meet the demands of the engineering applications. From the rockburst risk level distribution diagram, it is speculated that the Wunvfeng tunnel is in the high filed stress area. Field monitoring should be strengthened and emergency plans should be made to cope with the rockburst risks during the construction process. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

After 1975, the appearance of finite element numerical limit method and the application and development of computer technology have brought the elastic-plastic analytical calculation of engineering materials into a new era of numerical limit calculation. The new methods, namely, strength reduction method and load increment method, as well as the recently proposed ultimate strain method, are adopted in the rock tunnels studied in this paper. To solve the uncertainty of mechanical parameters of surrounding rock in rock tunnels and provide more scientific and reasonable mechanical parameters of surrounding rock, the surrounding rock classification must be made combining theory, investigation and experience. Taking the surrounding rock classification in rail transit tunnels as an example, the improvement of the classification level includes improving the strength index, mainly adopting the quantitative classification method, reasonably determining the basic index BQ value of rock mass quality, increasing the number of surrounding rock classifications, formulating the surrounding rock classification tables for the running tunnel and the station tunnel, and achieving the coordination and unification of qualitative and quantitative classification methods. Finally, the quantitative indexes of surrounding rock self-stability are determined, and the more scientific and reasonable physical and mechanical parameters of surrounding rocks are put forward through back calculation. © 2022, Editorial Office of Modern Tunnelling Technology. All right reserved.  相似文献   

Wet shotcrete spraying units are widely used in underground engineering, for railways, highways, water conservancy and hydropower stations, municipal works, mining and military and other industries. Structural analysis and mechanical behavior optimization are conducted regarding the lifting arm of a TKJ series shotcrete spraying unit, and optimization of the hinge point position and working scope of the lifting arm is realized. The optimal layout scheme for the hinge force is given based on the Monte Carlo method, the hinge force of the lifting arm is improved for the mean and maximum values, and the maximum and average hinge force of the lifting cylinder decrease by 23.14% and 7.70%, respectively, compared with that of the original scheme. The static strength is checked using Ansys-Workbench for the optimized scheme, and the results show that the optimized scheme has a larger safety re-serve and that the structural design is more reasonable than the original scheme. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Liu C.  Lu Y.  Liu L.  Lv W. 《现代隧道技术》2018,(5):245-253
The problem of filter-cake formation in highly permeable strata is urgently to be solved for slurry shield tunnelling. Adding coarse-particle materials in slurry is an effective method to solve the problem. A selfdesigned test device of slurry invasion and filter-cake formation in strata was adopted, and one kind of lightweight sand was selected as coarse particle materials. By changing the particle sizes of light-weight sand particles, the filtrate mass and the time of filter-cake formation under the condition of different additive contents and pressures were measured. And the influence of particle size of coarse-particle materials on filter-cake formation characteristics was analyzed. A triangular constriction calculation method was proposed, which can be used to quickly determine the influence range of coarse-particle materials on the pore size variation of the strata. The test results show that: (1) the addition of coarse-particle materials can significantly reduce the inter-particle pore size and effectively improve the clogging effectiveness under the condition of this tested strata. (2) The particle size of coarse-particle materials has a great influence on filter-cake formation characteristics. The coarse-particle material with smaller particle size has a better clogging effect, and its filter-cake formation characteristics are more stable. The coarse-particle material with larger particle size has a higher volatility in its filter-cake formation characteristics. (3) Coarse-particle materials with different particle sizes result in different final filter-cake structures. When the coarse-particle materials possess a larger particle size, a mixed filtercake structure is formed, and when the particle size is small, a double-layer filter-cake structure is formed. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

The circulation system of a slurry shield is composed of a transportation system and a processing system.For shield construction, correct selection of the circulation system for the slurry shield is directly related to construc-tion speed. Using the Nanjing Yangtze tunnel as an example, the material balance calculation of the circulation sys-tem, sieving effect analysis, and analysis of the muck carrying ability of the dredging pipe are conducted for various strata. The practical results show that above mentioned calculations and analysis method provide a good reference for the proper selection of a slurry separation system and dredge pipe. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

The circulation system of a slurry shield is composed of a transportation system and a processing system.For shield construction, correct selection of the circulation system for the slurry shield is directly related to construc-tion speed. Using the Nanjing Yangtze tunnel as an example, the material balance calculation of the circulation sys-tem, sieving effect analysis, and analysis of the muck carrying ability of the dredging pipe are conducted for various strata. The practical results show that above mentioned calculations and analysis method provide a good reference for the proper selection of a slurry separation system and dredge pipe. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Combining the present situation and development trend of different tunnel support technologies at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the problems of rockburst in hard rock tunnels and large deformation in soft rock tunnels caused by high ground stress. It is concluded that: 1) regarding the rockburst problem, the current support technology is mainly influenced by the rock burst mechanism which is dominated by static factors, and so the used support components are generally of smaller deformation performance and "passive support" properties; 2) as the rockburst is the result of dynamic-static stress coupling, and only the anchor bolt has the "active support" attribute in the current "shotcrete+anchor bolt+wire net" support system, so the best support system should have the two functions of active support and energy release in terms of the rockburst problem, and the key focus of the research and development is anchorage members; 3) there are three main support types for large deformation in soft rock tunnels, e.g. the heavy support, layered support and yielding support. Among them, the heavy support system in underground cavern with large deformation is easy to induce excessive surrounding rock pressure, and so the applicable conditions are limited. The layered support system is still not the best choice due to its immature theoretical study, difficult determination of the thickness value and the installation time of each support layer and the interference to construction progress. With the characteristics of timely support and yielding while supporting, the yielding support system can give full play to the performance values of surrounding rocks and supporting materials, and make both of them reach the optimal state, so it is the best choice for supporting the soft rock tunnels with large deformations. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Combining with the borehole gas concentration tests for the Sichuan red-bed section of the Chengdu-Guiyang Railway, this paper analyzes its correlation with the stratum chronology geological structure, and tunnel depth on the basis of data statistics, and puts forward the suggestion to qualitatively and quantitatively divide gas working areas. The results show that the correlation between the tunnel gas concentration and the stratum chronology is not significant in the Sichuan red-bed section of the Chengdu-Guiyang Railway (except coal-bearing strata); geological structure plays a controlling role in gas transport and accumulation; and the positive correlation between the gas concentration and the tunnel depth is significant. According to the above conclusions, it could qualitatively divide the gas working areas according to the geological structure and mapping information collected during the survey stage, and quantitatively divide the gas working areas according to the gas concentration test results. The final categorization of gas working areas can be determined by combining the qualitative and quantitative results. © 2022, Editorial Office of Modern Tunnelling Technology. All right reserved.  相似文献   

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