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The methodology for modeling no-frost refrigerator is described based on the component models de-veloped in Part I, and then, system simulation is applied to a BCD-235W refrigerator-freezer (RF). Experiments are carried out to study "pull-down" and steady-state performance of the RF, and to determine how the exper-iment and simulation temperature stack up against each other. Good match is found between simulated and measured results for the "pull-down" period. For the steady-state period, the simulation results are also found to agree well with experiment ones except for the temperature profiles of the refrigerator compartment (RC) and freezer compartment (FC). The average temperature and the energy consumption errors between measurement and simulation are less than 10%. Although the model can not reflect the non-uniform air temperature fields in the RC and FC, the variation range and periodicities of the temperature correlate well between the simulation and experiment. We conclude that such a model is valid for investigating the performance of no-frost refrigerator.  相似文献   

The methodology for modeling no-frost refrigerator is described based on the component models developed in Part I, and then, system simulation is applied to a BCD-235W refrigerator-freezer (RF). Experiments are carried out to study “pull-down” and steady-state performance of the RF, and to determine how the experiment and simulation temperature stack up against each other. Good match is found between simulated and measured results for the “pull-down” period. For the steady-state period, the simulation results are also found to agree well with experiment ones except for the temperature profiles of the refrigerator compartment (RC) and freezer compartment (FC). The average temperature and the energy consumption errors between measurement and simulation are less than 10%. Although the model can not reflect the non-uniform air temperature fields in the RC and FC, the variation range and periodicities of the temperature correlate well between the simulation and experiment. We conclude that such a model is valid for investigating the performance of no-frost refrigerator.   相似文献   

Introduction  Sincethecorrosionofoiltubesinbrinesolutionscontainingcarbondioxide (CO2 )andhydrogensulfide(H2 S)gasesisasevereprobleminengineering ,itisveryurgenttobuildapredictivemodelofthecorrosionrate(rcorr)foroiltubesinCO2 /H2 Scoexistentenvironment …  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the existing models of CO2 corrosion in literatures and the autoclave simulative experiments, a predictive model of corrosion rate (γcorr ) in CO2/H2S corrosion for oil tubes has been established, in which γcorr is expressed as a function of pH, temperature (T) , pressure of CO2 ( Pco2 ) and pressure of H2S (PH2S). The model has been verified by experimental data obtained on N80 steel. The improved features of the predictive model include the following aspects: ( 1 ) The influence of temperarare on the protectiveness of corrosion film is taken into consideration for establishment of predictive model of the γcorr in CO2/H2S corrosion. The Equations of scale temperature and scale factor are put forward, and they fit the experimental result very well. (2)The linear relationship still exists between In γcorr and In Pco2 in CO2/H2S corrosion ( as same as that in CO2 corrosion). Therefore,a correction factor as a function of PH2s has been introduced into the predictive model in CO2/H2 S corrosion. ( 3 ) The model is compatible with the main existing models.  相似文献   

IntroductionItisofsignificanttheoreticalmeaningtofindthemaximumindependentsetwithinanetwork .Thisisnotonlyrelatedtoclique ,nodecovering ,coloringandmatchingissues ,butalsoassociatedwithmanycombinatorialoptimization problems .In practicalapplications ,find…  相似文献   

Discrete Element Simulation of Asphalt Mastics Based on Burgers Model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Introduction With the rapid development of highway construc-tions, the performances of asphalt mixtures haveattracted considerable attention. Asphalt mastic is themost important component that affects the perform-ances of asphalt mixtures, and lots of res…  相似文献   

Introduction In recent years, labor cost in China is continu-ously and significantly increasing across industries.More and more companies, particularly semiconduc-tor companies, are taking strategies to cut labor costwithout impairing normal production. Operator-ma-chine ratio (OMR) denotes the maximum number oftools a laborer can operate. It is a measure of opera-tion efficiency of an operator and one of key factors toensure the competitiveness.The traditional static Excel model[1]involvin…  相似文献   

Predictive PI (PPI) control form, capable of time delay compensation, has been put forward recently.This control algorithm is essentially a PI controller with enhanced derivative action, which is not only suitable for long time delay process, but also of simple structure and excellent robust stability. The performance of PPI controller was demonstrated and compared with that of traditional PID controller by different tuning methods.  相似文献   

Introduction Environmental deterioration make the societyconcern about the corporate environmental perform-ance, which urges more and more managers to intro-duce environmental management into their corporatestrategies. While most of the managers find them…  相似文献   

Two roof solar collectors (RSCs), conventional single pass RSC and new double pass RSC, were compared. The new roof solar collector, which is formed by integrating a double pass solar air collector with the roof of the building, can be operated more efficiently for space heating in winter, and for natural ventilation in other seasons. To evaluate the performances of the two RSCs for both space heating and natural ventilation, a single traditional Chinese style house, on which the two RSCs will be mounted, was developed. The efficiency of solar energy conversion for the new RSC is higher than that of the single pass one by 10% on average, and the ventilation rate contributed by natural ventilation for the new RSC can be improved to a great extent for most cases, indicating that the new RSC is superior to the single pass one from the viewpoint of both space heating and natural ventilation. The new RSC is more potential for improving indoor thermal environment and energy saving of buildings.  相似文献   

To predict the attitude of satellite during the whole deployment process and evaluate the lockingimpact, a numerical flexible model of a certain satellite associated with four flexible honeycomb solar panelswas established. The flexible solar panel was modeled by the finite element analysis (FEA), and the motionequations were derived by Lagrangian formulation. The locking process was based on the method of Hertziancontact, which enables one to predict the locking impact on the satellite and the subsequent oscillation of solarpanels. The results reveal that locking operation has great impact on the attitude of the satelhte, and theangular acceleration of satellite reaches 22.03 °/s2 at the locking moment; the flexible solar panels model isfeasible to predict the accurate response of the satelhte during deployment and the oscillation of solar panels;the instantly impulsive force occurred during locking process is about 1.5 kN and the changing time is nearly0.32 s. It provides an effective approach to present the flexible solar panels' deployment process and evaluatethe locking impact.  相似文献   

Introduction Greatattentionhasbeenfocusedonthelateral performanceofrailwayvehiclesforalongtimein ordertoachievehigherspeedandbettercomfort.But thelongitudinaldynamicperformancewasneglected exceptforthestudyontractionandbrakingperform ances.Sinceithasfewre…  相似文献   

Zhongshan Bridge is a kind of steel arch bridge with a particular space-combined structure.The rationality of design.accuracy of theoretical calculation and reliability of transportation were studied.Its design,FEM calculation of stresses and strains,and model test were introduced in detail.The theoretical analysis and model test verified that the design was reliable and safe.The simulated stresses,rigidity and stability,which are based on the selected loading system and cross-section geometry,satisfy the related design standards.Some of the issues that need to be considered in the real bridge construction were also discussed.  相似文献   

The new technique that combines wave superposition with the fast Fourier transformation was introduced to simulate the nodal three-dimension relevant wind velocity time series of spatial structures. The wind velocity field where the spatial structure is located is assumed to be homogeneous. The wind‘s power spectral density is divided into frequency spectral function and coherency function and the spectral functions are transformed as the superposition coefficients. The wavelet analysis has excellent localized characters in both time and frequency domains, which not only makes wind velocity time series analysis more accurate, but also can focus on any detail of the objective signal series. The discrete wavelet transformation was adopted to decompose and reconstruct the discrete wind velocity time series. The stability of wavelet analysis for the wind velocity time series was also proved.  相似文献   

To study the behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) structures with sections of concrete removed and the reinforcement exposed, 3D nonlinear numerical analysis was performed upon both intact and debonded RC beams by using finite element techniques. The deformational characteristics and the ultimate loads were obtained through numerical models, as well as crack and stress distributions. The failure modes can also be deduced from computational results. Compared with intact beams, the normal assumptions of plane section behaviour is not hold true and the patterns of stress and strain are different in debonded RC beams. The numerical results show good consistency with experimental data. This kind of numerical simulation is a supplement to existing codes.  相似文献   

Experimental Procedure Fig.1 shows the custom-made Cathode Multi Arc Ion equipment,which is made up of three pars:CCS (computer contral system,Fig.1′s left part),Vacuum Chamber (Fig.1′s middle part) and Air Pump parts (Fig.1′s right part).  相似文献   

The earthquake characteristics and geological structure of the site to sitting the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station are closely related. According to site investigation drilling, sampling, seismic sound logging wave test in single-hole and cross-hole, laboratory wave velocity test of intact rock, together with analysis of the site geological conditions, the seismic wave test results of the site between strata lithology and the geologic structure were studied. The relationships of seismic waves with the site lithology and the geologic structure were set up.The dynamic parameters of different grades of weathering profile were deduced. The results assist the seismic design of Phase Ⅲ Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, China.  相似文献   

A bidding model of neural network was presented to pursue the largest benefit according to the policy of separating power plants from network and bidding transaction. This model bases on the cost of power plant and its research object is a power plant in the market. The market clearing price (MCP) can be predicted and an optimized load curve can be decided in this model. The model may provide technical support for the power plant.  相似文献   

Introduction Magnesium,abundant in natural resource,has many advantages.This make the magnesium alloys attractive as a substitute material of ferrous metals and aluminum alloys.However,there are some unsatisfactory characteristics,which have  相似文献   

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