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吴鸣岐 《世界海运》2006,29(4):36-37
随着海洋旅游业的发展,游船业成为国际旅游业发展最为迅猛的一块市场,且发展潜力巨大。阐述了世界游船业发展呈现出豪华型、大型化的特征,出现了消费群体年轻化、家庭旅游产品成为新卖点、主题旅游成为热销产品的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为给我国长江游船旅游市场发展提供思路,以2018―2021年近4年游船旅游的统计数据为基础,从游客、航线、游船和港口等4个方面分析长江游船旅游市场的现状。针对目前存在的不足提出建议:大力发展长江中下航线的旅游市场;游船运营方应提高服务质量;长江沿岸游船港口需完善基础设施,并区分游船母港和停靠港,根据需求进行规划建设。  相似文献   

1 世界游船业发展现状 游船旅游是一种特殊的旅游项目,随着海洋旅游业的迅速发展,乘船旅游将成为时尚。截至2003年底,全球具有一定规模的豪华游船公司大约有70家,共有265艘游船,总排水量为931万t,船员总数为117f人,最大载客能力约25万人。2001年,全球豪华游船游客近1000万人次。其他游船市场也日益兴旺,莱茵河、尼罗河年游船游客量均约600万人次。据国际游船协会估计,2003年,仅北美洲乘游船旅游的游客就达到830万人次。其他地区乘游船旅游的游客人次数持续增长。游船业不仅增长快,发展潜力巨大,而且经营利润丰厚。目前,就世界范围看,游船旅游主要集中在加勒比海域、希腊群岛海域和东南亚海域。这些海域气候温暖,可供登陆游览的港口多,港口城市拥有许多名胜古迹,且各登陆口岸之间的距离适中,因此成为理想的游船旅游的游览区域。  相似文献   

何孟辑 《游艇业》2006,(1):78-82
旅游产业被视为黄金产业。在发达国家.海洋旅游业产值一般都占到整个旅游业产值的2/3左右。浙江舟山普陀因其特有的地理、人文特征和消费水平,近年来旅游业有着突飞猛进的发展,而普陀的海洋旅游业具有极大的发展空间。游艇游船由于具有较高的消费档次,产业关联度,品牌效应等特征.成为普陀海洋旅游产品开发的精品.把普陀建设成为集观光,度假,娱乐等活动于一体的综合性的长三角游艇的度假天堂成为当地政府的一件大事。普陀区政府是如何考虑借游艇文化发展海上旅游休闲产业的.请看普陀区旅游局何孟辑先生的讲述。[编者按]  相似文献   

程爵浩 《船艇》2005,(5):6-10
我国经济近些年来持续和稳定的发展,为人们的户外休闲与游憩活动创造了极为有利的宏观条件;水上旅游作为有别于常规旅游的一种新型旅游方式,引起了广泛关注。我国传统的水路客运行业,从早期在国民经济中承担水路客运运输这一重要角色。向服务于新型的休闲、娱乐与旅游需求、高速客运需求这一角色转变,这一现象已成为业内共识。适应水上旅游需求的游船业正成为水上运输领域的新亮点。本文综合探讨我国水上旅游及旅游船的发展趋势。  相似文献   

珠江游是广州市特色水上旅游客运项目、广州旅游名片之一。本文从内河旅游客运角度,通过对广州珠江游现状进行调研与归纳,分析珠江游游船船型的现状及特征,根据广州珠江游发展需求,预测珠江游游船船型发展趋势,以期为珠江游游船码头建设提供参考。  相似文献   

随着社会经济不断发展和人民生活水平日益提高,珠江旅游业也在迅猛发展,但目前珠江东河道(即由珠江白鹅潭至黄埔军校河段)游船安全监管的现状与旅游业的发展不相适应,根据科学发展观的要求,为保障珠江游船航行及人民生命财产安全,满足大众越来越高的需求,推动旅游业和经济的发展,我们有必要对珠江游船安全监管的现状与对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

袁维春 《中国水运》2008,8(1):203-205
通过对三门峡市旅游业的反思,在分析旅游发展存在的问题基础上,针对旅游资源特点,提出提炼旅游形象、更新旅游产品、打造旅游品牌、拓展旅游市场等创新措施,促进其旅游业发展.  相似文献   

曹阳  张璟 《中国水运》2007,7(3):234-235
通过问卷调查的方式测评游客对上海黄浦江水上旅游的满意度,在通过游客基本情况调查、游客对码头服务评价、黄浦江游览评价、游船服务评价、游客对黄浦江旅游建议的数据分析中,提出提高游客满意度,改善黄浦江旅游的相关措施。  相似文献   

黎江船 《珠江水运》2005,(B10):19-22
桂林旅游股份有限公司漓江游船公司作为广西唯一一家从事漓江旅游客运的上市企业,是漓江上最具实力的游船企业,经过多年发展,目前公司拥有游船80多艘(8000多个客位,年接待能力可达300多万人次),同时公司还拥有部级文明码头竹江码头和大型餐饮配制中心(日供应量1.5万人次),是一家具有综合旅游接待能力的大型服务型公司。  相似文献   

在斜坡堤的设计中,堤心石规格选取关系到工程的实际施工可能性以及工程造价;人工护面块结构类型的选择关系到断面整体稳定性以及块体的使用耐久性;护面块稳定质量计算公式用于人工块体和自然块石时应有不同的要求。规范JTJ 298—1998《防波堤设计与施工规范》中的条文对上述几项内容只进行了简单描述。针对上述内容,对规范JTJ 298—1998的条文提出几点建议。  相似文献   

基于GMM和枪声的军事环境判别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
枪声在军事环境下是一个令人高度重视的声音信号。针对其所含信息量的重要性,提出了一种基于枪声检测的军事环境判断方法。首先利用基于中值滤波的算法检测出枪声的起止点;采取反应人耳听觉机理的声音信号动态特征-Mel倒谱系数描述声音信号;然后利用基于高斯混合模型的枪声检测及识别系统完成对枪声的分析从而实现对当前军事环境的判断。实验结果证明了该方法的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

间隙对拼组式浮桥静态响应的影响分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了减小浮桥在通载状态下的结构内力及浮桥拼组拆卸的方便,拼组式浮桥通常在设计的时候就在舟节之间留有一定的连接间隙.在以往的分析中大多忽略了这种间隙对浮桥变形和受力的影响,而简单地将浮桥简化为连续或者铰接梁体系进行数值或者解析求解,这种方法并不能准确地给出桥节之间连接间隙的存在及其大小对浮桥静态响应的影响.本文以拼组式浮桥的连接间隙为研究对象,建立全桥分析的三维有限元模型,并用非线性单元的组合对浮桥连接件的力学特性进行有限元模拟,通过计算与试验结果的比较,表明了本文方法的正确性;在此基础上本文研究了浮桥在静载荷作用下的位移响应及不同位置的连接件内力与连接件间隙之间的关系,为此类浮桥的设计提供了必要的参考,并为其后续的动力分析提供了必要的理论依据.  相似文献   

海上油气平台可燃气体探测器的布置、选型、安装和维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏锋  王洁  杨安 《中国造船》2007,48(B11):43-47
在海上平台油气生产中,有效地利用可燃气体探测器来检测海上生产设备的泄漏状况,并及时采取相应的保护措施,是保证油气生产和人身安全的重要一环。但目前对海上油气平台可燃气体探测器工程设计的系统研究却鲜见于国内外的工程文献中,针对这一现状,在研究国内外现有规范和标准以及工程设计经验的基础上,通过分析可能产生泄漏的工艺设备、可燃气体性质和外部环境等因素来确定可燃气体探测器的物理位置,同时完成可燃气体探测器的选型,并根据现场的工作环境合理安装可燃气体探测器,最后总结探测器使用维护中需要注意的问题。对可燃气体探测器的布置、选型、安装和维护的系统总结和分析研究为海上平台火气系统的设计提供了技术支持,从而进一步保障海上油气平台的生产安全。  相似文献   

结合目前国内外超空泡技术的发展,论述发展超空泡潜艇的必要性,介绍了超空泡技术基本原理。依据超空泡鱼雷的配置,提出“变形空化器”的概念;论证超空泡潜艇推进和控制系统的选择;分析导引设备和尾舵的作用以及可能出现的问题。结合4种超空泡航行体稳定模式,分析超空泡潜艇水下稳定性问题,提出超空泡潜艇发展设想。结合对潜艇操纵研究,分析超空泡潜艇的水动力特性问题。同时,对 Suboff潜艇模型进行了流场特性的仿真计算,结果表明:潜艇的头部、指挥室的迎风面、指挥室的两侧艇体和潜艇的尾翼均存在一定的沾湿区域。基于此结果,提出相应的改进方案。对超空泡潜艇未来主要工作进行展望。  相似文献   

Land use/transport models and economic assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the economic assessment of policies using land use/transport models. It argues that conventional forms of assessment focussing only on transport changes can underestimate the economic benefits of a policy. The paper argues that the benefits need to be measured by the changes of prices at the end of a trip and not just by the changes in travel costs. Models that do not estimate the changes of prices at the end of a trip cannot properly assess the impact of a policy.The model used in this paper is based on the MEPLAN software and estimates the location of households and employment and the interaction between them. It also estimates the cost of living for households and the production costs for employment. With these costs, it is possible to calculate the wider economic benefits beyond transport.The paper illustrates the assessment of policies for the Cambridge sub-region involving investment in public transport, orbital highway and congestion charging policies. The results forecast by the model are assessed in terms of the conventional cost-benefit using traveller’s surplus as benefits and compared with a wider assessment measure of compensation variation. It demonstrates that the last measure encompasses the wider benefits associated with transport policies which are not taken into account in conventional cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

从河床演变观点评荆江碾子湾河道的整治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江下荆江河段的碾子湾河道长度只有28km,分布着严重碍航的碾子湾浅滩,藕池口浅滩,石首锐弯与被泥沙沉积的石首港。1980年以来碾子湾河道发生严重的侵蚀与沉积。1995年2月至3月因碾子湾浅滩严重沉积使航道恶化,断航达29天,约500多艘江轮与6万多名旅客相继滞留在碾子湾河道上,在长江中游近代航运史上实属罕见。本文从近40多年来碾子湾的河床演变和鱼尾洲护岸工程角度评述碾子湾道与石首港恶化的原因,这  相似文献   

Fatigue crack propagation in marine structures is obviously governed by mechanics of the considerably different four levels of multi-scale problems. Problems of structural response to environmental loads have length scale of several hundred meters, whereas possible detectable size of cracks from initial defects in a weld is of the order of millimeters. Once a fatigue crack initiates, crack tip plasticity is of the order of several grain sizes, while the resulting fatigue crack growth in each load cycle is of the order of nanometers. In our previous work, the first author and their associates have developed the so-called CP-System, which can treat the first two multi-level problems as an integrated system. Furthermore, we have incorporated the third level of mechanics by using the stress intensity range corresponding to the repeated tensile plastic deformation ahead of the crack tip. In the present paper, we shall discuss a more rational integral equation-based formulation in order to integrate the third and fourth levels of micro-mechanics to the first two levels of continuum mechanics.The method is then applied to fatigue crack propagation under the effects of random sequence of clustered loading. As an example of the random sequence of clustered load, we shall use the so-called “storm model”. In the crack propagation simulation, we have to take into account of the plastic wake on the crack surfaces, whose thicknesses are influenced by the material parameters involved in the crack growth model. These parameters are first identified by the fatigue tests under combined constant and random loading using a CT specimen. Then, fatigue crack growth is investigated by numerical simulation and fatigue tests for various random sequences of clustered loading. The experimental and numerical results agree quite well with each other, and fatigue crack propagation is found to be considerably retarded under random sequence loading, so that the conventional equivalent stress approach may provide rather conservative results to the real seaway loading.  相似文献   

CTD-data obtained in the Azores Frontal Zone using a towed undulating vehicle are analyzed to study the relationship between characteristics of intrusions and mean parameters of the thermohaline field. A self-similar dependence between intrusion intensity and hydrological parameters is obtained. The most well-founded interpretation of the empirical dependence is as follows: (a) the main source supporting intrusive layering is the salt finger convection; (b) the abrupt decrease of intrusion intensity with the reduction of geostrophic Richardson number obtained from the analysis is explained by the beginning of turbulence when salt fingers do not work any longer, so the “driving force” for intrusive motion disappears. These results are consistent with the conclusions of the paper [Kuzmina N.P., Rodionov V.B., 1992. About the influence of baroclinicity upon generation of the thermohaline intrusions in the oceanic frontal zones. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Atmosperic and Oceanic Physics 28 (10–11), 1077–1086]. These conclusions imply that there are three main mechanisms of intrusive layering at oceanic fronts, namely the 2D baroclinic instability of geostrophic flow, the vertical shear instability and the thermohaline instability where the driving source of intrusive motion is double diffusive convection. The baroclinic and thermohaline instabilities can generate intrusions of large vertical scale, while vertical shear instability usually gives rise to thin turbulent layers. Turbulence in these thin layers can prevent salt finger convection and thus destroy the energy source of the intrusive motion conditioned by thermoclinicity. Therefore, the baroclinicity plays two parts in the processes of the intrusive layering: (1) it prevents double-diffusion interleaving by means of turbulence, and (2) it generates intrusions due to the 2D baroclinic instability of geostrophic current. Using features of thermohaline interleaving as a specific tracer of turbulent mixing, we have estimated turbulent mixing coefficient as ktRi−0.8 (Ri>1), where Ri is the geostrophic Richardson number. Application of the proposed approach to other frontal zones is discussed.  相似文献   

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