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安全管理体系程序文件是安全管理手岫的支持性文件,包括某项活动的目的和范围,应做什么和由谁来做,何时,何地,如何做,以及采取什么方法,手段,使用什么材料,设备,文件,如何控制,记录诸方面,以及程序文件的结构,格式,内容和要点。  相似文献   

安飞 《中国船检》2007,(5):36-39
2006年底,上海,宁波-舟山,秦皇岛,大连,深圳,广州,天津,青岛,苏州,南京,日照,南通,烟台共13个港口年货物吞吐量超过亿吨,中国港口的崛起令世人瞩目,港口强国概念由此应运而生。然而,在中国的造船,航运尚且不敢以强国自居之时,港口率先提出强国概念是否名副其实?中国港口强国的含金量究竟如何?[编者按]  相似文献   

本文主要论述利用计算机对船舶营运过程所需的信息及技术资料等进行系统,科学的管理,全面,及时,准确地供船船舶管理人员接收,查阅,分析和处理各类技术数据,并完成分类,查询,统计,编排,存档等一系列功能,将计算机资料管理技术形成高度智能化的现代管理系统,增强船舶快速自动处理能力,对船舶管理人员来说,依靠人工方法查询,分析技术资料到利用计算机处理技术资料,无颖是一个质的飞跃。  相似文献   

李毅 《游艇业》2009,(5):145-145
在五月初夏的阳光里,端坐甲板垂钓,钓上来一条活鱼,现捞现杀,剥皮去刺,切成如纸的透明状薄片,端上餐桌,蘸着佐料细嚼,丰腴鲜美,再配上些清酒,纠缠在唇齿舌间的,是最原生态的海洋滋味。  相似文献   

吴平 《水运工程》1997,(6):10-14
盐田港一期工程已经竣工,二期工程提前开工,其它投资项目将陆续开工。本文重点介绍盐田港目前具有水,陆,空交通方便,供水,供电,通信能力强大,设立保税区,简化口岸查验手续,多种投资方式及优惠的税收政策等良好的投资环境,和近期即将进行的西港区码头建造与经营,盐田港大厦等房地产,进口木材销售中心,深圳平盐疏港铁路合资经营,集装箱修理厂,港口仓储及临港工业等招商项目的内容,经营方式,投资总额及年利润的预测等  相似文献   

本文就温州船舶工业的历史和现状,探讨了发展方向,提出了造,修,拆,改,以及废船,二手船贸易综合开发,国有企业,乡镇企业优势互补,走科技兴业之路,加大投资力度等规划设想。  相似文献   

0引言 Office是目前使用最广泛的办公软件,但是绝大部分人只是使用Office最基本的功能,如Access,Excel,FrontPage,Outlook,PowerPoint,Project,Visio,Word等程序,而其他的InfoPath,OneNote,Publisher等程序就较少使用,远没有充分发挥出其应有的功效。  相似文献   

滚装船尤其是滚装客船,由于其独特的船体结构、方便快速的装卸优势,能够给人们带来方便、快捷的服务。近年来,随着物流业的发展,客滚船在我国近海、内海、海峡以及长江的航运中,越来越发挥着重要作用。但是,由于承载的货物中车辆占主体地位,而且数量大,车辆本身还带有油箱,有的还装载一定的货物,甚至装载有危险物品,给客滚船车辆处所带来了一定的火灾隐患和很大的安全压力。在航行中如果遇到一定等级的风浪。船舶会发牛纵倾或横摇,车辆处所中的车辆会发生位移,如果车辆发生碰撞或倾倒,会导致油箱破裂和渗油。或油箱本身存有缺陷,造成燃油泄漏,遇到明火或电气短路,撞击火花案,极易引发火灾,而一旦发生火灾,由于车辆排列密集,很容易引发其它车辆的油箱爆炸或燃烧,引燃车上所载货物,加上船舶航行所产生的空气对流,如得不到及时控制,火势会迅速蔓延和扩散。由于远离陆地,往往得不到及时外援,单靠船舶本身力量很难将火及时扑灭。如果遇上恶劣天气,会进一步增加灭火难度,再加上载有大量乘客,因此,客滚船汽车舱一旦发生火灾不能及时扑灭,会给旅客、船员生命,国家和个人财产造成极大威胁,一旦发生重大事故,政治影响恶劣,现实危害巨大。近年来,随着航运业的崛起,物流市场的需求,客滚船数量越来越多,吨位和舱容也越来越大,但是,由于有的航运企业重效益、轻安全,有的购买二手旧船从事航运,或者进行简单改装即投入营运,造成了不同程度的火灾隐患,已经在渤海、长江等航线上,发生了多起客滚船车辆处所火灾事故,并造成了严重的后果。如:1999年发生的“11.24”特大海难事故,以及2004年5月在渤海湾发生的客滚船火灾事故,就造成了大量旅客死亡和巨大财产损失。  相似文献   

杨培举 《中国船检》2003,(11):46-49
多年来,江海直达,让长江航运界望穿秋水。今天,巍巍大坝横卧长江,成就光明,初斩水患,利航建功,造福四方。无疑,大坝的建成,使江海直达跳出了概念的范畴,从而进入了飞速发展的阶段。眼下,各路诸侯纷纷弯弓搭箭,蓄势待发。  相似文献   

本文从泛系理论的十法五论七十言来论述兵法,权谋,对策,决策,运筹,C^3I的理法,这时泛系理论的十法是:五互八悟大善法,竞标层标联简化,结合显生泛对称,强化相对论万家,泛系理论的五论是:广义系统的泛系理论,泛系相对论,泛系控制论,泛系对策论,泛系数学,泛系理论的七十言是:表里变变蕴机理,集散观控生克力,供求因缘敏应需,三层八悟统筹宜,宏微五互悟三易,多源五转巧剪辑,简化容悖速次优,自我非我变同异。  相似文献   

随着罗津港使用权的获取,自罗津港出入的中国船舶将不断增多,因此对日本海西部的气象保障服务需求势必不断增加。为加强日本海西部海事气象保障服务水平,使其能够为罗津港附近海域在海运、港口管理和海上作业等方面更好地起到规避风险、提高效益的作用,文中根据对目前日本海西部海事气象保障服务现状的调研结果,指出了当前日本海西部海事气象保障服务存在着区域划分不合理、精细化程度不足以及服务形式过于单一等问题。据此,结合目前国内外海事气象保障服务的思路,提出了针对于日本海西部的海事气象保障服务的建议,可为提升日本海西部海事气象保障服务的升级换代提供一些参考思路。  相似文献   

Using the supercavitation phenomenon is necessary to reach high velocities underwater. Supercavitation can be achieved in two ways: natural and artificial. In this article, the simulation of flows around a torpedo was studied naturally and artificially. The validity of simulation using theoretical and practical data in the natural and artificial phases was evaluated. Results showed that the simulations were consistent with the laboratory results. The results in different injection coefficient rates, injection angles, and cavitation numbers were studied. The obtained results showed the importance of cavitation number, injection rate coefficient, and injection angle in cavity shape. At the final level, determining the performance conditions using the Design of Experiment (DOE) method was emphasized, and the performance of cavitation number, injection rate coefficient, and injection angle in drag and lift coefficient was studied. The increase in injection angle in the low injection rate coefficient resulted in a diminished drag coefficient and that in the high injection rate coefficient resulted in an enhanced drag coefficient.  相似文献   

The aim of the modeling studies (MONERIS) was to estimate annual source apportioned nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) emissions into the Vistula and Oder basins in 1995-2008, thus, during the transition period in Poland, characterized by changes in both agricultural sector and handling of point source pollution. N and P emissions into both basins showed declining tendencies. Between the sub-periods 1995-2002 and 2003-2008, the overall N emission into the Vistula and Oder basins decreased by 16-17% (i.e. by ca. 26,900 tons in the Vistula and by ca. 18,000 tons in the Oder basin); P emission declined by 23% in the Vistula and by 32% in the Oder basins (i.e. by ca. 3400 tons in the Vistula and by ca. 2200 tons in the Oder basin). The temporal patterns of N and P emission into the Vistula and Oder basins, as well as the percentage contribution of N and P pathways (particularly: overland flow, tile drainage, groundwater, waste water treatment plants) showed great differences between the basins. Natural (type of bedrock, soil type, lake area) and anthropogenic (regionally and temporarily different type and intensity of agricultural activity, spatially different structural changes in agriculture during the transition period, regionally and temporarily different investment in waste water treatment plans) factors were found to be responsible for the differences, and the relationships are extensively discussed in the paper. In 1995-2008, 70% of N emission into both river basins was via groundwater and tile drainage, with the former playing more important role in the Vistula basin, and the latter playing more important role in the Oder basin; contribution of N emission from point sources was comparable in both rivers and it reached 11-12%. In 1995-2008, point sources, erosion, overland flow, and urban systems were found the most important P pathways in both basins, with a higher percentage contribution of point sources in the Oder basin.  相似文献   

It is trite that shipping is pivotal to the economic development of Nigeria. Aside from significantly contributing to the country’s revenue, shipping is an indispensable aspect of the oil and gas sector, the bastion of Nigeria’s economic, sociopolitical, and infrastructural development. Thus, active participation of Nigerians in the shipping subsector, as well as other sectors, is unassailable and imperative, culminating in the introduction of cabotage in Nigeria. The kernel of this paper is to critically analyse the cabotage regime in Nigeria from the lenses of ship acquisition and shipbuilding with a view to enhancing indigenous participation in coastal and inland waterway transport in the country. The author argues that inadequate funding and absence of investment are central in hampering ship acquisition and the development of shipbuilding capability, thereby undermining cabotage in Nigeria. This paper further asserts that the extant cabotage legal regime in Nigeria is fundamentally flawed due to the existence of waivers without safeguards to protect indigenous ship operators. Moreover, the waiver regime does not encourage technology transfer. The paper concludes by reiterating that adequate funds and investments in human and shipping infrastructural development and the amendment of the Cabotage Act to reflect the removal of surcharges and the inclusion of transfer of technology and other safeguards to the waivers are imperative in ensuring a proper and effective cabotage regime in Nigeria.  相似文献   

张洁 《水运工程》2021,(4):180-186
针对东南亚地区采用中国标准的PHC管桩与英标的对接问题,基于英标对混凝土结构的一般规定,确定了英标应用于PHC管桩力学性能计算的方法,计算项目包括:材料强度、预应力损失、轴向允许最大工作压力、抗剪承载力、抗裂弯矩、极限弯矩,并将这些力学指标与我国常用标准的计算结果进行对比。对比结果表明:英标计算结果总预应力损失、有效预压应力接近;轴向允许最大工作压力偏小;抗剪承载力设计值、抗裂弯矩和极限弯矩设计值偏大。结果为海外工程中PHC管桩标准的使用提供了参考。  相似文献   

航道护岸工程中基槽边坡稳定研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
航道护岸工程中经常发生基槽边坡滑坡失稳事故,从而造成经济和安全问题。因此,就滑坡发生机理进行研究对保障航道护岸工程顺利建设有重大意义。从极限平衡原理出发,分别运用Fellenius法和Bishop法验算了苏北某航道护岸工程开挖边坡的设计稳定性,并分析比较两种方法的差异,得出了在多层土的计算中有时会出现Fellenius法比Bishop法的安全系数略大的结论。结合工程实际中可能出现的渗流和超载等因素,计算得到边坡安全系数的变化规律和极限平衡状态时的临界负荷,从而提出了相应的预防渗流、控制超载等措施,可以为航道护岸建设提供参考。  相似文献   

付桂 《水运工程》2018,(11):97-103
南汇边滩位于长江口和杭州湾的交汇地带,受长江口和杭州湾北岸两股潮流的控制,近年来由于低潮滩促淤围垦工程导致其水流和泥沙运移、沉积和地貌发生了显著的变化。根据2006—2008年南汇边滩测图及2007年11月—2008年11月每个季度的9个断面测量资料,结合区域内的泥沙沉积特征,探讨南汇边滩对周边涉水围垦工程和流域来水来沙变异做出适应性地貌耦合过程之后的近期冲淤演变规律,着重探讨季节性冲淤特征。结果表明:年度上南汇东滩以淤长为主,南汇南滩以冲刷为主。不同季节南汇边滩冲淤变化过程存在很大差异:平面上,南汇边滩等深线夏、冬季以淤进为主,春、秋季以蚀退为主;垂向上,南汇东滩断面呈春夏秋冲淤交替、冬季淤积的态势,南汇嘴断面呈秋季冲刷、冬夏季淤积的态势,而位于南汇南滩的断面则呈秋冬季冲刷、春夏季淤积态势。南汇东滩沉积物粒径总体上较细,东滩与南滩交汇处的南汇嘴附近中值粒径相对较粗,南汇南滩浅滩沉积物颗粒中值粒径最粗。  相似文献   

This paper provides an up-to-date review of the previous literature concerning the impact of passenger rail franchising on productivity and costs in Britain, and also presents important new evidence. In particular, the extension in time of previously-used datasets offers the first opportunity to study the impacts of re-franchising. The previous literature emphasised the failure of franchising to produce sustained productivity gains, with a sharp deterioration in productivity after 2000. The new evidence presented offers a somewhat more positive view of the British experience. It suggests that part of what was previously considered to be falling productivity may in fact be due to exogenous changes in diesel prices. Further, new data suggests that the recent increases in costs have resulted in higher quality of service. Finally, competitive re-franchising, and the associated unwinding of short-term management and re-negotiated contracts, seems to have led to improvements in productivity between 2006 and 2008. Nevertheless, it remains the case that passenger rail franchising in Britain has failed to reduce costs in the way experienced in many other industries and in rail in other European countries. The evidence is that somewhat larger franchises, avoiding overlapping and optimising train density and length, should reduce costs. We also speculate that the major increase in wages and conditions of staff might be moderated by longer franchises, although that remains to be proved. This re-appraisal of the British case is important in the context of the wider international interest in the use of franchising in passenger rail, and its relevance to the current review of ways of introducing competition into the domestic rail passenger market in Europe.  相似文献   

通过大连太平湾海岸动力地貌调查,分析研究了厂址及周边海岸冲刷、堆积等不同地貌形态特征、岸线冲蚀形态、水下沉积物分布特征。分析结果表明,该区海岸岬角处表现为冲刷,海蚀地貌发育,海蚀柱、海蚀崖与海蚀平台发育较为典型,岬湾处海滩呈微淤状,岸滩宽度较大,沉积物中以粗中砂所占的比例最大,并显示北粗南细的格局。太平湾附近海岸进行了大面积的近岸围海养殖工程,目前仍有岸段养参池石堤向海推进,其规模和占海面积均较大,海岸变化幅度较为显著。  相似文献   

李源  秦琦  祁斌  沈苏雯  刘方琦 《船舶》2016,(1):1-15
文章对2015年世界经济、航运、造船市场进行回顾,并对2016年市场发展予以展望。2015年,不同经济体的经济增长分化迹象日趋明显;油船:航运市场和新造船市场一枝独秀;箱船:航运市场低迷,运力过剩,然而2015年订单飚升(主要指超大型集装箱船),但2016年难以再现;干散货船及海工:市场低迷,订单严重下滑。新船价格持续下降。预计2016年世界经济总体略优于2015年;航运市场贸易量同比将出现增长,但难以抗衡2016年运力的大幅增长,市场供求仍失衡;预测2016年新造船市场逊于2015年,散货船、集装箱船和油船存在局部性机会,海工市场维持弱势。  相似文献   

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