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Community Transport (CT) in the UK operates a diverse range of services, and organisations are computerising management and operational functions. This paper describes the approach which has been taken to computerising four operational decision making functions.

The paper considers models of human decision making and problem solving, with particular reference to an information processing view of cognitive activity and to perception and memory. The design of decision support systems is also discussed.

Four decision problems are considered. For each, the paper considers how people tackle the problem, how computers can be used to tackle it and the approach which has been adopted.

For allocating trips to vehicles using a diary, the approach has been to provide a representation on screen of a manual diary. For vehicle brokerage, vehicles are presented to the operator allocating a booking in an order based on the Sequence Number, an index of how ‘difficult to book’ a vehicle is, and the distance of the vehicle's base from the start point of the trip. For the sorting of passenger pick‐ups into an efficient tour, traditional solutions to the travelling salesperson problem have been rejected in favour of a solution using spacefilling curves. Finally, for allocating dial‐a‐ride passenger trips to vehicle shifts an approach has been chosen which presents the operator with appropriate information rather than attempting to automate the scheduling.

The paper concludes that the approach to the diary has been successful and accepted by operators, although the similar approach to the dial‐a‐ride scheduling has not, as the system has not yet been able to replace manual scheduling aids. The facility to order passenger pick‐ups is little used by operators. Finally, it is suggested that the vehicle brokerage problem may be an appropriate use of fuzzy logic.  相似文献   

Driving behavior models that capture drivers’ tactical maneuvering decisions in different traffic conditions are essential to microscopic traffic simulation systems. This paper focuses on a parameter that has a great impact on road users’ aggressive overtaking maneuvers and directly affects lane-changing models (an integral part of microscopic traffic simulation models), namely, speed deviation. The objective of this research is to investigate the impacts of speed deviation in terms of performance measures (delay time, network mean speed, and travel time duration) and the number of lane-change maneuvers using the Aimsun traffic simulator. Following calibration of the model for a section of urban highway in Tehran, this paper explores the sensitivity of lane-changing maneuvers during different speed deviations by conducting two types of test. Simulation results show that, by decreasing speed deviation, the number of lane changes reduces remarkably and so network safety increases, thus reducing travel time due to an increase in network mean speed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the impact of fuel price increases on the market area of intermodal transport terminals. Aim of this research is to determine whether an increase in fuel prices is sufficient enough to raise the market area of intermodal transport to the same degree that would be accomplished by stimulating intermodal transport through policy instruments. Therefore, several fuel price scenarios are analysed in order to verify the impact of different fuel price evolutions on the market area of unimodal road transport compared to intermodal transport in Belgium. The LAMBIT-model (Location Analysis for Belgian Intermodal Terminals), which is a GIS-based model (Macharis and Pekin, 2008), is used to analyse the different fuel price increases and enables a visualisation of the impact on the market area. The LAMBIT model incorporates the different network layers for each transport mode by setting up a GIS network that includes four different layers: the road network, the rail network, the inland waterways network and the final haulage network. The geographic locations of the intermodal terminals and the port of Antwerp are added as nodes in the network and the Belgian municipality centres are defined and connected to the different network layers. Based on the different fuel price scenarios representing respectively a fuel price increase with 10% (low price case), 50% (business as usual case) and 90% (high price case), the results of the LAMBIT model show that the market areas rise in favour of intermodal barge/road and intermodal rail/road. Depending on the scenario, the degree of modal shift however differs. Additionally, in order to compare policy measures with the effect of a fuel price increase, the internalisation of the external costs is analysed with the LAMBIT model. For some years, the European Commission is supporting the idea that transportation costs should reflect the true impacts on environment and society, and is relentlessly pushing towards the so called ‘internalisation of external costs’ as a policy instrument in order to establish fair and efficient pricing of different transport modes. This requires monetarizing the external effects of transport and adding them to the already internalized costs in order to give the correct price signals. Results of this comparative analysis performed with the LAMBIT model are also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the development of a new decision support framework for the appraisal of transport infrastructure projects. In such appraisals there will often be a need for including both conventional transport impacts as well as criteria of a more strategic and/or sustainable character. The proposed framework is based on the use of cost-benefit analysis featuring feasibility risk assessment in combination with multi-criteria decision analysis and is supported by the concept of decision conferencing. The framework is applied for a transport related case study dealing with the complex decision problem of determining the most attractive alternative for a new fixed link between Denmark and Sweden – the so-called HH-connection. Applying the framework to the case study made it possible to address the decision problem from an economic, a strategic, and a sustainable point of view simultaneously. The outcome of the case study demonstrates the decision making framework as a valuable decision support system (DSS), and it is concluded that appraisals of transport projects can be effectively supported by the use of the DSS. Finally, perspectives of the future modelling work are given.  相似文献   

This paper studies a mean-standard deviation shortest path model, also called travel time budget (TTB) model. A route’s TTB is defined as this route’s mean travel time plus a travel time margin, which is the route travel time’s standard deviation multiplied with a factor. The TTB model violates the Bellman’s Principle of Optimality (BPO), making it difficult to solve it in any large stochastic and time-dependent network. Moreover, it is found that if path travel time distributions are skewed, the conventional TTB model cannot reflect travelers’ heterogeneous risk-taking behavior in route choice. This paper proposes to use the upper or lower semi-standard deviation to replace the standard deviation in the conventional TTB model (the new models are called derived TTB models), because these derived TTB models can well capture such heterogeneous risk-taking behavior when the path travel time distributions are skewed. More importantly, this paper shows that the optimal solutions of these two derived TTB models must be non-dominated paths under some specific stochastic dominance (SD) rules. These finding opens the door to solve these derived TTB models efficiently in large stochastic and time-dependent networks. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate these findings.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the research on climate change mitigation in transport. We suggest that work to date has focused on the effects of improvements in transport technologies, changes in the price of transport, physical infrastructure provision, behavioural change and alternative institutional arrangements for governing transport systems. In terms of research methodologies, positivist and quantitative analysis prevails, although there are signs of experimentation with non-positivist epistemologies and participatory methods. These particular engagements with climate change mitigation reflect mutually reinforcing tendencies within and beyond the academic transport community. We first draw on a revised version of Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy of science to explore the path dependencies within transport studies, which are at least partly responsible for the predisposition towards quantitative modelling and technology, pricing and infrastructure oriented interventions in transport systems. We then employ the governmentality perspective to examine how transport academics’ engagements with climate change mitigation depend on and align with more general understandings of climate change in UK society and beyond. The analysis makes clear that ecological modernisation and neo-liberal governmentality more generally provide the context for the current focus on and belief in technological, behaviour change, and especially market-based mitigation strategies. While current research trajectories are important and insightful, we believe that a deeper engagement with theoretical insights from the social sciences will produce richer understandings of transport mitigation in transport and briefly outline some of the contributions thinking on socio-technical transitions and practice theories can make.  相似文献   

In this study, the modal shift potential of introducing a free alternative (free public transportation) and of changing the relative prices of transportation is examined. The influence of a cognitive analysis on the zero-price effect is also analyzed. The data used for the analysis stem from a stated preference survey with a sample of approximately 670 respondents that was conducted in Flanders, Belgium. The data are analyzed using a mixed logit model. The modeling results yield findings that confirm the existence of a zero-price effect in transport, which is in line with the literature. This zero-price effect is increased by the forced cognitive analysis for shopping trips, although not for work/school or recreational trips. The results also demonstrate the importance of the current mode choice in hypothetical mode choices and the importance of car availability. The influence of changing relative prices on the modal shift is found to be insignificant. This might be partially because the price differences were too small to matter. Hence, an increase in public transport use can be facilitated by the introduction of free public transport, particularly when individuals evaluate the different alternatives in a more cognitive manner. These findings should be useful to policy makers evaluating free public transport and considering how best to target and promote relevant policy.  相似文献   


This article considers the development of the international transport sector based on four globalization scenarios. These four images of the future transportation market are constructed at three different levels (global, European and Dutch). The possible consequences of these scenarios are mapped out not only by key aspects such as modal split and spatial organization but also by providing empirical insights into expected transport flows for both passenger and freight transport in 2020 based on data from 1995.  相似文献   

Examining transport futures with scenario analysis and MCA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change is a global problem and across the world the transport sector is finding it difficult to break projected increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions; there are very few contexts where deep reductions in transport CO2 emissions are being made. A number of research studies are now examining the potential for future lower CO2 emissions in the transport sector. This paper develops this work to consider some of the wider sustainability impacts (economic, social and local environmental) as well as the lower CO2 transport impacts of different policy trajectories. Hence the central argument made is for an integrated approach to transport policy making over the longer term - incorporating scenario analysis and multi-criteria assessment (MCA) - to help assess likely progress against a range of objectives.The analysis is based on work carried out in Oxfordshire, UK. Different packages of measures are selected and two scenarios developed which satisfy lower CO2 aspirations, one of which also provides wider positive sustainability impacts. A simulation model has been produced to help explore the strategic policy choices and tensions evident for decision-makers involved in local transport planning. The paper argues for a ‘strategic conversation’ (Van der Heijden, 1996) at the sub-regional and city level, based upon future scenario analysis and MCA, discussing the priorities for intervention. Such an approach will help us examine the scale of change and trade-offs required in moving towards sustainable transport futures.  相似文献   

This paper considers the formative steps in the development of an expert system for route selection in transport networks. It discusses the application of knowledge-based system (KBS) technology to the production of an expert system to provide route guidance information for some groups of urban travellers. There is a focus on the possibilities for applying a ‘fifth generation’ programming language, such as PROLOG, to the solution of network path selection problems, and the maintenance of a dynamic network database. There are significant arguments both for and against the use of the fifth generation languages, and the alternatives are discussed in speculative terms, on the basis of trials and experiments with PROLOG. The paper develops the specifications for a route guidance KBS for urban road travel, noting that one particular concern is that of providing the most suitable advice to a given traveller, rather than the system-wide rating of ‘best’ advice. Driver attitudes, behaviour, preferences, and vehicle characteristics differ widely, and the degree of satisfaction with any advice provided would depend largely on how closely the expert system could match the preferences of the individual traveller. Thus the system would need to gauge the characteristics of the user as well as those of the network under consideration. Further, prototype route guidance KBS are probably better directed at some clearly defined groups of urban travellers, such as commercial vehicle operations, rather than as community-wide systems.  相似文献   

A smart design of transport systems involves efficient use and allocation of the limited urban road capacity in the multimodal environment. This paper intends to understand the system-wide effect of dividing the road space to the private and public transport modes and how the public transport service provider responds to the space changes. To this end, the bimodal dynamic user equilibrium is formulated for separated road space. The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) model is employed to depict the dynamics of the automobile traffic for its state-dependent feature, its inclusion of hypercongestion, and its advantage of capturing network topology. The delay of a bus trip depends on the running speed which is in turn affected by bus lane capacity and ridership. Within the proposed bimodal framework, the steady-state equilibrium traffic characteristics and the optimal bus fare and service frequency are analytically derived. The counter-intuitive properties of traffic condition, modal split, and behavior of bus operator in the hypercongestion are identified. To understand the interaction between the transport authority (for system benefit maximization) and the bus operator (for its own benefit maximization), we examine how the bus operator responds to space changes and how the system benefit is influenced with the road space allocation. With responsive bus service, the condition, under which expanding bus lane capacity is beneficial to the system as a whole, has been analytically established. Then the model is applied to the dynamic framework where the space allocation changes with varying demand and demand-responsive bus service. We compare the optimal bus services under different economic objectives, evaluate the system performance of the bimodal network, and explore the dynamic space allocation strategy for the sake of social welfare maximization.  相似文献   

Due to limited data availability only a few studies have been able to provide statistically significant evidence on cost overruns in transport infrastructure investments and their systematic nature, and fewer still for road infrastructure investments. The body of available evidence refers to the most economically developed countries, while very little evidence was found regarding other countries. In this article the authors focus on cost performance of road infrastructure constructed through the National Motorway Construction Programme in Slovenia. Methodologically the study departs from other studies in this field by building on detailed expenditure data and not aggregate reports from the relevant institution. This enabled the analysis of four individual project cost categories (construction cost, land acquisition damages and others) and comparably more accurate results. A representative sample of randomly selected completed projects in the period 1995–2007 revealed that the cost overruns (19%; SD = 46.10%) in the entire period studied do not appear to be higher than in other comparable studies. At the same time the study results showed that cost overruns were unstable, i.e. much higher for older projects.  相似文献   

Logistics performance evaluation of provinces is considered in this study. To do so, a three-step solution approach is developed: (i) determination of 16 geographic and economic indicators, (ii) using geographic information system to assign a logistics score and (iii) prioritizing the indicators and ranking the provinces using multi-criteria decision analysis tools. Proposed methodology is applied to 81 provinces in Turkey as a case study. Results show that the provinces of Istanbul, Izmir, and Hatay are the pioneers. The proposed methodology provides the ability to analyze the impacts of indicators on logistics performance and create a logistics performance map of countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, a decision support approach is proposed for condition-based maintenance of rails relying on expert-based systems. The methodology takes into account both the actual conditions of the rails (using axle box acceleration measurements and rail video images) and the prior knowledge of the railway track. The approach provides an integrated estimation of the rail health conditions to support the maintenance decisions for a given time period. An expert-based system is defined to analyse interdependency between the prior knowledge of the track (defined by influential factors) and the surface defect measurements over the rail. When the rail health conditions is computed, the different track segments are prioritized, in order to facilitate grinding planning of those segments of rail that are prone to critical conditions. In this paper, real-life rail conditions measurements from the track Amersfoort-Weert in the Dutch railway network are used to show the benefits of the proposed methodology. The results support infrastructure managers to analyse the problems in their rail infrastructure and to efficiently perform a condition-based maintenance decision making.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the risk of a toxic release during transport is greater in poor and minority neighborhoods using a combination of mapping and statistical methods. Cluster analysis is used to examine the density of facilities and transport spill events as well as test for the spatial covariance between facilities and spills. Strong clustering of transport spills is evident, as well as clustering between factory sites and transport spills. A spatial model demonstrates raised rates of transport spills surrounding clusters of toxic firms. Most spills in Los Angeles occurred within 2 km of an intermodal facility. The last step of the analysis compares risk and facility clustering between neighborhoods and socio-economic groups, finding that hazmat spills during transport disproportionately occur in Latino neighborhoods in Los Angeles. The results clarify the spatial distribution of risk and nuisance from freight in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

An end-user query of a Geographical Information System (GIS) can formally be defined as the application of a set of operators (spatial or not). Geographical Information Systems used for Transportation (GIS-T) must provide a path evaluation operator. For example, an end-user query may involve a selection based on alphanumeric criteria, an evaluation of path, and a spatial intersection. This composition of operators and the fact that the evaluation of a path may not provide a unique result impose the definition of a query resolution model or a database query language able to support this composition. In this paper we present a query resolution model. The use of multi-criteria analysis and the definition of aggregates in a query (nearly mandatory) may involve ambiguities in the final presentation of the results to an end-user. The formal modeling of query results must take into account this risk. The philosophies of a query definition and the presentation of the results may be different (e.g., formular vs visual). The management of query results must take into account the data model associated with the query results, the results themselves (metabase/database), and the interpretation. The interpretation avoids errors due to visual ambiguities of an operator with an aggregate function.  相似文献   

In the present paper a modal split problem is analysed by means of two competing statistical models, the traditional logit model and the new technique for information processing, viz. the feedforward neural network model. This study aims to explore the modal split between rail and road transport modes in Italy in relation to the introduction of a new technological innovation, the new High-Speed Train. The paper is sub-divided into two major parts. The first part offers some general considerations on the use of neural networks in the light of the increasing number of empirical applications in the specific area of transport economics. The second part describes the Italian case study by using the two above mentioned statistical models. The results highlights the fact that the two adopted models, although methodologically different, are both able to provide a reasonable spatial forecasting of the phenomenon studied. In particular, the neural network model turns out to have a slightly better performance, even though there are still critical problems inherent in its application.  相似文献   

A method of estimating the effect of sampling error on derived results is described. The technique involves the division of the full sample into overlapping subsamples and the subsequent parallel processing of these subsamples. The particular advantage of the technique is the way in which it can be used to follow automatically the effect of sampling variance through the most complex operations, such as the calibration of a transport model.  相似文献   

Maintenance activities can be performed throughout the lifetime of a particular facility or piece of equipment, thereby affecting its quality in a continuous fashion. It is assumed in this paper that quality of a facility is determined by natural factors, rate of use and maintenance investments while demand for the facility is assumed to be a function of its quality. A dynamic optimization model in the form of a simple linear optimal control problem is then developed in order to determine optimal maintenance policies under these circumstances. Bang-bang and singular policies are derived and given economic interpretations. An algorithm is presented for numerical solution of the Pontryagin necessary conditions. Finally, sufficiency conditions are obtained for the model structure considered.  相似文献   

Transport sector’s substantial contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions has made it a growing area of study and concern. In order to identify trends and characteristics of carbon emissions research in the transportation sector we conducted a Bibexcel and complex network analysis for the period 1997–2016. In addition, we identify critical themes and contributions of research articles using h-index, PageRank and cluster analysis. We report contribution of countries, authors, institutions and journals, as well as performance of citations and keywords. Co-citing situations between different countries, authors, and institutions are also analyzed using network analysis. Between 1997 and 2016 we found a rise in publications on carbon emissions in the transportation sector and increased cooperation between countries, authors, and institutions. Authors from the USA, China and United Kingdom published the most articles and articles with the highest academic influence. Tsinghua University from China is the leading institution in carbon emissions research in the transportation sector. The most widely published author and cited author is Dr. He. We conclude our analysis by analyzing keywords and trends to suggest critical topic areas of future research. The systematic approach undertaken in this study can be extended and applied to other research topics and fields.  相似文献   

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