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<正>随着集装箱吞吐量日益增长,上海港洋山深水港区四期自动化集装箱码头(以下简称“洋山四期自动化码头”)外集卡作业量也持续攀升。在外集卡进提冷藏箱、特种箱和危险品箱(以下简称“冷特危箱”)的过程中,受进提箱流程不合理等因素影响,相当一部分外集卡需要进码头道口停车场长时间等待,导致停车场车位紧张及外集卡周转率低下,进而造成码头道口拥堵。  相似文献   

集装箱道口是集装箱车辆进出码头、场站、保税物流园区等区域的必经之处。传统的集装箱道口有赖于人工识别车号和箱号、人工处理单证并录入数据、现场检查箱体等,劳动强度大、作业效率低、数据准确性  相似文献   

政策与法规中国港口集装箱码头行业标准有望出台一项旨在"使集装箱码头以尽可能少的资源、能源消耗,谋求尽可能大的经济效益、社会效益和最佳运营秩序"的集装箱码头行业标准有望出台。据悉,中国港口协会集装箱分会已完成标准的框架制定。该标准分别为集装箱码头的道口、空重箱堆场、码头机械设备维修保养、码头、CFS货运站、办公室场所等,涵盖了40多个子标准。(中远)  相似文献   

金健 《集装箱化》2002,(11):12-13
1."无人道口"的启发 日本名古屋港所谓的无人道口是指集装箱码头进出场检查口不配备工作人员,而是在离检查口不远的控制室中安排工作人员,依靠CCTV监控(CCTV的作用只是核对装箱单上箱号与实际箱号是否一致)及单证扫描系统完成道口集装箱进出操作.  相似文献   

为改变湛江港港区铁路道口有人值守模式下占用大量人力资源的现状,提出港区铁路道口无人值守模式并引进全自动智能控制系统。该系统主要由道口智能控制系统、机车智能车载装置、监控中心控制系统、视频监控系统等组成。系统基于计算机视觉和激光雷达技术实现对道口公路上人、车、异物检测和闯入报警,基于激光雷达、RFID、GPS等物联网技术实现机车运行位置、状态的检测,基于非接触传感器技术和PLC控制技术实现道口的全自动控制。经现场实践验证,该系统可以实现港区道口的全自动无人控制,提高铁路道口的智能控制水平,大幅降低人力资源成本,提高道口通行的安全性、可靠性和通行率。  相似文献   

翁羽 《海运情报》2006,(3):29-30
2005年,由于欧洲码头经营商和港务当局的共同努力,在码头已经满负荷运转的情况下进一步提高效率,因此没有再出现大规模的拥堵情况。2006年,亚欧航线上的货量仍然比较充足,从亚洲进口的货物将增长10%~13%,约l240万TEU,欧洲的主要门户港口又将面临挑战。它们虽然利用新建码头投产所增加的装卸能力来减轻码头前沿的拥堵情况,但是码头后方和道口的拥堵情况却没那么轻易解决。  相似文献   

灌注桩在码头结构力固中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
灌注桩作为成熟的成桩技术在新建工程中得到了广泛的应用,将其引入到码头结构加固方面是可行的。文章结合工程实例,探讨了灌注桩在沉箱码头、方块码头、板桩码头和高桩码头等型式码头结构加固方面的应用情况和相关技术。介绍了采用钢质半封闭桩尖提高钻孔灌注桩端承力的技术,最后对灌注桩用于码头结构加固中的优点和不足进行了分析归纳。  相似文献   

灌注桩在码头结构加固中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
灌注桩作为成熟的成桩技术在新建工程中得到了广泛的应用,将其引入到码头结构加固方面是可行的。文章结合工程实例,探讨了灌注桩在沉箱码头、方块码头、板桩码头和高桩码头等型式码头结构加固方面的应用情况和相关技术。介绍了采用钢质半封闭桩尖提高钻孔灌注桩端承力的技术,最后对灌注桩用于码头结构加固中的优点和不足进行了分析归纳。  相似文献   

郭导 《港口科技》2009,(6):22-24
码头面层拉毛技术,具有施工简单、造价低、面层防滑效果好等特点。为提高码头面层抗滑能力具有重要作用。目前洋山三期水工码头面层拉毛技术施工,在洋山一、二期码头面层机械刻纹施工的基础上,也得到较好应用。结合洋山深水港区三期水工码头工程.介绍了码头面层拉毛技术特点和操作要点,供同行参考。  相似文献   

码头健康监测是利用现场的、无损的、实时的方式采集码头结构与环境信息,通过分析结构反应的各种特征对码头结构状态进行识别,提高码头设施的安全性、适用性和耐久性,确保码头设施处于良好技术状态。通过对码头健康监测的现状研究,对码头的全周期健康监测技术路线进行研究,同时引入基于人工智能数字孪生技术对码头的技术状态进行识别,为码头全周期安全运行提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

This paper provides an up-to-date review of the previous literature concerning the impact of passenger rail franchising on productivity and costs in Britain, and also presents important new evidence. In particular, the extension in time of previously-used datasets offers the first opportunity to study the impacts of re-franchising. The previous literature emphasised the failure of franchising to produce sustained productivity gains, with a sharp deterioration in productivity after 2000. The new evidence presented offers a somewhat more positive view of the British experience. It suggests that part of what was previously considered to be falling productivity may in fact be due to exogenous changes in diesel prices. Further, new data suggests that the recent increases in costs have resulted in higher quality of service. Finally, competitive re-franchising, and the associated unwinding of short-term management and re-negotiated contracts, seems to have led to improvements in productivity between 2006 and 2008. Nevertheless, it remains the case that passenger rail franchising in Britain has failed to reduce costs in the way experienced in many other industries and in rail in other European countries. The evidence is that somewhat larger franchises, avoiding overlapping and optimising train density and length, should reduce costs. We also speculate that the major increase in wages and conditions of staff might be moderated by longer franchises, although that remains to be proved. This re-appraisal of the British case is important in the context of the wider international interest in the use of franchising in passenger rail, and its relevance to the current review of ways of introducing competition into the domestic rail passenger market in Europe.  相似文献   

针对宁波舟山港岛屿岸线利用开发所遇到的问题,总结宁波舟山港选址和建设码头的经验,对宁波舟山地区港口建设码头选址过程中遇到的各类岛屿岸线问题进行分析,提出采用顺流连岛、炸礁清障、导流堤整治水流、避开转流回流段等整治措施,得出宁波舟山港地区码头选址可采用的有效整治利用岸线的方法。认为:宁波舟山港岛屿岸线整治和利用须使得该段岸线前的往复潮流主轴线基本顺直,避免转流和回流岸段。  相似文献   

近年来,随着与船舶自主航行相关的信息技术、人工智能技术水平的提高,无人船舶行业取得了长足的发展,其在海上安保、环境监测等领域应用也越来越成熟。为推动无人船在海事管理方面的应用研究,破解港口水域海事监管手段不足的瓶颈问题,文中在分析港口水域海事监管特点和无人船系统建设条件的基础上,定量研究了无人船在港口水域海事监管应用面临的性能指标确定、船型平台选择、载荷设备搭配、运行管理体系建设等方面的具体问题,提出了一种港口水域海事监管无人船系统的应用解决方案。  相似文献   

The world’s oceans and coasts are awash in a sea of politics. The marine environment is increasingly busy, changing, and a site of degradation, marginalization, injustice, contestation and conflict over declining resources and occupied spaces at local to global scales. Themes of political ecology, such as power and politics, narratives and knowledge, scale and history, environmental justice and equity, are thus salient issues to understand in ocean and coastal governance and management. This subject review examines research on these themes of political ecology in the ocean and coastal environment and reflects on how the insights gained might be applied to governance and management. Political ecology provides important insights into: the influence of power in ocean management and governance processes; the manner in which narratives, knowledge, and scale are used to legitimize and shape policies and management efforts; the effects of historical trajectories on present circumstances, options, and practices; and the nature of inequities and environmental injustices that can occur in the marine environment. Moreover, ocean and coastal researchers, practitioners, and decision makers ought to engage with the political processes and injustices occurring in the ocean. Moving from critical insights to constructive engagements will ensure that political ecology helps to plant seeds of hope in the Anthropocene ocean.  相似文献   

闫勇  韩鸿胜 《水道港口》2012,33(2):113-118
利用珠江口伶仃洋海域实测水文、泥沙及水深测量等现场实测资料分析,建立了南起万山群岛、北至虎门、东起汲水门、西至珠海—澳门的港珠澳大桥整体物理模型,研究工程实施对伶仃洋诸港口、伶仃航道、铜鼓航道及附近海域流场、潮位和水深变化的影响。结果表明:港珠澳大桥实施对潮流、潮位的影响仅在桥轴线上下游各4 km的范围内,对伶仃航道、铜鼓航道通航基本没有影响。  相似文献   

付桂 《水运工程》2018,(11):97-103
南汇边滩位于长江口和杭州湾的交汇地带,受长江口和杭州湾北岸两股潮流的控制,近年来由于低潮滩促淤围垦工程导致其水流和泥沙运移、沉积和地貌发生了显著的变化。根据2006—2008年南汇边滩测图及2007年11月—2008年11月每个季度的9个断面测量资料,结合区域内的泥沙沉积特征,探讨南汇边滩对周边涉水围垦工程和流域来水来沙变异做出适应性地貌耦合过程之后的近期冲淤演变规律,着重探讨季节性冲淤特征。结果表明:年度上南汇东滩以淤长为主,南汇南滩以冲刷为主。不同季节南汇边滩冲淤变化过程存在很大差异:平面上,南汇边滩等深线夏、冬季以淤进为主,春、秋季以蚀退为主;垂向上,南汇东滩断面呈春夏秋冲淤交替、冬季淤积的态势,南汇嘴断面呈秋季冲刷、冬夏季淤积的态势,而位于南汇南滩的断面则呈秋冬季冲刷、春夏季淤积态势。南汇东滩沉积物粒径总体上较细,东滩与南滩交汇处的南汇嘴附近中值粒径相对较粗,南汇南滩浅滩沉积物颗粒中值粒径最粗。  相似文献   

航道护岸工程中基槽边坡稳定研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
航道护岸工程中经常发生基槽边坡滑坡失稳事故,从而造成经济和安全问题。因此,就滑坡发生机理进行研究对保障航道护岸工程顺利建设有重大意义。从极限平衡原理出发,分别运用Fellenius法和Bishop法验算了苏北某航道护岸工程开挖边坡的设计稳定性,并分析比较两种方法的差异,得出了在多层土的计算中有时会出现Fellenius法比Bishop法的安全系数略大的结论。结合工程实际中可能出现的渗流和超载等因素,计算得到边坡安全系数的变化规律和极限平衡状态时的临界负荷,从而提出了相应的预防渗流、控制超载等措施,可以为航道护岸建设提供参考。  相似文献   

针对我国沿海港口中黄骅港、深圳港、连云港港、天津港4个地区的代表性流泥进行室内试验分析,并对黄骅流泥进行了室内大型模型槽真空预压试验.分析认为,黏土矿物的种类与含量是影响淤泥性土强度的主要因素;淤泥性土含水率和其十字板强度之间存在着良好的相关关系;采用真空预压法加固大面积高含水率的超软土要进行现场试验研究.  相似文献   

蔡东伟  徐林 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):298-300
介绍了可伸缩式海工栈桥的主要功能和分类,功能上分为主动补偿和被动补偿型以及其他类型,用途上分为油气行业和风电运维行业应用,尺寸上可分为小型、中型和大型,今后的分类的方法会更加科学和合理,为我国各类可伸缩海工栈桥研发的标准化、系列化提供依据。  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in nutrient inputs are described for the main rivers (Loire and Vilaine) flowing into the northern Bay of Biscay. The river plumes are high in N/P ratio in late winter and spring, but not in the inner plume during the summer. Conservative behavior results in most nutrients entering the estuary and eventually reaching the coastal zone. Temporal and spatial aspects of phytoplankton growth and nutrient uptake in the northern Bay of Biscay distinguish the central area of salinity 34 from the plume area. The first diatom bloom appears offshore in late winter, at the edge of the river plumes, taking advantage of haline stratification and anticyclonic “weather windows.” In spring, when the central area of the northern shelf is phosphorus-limited, small cells predominate in the phytoplankton community and compete with bacteria for both mineral and organic phosphorus. At that period, river plumes are less extensive than in winter, but local nutrient enrichment at the river mouth allows diatom growth. In summer, phytoplankton become nitrogen-limited in the river plumes; the central area of the shelf is occupied by small forms of phytoplankton, which are located on the thermocline and use predominantly regenerated nutrients.  相似文献   

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