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e-Transformation in container ports means port organization-wide innovative transformation encompassing internal and external value chains based on information and communication technology. There is a considerable theoretical literature on the impact of e-Transformation on business performance, but there is very little empirical study on its effectiveness in ports. The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate how e-Transformation in container port management can influence customer satisfaction and port competitiveness. The findings reveal that e-Transformation in container ports can affect customer satisfaction and port competitiveness through e-Workplace, customer relationship management and security, implying that container ports should make every effort to focus on e-transformation in these critical areas. Due to limited empirical studies in this area, the findings have provided an empirical support for the importance of e-Transformation in container terminal management and shed more light on how e-Transformation can affect customer satisfaction and port competitiveness.  相似文献   

The post-9/11 maritime security scenario was characterized by intense rhetoric in the first few years, during which security measures such as the Container Security Initiative (CSI) and International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) code were adopted. This rhetoric resulted in a hasty implementation that precluded a detailed examination of security measures. Findings show that while rhetoric was useful for facilitating quicker adoption of security measures, it nonetheless prevented a fuller examination of security threats and responses, resulting in security gaps. This paper examines the effectiveness of the security responses and identifies some gaps in security coverage and other inefficiencies. Recommendations are also made to overcome these limitations.  相似文献   

东亚港口基于旺盛的贸易运输需求而在全球供应链体系中崛起,同时也因为港口拥挤等问题而存在降低贸易成本的空间。首先从全球供应链视角解析港口物流服务格局,突出了东亚地区、特别是中国港口的地位,评价港口物流的综合绩效和竞争状态,然后对发展趋势做出预测。研究发现:东亚港口将通过持续投资实现供给需求的动态平衡;日本地震引致的全球供应链重组将使港口物流服务发生结构性变化,东亚将加强跨国港口物流合作以满足区域经济一体化的要求。  相似文献   

Port choice is an important issue to be investigated to ensure the effective integration of container supply chains and the sustainable development of regional economy. The selection of appropriate ports to facilitate shipping activities and international trade is crucial for many stakeholders, including shipping lines, port administrators, cargo shippers and national governments. The task is essentially a process of multiple criterion decision-making (MCDM) under uncertainty, requiring analysts to derive rational decisions from uncertain and incomplete data related to different quantitative and qualitative determinants. This paper aims at proposing a new conceptual port choice method by explaining the role fuzzy logic in evidential reasoning in a complementary way, in which various forms of raw data (either objective or subjective) collected to evaluate port performance can first be converted into and presented as fuzzy grades defined using linguistics terms with degrees of belief (DoBs) and second be combined using evidential reasoning to produce a port choice preference score. The method is applied to analyse the selection of major Northeast Asian (NEA) container ports from a shipping line’s perspective. The outcome, a port choice preference score, is calculated using evidential reasoning to directly synthesize the true estimation of the port with respect to each criterion and therefore, unlike a relative ranking index, keeps the ‘goodness’ of port evaluation, capable of benchmarking a specific port’s performance and monitoring the increase of its competitiveness in a longitude study with respect to an individual criterion or all the criteria as a whole.  相似文献   

“集装箱安全计划”(CSI)是美国2002年实行的重要的海上安全措施之一,对全球港口及航运业带来深刻的影响。本文概述了CSI的主要内容,并对其最新进展情况进行追踪。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of risk factors from the container security initiative on Taiwan's shipping industry by employing a risk management matrix to identify the severity and frequency of CSI risk factors, and discovers some appropriate risk management alternatives. This paper's findings are as follows: (1) The majority of risk factors have a moderate-risk level, and possible alternative risk management measures include risk prevention, self-retention and insurance. (2) Ensuring a balance between the efficiency of maritime logistics and supply chain security is of vital importance to any trading countries dealing with security risk issues. (3) The government should encourage the private sector to design and market security hardware and software, which will promote the growth of the domestic security industry and generate employment opportunities.  相似文献   

Maritime security in a broad sense means more than piracy and terrorism. This paper concentrates on the risk potential of current and future resource-related activities on the seabed. The seabed mining of hard mineral resources??in addition to hydrocarbons??leads to new controversial maritime boundary claims of states in their effort to expand national access rights to raw materials. Outer continental shelf claims in the Arctic Ocean are today's test bench for law of the sea conflicts. Fiber-optic cables running through regional seas, straits, and land bridges may become another risky issue, while the pattern of maritime transport routes is moving from Northern to Southern waters. Under a medium-term perspective, the sea level rise will endanger ports and coasts. Borderlines of maritime zones will move and thus generate more injustice and conflicts among states. The tools to solve borderline conflicts and options for dispute settlement are available in UNCLOS. Some other legal gaps are covered by the 2005 SUA Convention and by bilateral agreements, while resolutions by the UN Security Council begin to broaden rights of intervention and interdiction. The need for new laws remains.  相似文献   

During the 1990s Argentina engaged in a process of restructuring and deregulation of its ports. The main objective of the reform was to increase efficiency and service quality and to reduce the size and role of the public sector in ports. Overall, it was expected to allow the transport sector to adjust its capacity to demand changes and to facilitate international trade while contributing to the reduction of the fiscal burden of this sector. This paper shows that the reform caused significant efficiency gains, allowing a 50% drop in container terminal handling price within five years in the most important ports. The paper also identifies outstanding issues that could impact the long-run sustainability of the gains achieved. Among these issues, emphasis is given to recent horizontal and vertical mergers in the Port of Buenos Aires and their consequences in terms of actual competition and access regulation.  相似文献   

During the 1990s Argentina engaged in a process of restructuring and deregulation of its ports. The main objective of the reform was to increase efficiency and service quality and to reduce the size and role of the public sector in ports. Overall, it was expected to allow the transport sector to adjust its capacity to demand changes and to facilitate international trade while contributing to the reduction of the fiscal burden of this sector. This paper shows that the reform caused significant efficiency gains, allowing a 50% drop in container terminal handling price within five years in the most important ports. The paper also identifies outstanding issues that could impact the long-run sustainability of the gains achieved. Among these issues, emphasis is given to recent horizontal and vertical mergers in the Port of Buenos Aires and their consequences in terms of actual competition and access regulation.  相似文献   

The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 heightened awareness about the vulnerability of all modes of transportation to terrorist attack. The issue of maritime security has therefore become a major concern in the international maritime sector over the past several years. Globalization has led to a strong growth in seaborne trade; however, it simultaneously increases vulnerability to not only terrorism but also international criminal activities that threaten the world's supply chain. For example, in 2008, the rise in piracy activities in the Gulf of Aden brought the issue of maritime security to the forefront of international debate. In addition to the direct impact on ships, crews and cargoes, and on the maritime industry and governments, piracy also threatens global seaborne trade, and has an impact on energy security and the environment [UNCTAD, 2009, Review of Maritime Transport 2009 (New York: United Nations)]. Maritime piracy can pose substantial risks to seaborne trades, with considerable commodities, ranging between raw materials and energy to high-value manufactured products, being shipped between global economic powerhouses [FU, X. W., NG, A. K. Y., LAU, Y. Y., forthcoming, The impacts of maritime piracy on global economic development: The case of Somalia. Maritime Policy and Management]. Maritime security management, including the definition of security, maritime risk assessment, security measures, the regulation and policy of maritime security in shipping and port-related business operations has been receiving growing attention, both in practice and research.  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed by Canada, the U.S.A. and Mexico and which came into effect on 1 January 1994, is a significant move towards further integration of the North American economies. This paper examines the likely impact of NAFTA on Canadian ports. Three channels of impact are identified. First, there are direct impacts on trade flows between Canada and its North American trading partners. In this regard we find that ports do not typically handle the types of products that are likely to be affected by NAFTA, and so the direct impacts may be minimal. Second, and more significantly, port catchment areas are likely to undergo substantial changes as they respond to a more competitive environment within the free trade area. Third, the transportation sector has itself been included in NAFTA, and Canadian ports will face increased competition from land based transportation modes. We conclude that ports in Canada must learn to work more consciously as agents of regional economic development.  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed by Canada, the U.S.A. and Mexico and which came into effect on 1 January 1994, is a significant move towards further integration of the North American economies. This paper examines the likely impact of NAFTA on Canadian ports. Three channels of impact are identified. First, there are direct impacts on trade flows between Canada and its North American trading partners. In this regard we find that ports do not typically handle the types of products that are likely to be affected by NAFTA, and so the direct impacts may be minimal. Second, and more significantly, port catchment areas are likely to undergo substantial changes as they respond to a more competitive environment within the free trade area. Third, the transportation sector has itself been included in NAFTA, and Canadian ports will face increased competition from land based transportation modes. We conclude that ports in Canada must learn to work more consciously as agents of regional economic development.  相似文献   

This paper is an initial exploration of inter-industry relationships and linkages in the context of automobile imports to the United States. It is our contention that the nature and structure of the engagement between automobile importers and shipping lines is central to understanding the evolution of the car carrier trade. Building on the literature on transactions costs, and supply and value chains, we show that the regimes currently governing car carriage services range from markets to vertical integration via network forms of engagement. We illustrate this through a detailed discussion of Japanese inter-firm networks and an examination of automobile import data to the US from 1980 to 2000. The findings raise important questions for future research on the impact of inter-industry relationships in various strategic decisions of steamship lines, shippers and port authorities including port entry, port choice and routeing, technological and investment choices, and trajectories of supply chain development.  相似文献   

This paper is an initial exploration of inter-industry relationships and linkages in the context of automobile imports to the United States. It is our contention that the nature and structure of the engagement between automobile importers and shipping lines is central to understanding the evolution of the car carrier trade. Building on the literature on transactions costs, and supply and value chains, we show that the regimes currently governing car carriage services range from markets to vertical integration via network forms of engagement. We illustrate this through a detailed discussion of Japanese inter-firm networks and an examination of automobile import data to the US from 1980 to 2000. The findings raise important questions for future research on the impact of inter-industry relationships in various strategic decisions of steamship lines, shippers and port authorities including port entry, port choice and routeing, technological and investment choices, and trajectories of supply chain development.  相似文献   

The critical nature of a seaport is a connection point. In addition to the effect on port operations, a port disruption will be a strain on trade flows and the various parties concerned. Climate change, oil spill, security, social and political instability are increasing concerns over the years which would lead to higher risks. With significant growing trade volume in Asia, there is a pressing need for comprehensive studies to prepare ports for disruptions. This paper aims to analyse and categorise the disruptions that have occurred in Asian ports and estimate the likelihood of recurrence based on the data since the year 1900. Results reveal a rising trend of disruptive events. Natural disasters and labour strikes are the two main causes of port disruptions, while natural disasters lead to the highest severity in terms of cargo tons affected. Mitigation strategies proposed in terms of both preventive and reactive measures are specifically designed to reduce the likelihood and severity of the various types of port disruptions. The paper provides recommendations on risk mitigation for relevant parties.  相似文献   

美国西海岸港口集装箱运输发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国西海岸港口承担了美国一半以上的集装箱运输量,其中大部分是美国与亚洲国家之间的贸易货物海运量,对我国等亚洲国家与美国间的国际贸易和集装箱海运有极其重要的影响。本文根据相关数据,分析美国西海岸港口集装箱运输的发展状况。  相似文献   

梳理和分析非洲港口发展格局和趋势能够为我国企业参与非洲港口投资、建设、运营提供参考。对非洲港口发展现状、特点和存在问题进行梳理和总结,展望未来发展趋势。与全球其他地区相比,非洲港口在全球海运贸易总规模中的份额较低,港口发展以装卸仓储等基础、传统服务为主,港城矛盾、堆场不足、集疏运通道不畅、现代化和信息化水平低等问题普遍存在。随着全球经济和经贸形势总体长驱稳定,非洲经济产业长期将维持稳定增长,未来非洲港口投资建设需求依旧旺盛,区域港口发展格局将不断演变,港产城一体化、陆上物流通道等建设将加快。  相似文献   

As supply chains become increasingly global and companies seek greater efficiencies, the importance of good, reliable land-based transport linkages to/from ports increases. This poses particular problems for the UK, with its high dependency on imported goods and congested ports and inland routes. It is conservatively estimated that container volumes through British ports will double over the next 20 years, adding to the existing problems. This paper investigates the potential for rail to become better integrated into port-based container flows, so as to increase its share of this market and contribute to a more sustainable mode split. It identifies the trends in container traffic through UK ports, establishes the role of rail within this market, and assesses the opportunities and threats facing rail in the future. The analysis combines published statistics and other information relating to container traffic and original research on the nature of the rail freight market, examining recent trends and future prospects. The paper concludes that this is an important market for rail, with considerable growth potential but to realize this it is important that a number of constraints are overcome, otherwise the long-term prospects for this rail market will be compromised.  相似文献   


Due to the constant risk of piracy and terrorist attacks which cause disturbances within international shipping of goods, barriers to the adoption of maritime security guidelines (MSGs) at European ports have become prevalent. In this paper, a conceptual framework was created to explore the perceived barriers that prevent compliance with MSGs. To verify the conceptual framework, empirical data were collected using a mixed-methods approach, which was comprised of interviews with national experts and a survey of 47% of Swedish ports involved in the shipping of goods. According to the presented framework, the perceived barriers of Swedish ports to compliance with MSGs were linked to collaborations within the Swedish Maritime Security stakeholder network, available resources and educational knowledge about security culture. In addition, the perceived barriers of smaller ports were linked to the adaptation to MSGs at different levels and the absence of specific tools of maritime security management. Due to an increased interest in international shipping of goods, this paper is currently one of few that addresses the barriers to compliance with MSGs. Moreover, the paper presents a general conceptual framework, novel managerial implications and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

As supply chains become increasingly global and companies seek greater efficiencies, the importance of good, reliable land-based transport linkages to/from ports increases. This poses particular problems for the UK, with its high dependency on imported goods and congested ports and inland routes. It is conservatively estimated that container volumes through British ports will double over the next 20 years, adding to the existing problems. This paper investigates the potential for rail to become better integrated into port-based container flows, so as to increase its share of this market and contribute to a more sustainable mode split. It identifies the trends in container traffic through UK ports, establishes the role of rail within this market, and assesses the opportunities and threats facing rail in the future. The analysis combines published statistics and other information relating to container traffic and original research on the nature of the rail freight market, examining recent trends and future prospects. The paper concludes that this is an important market for rail, with considerable growth potential but to realize this it is important that a number of constraints are overcome, otherwise the long-term prospects for this rail market will be compromised.  相似文献   

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