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数值波浪水池及顶浪中船舶水动力计算 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12
基于粘流理论建立了三维数值波浪水池,模拟了非线性波浪,并对规则波顶浪中前进的拘束船模的水动力进行了计算.数值模拟中,控制方程-RANS方程和连续性方程使用有限体积法离散,非线性自由面采用VOF方法处理;在入口边界模拟柔性造波板运动产生入射波,使用位于波浪水池尾部的人工阻尼区消波.给出了非线性规则波的模拟结果以及规则波顶浪中前进的拘束船模的水动力计算结果,并与理论解及DUT(Delfi University of Technology)的试验数据进行了比较,二者吻合良好. 相似文献
迎浪航行是船舶运动是非线性运动,采用一类具有齐次解的二阶偏微分方程描述迎浪时船舶的非线性运动,构建船舶迎浪航行控制的非线性运动方程,在临界稳定条件下分析船舶非线性微分方程的齐次解,在非线性波动运动模式下,建立船舶非线性运动方程的局部寻优模型,采用最小二乘拟合方法进行迎浪航行的控制参量寻优,实现非线性运动方程的船舶RANS数值仿真模拟,根据RANS数值模拟结果实现船舶非线性运动优化控制。数值仿真分析表明,迎浪时船舶非线性运动方程具有稳定收敛的齐次解,能实现对船舶的超稳定性控制。 相似文献
基于计算流体动力学(CFD)方法建立数值波浪水池,对顶浪中航行船舶的水动力与运动进行数值计算研究。推导出一种船舶在波浪中航行的数值模拟的波浪环境表达方法并进行模拟验证,计算不同航速下顶浪中Wigley-III船模所受的水动作用力,以及顶浪中航行的Wigley-III船模的运动。通过将计算结果与DUT(Delft University of Technology)相关的试验数据进行比较,吻合良好。研究表明:基于数值波浪水池的数值模拟较试验更容易实现和控制,能够获得船体周围详细的流场信息,在波浪中舰船水动力性能与运动的研究等方面具有广泛的适用性。 相似文献
利用基于FLAC3D和基于UDEC的2种传统方法对船舶耦合运动进行数值模拟,结果准确性较低。针对上述问题,提出一种新的基于CFD的远洋船舶耦合运动数值模拟研究方法。首先给出船舶耦合运动的假定条件,然后建立反映问题本质的数学模型,接着利用有限体积法对该方程进行离散,最后利用有限差分法对离散后的方程进行求解,完成船舶耦合运动数值模拟。结果表明:与基于FLAC3D和基于UDEC的2种传统方法相比,利用本研究方法对船舶耦合运动进行数值模拟,模拟结果准确性提高6.3%和14.5%,达到了研究目的。 相似文献
波浪中破损船舶的运动会同时受到波浪激励和进出水的影响,而船体运动也会影响进出水过程,二者的相互影响机理十分复杂.本文重点研究波浪中破舱进出水对船舶运动响应的影响,文中首先基于势流理论建立了考虑破舱进出水的4DOF(横荡-垂荡-横摇-纵摇)相互耦合时域预报方法,在计算中假设舱内的液面水平,利用修正的伯努利方程模拟破舱进/出水,利用Ikeda's经验公式修正阻尼系数.然后以一艘ITTC破损稳性标模为例,研究了波浪中考虑破舱进出水的数学模型以及破舱进出水对运动响应的影响,并研究了不同自由度、破舱口位置对运动响应的影响.研究表明,本文基于势流理论建立的时域预报方法可以定量的预报破损船舶的运动响应. 相似文献
滑行艇在高速波浪透行中要求承受极大的波浪载荷和冲击作用力,在恶劣海情下,滑行艇会产生特别激烈的运动,在拖曳水池测得的规则波顶浪说明,这类超高速航行船舶的傅汝德数在2.0-5.0之间,结果表明,船舶运动可划分为一些不同类型的运动,如线性运动,有飞跃和无飞跃的非线性运动,每种类型运动地衡准要根据艇航行状态,傅汝德数,波浪周期及浪高等而定,研究还表明,根据现有基于势论的理论方法和所提出的方法,这些方法中某些水动力值由试验数据所代替,这些方法可应用于滑行艇在超高速时估算艇运动并与测量值进行比较。 相似文献
浅窄航道中船舶水动力特性同时受到浅水效应和池壁效应的影响.论文以DTC标模为研究对象,基于STAR-CCM+黏流计算软件,采用RANS方法对有限水深中迎浪航行船舶的运动响应和波浪增阻特性开展数值模拟研究.在针对标模基准工况进行数值方法验证的基础上,分别开展与拖曳水池等宽度的浅窄航道和开阔浅水域中系列波长下的船模垂向运动响应和波浪增阻数值计算.结果表明,有限水深中低频段的运动和阻力非线性特性明显,波浪增阻主要来自压阻力增加;池壁对低频段运动一阶幅值的影响较大,使得波浪增阻系数关于遭遇频率的非线性关系明显增强,出现局部最大和最小值特性,但对运动和阻力高阶幅值的影响较小. 相似文献
船舶在波浪中操纵运动仿真 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文研究了双浆双舵船在规则波中的回转运动,首先进行了约束模型试验,得到了操纵运动数学模型中的水动力系数,然后,进行了静水操纵运动数值仿真,并与自航模型试验结果进行了比较。最后,预报船舶在规则波中的回转运动,对一些影响回转运动的因素进行了讨论。 相似文献
顶浪规则波中小水线面双体船纵向运动特性数值分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于RANS方程和VOF模型求解船体粘性兴波流场,采用Overset技术处理船体运动,开展了小水线面双体船(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hulls,SWATH)迎浪规则波中运动响应特性及其产生机理的研究.通过数值计算结果与模型试验结果的对比分析,验证了本文方法的有效性;在此基础上,分析了船体运动响应曲线中各峰值产生的原因及片体间相互干扰对SWATH船在波浪中运动响应的影响,发现其中一个峰值出现的原因为遭遇频率接近船体运动固有频率,由此发生共振;另一个峰值的出现则可能与SWATH特殊的船型及附体配置有关.由于SWATH船片体间的水动力干扰效应,SWATH船在波浪中运动响应峰值较单个片体响应峰值明显减小,且出现的位置向低频方向移动. 相似文献
基于ITTC推荐的CFD不确定度分析规程,开展基于RANS方程的小水线面双体船(SWATH)波浪中纵向运动计算结果的不确定度分析。分别验证计算模型的网格收敛性和时间步长的收敛性,发现相比于网格的疏密,该数值求解模型对于时间步长更为敏感。通过与试验数据进行对比,计算结果基本得到确认,并由此建立了顶浪规则波中SWATH船纵向运动数值计算结果的确认等级。在此基础上,进一步开展了该SWATH船在2个波高多个波长条件下的运动求解,计算结果均与试验结果吻合较好,说明所采用的数值计算模型对于求解SWATH船在波浪中的运动问题具有较好的适用性和可靠性。 相似文献
A nonlinear time-domain procedure is presented which is used to calculate the vertical responses of a container ship advancing
in head waves. The method assumes linear radiation forces represented by time convolution of memory functions, infinite frequency
added masses, and radiation restoring coefficients. The nonlinear hydrostatic restoring and Froude–Krilov forces are computed
exactly over the instantaneous wetted surface of the ship's hull. Forces due to green water on deck are calculated using the
momentum method. Nonlinear effects are identified on different vertical ship responses, namely on the heave and pitch motions,
the vertical accelerations, and the vertical bending moment. These non-linear effects are expressed by the variation of the
transfer function with the wave amplitude, the higher-order harmonics of the time signals, the offset of the time series,
and the asymmetry of the peaks. The numerical results and the quantified nonlinear effects are compared with experimental
results showing an ability to reproduce the main nonlinear effects.
Received: December 17, 2001 / Accepted: January 31, 2002 相似文献
CFD simulation of 3-dimensional motion of a ship in waves: application to an advancing ship in regular heading waves 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A new computational fluid dynamics simulation method has been developed for the unsteady motion of a ship advancing in waves.
The objective is to evaluate the added resistance and predict the performance of a ship in waves. In this study, a finite
volume method, in the framework of a boundary-fitted grid system, is employed. The motion of the ship is solved with six degrees
of freedom by using the hydrodynamic forces and moments obtained from the solution of the simulation method. The marker–density–function
method is employed to calculate the nonlinear free surface. This method is applied to the coupled motion problem of heaving
and pitching.
Received for publication on Nov. 15, 1999; accepted on Nov. 18, 1999 相似文献
A nonlinear time-domain formulation for ship motions and wave loads and a nonlinear long-term statistics method are presented and applied to the S175 container ship. The general agreement between model tests and numerical results is very satisfactory. The calculated long-term vertical sagging and hogging moments amidships are comparable to those given by DNV rules. The approach described in this paper can be used as a way of more accurately evaluating extreme wave loads and other nonlinear responses in ship design. 相似文献
This article presents a nonlinear time-domain simulation method for the prediction of large-amplitude motions of a Ro–Ro
ship in regular oblique waves in an intact and a damaged condition. Numerical computations and model tests have been carried
out to investigate the dynamic motion responses of Ro–Ro ship Dextra to various wave amplitudes at three different wave headings. The results of numerical and experimental investigations for
stern quartering waves are reviewed. Comparisons between predictions and measurements show good agreement except in the roll-resonant
region. Nonlinear effects are significant in horizontal modes of motion, and resonant roll motion, and there is strong coupling
between all modes of motion in the roll-resonant region for large-amplitude responses. On the other hand, the time-domain
simulation technique suffers from numerical drift in horizontal modes of motion as wave amplitude increases. This is due to
nonlinear equations of motion and the lack of a restoring force and moment in horizontal motion.
Received: April 30, 2002 / Accepted: August 9, 2002
Acknowledgments. II Programme of the European Community Commission under contract No. BRPR-CT97-0513.
Address correspondence to: H.S. Chan (hoi-sang.chan@ncl.ac.uk) 相似文献
迎浪规则波中波浪增阻和船体垂向运动的数值预报(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The numerical prediction of added resistance and vertical ship motions of one ITTC (International Towing Tank Conference) S-175 containership in regular head waves by our own in-house unsteady RANS solver naoe-FOAM-SL JTU is presented in this paper. The development of the solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU is based on the open source CFD tool, OpenFOAM. Numerical analysis is focused on the added resistance and vertical ship motions (heave and pitch motions) with four very different wavelengths (0.8Lpp≤λ≤1.5Lpp) in regular head waves. Once the wavelength is near the length of the ship model, the responses of the resistance and ship motions become strongly influenced by nonlinear factors, as a result difficulties within simulations occur. In the paper, a comparison of the experimental results and the nonlinear strip theory was reviewed and based on the findings, the RANS simulations by the solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU were considered competent with the prediction of added resistance and vertical ship motions in a wide range of wave lengths. 相似文献