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改善柴油机燃烧及排放的措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了改善柴油机燃烧、降低柴油机排放的几种机内控制及排气后处理的有效措施。  相似文献   

通过在柴油机上燃用生物柴油(Biodiesel)、微乳化油生物柴油(MB)、乙醇柴油(E20)与纯柴油4种燃料,研究在低含氧量情况下不同含氧结构对柴油机燃烧和排放性能的影响。结果表明,相较于纯柴油,标定点工况下,生物柴油着火时刻约提前2°CA,放热率峰值和最大爆发压力略有降低,而MB和E20放热始点相对滞后,但放热过程更集中。大负荷时,发动机燃用3种含氧燃料总体表现为NOx排放增加,而HC、CO和烟度等均有不同程度的下降;但中低负荷时,E20的HC和CO排放明显较高。对于酯基或醇基不同结构来源的含氧燃料,携带氧的碳链长短及其附属燃料特性造成其燃烧和排放性能的显著差异,需根据各自属性优化在柴油中的添加比例,协调含氧燃料在发动机上的应用。  相似文献   

基于喷射正时的柴油机燃烧和排放研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于集成电控单体泵柴油机,讨论了喷射正时对柴油机燃烧及排放特性的影响规律。喷射正时对滞燃期和速燃期有显著的影响,从而影响放热规律、缸内压力和燃烧温度,进而对NOx和PM排放特性有显著的影响。在中大负荷下,随着喷射正时的滞后,放热率曲线相对于上止点的相位滞后,缸内最高燃烧温度下降,NOx排放下降,PM排放升高。在中小负荷下,随着喷射正时的进一步滞后,NOx和PM的排放同时下降。  相似文献   

以某轻型车用高压共轨柴油机为样机,研究了在小负荷工况条件下,EGR率对柴油机排放、燃烧过程及燃油消耗的影响。试验结果表明:EGR减小了缸内最高燃烧压力及压力峰值,使压力升高率略有增加,降低了瞬时放热率与峰值,延长了燃烧持续期,降低了缸内温度峰值及平均温度。在小负荷工况,EGR可以同时有效改善NOx,HC及CO排放,当EGR阀全开,EGR率为42%时,NOx排放降低了38.7%,HC降低了39.6%,CO排放降低了21.3%;PM排放先随着EGR率增加而减小,EGR率超过某一值后,PM排放增加,整个PM排放曲线呈现"鱼钩"状变化趋势。EGR对小负荷工况燃油耗性能影响不大。  相似文献   

针对某款匹配株式会社电装第3代180 MPa电控高压共轨喷射系统和采用EGR方案的全新开发的国Ⅳ平台中型柴油机,研究了其3种不同燃烧室形状与喷油器匹配的燃烧规律,结果表明大径深比带翻边结构的2#燃烧室与8×810×150型号喷油器更加适合低排放燃烧系统开发要求。采用STAR-CD计算模拟软件,对油束落点与燃烧室的运动情况进行模拟分析。结果表明,模拟计算结果与试验结果基本一致,从而验证了试验的准确性和模拟计算的可靠性。  相似文献   

杨林  卓斌 《上海汽车》2000,(12):24-27
面对日益严格的车用柴油机排放限制和燃油经济性要求,本文概述了目前低油耗低排放技术,实验研究了极早喷射、多段喷射和MK燃烧方式的燃油经济性和排放特性,并针对涡轮增压四冲程柴油机提出了一种低温顶混合稀薄燃烧的实现途径。  相似文献   

介绍在使用中通过改善发动机燃烧过程来减少汽车尾气排放的方法。  相似文献   

在1台增压中冷柴油机上,采用从涡轮前取气回流到压气机后的高压EGR系统,研究了恒定转速不同负荷下发动机的燃烧和排放特性。在同一工况下,随着EGR率增加,压缩终了混合气温度升高,着火延迟期缩短,燃气压力和温度下降,燃烧持续期延长。分析了柴油机燃烧过程及排放污染物的形成机理。研究发现,当发动机负荷由大变小时,随着EGR率增加,CO的形成因受温度控制增幅越来越大,HC受着火延迟期和供氧的影响增幅越来越小,NO_x的降幅几乎随EGR率呈线性变化,而排气烟度则呈二阶多项式趋势的恶化。  相似文献   

通过配制不同正丁醇掺混比例的正丁醇-柴油混合油,在不改变供油提前角和燃油系统的条件下,测量了柴油机燃用正丁醇-柴油混合油的气缸压力、放热率以及NOx、炭烟等排放污染物,探讨了正丁醇掺混比例对柴油机燃烧过程的影响规律,分析了正丁醇对排放污染物的作用过程。结果表明:正丁醇掺混比例为0%,5%,10%时,低转速、低负荷工况下,缸内最大燃烧压力分别为6.2MPa,5.9MPa和5.8MPa,与燃烧柴油相比略有降低;高转速、高负荷工况时,缸内最大燃烧压力分别为7.5 MPa,7.6 MPa,7.7 MPa,与燃烧柴油相比稍有增加;随着正丁醇掺混比例增加,柴油机的CO和HC排放升高,在中低负荷下NOx排放有所降低,高负荷时升高明显,平均增加了6.4%,炭烟排放降低明显,燃用正丁醇添加比例为5%和10%时,在高负荷下炭烟分别下降了25%和36%。  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of injection parameters on the transition from Premixed Charge Combustion Ignition (PCCI) combustion to conventional diesel combustion was investigated in an optically accessible High-Speed Direct-Injection (HSDI) diesel engine using multiple injection strategies. The heat release characteristics were analyzed using incylinder pressure for different operating conditions. The whole cycle combustion process was visualized with a high-speed video camera by simultaneously capturing the natural flame luminosity from both the bottom of the optical piston and the side window, showing the three dimensional combustion structure within the combustion chamber. Eight operating conditions were selected to address the influences of injection pressure, injection timing, and fuel quantity of the first injection on the development of second injection combustion. For some cases with early first injection timing and a small fuel quantity, no liquid fuel is found when luminous flame points appear, which shows that premixed combustion occurs for these cases. However, with the increase of first injection fuel quantity and retardation of the first injection timing, the combustion mode transitions from PCCI combustion to diffusion flame combustion, with liquid fuel being injected into the hot flame. The observed combustion phenomena are mainly determined by the ambient temperature and pressure at the start of the second injection event. The start-of-injection ambient conditions are greatly influenced by the first injection timing, fuel quantity, and injection pressure. Small fuel quantity and early injection timing of the first injection event and high injection pressure are preferable for low sooting combustion.  相似文献   

本文通过对双燃料系统进行原理、系统优缺点介绍,经济性进行分析,认为双燃料发动机比柴油发动机有更大的推广潜力,使人们对双燃料重卡相对于柴油重卡有有比较深刻的认识。  相似文献   

柴油机温度过高主要表现为水温、油温过高两大类。本文就这两类原因进行分析。  相似文献   

用光学可视化方法研究乙醇柴油混合燃料的燃烧特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用直接图像法对乙醇柴油的燃烧过程进行研究。在一台单缸直接喷射式柴油机上,建立了直接图像法拍摄燃烧火焰图像的光学系统,对15%乙醇柴油、15%乙醇柴油加十六烷值改进剂、纯柴油在同一转速下的燃烧过程进行可视化研究。对火焰照片分析表明:柴油中加入乙醇后,无论是否恢复其十六烷值,其着火滞燃期都延长了,燃烧持续期缩短,火焰辉度减弱。在乙醇柴油中加入十六烷值改进剂后,着火滞燃期相对提前,燃烧持续期和火焰辉度增加,但仍然没有达到柴油机水平,这说明十六烷值改进剂有利于改善乙醇柴油的燃烧性能。通过温度场分析发现:乙醇柴油的缸内平均温度峰值要比纯柴油低很多,而且乙醇柴油燃烧时平均温度上升相当平缓。  相似文献   

本文比较了车用柴油机与其他车用动力的优点,分析了它的技术现状,介绍它未来技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

杨曦  刘永长 《汽车科技》2003,(2):23-25,52
介绍了缸盖阀座高频淬火技术的工艺实现、装备实现和影响淬火质量的主要因素,从而提出理想的工艺参数和装备条件的搭配,对该技术的应用推广具有指导意义。  相似文献   

介绍了自主开发的“ERP”系统,及与之匹配的“取货制”物流配送,解决了在一条柔性装配线上装配650种以上机型混装问题,实现了企业计划、定单、技术准备、财务、质量和制造等的核心业务的网络控制,提高了企业的整体竞争力。  相似文献   

An optically accessible single-cylinder high speed direct-injection (HSDI) Diesel engine equipped with a Bosch common rail injection system was used to study low temperature Modulated Kinetics (MK) combustion with a retarded single main injection. High-speed liquid fuel Mie-scattering was employed to investigate the liquid distribution and evolution. By carefully setting up the optics, three-dimensional images of fuel spray were obtained from both the bottom of the piston and the side window. The NOx emissions were measured in the exhaust pipe. The influence of injection pressure and injection timing on liquid fuel evolution and combustion characteristics was studied under similar fuel quantities. Interesting spray development was seen from the side window images. Liquid impingement was found for all of the cases due to the small diameter of the piston bowl. The liquid fuel tip hits the bowl wall obliquely and spreads as a wall jet in the radial direction of the spray. Due to the bowl geometry, the fuel film moves back into the central part of the bowl, which enhances the air-fuel mixing process and prepares a more homogeneous air-fuel mixture. Stronger impingement was seen for high injection pressures. Injection timing had little effect on fuel impingement. No liquid fuel was seen before ignition, indicating premixed combustion for all the cases. High-speed combustion video was taken using the same frame rate. Ignition was seen to occur on or near the bowl wall in the vicinity of the spray tip, with the ignition delay being noticeably longer for lower injection pressure and later injection timing. The majority of the flame was confined to the bowl region throughout the combustion event. A more homogeneous and weaker flame was observed for higher injection pressures and later injection timing. The combustion structure also proves the mixing enhancement effect of the liquid fuel impingement. The results show that ultra-low sooting combustion is feasible in an HSDI diesel engine with a higher injection pressure, a higher EGR rate, or later injection timing, with little penalty on power output. It was also found that injection timing has more influence on HCCI-like combustion using a single main injection than the other two factors studied. Compared with the base cases, simultaneous reductions of soot and NOx were obtained by increasing EGR rate and retarding injection timing. By increasing injection pressure, NOx emissions were increased due to leaner and faster combustion with better air-fuel mixing. However, smoke emissions were significantly reduced with increased injection pressure.  相似文献   

介绍了窜气对柴油机性能的不利影响,通过活塞环密封系统的动力学分析,阐述发动机窜气产生的内在机理,并给出了计算发动机窜气量的公式。  相似文献   

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