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风力发电机动态载荷是影响风机运行和寿命的重要因素,对动态载荷的分析一般采用模型仿真方法.本文针对1.5MW变速变桨风力发电机,基于Samcef for wind turbine(SWT)软件,应用梁单元和超单元进行了高精度建模.模型的控制部分利用曲线查询模拟.在额定风速的湍流风况下,对动态响应曲线、齿轮箱和主轴的两轴承处动态载荷进行了重点分析,揭示了曲线变化成因.通过与Blad-ed软件的仿真结果对比,证明SWT模型具有较高的有效性和参考价值. 相似文献
以浙江省金华市里岩垄坑2号隧道为工程背景,研究Ⅲ级围岩隧道爆破时衬砌动力响应.本文采用MinimateProTM振动监测仪对开挖洞与邻洞进行了爆破振动测量,并利用Midas GTS NX对双洞隧道进行数值模拟分析.研究结果表明:本洞初衬振动速度和位移的最大值发生在拱顶处,横向上的大小远小于纵向和竖向.对于纵向,拱顶及拱肩处的质点振动峰值速度远大于其他关键位置的,各关键位置的竖向位移和速度变化趋势相同,但仍是拱顶处最大;本洞初衬应力最大值位于拱腰处,先行洞应力最大值在左拱腰处;其速度与位移的最大值位于左拱肩;先行洞二衬与后行洞掌子面的纵向间距应为15~20 m.本文研究结果可为双洞隧道的爆破施工提供指导. 相似文献
以浙江省金华市里岩垄坑2号隧道为工程背景,研究Ⅲ级围岩隧道爆破时衬砌动力响应.本文采用MinimateProTM振动监测仪对开挖洞与邻洞进行了爆破振动测量,并利用Midas GTS NX对双洞隧道进行数值模拟分析.研究结果表明:本洞初衬振动速度和位移的最大值发生在拱顶处,横向上的大小远小于纵向和竖向.对于纵向,拱顶及拱肩处的质点振动峰值速度远大于其他关键位置的,各关键位置的竖向位移和速度变化趋势相同,但仍是拱顶处最大;本洞初衬应力最大值位于拱腰处,先行洞应力最大值在左拱腰处;其速度与位移的最大值位于左拱肩;先行洞二衬与后行洞掌子面的纵向间距应为15~20 m.本文研究结果可为双洞隧道的爆破施工提供指导. 相似文献
为研究填土边坡锚杆的动力响应特征与失效模式, 进行了锚杆格构支护土质边坡振动台模型试验, 采用正弦激励, 分别对边坡的加速度和锚杆的轴向应变进行了监测。分析结果表明: 在同一振动频率下, 锚杆轴向动应变幅值随加速度峰值的增大而增大; 加速度峰值较小时, 应变基本在固定正负值之间往复循环, 边坡处于稳定状态; 随着加速度峰值增大, 锚杆的最大与最小应变不再稳定, 但变化不是很大, 边坡仍处于稳定状态; 当加速度峰值达到破坏峰值时, 锚杆轴向应变不再具有规律性, 滑面处锚杆轴向应变突变最明显, 滑体与稳定体之间发生明显的相对位移。加速度峰值较小时, 中下层锚杆轴向应变较大, 中层锚杆应变约为顶层锚杆应变的2倍; 随着加速度峰值的增大, 顶层锚杆轴向应变逐渐变大, 主要由中上层锚杆承受荷载; 当加速度峰值达到破坏峰值时, 各层锚杆的动应变最大值急剧增大, 中层锚杆应变变化幅度最大, 振动过程中滑体与滑床之间出现明显分离, 锚杆被拔出。可见, 传统的边坡锚杆设计思想“强腰固脚”适合于地震设防烈度较小地区, 对于设防烈度较大地区, 锚杆设计时需适当增加上层锚杆和腰部锚杆的锚固长度。 相似文献
为了优化坡道上钢弹簧浮置板轨道的设计, 在考虑轮轨纵向作用关系与钢弹簧浮置板轨道特点的基础上, 运用多体动力学理论和有限元法建立了紧急制动条件下地铁车辆与钢弹簧浮置板轨道动力相互作用模型, 利用多体动力学软件UM验证了模型的有效性, 分析了车辆与轨道的动力响应。研究结果表明: UM软件与本文模型计算得到的车体纵向加速度和轮轨纵向力平均相对误差分别为1.3%、2.8%;在紧急制动过程中, 车体始终处于向前点头和纵向振动的状态, 导致前轮增载, 后轮减载; 由于板与板之间不连续, 钢轨和浮置板之间会产生纵向相对错动, 须注意钢轨与浮置板之间不协调的纵向变形; 间隔2组扣件布置一对隔振器方案(方案1) 所得板端钢轨垂向位移比板中大0.2 mm, 间隔2组扣件布置一对隔振器, 再间隔3组扣件布置一对隔振器方案(方案2) 所得板端钢轨垂向位移比板中小0.5 mm; 2种布置方案下, 轨道纵向变形相差不超过5%, 扣件和钢弹簧受到的纵向作用力相差不超过15%;短波轨道不平顺显著加剧了钢轨和浮置板的垂向振动效应, 不平顺状态下钢轨最大垂向加速度可达15g左右; 钢弹簧浮置板轨道可以降低传递到基础底部的垂向振动, 加速度降幅约为0.2 m·s-2, 但会显著放大低频段钢轨、浮置板的垂向振动, 振动量增幅约为15 dB。 相似文献
重载非均布荷载下沥青路面力学响应分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
选取不同的典型沥青路面结构,采用动态参数,进行了6个等级的非均布荷载作用下的8种路面结构有限元力学响应计算.结果表明:面层是沥青路面结构受力的最不利位置;在双矩形荷载作用下,沥青层底水平横向拉应力和拉应变最大值位于单轮底部中心偏外的位置;路表轮隙中心的应力状态主要和沥青面层厚度和交通荷载有关,随荷载增大,路表应力最大值作用点主要在轮缘外缘附近位置出现;路表最大剪应力随基层类型和沥青层厚度的不同而不同,路表最大剪应力出现在双轮及双轮之间的范围.所得结论可为重载条件下沥青路面设计指标的提出提供理论依据. 相似文献
The ship hull is simplified as a free beam with varying sections. Based on hydroelasticity and explosion mechanics theory,mechanical model and kinetic equation for hull girder vibration under non-contact explosion are established. The equation is solved by Wilson-θ algorithm. On the basis of the above principles,a structure kinetics analysis program is compiled. The dynamic response of supposed warship under air explosion is calculated conveniently and quickly. Under the explosion condition designed in the paper,the positive pressure period of non-contact explosion wave is much less than the natural periods of the first four modes of hull girder and the resonance of ship girder overall vibration can be avoided. The ratio of midship maximum moment to ultimate bearing strength under non-contact explosion accelerates with the increment of impact factor. 相似文献
连续梁在行驶车辆作用下的动态反应 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
把桥梁和车辆看作两个分离体系,把车辆视为二维非线性模型,并考虑到桥面的路面不平度影响,应用虚功原理和模态叠加法分别建立振动方程,在车辆与桥梁接触点采用接触力和位移协调的条件,利用迭代技术求解二者之间的相互作用力。以一座三跨连续梁为例,计算了该桥的动挠度曲线和相应的冲击系数。结果显示车辆在边跨行驶时中跨跨中截面的冲击系数要远大于车辆在中跨行驶时的冲击系数,桥梁在车辆动荷载作用下的冲击系数与车辆动力特性、车速、桥梁动力特性以及路面不平度等密切相关,仅仅看作桥梁基频的函数是过于简化的。 相似文献
用积分变换法求解了荷载列作用下简支曲线梁桥动力响应的解析解 .在讨论过程中将单轴、两轴和四轴三种荷载列模型用一标准荷载列模型来表示 ,使得荷载模型更具有普遍性 .在讨论过程中均采用标准函数 ,从而避免了公式推导过程中的不确定因素 .最后按本文所给出的计算方法编制了计算简支曲线梁在荷载列作用下的动力响应程序 ,得到了较好的结果 相似文献
为探明强震作用下断层上、下盘桥梁桩基动力响应差异,依托海南省海文大桥工程,通过振动台模型试验,研究了0.15g~0.60g地震动强度作用下断层上、下盘桩基的桩身加速度、桩顶相对位移、桩身弯矩响应规律差异与桩基损伤特征。研究结果表明:在不同地震动强度作用下,断层上、下盘桩基的桩顶加速度峰值相差0.291~0.488 m·s-2,桩顶加速度放大系数相差0.067~0.195,原因为断层对两侧岩土体影响范围存在差异与桩周岩土体“非线性”差异;随着地震动强度的增大,断层上、下盘桩基的桩顶相对位移差值逐渐增大,最大差值为0.77 mm;断层上、下盘桩基的弯矩最大值相差5.294~82.932 kN·m,且弯矩最大值均出现在覆盖层软硬土交界面与基岩面附近,原因在于下盘作为稳定盘,受上盘土体挤压作用,对下盘岩土体的振动剪切有一定抑制作用;地震动强度为0.35g时,断层上、下盘桩的最大弯矩均未超过抗弯承载力,满足海文大桥抗震设防烈度Ⅷ度(0.35g)的要求;地震动强度为0.35g~0.45g时,断层上盘桩的基频变化幅度较小,地震动强度为0.50g~0.60g时,断层上盘桩的基频显著降低,在桩顶与承台连接处、软硬土层界面与基岩面附近出现裂缝,说明此时桩基已发生损伤。可见,断层上盘桩基的桩身加速度峰值、桩顶相对位移与桩身弯矩动力响应指标均大于下盘桩基,断层上、下盘桩基动力响应变化规律差异显著,体现出显著的“断层上盘效应”,因此,强震作用下近断层桥梁桩基础抗震设计时,应着重考虑断层上盘桩基础的抗震承载能力。 相似文献
A numerical approach was developed to analyze the transient behavior of towed cable during ac- tively controlled deployment/retrieval (DR). The cable motion is described by the lumped parameter method, its corresponding boundary conditions are presented. In view of its varying length during DR, two auxiliary arguments are introduced to describe its continuous varying length and discrete number of nodes(equations), the length is determined by the pay out(or reel-in) rate, which is then used to determine the node number by a logic relation. For the discrete mathematical model of towed cable, an algorithm was developed to deal with the discrete governing equations. The simulation results indicate that the cable experiences more com- plex motions due to its varying length, and tension fluctuates seriously in the startup and ending stage of deployment/retrieval. The effect of towing ship's motion in waves on cable during deployment/retrieval is also considered via numerical simulation. 相似文献
依托铺前大桥实体工程, 基于人工质量模型和桩-土惯性相互作用机理, 通过振动台模型试验, 选用叠层剪切式模型箱, 模拟了自由场在地震作用下的振动反应, 分析了0.15g ~0.60g (g为重力加速度) 地震动强度下大直径桥梁嵌岩桩基础加速度、相对位移、弯矩等响应特性和损伤情况等。研究结果表明: 桩基础加速度峰值从桩底至桩顶呈增大趋势, 加速度放大系数随地震动强度的增大逐渐减小, 输入地震波为0.55g 时, 桩顶加速度放大系数趋于稳定值1.34;桩顶加速度时程响应频率低于桩底加速度时程响应频率, 上部覆盖层对地震波的放大作用和滤波效应明显; 随着地震动强度的增大, 桩顶相对位移峰值近似呈线性增大, 在0.15g ~0.60g 地震动强度下, 桩顶相对位移峰值变化范围为1.97~6.73mm; 桩基础弯矩沿桩长呈“3”字形变化, 上部软硬土层分界处和基岩面附近弯矩达到峰值, 并随地震动强度的增大而增大, 地震动强度为0.50g 时达190.9kN·m, 超过桩身抗弯承载力; 桩基础基频随地震动强度的增大呈整体降低趋势, 在0.50g 地震动强度下, 其基频较0.35g 地震动强度下低50.1%, 桩基础产生损伤; 桩顶与承台连接处、上部覆盖软硬土层界面和基岩面附近桩身在地震作用下易产生裂缝, 桥梁桩基础抗震设计时应着重考虑。 相似文献
Structural collapse under blast loads is a very complex process. For several decades, the engineering profession has considered some approaches to analyze the essential physics of collapse phenomena. Recently, the interest in this topic has risen to an apex since the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. A two-step analysis approach to capture the characteristics of structural collapse during explosions is proposed. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the performance of the presented approach. 相似文献
Severe water waves can induce seabed liquefaction and do harm to marine structures. Dynamic response of seabed with definite thickness induced by cnoidal water waves is investigated numerically. Biot's consolidation equations are employed to model the seabed response. Parametric studies are carried out to examine the influence of the air content in the pore water and the soil hydraulic conductivity. It is been shown that the air content and soil hydraulic conductivity can significantly affect the pore pressure in seabed. An increase of air content and/or a decrease of soil hydraulic conductivity can change the pore pressure gradient sharply. 相似文献
采用有限元方法, 建立了重载铁路路桥过渡段双线路基整体三维模型, 分析了动荷载作用下双线路基动力响应规律。研究发现: 相向移动荷载作用下路基横向上各点的位移曲线呈“W”形状, 路基左右两侧荷载作用面积中心下的位移最大; 路基左侧最大位移要大于右侧最大位移, 点离荷载中心越近, 该点位移波动变化越剧烈。结果表明: 荷载除对其作用一侧的路基位移有影响外, 又加剧了路基另一侧位移; 沿深度方向, 荷载对路基位移的影响逐渐减弱。 相似文献
By using the soil static and dynamic universal triaxial and torsional shear apparatus, a series of combined cyclic shear tests are performed to simulate the rotation in the principal stress direction induced by ocean wave. The tests include the cyclic preloading tests and liquefaction tests in the second loading on saturated loose sand with a relative density of 30%. The all tests are consolidated under isotropic condition. The effect of the cyclic preloading on the resistance to liquefaction of saturated loose sands under the condition of continuous rotation in the principal stress direction is investigated. Experimental data indicate that the void ratio of saturated sands has a negligible reduction after cyclic preloading. With the increase of the intensity of cyclic preloading (in the amplitude and in the number of cycles), the resistance to liquefaction in the second loading is increased continuously under the condition that the liquefaction does not occur during the cyclic preloading. The reason is that the construction of more stable structure due to the uniformity of the void and the better interlocking of the particles when the cyclic preloading is applied to the saturated sand. 相似文献
The method of collaborative work between steel plate anti-wind bearing (AWB) and rubber isolation bearing is proposed to study the vibration reduction effect of isolation structure under stronger wind load, and the function mechanism is explained. Based on a practical project, three kinds of schemes with different isolation layers are put forward, the finite element software ETABS is used for time history analysis, and comparison is made on the seismic response of different isolated structure and aseismic structure. Comparison result shows that the isolation layer with rubber bearing and AWB can work reasonably, but further optimization on the designed parameters is needed. Moreover, the design value of horizontal bearing capacity of lead rubber bearing (LRB) is appropriate to be close to the seismic isolation layer under wind load excitation. Finally, numerical simulation and comparative analysis of shear test of the AWB are conducted. With a very small yield displacement and yield strength over 80% of the set of horizontal bearing capacity, the AWB is validated to satisfy the working conditions which provide the horizontal bearing capacity under normal operating conditions and designed earthquake. The AWB yields and malfunctions, when the maximum displacement is less than the displacement of the isolation layer. 相似文献
涡轮增压器在发动机工作过程中主要是增加供气量,促进燃油完全燃烧,从而起到提升动力和降低尾气排放的作用,因此增压器工况的好坏直接影响到车辆动力性和环保性,所以,对增压器轴承润滑和动平衡等技术要求非常高。本主要根据在实际工作中遇到的涡轮增压器故障现象进行分析判断引起故障的原因,以明确故障所在和根源,减少更换增压器引起的经济损失及如何使用和维护增压器。 相似文献