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为了降低汽车车身电气系统成本,采用飞思卡尔PowerPC架构的32位处理器MPC5604B,为某具体国产车型设计了一款集成车身CAN-动力CAN网关、 CAN-LIN网关、网络管理、车身控制、车身防盗报警、发动机防盗、 TPMS、 RKE、故障诊断等功能于一体的车身控制器(BCM)。分析了集成式BCM主要完成的功能及其所涉及的硬件模块,采用模块化设计思想设计并实现了BCM的软件架构和各项任务,最后以车身控制为例描述了软件设计思路。该设计已经应用于某国产车型,结果表明BCM运行稳定可靠。  相似文献   

车型:2011款新君越旗舰版。行驶里程:30900km。故障现象:客户抱怨称用遥控器锁不了门。故障诊断:通过验证,故障确实存在,而且不只是遥控锁不了门,车上所有与控制门锁的相关功能都失效,如PEPS系统、中控台开关、左前门锁芯、挡位信号都控制不了门锁电机动作。用GDS诊断仪进入BCM和PEPS系统都无相关故障码的存在,  相似文献   

2002款丰田佳美ACV3系列车型的防盗遥控器可进行锁门、开门和后备箱盖开启三个控制功能。钥匙和遥控器可以拆开分离,但由于是精密电子元件,在处理每一个元件时要特别小心。下面介绍以手工设定遥控器的方法。  相似文献   

2002款丰田佳美ACV3系列车型的防盗遥控器可进行锁门、开门和后备箱盖开启三个控制功能。钥匙和遥控器可以拆开分离,但由于是精密电子元件,在处理每一个元件时要特别小心。下面介绍以手工设定遥控器的方法。  相似文献   

故障现象一辆07款北京现代伊兰特1.6L轿车,累计行驶35 422 km,出现使用遥控器锁门时危险警告灯不闪烁,门锁也不落锁,无法进入警戒状态的故障。该故障时有时无,并没有特定的规律,使用2只遥控器都会发生该故障。维修过程初步检查发现.该车为原车标配防盗系统,没有做过任何改装。由于该车进公司检查时并没有发生该故障,所以初步怀疑是遥控器和BCM(车身控制模块)之间的信号传递出现了问题。于是首先更换了BCM,并用检测仪做了遥控器和BCM间的匹配,然后把车交给车主,建议车主在使用中注意观察。  相似文献   

故障现象:客户反映用遥控器开启后备箱时失灵。故障诊断:该车遥控器由车身控制模块BCM控制。在检查时发现BCM上有水迹,判断故障原因是由于车身进水,积水后影响BCM的正常工作,造成后备箱遥控失效。  相似文献   

2006款别克GL8商务车和其他别克车型自动门锁都有4种模式(表1)。GL8商务车自动门锁控制由车身控制模块(BCM)完成,且GL8的BCM不参与车载网络通讯,所以不能使用  相似文献   

车型:200B款上海通用陆尊故障现象:只要接通点火,大灯就常亮,且不能手动关闭。功能说明:陆尊灯光控制可分为手动和自动两种方式,这两种方式都由车身控制模块(BCM)控制,灯光开关如图1所示,各位置的功能是:  相似文献   

正宝骏310轿车是1款小型两厢轿车,该车装配的电动刮水器/洗涤器有2种控制方式,一种是由BCM(车身控制模块)控制,另一种在未配备BCM的车上由多功能附件控制模块控制。下面以配有BCM系统的车型为例讲述电动刮水器/洗涤器的工作原理及其故障诊断思路。一、工作原理宝骏310电动刮水器/洗涤器电  相似文献   

通用(GM)汽车公司作为全球最大的汽车制造商,其车型品目繁多各有所异,所以其遥控器的编程方法也各有不同。下面介绍上海通用(SGM)各车型以及国内最常见几种通用车型遥控器的编程方法,以方便维修界广大同仁。一、上海通用公司(SGM)各车型(一)别克GL8遥控器编程手动编程方法:1.由手套箱右侧仪表板保险盒拆下车身控制模块(BCM PRGRM)保险丝。2.关上驾驶员侧车门和其他车门。3.将点火钥匙转至附件挡、关闭点火开关1s返回ACC附件挡。4.此时,警报响一声、安全带灯闪一次。5.同时按下闭锁和开锁键约5s,警报响一声、安全带灯闪一次。6.重复…  相似文献   

某款右舵车中央集控器和遥控器的澳洲适应性设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍澳洲对中央集控器和遥控器不同于中国的法规要求及市场要求。根据这些要求,在某款右舵车中央集控器和遥控器的基础上,通过更改功能和发射频率,以达到澳洲右舵车的市场要求。经过测试、试装验证和评审,结果达到预期的技术要求。  相似文献   

随着无钥匙进入及一键启动系统(PEPS)在汽车上的应用,电子转向管柱锁就与PEPS相结合成为汽车防盗系统的一部分,它可以防止汽车在行驶过程中意外上锁,有效地提高了汽车的行驶安全。本文主要介绍电子转向管柱锁的基本构造、功能原理及内部通信过程。  相似文献   

明星 《汽车电器》2012,(8):62-64
汽车电气系统测试除了要测试车身电器基本的功能外,还必须要测试控制器的通信接口和I/O接口在发生故障时的情况。本文采用Vector公司的CANoe软件以及VT硬件板卡构建了一个汽车电气自动测试系统,结合装有实车相关电器零部件的Labcar台架,通过自动测试系统的故障自动注入,可以实现对某款轻型客车的仪表(IPK)和车身控制器(BCM)功能的自动测试。  相似文献   

The development and application of sensitivity methods for determining the effects of parameter changes on the response of vehicle dynamic systems is presented. The procedures shown can be used to enhance the analysis and synthesis processes of virtually any road or rail vehicle system regardless of its complexity. The parametric sensitivity of vehicle models in time domain, steady state models and vehicle models in frequency domain can be investigated using different types of sensitivity functions, both dimensional and dimensionless including first order standard, percentage, logarithmic, second order standard, and logarithmic and percentage sensitivity measures. These sensitivity functions and measures are determined as functions of partial derivatives of system variables taken with respect to system parameters. In the case of sensitivity functions in the frequency domain the variable values are computed as either the magnitude or phase angle of a complex element of the transfer function matrix. The methods presented enable to determine the influence of all system primary (constant) and secondary (non-constant) parameters on system primary and secondary variables. The primary variables are state variables or elements of the transfer function matrix and the secondary variables may be any functions of primary variables and system parameters. Typical secondary system parameters which can be examined include initial conditions, time variant coefficients, natural frequencies, loads, and typical secondary variables are forces, weight transfers, stability factors and energy components. The analysis of sensitivity results obtained for three vehicle handling models in both linear and nonlinear regimes of vehicle performance and utilizing various types of sensitivity functions is also presented.  相似文献   


The development and application of sensitivity methods for determining the effects of parameter changes on the response of vehicle dynamic systems is presented. The procedures shown can be used to enhance the analysis and synthesis processes of virtually any road or rail vehicle system regardless of its complexity. The parametric sensitivity of vehicle models in time domain, steady state models and vehicle models in frequency domain can be investigated using different types of sensitivity functions, both dimensional and dimensionless including first order standard, percentage, logarithmic, second order standard, and logarithmic and percentage sensitivity measures. These sensitivity functions and measures are determined as functions of partial derivatives of system variables taken with respect to system parameters. In the case of sensitivity functions in the frequency domain the variable values are computed as either the magnitude or phase angle of a complex element of the transfer function matrix. The methods presented enable to determine the influence of all system primary (constant) and secondary (non-constant) parameters on system primary and secondary variables. The primary variables are state variables or elements of the transfer function matrix and the secondary variables may be any functions of primary variables and system parameters. Typical secondary system parameters which can be examined include initial conditions, time variant coefficients, natural frequencies, loads, and typical secondary variables are forces, weight transfers, stability factors and energy components. The analysis of sensitivity results obtained for three vehicle handling models in both linear and nonlinear regimes of vehicle performance and utilizing various types of sensitivity functions is also presented.  相似文献   

文章主要论述如何根据法规和汽车灯具造型的可行性,通过设计方法,关注设计要点,实现汽车后组合灯位置灯(LED光源)在应用场景的动态效果。此功能包括位置灯光源、MCU(光源控制器)和BCM(车身控制器)。所述车身控制器和光源控制器在一定条件下驱动位置灯光源,使得位置灯光源以一定的程序进行点亮,使得后组合灯的点亮效果更时尚灵动。希望所阐述方案的工作原理和逻辑方法,为今后的设计工作提供参考和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

An accurate and realistic vehicle model is essential for the development of effective vehicle control systems. Many different vehicle models have been developed for use in various vehicle control systems. The complexity of these models and the assumptions made in their development depend on their application. This article looks into the development and validity of vehicle models for prediction of roll behavior and their suitability for application in roll control systems. A 14 DOF vehicle model that includes dynamics of roll center and nonlinear effects due to vehicle geometry changes is developed. The limitations, validity of simplified equations, and various modeling assumptions are discussed by analyzing their effect on the model roll responses in various vehicle maneuvers. A formulation of the popular 8 DOF vehicle model that gives good correlation with the 14 DOF model is presented. The possible limitations of the 14 DOF model compared with an actual vehicle are also discussed.  相似文献   

An accurate and realistic vehicle model is essential for the development of effective vehicle control systems. Many different vehicle models have been developed for use in various vehicle control systems. The complexity of these models and the assumptions made in their development depend on their application. This article looks into the development and validity of vehicle models for prediction of roll behavior and their suitability for application in roll control systems. A 14 DOF vehicle model that includes dynamics of roll center and nonlinear effects due to vehicle geometry changes is developed. The limitations, validity of simplified equations, and various modeling assumptions are discussed by analyzing their effect on the model roll responses in various vehicle maneuvers. A formulation of the popular 8 DOF vehicle model that gives good correlation with the 14 DOF model is presented. The possible limitations of the 14 DOF model compared with an actual vehicle are also discussed.  相似文献   

汽车驾驶员模型是汽车交通安全、智能交通系统、汽车自动驾驶和车辆巡航等技术的基础研究内容和关键环节之一。按照汽车驾驶员模型的研究方向及应用,将驾驶员模型分为基于人—车—环境闭环系统汽车操纵稳定性的驾驶员模型、基于智能交通系统的驾驶员行为模型和基于交通安全的驾驶员疲劳模型等类型,综述了上述各类汽车驾驶员模型的研究现状,对各类驾驶员模型存在的不足进行了分析论述,并展望了汽车驾驶员模型的发展方向及趋势。  相似文献   

管欣  逄淑一 《汽车工程》2011,33(9):739-744
系统介绍了面向汽车性能而建立的、用于汽车运动动力学研究的专用模型.以模型发展历史为主线,从模型功用的角度,分析了建模的迁变动机.概括阐述经典的性能模型的建模方法及特点,并分析了性能模型在汽车工业中的应用价值.最后指出面向更高频率特性仿真的具有更精细动态品质的模型是汽车运动动力学模型的发展趋势之一.  相似文献   

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