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We consider a network with interactions and capacity constraints at each junction. We give conditions on the interactions and constraints which, if satisfied at each separate junction, ensure that any feasible assignment problem has an equilibrium solution. Two illustrative examples are provided; the first arises naturally and does not satisfy our conditions, while the second does satisfy our conditions but is somewhat unnatural.  相似文献   

We consider the traffic equilibrium problem when the travel demand is inelastic and stationary in time. Junction interactions, which abound in urban road networks, are permitted. We prove that the set of equilibria (solutions to the assignment problem) is convex when certain monotonicity and continuity conditions are statisfied at each junction.  相似文献   

The paper shows that, under reasonable conditions, if there are junction or modal interactions then a Wardrop equilibrium exists but a user—optimised flow may well not.  相似文献   

E-commerce, due to its ability to re-direct consumers from physical stores to online, can potentially alleviate traffic congestion. In this paper, we set up a theoretic model to analyze interactions between a firm’s distribution strategy and traffic congestion. In an unregulated economy, we first characterize the private firm’s optimal strategy concerning e-commerce under the influence of traffic congestion. We then examine a centralized economy where the firm is publicly owned and derive the distribution strategy that maximizes social welfare. Comparing the two cases, we show that the private firm’s incentives may deviate from the socially optimal decisions, which leads to inefficiency. We identify two effects, i.e., monopoly effect and congestion externality effect, which drive the private firm to deviate from the social optimum. Based on our analysis, we propose a differentiated tolls/rebates policy to achieve maximum social welfare. Under such a policy, the firm will not only adopt the socially optimal distribution strategy but offer the socially optimal quantities.  相似文献   

The values of the dual variables in a constrained optimisation problem can be used to estimate the sensitivity of the optimal value of the objective function to changes in the constraints. Allsop (1972) used standard methods of linear programming to derive expressions for the sensitivity of the reserve capacity at a signal-controlled road junction to various changes in the traffic engineering constraints. That analysis used the assumption that the maximum reserve capacity would be achieved when the cycle time used is maximal. While this normally occurs, some junctions have come to light where a reduction in the cycle time increases the capacity. Allsop's analysis is extended here to account for this possibility.  相似文献   

In two recent papers published in Transportation Research, Daganzo presented a modification of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm to solve certain link capacitated traffic assignment problems satisfying certain conditions. In order to show convergence of the modified algorithm, the assumption was made that the integral of the volume delay formula for each link tends to infinity as the link flow approaches the link capacity. In this paper we give a Theorem which establishes convergence of the modified algorithm under much weaker conditions. This result is then used to show convergence if the objective function of the assignment model is sufficiently large (not necessarily infinite) when the link flows are at capacity. Thus the modified method is applicable to a broader class of assignment problems. Two numerical examples illustrate (a) when the method converges and when it does not, and (b) that our Theorem provides a weaker condition for convergence of the method.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a general stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) traffic assignment problem with link capacity constraints. It first proposes a novel linearly constrained minimization model in terms of path flows and then shows that any of its local minimums satisfies the generalized SUE conditions. As the objective function of the proposed model involves path‐specific delay functions without explicit mathematical expressions, its Lagrangian dual formulation is analyzed. On the basis of the Lagrangian dual model, a convergent Lagrangian dual method with a predetermined step size sequence is developed. This solution method merely invokes a subroutine at each iteration to perform a conventional SUE traffic assignment excluding link capacity constraints. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed model and solution method.  相似文献   

Consider a city with several highly compact central business districts (CBD), and the commuters’ destinations from each of them are dispersed over the whole city. Since at a particular location inside the city the traffic movements from different CBDs share the same space and do not cancel out each other as in conventional fluid flow problems albeit travelling in different directions, the traffic flows from a CBD to the destinations over the city are considered as one commodity. The interaction of the traffic flows among different commodities is governed by a cost–flow relationship. The case of variable demand is considered. The primal formulation of the continuum equilibrium model is given and proved to satisfy the user optimal conditions, and the dual formulation of the problem and its complementary conditions are also discussed. A finite element method is then employed to solve the continuum problem. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a trajectory clustering method to discover spatial and temporal travel patterns in a traffic network. The study focuses on identifying spatially distinct traffic flow groups using trajectory clustering and investigating temporal traffic patterns of each spatial group. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a systematic framework for clustering and classifying vehicle trajectory data, which does not require a pre-processing step known as map-matching and directly applies to trajectory data without requiring the information on the underlying road network. The framework consists of four steps: similarity measurement, trajectory clustering, generation of cluster representative subsequences, and trajectory classification. First, we propose the use of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) between two vehicle trajectories as their similarity measure, assuming that the extent to which vehicles’ routes overlap indicates the level of closeness and relatedness as well as potential interactions between these vehicles. We then extend a density-based clustering algorithm, DBSCAN, to incorporate the LCS-based distance in our trajectory clustering problem. The output of the proposed clustering approach is a few spatially distinct traffic stream clusters, which together provide an informative and succinct representation of major network traffic streams. Next, we introduce the notion of Cluster Representative Subsequence (CRS), which reflects dense road segments shared by trajectories belonging to a given traffic stream cluster, and present the procedure of generating a set of CRSs by merging the pairwise LCSs via hierarchical agglomerative clustering. The CRSs are then used in the trajectory classification step to measure the similarity between a new trajectory and a cluster. The proposed framework is demonstrated using actual vehicle trajectory data collected from New York City, USA. A simple experiment was performed to illustrate the use of the proposed spatial traffic stream clustering in application areas such as network-level traffic flow pattern analysis and travel time reliability analysis.  相似文献   

The Equilibrium Network Traffic Signal Setting problem is an open research area. It can be approached using global optimization models or iterative procedures. In this paper, after a brief review of the state of the art, the main characteristics of the iterative procedure ENETS are described. In this procedure, traffic signal setting is performed in two successive steps: green timing and scheduling at each junction, and signal coordination on the network. Green timing and scheduling at a single junction is based on a mixed-binary linear program with capacity factor maximization. Signal coordination for the whole network is performed by solving a discrete programming model with total delay minimization. The flow assignment stage refers to the separable user equilibrium model with fixed demand, and uses a feasible direction algorithm, which can also be adopted to cover the cases of elastic demand and/or asymmetric equilibrium. An experimental test of ENETS on a small network and a graphical explanation of the procedure are described and discussed.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on Network Traffic Control based on aggregate traffic flow variables, aiming at signal settings which are consistent with within-day traffic flow dynamics. The proposed optimisation strategy is based on two successive steps: the first step refers to each single junction optimisation (green timings), the second to network coordination (offsets). Both of the optimisation problems are solved through meta-heuristic algorithms: the optimisation of green timings is carried out through a multi-criteria Genetic Algorithm whereas offset optimisation is achieved with the mono-criterion Hill Climbing algorithm. To guarantee proper queuing and spillback simulation, an advanced mesoscopic traffic flow model is embedded within the network optimisation method. The adopted mesoscopic traffic flow model also includes link horizontal queue modelling. The results attained through the proposed optimisation framework are compared with those obtained through benchmark tools.  相似文献   

Area traffic control is an important element in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This paper extends the lane‐based optimization method to a traffic equilibrium network, which improves the operational performance of signal‐controlled network. We formulate a decomposition approach to simultaneously optimize the lane markings and signal settings for a signal‐controlled network that comprises two levels of optimization. At the junction level, the lane markings, control sequence, and other aspects of the signal settings are optimized for individual junctions, whereas at the network level, the group‐based signal settings are optimized to take into account the re‐routing characteristics of travelers and signal coordination effects that are based on a TRANSYT traffic model, which is a well‐known procedure for evaluating the performance of signal‐controlled networks. We use a numerical example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reliability of information on prevailing trip times on the links of a network as a basis for route choice decisions by individual drivers. It considers a type of information strategy in which no attempt is made by some central controller or coordinating entity to predict what the travel times on each link would be by the time it is reached by a driver that is presently at a given location. A specially modified model combining traffic simulation and path assignment capabilities is used to analyze the reliability of the real-time information supplied to the drivers. This is accomplished by comparing the supplied travel times (at the link and path levels) to the actual trip times experienced in the network after the information has been given. In addition, the quality of the decisions made by drivers on the basis of this information (under alternative path switching rules) is evaluated ex-post by comparing the actually experienced travel time (given the decision made) to the time that the driver would have experienced without the real-time information. Results of a series of simulation experiments under recurrent congestion conditions are discussed, illustrating the interactions between information reliability and user response.  相似文献   

Recently there has been much interest in understanding macroscopic fundamental diagrams of stationary road networks. However, there lacks a systematic method to define and solve stationary states in a road network with complex junctions. In this study we propose a kinematic wave approach to defining, analyzing, and simulating static and dynamic traffic characteristics in a network of two ring roads connected by a 2 × 2 junction, which can be either an uninterrupted interchange or a signalized intersection. This study is enabled by recently developed macroscopic junction models of general junctions. With a junction model based on fair merging and first-in-first-out diverging rules, we first define and solve stationary states and then derive the macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) of a stationary uninterrupted network. We conclude that the flow-density relationship of the uninterrupted double-ring network is not unique for high average network densities (i.e., when one ring becomes congested) and unveil the existence of infinitely many stationary states that can arise with a zero-speed shockwave. From simulation results with a corresponding Cell Transmission Model, we verify that all stationary states in the MFD are stable and can be reached, but show that randomness in the retaining ratio of each ring drives the network to more symmetric traffic patterns and higher flow-rates. Furthermore we model a signalized intersection as two alternate diverge junctions and demonstrate that the signalized double-ring network can reach asymptotically periodic traffic patterns, which are therefore defined as “stationary” states in signalized networks. With simulations we show that the flow-density relation is well defined in such “stationary” states, and asymptotic traffic patterns can be impacted by signal cycle lengths and retaining ratios. But compared with uninterrupted interchanges, signalized intersections lead to more asymmetric traffic patterns, lower flow-rates, and even gridlocks when the average density is higher than half of the jam density. The results are consistent between this study and existing studies, but the network kinematic wave model, with appropriate junction models, is mathematically tractable and physically meaningful. It has offered a more complete picture regarding the number and type of stationary states, their stability, and MFD in freeway and signalized networks.  相似文献   

In this study we proceeded to test the relative efficiencies of the two main computational techniques now available for calculating the traffic equilibrium in multimodal networks, namely, the relaxation and projection methods. Since both of these methods solve at each step a mathematical programming problem, we first set out to test the Frank-Wolfe algorithm and the Dafermos-Sparrow algorithm and found the latter to be the more efficient algorithm. As expected, this was also the case when these algorithms were used to solve the mathematical programming problem at each step of the relaxation method. We then investigated how different versions of the projection method enhance its performance. Subsequently, we proceeded to our main goal to compare the best projection method with the relaxation method. We tested multimodal networks with three different classes of monotone travel cost functions and found that the form of the travel cost functions affects the performance of the two basic techniques available for computing the multimodal equilibrium.  相似文献   

The Dynamic System Optimum (DSO) traffic assignment problem aims to determine a time-dependent routing pattern of travellers in a network such that the given time-dependent origin-destination demands are satisfied and the total travel time is at a minimum, assuming some model for dynamic network loading. The network kinematic wave model is now widely accepted as such a model, given its realism in reproducing phenomena such as transient queues and spillback to upstream links. An attractive solution strategy for DSO based on such a model is to reformulate as a set of side constraints apply a standard solver, and to this end two methods have been previously proposed, one based on the discretisation scheme known as the Cell Transmission Model (CTM), and the other based on the Link Transmission Model (LTM) derived from variational theory. In the present paper we aim to combine the advantages of CTM (in tracking time-dependent congestion formation within a link) with those of LTM (avoiding cell discretisation, providing a more computationally attractive with much fewer constraints). The motivation for our work is the previously-reported possibility for DSO to have multiple solutions, which differ in where queues are formed and dissipated in the network. Our aim is to find DSO solutions that optimally distribute the congestion over links inside the network which essentially eliminate avoidable queue spillbacks. In order to do so, we require more information than the LTM can offer, but wish to avoid the computational burden of CTM for DSO. We thus adopt an extension of the LTM called the Two-regime Transmission Model (TTM), which is consistent with LTM at link entries and exits but which is additionally able to accurately track the spatial and temporal formation of the congestion boundary within a link (which we later show to be a critical element, relative to LTM). We set out the theoretical background necessary for the formulation of the network-level TTM as a set of linear side constraints. Numerical experiments are used to illustrate the application of the method to determine DSO solutions avoiding spillbacks, reduce/eliminate the congestion and to show the distinctive elements of adopting TTM over LTM. Furthermore, in comparison to a fine-level CTM-based DSO method, our formulation is seen to significantly reduce the number of linear constraints while maintaining a reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Toll road competition is one of the important issues under a build-operate-transfer (BOT) scheme, which is being encountered nowadays in many cities. When there are two or more competing firms and each firm operates a competitive toll road, their profits are interrelated due to the competitors' choices and demand inter-dependence in the network. In this paper we develop game-theoretic approaches to the study of the road network, on which multiple toll roads are operated by competitive private firms. The strategic interactions and market equilibria among the private firms are analyzed both in determining their supply (road capacity) and price (toll level) over the network. The toll road competition problems in general traffic equilibrium networks are formulated as an equilibrium program with equilibrium constraints or bi-level variational inequalities. Heuristic solution methods are proposed and their convergences are demonstrated with simple network examples. It is shown that private pricing and competition can be both profitable and welfare-improving.  相似文献   

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems allow vehicles to share state information with one another to improve safety and efficiency of transportation networks. One of the key applications of such a system is in the prediction and avoidance of collisions between vehicles. If a method to do this is to succeed it must be robust to measurement uncertainty and to loss of communication links. The method should also be general enough that it does not rely on constraints on vehicle motion for the accuracy of its predictions. It should work for all interactions between vehicles and not just a select subset. This paper presents a method to calculate Time to Collision for unconstrained vehicle motion. This metric is gated using a novel technique based on relative vehicle motion that we call “looming”. Finally, these ideas are integrated into a probabilistic framework that accounts for uncertainty in vehicle state and loss of vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Together this work represents a new way of considering vehicle collision estimation. These algorithms are validated on data collected from real world vehicle trials.  相似文献   

The optimal control performance of a single signal-controlled junction is investigated. Two existing methods for analysing this control problem are discussed. One of these, a combinatorial method, generates all possible control structures in terms of groupings of streams of traffic to have green together and the order in which right of way is granted. The other method allows an existing control structure to be optimised by convex programming techniques. Incompatibilities between these two approaches are illustrated and it is shown that they cannot be combined in a satisfactory manner. A new procedure is framed that allows a control structure generated by the combinatorial method to be optimised directly. This procedure is applied to an example junction to illustrate its use.  相似文献   

We consider the asymmetric equilibrium problem with fixed demands in a transportation network where the travel cost on each link may depend on the flow on this as well as other links of the network and we study how the travellers' cost is affected by changes in the travel demand or addition of new routes. Assuming that the travel cost functions are strongly monotone, we derive formulas which express, under certain conditions, how a change in travel demand associated with a particular origin-destination (O / D) pair will affect the travelers' cost for any O / D pair. We then use these formulas to show that an increase in the travel demand associated with a particular O / D pair (all other remaining fixed) always results in an increase in the travelers' cost on that O / D pair, however, the travelers' cost on other O / D pairs may decrease. We then derive formulas yielding, under certain conditions, the change in travelers' cost on every O / D pair induced by the addition of a new path. These can be used to determine, whether Braess' paradox occurs in the network. We then show that when a new path is added, the travelers' cost associated with the particular O / D pair joined by this path will decrease (hence Braess' paradox does not occur) if a test matrix is positive semidefinite.  相似文献   

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