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谢军  刘婷 《中国海事》2010,(12):64-66
<正>精彩世博,这是中国对世界的庄严承诺;平安世博,这是长江海事人对世博的倾心贡献。2010年11月15日,历时260天的长江海事世博水上安保工作画上了圆满的句号。从3月1日开始对入沪船舶实施安全检查至今,长江海事局的水上世博安保  相似文献   

5月1日,举世瞩目的上海世博会隆重开幕。盛大的水上开幕式让世界印象深刻,海事部门的水上安全保障工作也顺利通过了检验。在迎接世博开幕的最后阶段里,海事备战世博安保的各项举措在紧锣密鼓地进行。上海海事局世博办事处圆满完成了世博水上交通压力测试,各海事局有序组织世博安保巡航执法、应急演练活动,全国海事部门严格落实环沪"护城河"水上安保工作目标,把好入沪"水上门户",共筑世博安全防线。他们用最后的冲刺,为世博的安全开幕提供了全方位保障。  相似文献   

为了提高长江镇江段水上应急救助水平以应对世博安保要求,4月15日上午,镇江海事局举行了"世博水上安保"应急救助演练.此次演练是在没有告知预案内容的情况下进行的.  相似文献   

4月25日,“江苏海事局世博安保水上检查站”在江苏太仓正式设立。江苏海事局副局长、江苏海事局世博安保水上检查站站长韦之杰带领近百名海事执法人员庄严宣誓,将严格履行“恪守职责、全力以赴、服务世博、保障世博”的誓言,为实现平安世博营造良好、安全的水上交通环境。  相似文献   

宋勰超 《中国海事》2010,(10):63-63
世博安保工作开始以来,上海地方海事与水上公安密切配合,协同作战,确保了上海内河水上的交通安全与治安稳定,为世博会的顺利举行创造了和谐的水上环境。如何巩固世博期间联合管理成效、固化安保有效举措,进一步形成世博后地方海事和水上公安紧密型联动工作机制,实现资源共享、信息互通、工作联动,  相似文献   

4月15日是上海全面启动各项世博安保工作并进入三级安保等级勤务时段的第一天,上海海事部门率先拉开水上交通管控压力测试序幕.上午11时,上海海事局世博办事处在世博核心管控水域(南浦大桥至卢浦大桥之间)实施了世博水上交通压力测试,此次压力测试主要针对核心水域内三类主要船舶的航行规范及靠泊冲突可能性进行了实地实时预演测试,测试期间还针对该水域内一艘世博专用客渡船与一艘货船擦碰情形进行了模拟应急演练.  相似文献   

9月30日,交通运输系统世博安保决战决胜誓师大会在上海海事局世博办事处召开。交通运输部部长李盛霖、副部长徐祖远,公安部副部长刘京、上海市副市长沈俊,上海市世博局、上海世博安保指挥部等相关部门的负责人以及交通运输系统在世博安保一线从事保障服务工作的代表参加了誓师大会。上海世博会开幕至今已经顺利运行了150多天,现在距闭幕还有一个月的时间,由于"中国国家馆日"、  相似文献   

刘开林 《航海科技动态》2010,(5):F0003-F0003
8月5日上午,长江航运公安机关世博安保阶段性总结表彰大会在上海长航大厦举行,交通运输部公安局张玉胜局长、夏继权主任、罗辐处长:上海港公安局邵建和局长:长航公安局罗心发局长、方大怀政委、马耀昆、朱俊、裹金弟捌局长、政治部徐其涛主任、侯勇捌巡视员:长航公安局各处室、实战单位负赉人;各分局局长、政委;长航警校校长、政委和部分增援上海世博会安保民警等参加了会议;大会总结前期世博安保工作,交流工作经验,对前期世博安保工作中表现突出的集体和个人进行表彰,部署推进下一阶段世博安保工作:会议由马耀昆割局长主持。  相似文献   

"听党指挥,忠于祖国;牢记宗旨,不辱使命;严守纪律、服从命令……决胜世博、誓保平安!"从长航局上海世博安保誓师(电视)大会上发出的铿锵誓言,通过电波传遍了长江上下、大江两岸。  相似文献   

<正>张良,东海航海保障中心上海海事测绘中心测量队队长、党支部书记,长期在一线从事测量工作,负责设备引进、开发、测量管理等工作。先后获得了上海市青年岗位能手、全国海事系统"庆文"式标兵、交通运输部世博交通运输保障先进个人、上海市世博窗口服务先进个人、部海事局世博水上交通安全保障个人三等功,多次受到交通运输部通报表彰。探求海洋成就行业科技尖兵"我是一个好奇心很强的人,从小就对大海很着迷,了解到海洋测绘的具体内容后,感觉这是一个很有趣的领域,每天都有不同的挑战。而有机会参与很多大型灾难和  相似文献   

江苏如东人工岛建设对周边水动力及泥沙冲淤的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在南黄海辐射沙洲这样一个水动力和泥沙环境都相当复杂的区域建设浅水人工岛,不仅要考虑人工岛本身的稳定型问题,还要深入地认识浅水人工岛建设引起的流场和泥沙冲淤是否造成目前潮流动力场和"水道—沙洲"系统格局的较大变异、自然演变的趋势性过程是否因人工岛建设而加速或逆转。通过整体潮流泥沙物理模型研究了西太阳沙人工岛工程对滩槽演变趋势的影响和工程区滩冲槽淤的短期波动,探讨了如东人工岛工程建设后,岛周围水动力和泥砂冲淤的变化规律,提出了相应的防冲措施。结果表明,拟建人工岛工程建设引起的水流动力变化主要在西太阳沙附近的浅水区,并局限在1.5倍人工岛直径范围内,对邻近水道深槽区的潮流动力没有影响。人工岛工程没有改变西太阳沙周边各水道潮流动力场格局,没有引致水道间潮流动力此消彼长的变化、未改变控制西太阳沙"水道-沙洲"系统演变的动力泥沙环境,西太阳沙核心部位的稳定主要取决于西太阳沙北侧潮流动力增强的自然演变过程。就人工岛建设而言,东北岛壁前沿有效的防冲护底措施对沙洲核心部位稳定和减少北水道深槽淤积泥沙来源均有积极意义。  相似文献   

Surface seawater samples were taken in the framework of the GEOTRACES program on “POLARSTERN” expedition ANT XXIII/1 in the Eastern Atlantic in 2005 to study the distribution of the trace elements Hg (mercury), Pb (lead), Cd (cadmium), Cu (copper), Ni (nickel), Zn (zinc), Co (cobalt), Mn (manganese), Fe (iron), and Al (aluminium). With the exception of Hg, results were compared to earlier datasets from 1989 to 1990. The particulate fraction averaged over the transect was calculated to be 49% for Cd, 23% for Mn and 50% for Fe indicating a release of these TEI's (trace elements and their isotopes) from a leachable SPM fraction in the stored and acidified samples.Total Pb concentrations ranged between 5 and 20 pmol kg? 1 in 2005 with highest values in the ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone). In 1989 Pb concentrations were twice as high in the region of the ITCZ, while by a factor of 10–15 higher values were obtained in the North Atlantic.Total Cd and Co are dominated, by different seasonal upwelling regimes (Equatorial upwelling, Guinea Dome, Angola Dome).Total Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and Al show nearly identical concentrations in 1990 and 2005. For total manganese and aluminium strong maxima (3–4 nmol kg? 1 and 55 nmol kg? 1 respectively) are observed between 23°N and 0°, while the Fe maximum (6–9 nmol kg? 1) is located at 7°N. Total Hg concentrations ranged between 0.5 and 4.5 pmol kg? 1.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to provide a budget study with calculated erosion rates. Three methods have been used to calculate sediment yield and denudation rates in the Ria de Vigo: (1) measurements of sediment loads, (2) measurements of sediment accumulation rates at the coast, (3) theoretical calculations of potential denudation. Sediment loads and water discharge were measured over a period of 14 months from May 1997 to July 1998. Two of the tributaries entering the Ria de Vigo were monitored for 12 more months, from May 2000 to May 2001, to observe changes in discharge and sediment loads. This period corresponded with atypical precipitation, with peak monthly values (600 mm) three times higher than those on record.Water rating curves are typically exponential. Suspended and dissolved loads vary for different rivers, showing values of 1.5 to 130 mg/l during 1997/1998. For 2000/2001, these values are twice as high. Suspended load versus discharge relationships for 1997/1998 were logarithmic, but data from 2000/2001 does not fit the same equation. Dissolved loads are several times higher than suspended loads in almost all cases. Dissolved load concentrations vary more widely with discharge than suspended loads. This is probably due to local pollution and contamination from marine spray in areas closer to the sea.Second, erosion rates and bed load sediment yields were calculated from accumulation rates at the Ramallosa Complex. Well-preserved estuarine and tidal sediments, associated with the Minor River, have accumulated in this area during the Holocene. 14C ages allow calculation of sedimentation rates (SR) for two intervals. The lower interval extends from 2001 to 484 years BP and yields an SR of 1.12 mm/a. The upper interval extends from 484 years BP to the present and has an SR of 3.3–4.4 mm/a. These differences may be explained by basin dynamics as the beach progressively encloses the area and also by human interference. From sedimentary facies analysis it is concluded that 90% to 95% of the accumulated deposits were transferred to the basin as bed load. Muddy deposits (mostly marshes) are better developed at the upper part of the sediment pile, and inner areas, indicating a progressive shallowing and filling up of the basin. Most of suspended load is exported to the ria, whereas the Ramallosa Complex acts as a sediment sink for bed load derived material.Calculated potential erosion rates using Ahnert's [Am. J. Sci. 268 (1970) 243] equation show lower values than those estimated from river load concentrations. Potential erosion rates for the Minor River are higher than for the Lagares River which contrast with mechanical denudation rate values from river loads during 1997/1998 which are higher for the Lagares River. During 2000/2001 MDR values were higher than those of the potential erosion rates for both rivers, in line with the extremely high precipitation. Higher values in the Lagares could be in part due to human interference.  相似文献   

Vertical flux of particulate material was recorded with moored sediment traps during 1988/1989 in the Greenland Sea at 72°N, 10°W. This region exhibits pronounced seasonal variability in ice cover. Annual fluxes at 500 m water depth were 22. 79, 8.55, 2.39, 3.81 and 0.51 g m−2 for total flux (dry weight), carbonate particulate biogenic silicate, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Fluxes increased in April, maximum rates of all compounds occurred in May–June, and consistently high total flux rates of around 100 mg m−2d−1 prevailed the summer. The increasing flux of biogenic particles measured in April is indicative of an early onset of algal growth in spring. Small pennate diatoms dominated in the trap collections during April, and were still numerous during the high flux period when Thalassiosira species were the most abundant diatoms. During May–June, up to 22% of the Thalassiosira cells collected were viable-looking cells. The faecal pellet flux increased after the May–June event. Therefore we conclude that the diatoms settled as phytodetritus, most likely in rapidly sinking aggregates. From seasonal nutrient profiles it is concluded that diatoms contribute 25% to new production during spring and 50% on an annual basis. More than 50% of newly produced silicate particles are dissolved above the 500 m horizon. High new production during spring does not lead to a pronounced sedimentation pulse of organic matter during spring but elevated vertical export is observed during the entire growth period.  相似文献   

On the basis of annual expenditures by recreational participants and standard values of recreation days, as well as estimated sport and commercial harvests, the gross annual return from Michigan's 105,855 acres of coastal wetlands has been estimated. Analysis of fish, wildlife, and recreational values revealed that in 1977 these wetland areas generated an economic value of $489.69 per wetland acre, for a direct annual gross of $51.8 million. Specifically, these average return values per wetland acre/year, in descending order, are sport fishing ($286), nonconsumptive recreation ($138.24), waterfowl hunting ($31.23), trapping of furbearers ($30.44), and commercial fishing ($3.78). These gross annual return values were calculated in an effort to sensitize the general public to the diversity and possible magnitude of selected wetland functions.  相似文献   

考虑到核生化污染环境中,舰船为了保障其生命力及战斗力,需要采取机动规避、水幕洗消、集体防护等措施,分析毒云在海上的扩散规律,指出风速和集体防护区超压对舰船规避行为的制约关系,提出舰船在全速任意方向航行时集体防护区所需的压力值.  相似文献   

Nearly 40 years on since its first tentative steps in North America, this article considers whether Integrated Zone Coastal Management (ICZM) in Europe has grown to maturity as a form of governance. The article summarizes the findings of recent research concerning the levels of implementation of coastal management in Europe, with particular reference to the UK experience. A research framework is used to identify the different motivations behind the social actor groups involved in coastal management. The application of this framework reveals four major findings about gaps in implementation: (1) the complexity of responsibilities at the coast continues to prevent agencies from taking a “joined-up” approach; (2) a policy vacuum is constraining implementation from national to local scales; (3) informational obstacles are significant in preventing co-ordination between science and policymakers, and between different sectors; (4) a democratic deficit is preventing implementation in the working practices of coastal stakeholders, with little opportunity in decision making for public comment or local accountability, especially offshore. The article also explores different conceptualizations of the role of coastal management and planning held across Europe, providing an analysis using the Strategic Management literature and the experience of the EU Demonstration Programme on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (1996–1999). Recent arrangements, with the availability of priming funds from the European Commission and emphasis on “pilot” and “demonstration” methods, have tended to encourage a project-based approach to ICZM that may fail to realize long-term objectives. The article seeks to present an analysis of the behaviors of scientists, academics, policymakers, and practitioners, and will be of interest to all those seeking to establish ICZM within the wider system of governance, as supported by the Commission of the European Community (2000) Communication on ICZM (COM 547). Some technical solutions are also offered from the UK experience that will be of use to coastal project officers working at national and regional levels.  相似文献   

Deep water samples (in contact with the sediment) were collected at eight different points of the estuary of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River (Bay of Biscay, Basque Country), both at low and high tides, during four sampling campaigns (May, September and December 2005 and March 2006). Superficial water was also sampled in March 2006. Temperature, pH, redox potential, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity corresponding to each sample were measured in situ at each sampling point using a multiparametric probe. The physico-chemical parameters found are typical of highly stratified estuaries, with an acceptable oxygenation level. After filtering and acidifying the samples, they were analysed by inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) to simultaneously determine the total concentration of Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn. Concentrations in the μg kg− 1 level were found in all cases (cCr and cNi, 1–10; cAl, cAs and cZn, 10–50; cCu and cMn, 10–100 and cFe, 100–400 μg kg− 1). A probable net input of Al, Cr, Mn and Zn via the main (Nerbioi-Ibaizabal) and some of the tributary rivers (Galindo, Asua and Gobela) was identified. Evidence of a common source of Al and Zn to the estuary was found. Correlation analysis of data revealed connections between variables (concentration of Cu, Fe and As with salinity, as well as cAl with cZn, cCu with cFe, cAs with cFe, and cAs with cCu). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of data allowed the samples to be grouped according to sampling campaign, with two principal components accounting for 62% of the total variance. In addition, plots of element concentration against salinity suggested a conservative behaviour for As, Cu and Fe and a non-conservative one for Cr. Not clear mixing behaviour was observed for the rest of elements.  相似文献   

瞿文嵩 《水运管理》2007,29(6):4-36
运用海上交通工程的基本理论,以对杭州市余杭区武林头水域进行的为期7天的水上交通流量统计为依据,得出武林头水域交通流特点,并在此基础上提出提高武林头水域安全通航的相应建议,即从自然条件、航道条件、船舶条件、交通条件和船员条件等5方面提高武林头水域通航安全。  相似文献   

In this paper, electrical energy quality and its indices in ship electric networks are introduced,especially the meaning of electrical energy quality terms in voltage and active and reactive power distribution indices, Then methods of measurement of marine electrical energy indices are introduced in details and a microprocessor measurement-diagnosis system with the function of measurement and control is designed. Afterwards, estimation and control of electrical power quality of marine electrical power networks are introduced. And finally, according to the existing method of measurement and control of electrical power quality in ship power networks, the improvement of relative method is proposed.  相似文献   

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