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This paper discusses and assesses the complex process of change that has occurred in East Europe over thc last five years, and attempts to relate these changes to the shipping sector. Conventional mathematical methods are discussed as inappropriate in analysing economic, social and political developments and the technique of conceptual modelling is used, borrowed from other disciplines including those of environmental appraisal and computer sciences. The main linkages are discussed with particular reference to the Polish shipping sector, with specific analysis of the legal, managerial, spatial, economic, political, social and organizational contexts. The dominant themes of change are drawn out in an attempt to predict the impact on the Polish shipping industry in general and the three main State companies-Polish Ocean Lines (Liner Shipping); Polish Steamship Company (Bulk/Tramp) and Polish Baltic Ferries- that dominate the market.  相似文献   

It is the aim of the European Union to develop a transport policy that supports its economic and sustainable growth and where the concept of sustainable mobility is a driver in the development of such policy. To achieve this goal, the European Union (EU) is promoting the shift of goods to unused existing capacity in rail and sea modes. As such, it is the objective of this paper to carry out a review of the European shipping policy at a time when the EU Member-States are suffering from high levels of congestion, noise and pollution that not only affect the environment but also the quality of life of all citizens. This paper considers the development of EU shipping policy in three stages.  相似文献   

It is the aim of the European Union to develop a transport policy that supports its economic and sustainable growth and where the concept of sustainable mobility is a driver in the development of such policy. To achieve this goal, the European Union (EU) is promoting the shift of goods to unused existing capacity in rail and sea modes. As such, it is the objective of this paper to carry out a review of the European shipping policy at a time when the EU Member-States are suffering from high levels of congestion, noise and pollution that not only affect the environment but also the quality of life of all citizens. This paper considers the development of EU shipping policy in three stages.  相似文献   

This paper will examine the impact of continuous and increasing change in the shipping sector of Eastern Europe with particular reference to the liner sector in Poland one of the more dynamic markets that has emerged since the political, economic and social changes of the late 1980s. Polish Ocean Lines, and in particular POL Levant, a relatively new, commercialized subsidiary operating in the private sector, are taken as case studies to assess the new structures that are emerging in the marketplace.  相似文献   

魏明 《中国船检》2008,(4):68-69
2005年5月19日,国际防污染公约((MARPOL73/78))附则VI生效,船舶进入硫氧化物(SOx)排放控制区(英文简称SECA).必须符合相关规定。  相似文献   

时玮 《集装箱化》2010,21(7):5-9
<正>2010年以来,全球经济逐步走出国际金融危机的阴影,集装箱运输市场也随之好转,运量悄然增长,运价逐步回升,市场渐进回暖;然而,欧洲债务危机又对全球经济复苏造成新的障碍。深入了解目前市场形势,正确分析和判断未来集装箱运输市场走势,对于应对欧洲债务危机具有重要意义。我国与欧盟经贸关系  相似文献   

孟方 《中国船检》2008,(2):77-78
虽然IMO的164个成员国都签署了关于海上安全和防止船舶造成污染的公约,并采取了相应措施执行这些公约,但每个船旗国促进海上安全及防止船舶造成污染的水平却参差不齐。欧盟已经明确感觉到,由此带来的仍在世界范围内运营的低标准船对欧洲海岸构成的潜在威胁,也是造成海上运输业内不公平竞争的主要因素。因此,建议制定关于成员国满足船旗国要求法令的目的,是希望弥补目前存在的两个不足,一是IMO公约允许缔约国享有高度酌情权;二是以IMO决议形式通过的配套措施是非强制性的,而这些决议,对于船旗国有效履行义务却是最基本的保障。  相似文献   

国新 《中国船检》2007,(3):28-33
莱茵河全长1320公里,虽然通航里程还不及长江干流的一半,水量也仅为长江的1/10,但很多年前,其年运量就是长江的5倍,在欧盟交通运输体系中占有重要地位。事实说明,通过采取有效的政策和措施促进内河航运发展,内河航运可以重新焕发活力,与其他运输方式协调发展。我国内河状况与莱茵河的巨大反差值得我们深思。落实国家提出的建设节约型社会和经济社会可持续发展战略,大力发展内河航运是建设节约型交通运输的最佳切入点。若如此,中国就应该向欧洲学习这方面的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

One of the most urgent environmental problems facing the shipping industry today is the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from its operations and the possible cost-effective ways in which this reduction could be accomplished. Various technical and operational measures have been proposed as well as market-based instruments for the achievement of the compliance of marine industry with these measures. This paper investigates the levels of environmental awareness of the Greek shipping companies and their views and practices on the proposed policies for the reduction of GHG emissions from their ships. A survey was carried out using a questionnaire distributed to Greek shipping companies of different sizes, involved in different segments of the marine industry, so that the survey's results not only represent a large part of the Greek shipping industry but also reveal the different environmental attitudes and practices on maritime GHG emissions among the shipping companies. Given the size and the importance of the Greek shipping industry in the international maritime field, this paper's results present a special significance as they could be further analyzed and taken into account for the achievement of the compliance of marine industry with any future policy instrument for the reduction of maritime GHG emissions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss the current developments in multimodal cargo flows in North European freight transports from Eastern and Western European shipping companies' point of view. Four types of options were identified for shipping companies in multimodal transport operations, namely: (i) the full service operator option, (ii) the feeder operator option in container trades, (iii) the ro-ro operator option, and (iv) the ferry operator option. Option (i) requires a global transport network together with efficient information handling capabilities. This option can be reached by a limited number of mega-carriers. The scope of investment and know-how in this option is such that Eastern European operators are unlikely to achieve this level. In (ii), fleets from (or registered in) the former socialist countries have an advantage as low cost operators, provided that the quality of the operation conforms to principals' requirements. However, the supply side in the intra-European container feeder trades seems to be quite saturated, and new market shares will be very difficult to acquire in the 1990s. In ro-ro shortsea trades the major freight transport operators are well integrated into either freight forwarder driven arrangements (Sweden, Germany), or into major shippers (Finland). As providers of port-to-port transports for road-based cargoes, ferry operators continue to play an important part in international transports. However, the major incentive (and revenue) for passenger/car ferry operations is usually derived from consumers' vacational or travelling needs. Along with the ongoing transition process and a higher level of economic stability that is hopefully achieved in these countries, mergers and acquisitions by Western partners are likely to follow.  相似文献   

根据MARPOL73/78附则Ⅵ修正案的要求,船舶进入硫氧化物控制区(SECA),需要更换低硫份燃油。通过对换油程序及注意事项的介绍,使船舶既能满足港口国检查的要求,又能保证机器设备的正常运行,为船舶进入SECA区域提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates opportunities for increased profit and reduced emissions and cost by service differentiation within container shipping. Traditionally the strategy among the container lines has been profit maximization by utilizing economies of scale through the building of larger and faster vessels. In 2008, the financial crisis in combination with higher fuel prices put an end to this progress and in today’s market operators are basically trying to survive by providing standardized services at the lowest possible cost. This study investigates alternative strategies and the results indicate that container lines should provide two different services instead of one standardized service. A fast service to be more competitive versus air freight for fast-moving goods and a slow service to be more competitive versus traditional shipping types for transport of minor bulk, break bulk, liquid bulk and project cargo.  相似文献   

2011年国际集装箱、干散货、油轮市场以及中国沿海干散货市场走势如何?国内外经贸诸多不确定因素对未来航运市场走势影响几何?近日,上海国际航运研究中心发布<航运市场分析报告(2010年回顾与2011年展望)>认为,全球经济总体复苏的格局基本确定,但通胀预期以及复苏不平衡性加剧等阗素将导致增速放缓,在海运贸易量缓慢增长的背景下,全球航运复苏缓慢,前景依然不容乐观.  相似文献   

邢丹 《中国船检》2011,(5):82-84
作为一个历经百年岁月洗礼的老牌企业,西门子进入中国也有着久远的历史,其信息与通讯、自动化与控制、电力、交通、医疗、照明以及家用电器等领域的绿色环保产品已经深深融入到中国百姓的日常生活中。如今,随着绿色船舶的风起云涌,船舶节能、环保、高效航行受到船东、船厂越来越多的关注,西门子一直致力于推广的电力推进系统系列解决方案毫无疑问地成为"绿色"市场上的抢手货。绿色环保的理念再次被西门子完美演绎。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to consider some of the issues arising from currency fluctuations or currency disparities and in particular their effects upon freight earnings through the application of a currency adjustment factor (CAF).

The operation of CAFs has been a source of great concern to shippers and shipper's councils since their introduction some seven years ago. The basis of this concern has been the widening differential of applicable CAFs as a surcharge on basic freight rates. The CAF system has been regarded by many as iniquitous and punitive. Conferences have been accused of insulating themselves from currency losses due to exchange-rate variability consequent upon the introduction of flexible exchange rates in 1971. However, this mounting pressure has brought the operation of the CAF formula under close scrutiny especially from four sources.

(a) Some member Councils of the European Shippers' Council (ESC).

(b) The Japanese Shippers' Council (JSC).

(c) The question of the legality of differential CAFs under the Treaty of Rome

(d) Complaints from North Continental Maltsters.  相似文献   

Emission governance of air pollutants from ships is a common challenge for the world's shipping industry. Under the framework of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Europe, North America, and other developed regions and countries have established strict ship Emission Control Areas (ECAs). With some of the largest ports in the world, China suffers severe air pollution from ships, posing a threat to the air quality and public health of the coastal cities. To strengthen the control and supervision over air pollutants, such as ship-emitted sulfur oxides (SOx) in coastal areas, China issued a Sulfur Emission Control Area (SECA) policy for ships in January 2016. However, the new SECA policy lags far behind IMO's existing ECA policies, and continues to face many challenges during implementation. This paper outlines the main framework of China's ship SECA policy, analyzes the legal governance basis, discusses major potential challenges for implementing the policy, and puts forward suggestions for future governance. This research aims to promote the effectiveness of China's sulfur emission-reducing SECA policy by putting forth novel ideas for policymakers and stakeholders.  相似文献   

Short sea shipping has begun to receive attention from governments worldwide, as they seek to reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gases. Despite a long coastline and its interest in international maritime affairs, the Canadian government had, until 2003, placed greater emphasis on resolving the issues of other transport modes. In July 2003, Canada and the United States signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on Sharing Short Sea Shipping Information and Experience. Subsequently, the federal government embarked on an assessment of short sea shipping through a series of workshops. This paper explores the key issues with respect to further development of short sea shipping from a Canadian perspective. It examines the critical limitations and impediments to further growth of short sea services in Canada and trans-border trade with the USA, and identifies a number of questions Canadian policymakers need to answer.  相似文献   

进入2009年,被称为“国际干散货市场晴雨表”的BDI(波罗的海干散货运价指数)一路上涨,很快突破2000点关口,至2月11日已达2055点。从2008年12月5日的663点,到1月触底反弹,BDI指数回升幅度超过了两倍。在全球航运业面临一片低迷与萧条的当下,干散货海运市场运价回升,无疑撬动了这个寒冬的坚冰;  相似文献   

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