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With 36 ventures testing autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the State of California, commercial deployment of this disruptive technology is almost around the corner (California Department of Transportation, 2016). Different business models of AVs, including Shared AVs (SAVs) and Private AVs (PAVs), will lead to significantly different changes in regional vehicle inventory and Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT). Most prior studies have already explored the impact of SAVs on vehicle ownership and VMT generation. Limited understanding has been gained regarding vehicle ownership reduction and unoccupied VMT generation potentials in the era of PAVs. Motivated by such research gap, this study develops models to examine how much vehicle ownership reduction can be achieved once private conventional vehicles are replaced by AVs and the spatial distribution of unoccupied VMT accompanied with the vehicle reduction. The models are implemented using travel survey and synthesized trip profile from Atlanta Metropolitan Area. The results show that more than 18% of the households can reduce vehicles, while maintaining the current travel patterns. This can be translated into a 9.5% reduction in private vehicles in the study region. Meanwhile, 29.8 unoccupied VMT will be induced per day per reduced vehicles. A majority of the unoccupied VMT will be loaded on interstate highways and expressways and the largest percentage inflation in VMT will occur on minor local roads. The results can provide implications for evolving trends in household vehicles uses and the location of dedicated AV lanes in the PAV dominated future.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between historical exposure to the built environment and current vehicle ownership patterns. The influence of past exposure to the built environment on current vehicle ownership decisions may be causal, but there are alternative explanations. Households may primarily select to live in neighborhoods that facilitate their vehicle ownership preferences, or they may retain preferences that they have developed in the past, irrespective of their current situations. This study seeks to control for these alternative explanations by including the built environment attributes of households’ past residences as an influence on vehicle ownership choices. We use a dataset from a credit reporting firm that contains up to nine previous residential ZIP codes for households currently living in the 13-county Atlanta, Georgia, metropolitan area. Results show that past location is significant, but of marginal influence relative to the attributes of the current location. From a practical perspective, our results suggest that models that include current but not past neighborhood attributes (also controlling for standard socioeconomic variables) can forecast vehicle ownership decisions reasonably well. However, models that include both current and past neighborhood attributes can provide a more nuanced understanding of the built environment’s potentially causal influences on vehicle ownership decisions. This better understanding may provide more realistic forecasts of responses to densification or other travel demand management strategies.  相似文献   

A national model of vehicle ownership and use is developed for the USA. Decisions about the number of cars owned by households and the annual miles traveled are jointly modeled using a discrete–continuous probit model, which has been estimated on the 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data. The model system covers four Census Regions (Northeast, Midwest, South and West) and three area types (urbanized area, urban clusters and rural). Models’ estimates have been applied to data extracted from the American Community Survey (ACS) to forecast household vehicle demand at county level. Results show that the national models are transferable to small areas with different geographical and socio-demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrated econometric framework for discrete and continuous choice dimensions. The model system is applied to the problem of household vehicle ownership, type and usage. A multinomial probit is used to estimate household vehicle ownership, a multinomial logit is used to estimate the vehicle type (class and vintage) choices, and a regression is used to estimate the vehicle usage decisions. Correlation between the discrete (number of vehicles) and the continuous (total annual miles traveled) parts is captured with a full variance–covariance matrix of the unobserved factors. The model system is estimated using Simulated Log-Likelihood methods on data extracted from the 2009 US National Household Travel Survey and a secondary dataset on vehicle characteristics. Model estimates are applied to evaluate changes in vehicle holding and miles driven, in response to the evolution of social societies, living environment and transportation policies.  相似文献   

Many studies have begun investigating possible transportation landscapes in the autonomous vehicle (AV) era, but empirical results on longer-term decisions are limited. We address this gap using data collected from a survey designed and implemented for Georgia residents in 2017–2018. Focusing on a hypothetical all-AV future, this section of the survey included questions regarding advantages/disadvantages of AVs, short-term mode choice impacts, medium-term impacts on activity patterns, and long-term behavioral changes – specifically, whether/how AVs will influence individuals to change residential location and the number of cars in the household. We hypothesize that AVs could act in concert with attitudinal preferences to stimulate changes in these long-term decisions, and that some medium-term activity changes triggered by AVs could motivate people to relocate their residence or shed household vehicles. We applied exploratory factor analysis to measure the perceived likelihood that AVs would prompt various medium-term changes. We then included some of those measures, among other variables, in a cross-nested logit (CNL) model of the choice of the residential location/vehicle ownership bundle. Although more than half of respondents expected “no change” in their bundle, we found that younger, lower income, pro-suburban, and pro-non-car-mode individuals were more likely to anticipate changing their selections. In addition, some expected medium-term impacts of AVs influenced changes in these longer-term choices. We further applied the CNL model to two population segments (Atlanta and non-Atlanta-region residents). We found notable improvement in goodness of fit and different effects of factors across segments, signifying the existence of geography-related taste heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationships between residential location, vehicle ownership and mobility in two metropolitan areas of Asia, Kei-Han-Shin area of Japan and Kuala Lumpur area of Malaysia. It shows that, behind apparent similarities of household auto ownership and travel time expenditure per household member, there are many causal relationships that are distinct between the areas. The similarities and differences between the two areas point to the conjecture that the evolution of a metropolitan area may be unique and path dependent, being heavily influenced by the history and culture of the locale, spatial and geographical constraints, and historical progression in infrastructure development.
Jamilah MohamadEmail:

Metin Senbil   is an Associate Professor in City and Regional Planning Department at Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey. He obtained the degree of Doctor of Engineering from Kyoto University, Japan. His research interests cover different aspects of urban travel demand and its interactions with telecommunications, land use, and policies directed at controlling as well as managing travel demand. Ryuichi Kitamura   is Professor of Civil Engineering Systems at Kyoto University, Japan. His past research effort spans in the area of travel behavior analysis and demand forecasting, in particular in activity-based analysis, and panel surveys and dynamic analysis of travel behavior. He is associate editor of Transportation. Dr Jamilah Mohamad   is Professor and Head of the Department of Geography, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Her main fields of research interest are travel behavior, the relationship between transport and spatial development and urban growth management.  相似文献   

Traditionally, researchers studying transportation choice have used data either acquired from household surveys or broad, region-wide aggregates. At the disaggregate level, researchers usually do not have access to important variables or observations. This study investigates the potential usefulness of a proxy approach to modeling discrete choice vehicle ownership: substituting narrow area-based aggregate proxies for missing micro-level explanatory variables by accessing large, publicly maintained datasets. We use data from the 2000 Bay Area Travel Survey (BATS) and the contemporaneous U.S. Census file to compare three models of vehicle ownership, drawing area-wide proxies from increasing levels of aggregation. The models with proxies are compared with a parallel model that uses only survey data. The results indicate that the proxy models are preferred in terms of model selection criteria, and predict vehicle ownership as well or better than the survey model. Parameter values produced by the proxy method effectively approximate those returned by household survey models in terms of coefficient sign and significance, particularly when the aggregate variables are representative of their household-level counterparts. The proxy model with the narrowest level of aggregation achieved the best fit, coefficient precision, and percentage of correct prediction.
Jeffrey WilliamsEmail:

This paper uses the asymmetric threshold cointegration test to examine the asymmetric relationship between household income and vehicle ownership in Taiwan, presenting estimated asymmetric error correction models. The empirical data include information on household income, car ownership and motorcycle ownership in different regions from 1974 to 2009. The results show that, first, motorcycle ownership is asymmetrically cointegrated with household income in each region, and car ownership is asymmetrically cointegrated with household income in all regions except Taipei city. Second, both car and motorcycle ownership levels increase faster than they decrease in the asymmetric adjustment of their long-run relationship. Third, sensitivity tests for the period 1987-2009 show that the cointegration relationship of the car ownership equations vanished. Finally, we find evidence on the effects of household income on motorcycle ownership, and the effects of income variables on car and motorcycle ownership are dissimilar. This study exhibits different results across regions. These findings may be related to the development of public transit system in each region.  相似文献   

In Germany, market penetration by alternative powertrains has been generally processing at a slow pace. Therefore, reaching the 2020 target of one million registered electric vehicles (EVs) is a major challenge. We analyze the German market by advancing and refining existing consumer-oriented total cost of ownership (TCOC) models and demonstrate the validity of our model by comparing the cost-efficiency of EVs and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) including the battery resale value for second use and second life. The TCOC model was calculated for the ten most frequently registered battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and compared with ICEVs in the same vehicle segments. The results are further validated through applying three typical annual mileage driver profiles and by Monte Carlo simulations under various scenarios. Results reveal that only a few BEVs and HEVs are economical without subsidies when compared with ICEVs in all considered scenarios. The subsidies only barely change the results. The mini and the medium vehicle segment remain uneconomical in all tested scenarios. Overall, we conclude that subsidies support the competitiveness of BEVs, but fail to lead to favorable TCOC within several vehicle segments and several tested annual mileages.  相似文献   

The traditional distribution planning problem in a supply chain has often been studied mainly with a focus on economic benefits. The growing concern about the effects of anthropogenic pollutions has forced researchers and supply chain practitioners to address the socio-environmental concerns. This research study focuses on incorporating the environmental impact on route design problem. In this work, the aim is to integrate both the objectives, namely economic cost and emission cost reduction for a capacitated multi-depot green vehicle routing problem. The proposed models are a significant contribution to the field of research in green vehicle routing problem at the operational level. The formulated integer linear programming model is solved for a set of small scale instances using LINGO solver. A computationally efficient Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based meta-heuristic is developed for solving both small scale and large scale problem instances in reasonable amount of time. For solving large scale instances, the performance of the proposed ACO based meta-heuristic is improved by integrating it with a variable neighbourhood search.  相似文献   

Growing concerns over climate change have led to an increasing interest in the role of the built environment to reduce transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Many studies have reported that compact, mixed-use, and well-connected developments reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Others, however, argue that densification and mixture of land uses can slow down vehicle movements, and consequently generate more driving emissions. Methodologically, VMT is only a proxy, not an exact measure of emissions. This study quantifies the net effects of the built environment on household vehicle emissions through a case study of Austin, TX. The study employed structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques and estimated path models to improve understanding of the relationship between the built environment and vehicle emissions. The results show a rather complex picture of the relationship. Densification can reduce regional vehicle emissions despite its secondary effect of reduced vehicle travel speed. A 1% increase in density was found to reduce household vehicle emissions by 0.1%. However, intensification of the design feature of the built environment in developed areas may work in the opposite direction; the modeling results showed a 1% increase in grid-like network being associated with 0.8% increase in household vehicle emissions. Based on the results, the study addressed the potential of and the challenges to reducing vehicle emissions through modifying the built environment in local areas.  相似文献   

In today’s world of volatile fuel prices and climate concerns, there is little study on the relationship between vehicle ownership patterns and attitudes toward vehicle cost (including fuel prices and feebates) and vehicle technologies. This work provides new data on ownership decisions and owner preferences under various scenarios, coupled with calibrated models to microsimulate Austin’s personal-fleet evolution.Opinion survey results suggest that most Austinites (63%, population-corrected share) support a feebate policy to favor more fuel efficient vehicles. Top purchase criteria are price, type/class, and fuel economy. Most (56%) respondents also indicated that they would consider purchasing a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) if it were to cost $6000 more than its conventional, gasoline-powered counterpart. And many respond strongly to signals on the external (health and climate) costs of a vehicle’s emissions, more strongly than they respond to information on fuel cost savings.Twenty five-year simulations of Austin’s household vehicle fleet suggest that, under all scenarios modeled, Austin’s vehicle usage levels (measured in total vehicle miles traveled or VMT) are predicted to increase overall, along with average vehicle ownership levels (both per household and per capita). Under a feebate, HEVs, PHEVs and Smart Cars are estimated to represent 25% of the fleet’s VMT by simulation year 25; this scenario is predicted to raise total regional VMT slightly (just 2.32%, by simulation year 25), relative to the trend scenario, while reducing CO2 emissions only slightly (by 5.62%, relative to trend). Doubling the trend-case gas price to $5/gallon is simulated to reduce the year-25 vehicle use levels by 24% and CO2 emissions by 30% (relative to trend).Two- and three-vehicle households are simulated to be the highest adopters of HEVs and PHEVs across all scenarios. The combined share of vans, pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), and cross-over utility vehicles (CUVs) is lowest under the feebate scenario, at 35% (versus 47% in Austin’s current household fleet). Feebate-policy receipts are forecasted to exceed rebates in each simulation year.In the longer term, gas price dynamics, tax incentives, feebates and purchase prices along with new technologies, government-industry partnerships, and more accurate information on range and recharging times (which increase customer confidence in EV technologies) should have added effects on energy dependence and greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

This study evaluates effectiveness of driver education teaching greater fuel efficiency (Eco-Driving) in a real world setting in Australia. The driving behaviour, measured in fuel use (litres per 100 km of travel) of a sample of 1056 private drivers was monitored over seven months. 853 drivers received education in eco-driving techniques and 203 were monitored as a control group. A simple experimental design was applied comparing the pre and post training fuel use of the treated sample compared to a control sample. This study found the driver education led to a statistically significant reduction in fuel use of 4.6% or 0.51 litres per 100 km compared to the control group.  相似文献   

Despite the success achieved by Public Bicycle Sharing Systems (PBSS) across the world, several researchers provide evidence on their limitations and constraints in a medium-long term, and bicycle ownership may be considered as a complementary tool to promote a ’bicycle-culture’. This paper aims to cover the gap about the interaction between both systems (public bicycle/private bicycle) and which are the key aspects to explain the bicycle-buying decision. After a fieldwork based on surveys conducted in Seville (Spain), one of the cities currently acknowledged worldwide for its successful policy of promoting cycling, we apply a Discrete Choice Model. Our findings show that among the socio-demographic factors that favor the move from the PBSS to the private bicycle are: having a higher level of education, being more progressive ideologically-speaking, and being a resident of the city itself; while age and gender do not appear to be conclusive. Experienced users, for whom the bicycle is a part of his/her healthy lifestyle, state a greater willingness to buy a bicycle. And the main obstacles to make the jump from the PBSS to the private bicycle, and that any action plan to support private bicycle usage should take into account, are: the lack of proper parking at the origin/destination, and fear of theft.  相似文献   

As a response to profoundly poor air quality and associated environmental justice concerns in the San Joaquin Valley region in California, the Tune In & Tune Up (TI&TU) program provides residents with free vehicle emissions testing and vouchers for smog repair. We used data on approximately 19,000 repaired TI&TU vehicles from 2012 to 2018, and several estimation techniques, to quantify a range of nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions prevented as a result of the program. We then calculated resulting mortality impacts from reduced exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the form of secondary nitrates. After applying a novel smog repair emissions abatement depreciation function, we find that six years of operation of the TI&TU program has reduced NOX emissions by approximately 53–302 tons by the end of 2018. Using a concentration response function for ambient PM2.5, we found that between 0.055 and 0.31 premature deaths have also been avoided. We present multiple methods for assessing public health impacts, which can be used as guidance for evaluating similar transportation-based emission reduction programs.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of private car ownership in China. The target cities are 32 provincial capital cities and the target period is from 2001 to 2011. In order to capture the individual effects (heterogeneity), the fixed and random effect models are adopted and compared, in which 8 explanatory variables are selected to include economic characteristics, urban characteristics, and transportation characteristics. Moreover, double natural logarithm model is employed to measure the elastic relationship between the private car ownership and regressors. The estimated results show that the fixed effect model performs better than pooled regression model and the random effect model. In addition, there are variations of private car ownership among cities and regions. Finally, the influence of factors responsible for these variations is also presented and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of estimating historical traffic volumes between sparsely-located traffic sensors, which transportation agencies need to accurately compute statewide performance measures. To this end, the paper examines applications of vehicle probe data, automatic traffic recorder counts, and neural network models to estimate hourly volumes in the Maryland highway network, and proposes a novel approach that combines neural networks with an existing profiling method. On average, the proposed approach yields 24% more accurate estimates than volume profiles, which are currently used by transportation agencies across the US to compute statewide performance measures. The paper also quantifies the value of using vehicle probe data in estimating hourly traffic volumes, which provides important managerial insights to transportation agencies interested in acquiring this type of data. For example, results show that volumes can be estimated with a mean absolute percent error of about 21% at locations where average number of observed probes is between 30 and 47 vehicles/h, which provides a useful guideline for assessing the value of probe vehicle data from different vendors.  相似文献   

Increasingly, experts are forecasting the future of transportation to be shared, autonomous and electric. As shared autonomous electric vehicle (SAEV) fleets roll out to the market, the electricity consumed by the fleet will have significant impacts on energy demand and, in turn, drive variation in energy cost and reliability, especially if the charging is unmanaged. This research proposes a smart charging (SC) framework to identify benefits of active SAEV charging management that strategically shifts electricity demand away from high-priced peak hours or towards renewable generation periods. Time of use (TOU), real time pricing (RTP), and solar generation electricity scenarios are tested using an agent-based simulation to study (1) the impact of battery capacity and charging infrastructure type on SAEV fleet performance and operational costs under SC management; (2) the cost reduction potential of SC considering energy price fluctuation, uncertainty, and seasonal variation; (3) the charging infrastructure requirements; and (4) the system efficiency of powering SAEVs with solar generation. A case study from the Puget Sound region demonstrates the proposed SC algorithm using trip patterns from the regional travel demand model and local energy prices. Results suggest that in the absence of electricity price signals, SAEV charging demand is likely to peak the evening, when regional electricity use patterns already indicate high demand. Under SC management, EVs with larger battery sizes are more responsive to low-electricity cost charging opportunities, and have greater potential to reduce total energy related costs (electricity plus charging infrastructure) for a SAEV fleet, especially under RTP structure.  相似文献   

Autonomous vehicle (AV) technology holds great promise for improving the efficiency of traditional vehicle sharing systems. In this paper, we investigate a new vehicle sharing system using AVs, referred to as autonomous vehicle sharing and reservation (AVSR). In such a system, travelers can request AV trips ahead of time and the AVSR system operator will optimally arrange AV pickup and delivery schedules and AV trip chains based on these requests. A linear programming model is proposed to efficiently solve for optimal solutions for AV trip chains and required fleet size through constructed AVSR networks. Case studies show that AVSR can significantly increase vehicle use rate (VUR) and consequentially reduce vehicle ownership significantly. In the meantime, it is found that the actual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in AVSR systems is not significantly more than that of conventional taxis, despite inevitable empty hauls for vehicle relocation in AVSR systems. The results imply huge potential benefits from AVSR systems on improving mobility and sustainability of our current transportation systems.  相似文献   

In suburban areas, combining the use of electric vehicles (EV) and transit systems in an EV Park-Charge-Ride (PCR) approach can potentially help improve transit accessibility, facilitate EV charging and adoption, and reduce the need for long-distance driving and ensuing impacts. Despite the anticipated growth of EV adoption and charging demand, PCR programs are limited. With a focus on multi-modal trips, this study proposes a generic planning process that integrates EV infrastructure development with transit systems, develops a systematic assessment approach to fostering the PCR adoption, and illustrates a case implementation in Chicago. Specifically, this study develops a Suitability Index (SI) for EV charging locations at parking spots that are suitable for both EV charging and transit connections. SI can be customized for short-term and long-term planning scenarios. SI values are derived in Chicago as an example for (1) commuter rail stations (for work trips), and (2) shopping centers near transit stops as potential opportunities for additional weekday parking and EV charging (for multi-purpose trips/MPT). Furthermore, carbon emissions and vehicle miles travelled (VMT) across various travel modes and trip scenarios (i.e., work trips and MPT) are calculated. Compared to the baseline of driving a conventional vehicle, this study found that an EV PCR commuter can reduce up to 87% of personal VMT and 52% of carbon emissions. A more active role of the public sector in the PCR program development is recommended.  相似文献   

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