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The most critical issue in the steel catenary riser design is to evaluate the fatigue damage in the touchdown zone accurately. Appropriate modeling of the riser-soil resistance in the touchdown zone can lead to significant cost reduction by optimizing design. This paper presents a plasticity model that can be applied to numerically simulate riser-soil interaction and evaluate dynamic responses and the fatigue damage of a steel catenary riser in the touchdown zone. Utilizing the model, numerous riser-soil elements are attached to the steel catenary riser finite elements, in which each simulates local foundation restraint along the riser touchdown zone. The riser-soil interaction plasticity model accounts for the behavior within an allowable combined loading surface. The model will be represented in this paper, allowing simple numerical implementation. More importantly, it can be incorporated within the structural analysis of a steel catenary riser with the finite element method. The applicability of the model is interpreted theoretically and the results are shown through application to an offshore 8.625″ steel catenary riser example. The fatigue analysis results of the liner elastic riser-soil model are also shown. According to the comparison results of the two models, the fatigue life analysis results of the plasticity framework are reasonable and the horizontal effects of the riser-soil interaction can be included.  相似文献   

The mechanical performance of a flexible riser is more outstanding than other risers in violent environmental conditions. Based on the lumped mass method, a steep wave flexible riser configuration attached to a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) has been applied to a global analysis in order to acquire the static and dynamic behavior of the flexible riser. The riser was divided into a series of straight massless line segments with a node at each end. Only the axial and torsional properties of the line were modeled, while the mass, weight, and buoyancy were all lumped to the nodes. Four different buoyancy module lengths have been made to demonstrate the importance of mode selection, so as to confirm the optimum buoyancy module length. The results in the sensitivity study show that the flexible riser is not very sensitive to the ocean current, and the buoyancy module can reduce the Von Mises stress and improve the mechanical performance of the flexible riser. Shorter buoyancy module length can reduce the riser effective tension in a specific range of the buoyancy module length when other parameters are constant, but it can also increase the maximum curvature of the riser. As a result, all kinds of the riser performances should be taken into account in order to select the most appropriate buoyancy module length.  相似文献   

Bundled hybrid offset riser (BHOR) global strength analysis, which is more complex than single line offset riser global strength analysis, was carried out in this paper. At first, the equivalent theory is used to deal with BHOR, and then its global strength in manifold cases was analyzed, along with the use of a three-dimensional nonlinear time domain finite element program. So the max bending stress, max circumferential stress, and max axial stress in the BHOR bundle main section (BMS) were obtained, and the values of these three stresses in each riser were obtained through the "stress distribution method". Finally, the Max Von Mises stress in each riser was given and a check was made whether or not they met the demand. This paper provides a reference for strength analysis of the bundled hybrid offset riser and some other bundled pipelines.  相似文献   

对海洋钢悬链线立管(SCR)与土体的相互作用研究越来越得到业界的重视,不同计算方法得到的结果准确性如何尚未做过对比分析.文章采用有限元法和有限差分法对管—土的相互作用进行了数值计算.在有限差分法中采用弹簧单元,在有限元法中采用接触单元模拟悬链线立管与海床土体的相互作用,得到端部施加不同位移载荷下的立管弯矩、土体反力、触底点位置并与实验结果作比较.分析了端部位移载荷大小对触地点(TDP)位置及对土体反力的影响.文中采用的方法在模拟静态端部位移加载下的管—土相互作用与实验结果吻合较好.为进一步模拟循环载荷下管—土相互作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

海管(立管)是海底生产系统和浮武装置之间的关键连接.随着海洋油气开发水深的不断增加,对海管(立管)自身以及辅助施工设备的性能都提出了更高要求,施工及正常作业的安全保证愈加重要.基于立管分析软件Orcaflex,针对项目中的SCR立管进行了安装分析,并依据规范进行应力、应变校核,可为深水安装分析及方案的确定提供一定的技术参考和理论支持.  相似文献   

钢悬链线立管的疲劳分析得到越来越多的重视,尤其是其与海床土体相互作用引起的疲劳。本文根据 Aubeny提出的管土作用模型以及 Bridge提出的土体吸力模型,采用有限元方法,在考虑其与海床土体相互作用的基础上,分析了钢悬链线立管在不同载况作用下的动力响应及疲劳损伤。分析发现,钢悬链线立管上触地点和悬挂点处的疲劳损伤更为显著;洋流载荷对立管疲劳损伤的影响随着水深的增加而减弱;土体吸力的存在,会增大触地段尤其是触地点附近的疲劳损伤;立管触地点附近的疲劳损伤与土体刚度呈正相关。  相似文献   

钢悬链线立管的疲劳分析得到越来越多的重视,尤其是其与海床土体相互作用引起的疲劳。本文根据Aubeny提出的管土作用模型以及Bridge提出的土体吸力模型,采用有限元方法,在考虑其与海床土体相互作用的基础上,分析了钢悬链线立管在不同载况作用下的动力响应及疲劳损伤。分析发现,钢悬链线立管上触地点和悬挂点处的疲劳损伤更为显著;洋流载荷对立管疲劳损伤的影响随着水深的增加而减弱;土体吸力的存在,会增大触地段尤其是触地点附近的疲劳损伤;立管触地点附近的疲劳损伤与土体刚度呈正相关。  相似文献   

A ship is operated under an extremely complex environment, and waves and winds are assumed to be the stochastic excitations. Moreover, the propeller, host and mechanical equipment can also induce the harmonic responses. In order to reduce structural vibration, it is important to obtain the modal parameters information of a ship. However, the traditional modal parameter identification methods are not suitable since the excitation information is difficult to obtain. Natural excitation technique-eigensystem realization algorithm (NExT-ERA) is an operational modal identification method which abstracts modal parameters only from the response signals, and it is based on the assumption that the input to the structure is pure white noise. Hence, it is necessary to study the influence of harmonic excitations while applying the NExT-ERA method to a ship structure. The results of this research paper indicate the practical experiences under ambient excitation, ship model experiments were successfully done in the modal parameters identification only when the harmonic frequencies were not too close to the modal frequencies.  相似文献   

从试验和数值模拟两个方面总结评述了近年来钢悬链立管管土作用方面的研究成果。在试验方面,阐述了钢悬链立管管土作用的非线性行为及其对管道应力和弯矩的影响,其中海床吸力、海床刚度衰减和沟槽的形成增加了钢悬链立管管土作用的复杂性;在数值模拟方面,重点阐述了节点弹簧约束模型,将钢悬链立管看作一根置于一系列非线性弹簧上的梁,利用P-y曲线来表示海床刚度;同时对今后需要继续深化的研究进行了展望,为国内钢悬链立管管土相互作用研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

The subsea survey results using remote operating vehicles (ROV) show that trenches with a depth of several riser diameters can be developed underneath the steel catenary risers (SCR). Therefore, an important question in respect of the riser–seabed interaction is, how the trench formation beneath the riser affects the riser fatigue performance in the touchdown zone. A common methodology reported in literature to study the impact of trench formation on riser fatigue life is the insertion of an artificial mathematical expression of the riser profile into the seabed. This study shows that such methodology can be inconsistent and leading to contradictory results. The current paper has employed ABAQUS finite element software and coded a non-linear soil hysteretic model to automatically simulate the variable seabed stiffness and the gradual trench development through the touchdown zone. In this method, the seabed model parameters are initially adjusted to extreme values allowing trench with desired depth to be developed over a moderate number of displacement cycles of the SCR. The design wave scatter diagram is then applied, simulating a generic Spar system, after switching the model parameters to values with normal range. The paper presents the impact of trenches of different depths on the fatigue performance of SCRs in the touchdown zone.  相似文献   

深水钢悬链线立管在外部流体作用下的动力响应在立管的性能优化设计中是非常重要的.文章考虑了深水钢悬链线立管轴向大应变的特性以及弯曲刚度和内流的影响,利用Hamilton原理和拉格朗日应变理论建立了立管的二维动力学模型.将外部流体的非线性作用力用Morison方程表示,通过Hermite插值函数对动力学方程进行离散,采用平均加速度法求解立管的动力响应.探讨了外部流体的非线性作用力对海洋立管顺流向动力响应的影响以及不同流速和拖曳力系数与海洋立管共振响应幅值的关系.  相似文献   

钢悬链线立管作为一种全新的深水立管系统已经在国外多个项目中应用,总结了有关深水钢悬链线立管触地区域管土相互作用的研究进展,主要包括STRIDE和CAluSIMA工业合作计划的研究数据和其他的相关论文,能够为国内深水钢悬链线立管的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

A mathematical model employed to analyze the global dynamics of a Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) taking into account the interaction with the seafloor and the effect of the soil reaction forces is established. The choice of soil model plays an important role for the dynamic behavior of SCRs. The riser has been modeled using flexible beam with large curvature and elastic foundation beam to describe the riser-soil interaction by means of realistic nonlinear load-deflection (Py) curves. The study is made to improve an existing finite element numerical code for dynamic analysis of mooring lines and risers, known as CABLE 3D, which is based on a slender rod assumption. Effects of nonlinear seabed model on the dynamic behavior of SCRs under vessel cyclic perturbation have further been investigated and discussed using a realistic Py curve to simulate soil deformation and resistance forces. The interaction model depends on several factors, such as soil strength, penetration depth and riser characteristics. The dynamic responses of the riser Touchdown Point (TDP) excited by vessel periodic heave motion are studied and the results are compared with those from the linear spring model. SCR has been perturbed by 10 regular sinusoidal cycles and the responses calculated by improved code show a number of features such as suction force mobilization, gradual increasing penetration depth, and gradual reduction of soil resistance at maximum penetration. The riser behavior at the touchdown zone (TDZ) depends on the riser top motion amplitude, nonlinear soil stiffness and suction force. The impact of the riser-soil interaction model on the dynamic behavior in the TDZ has been thoroughly studied in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper presents theoretical and numerical study on bending properties of unbonded flexible risers. To capture nonlinearities in layer's sliding, the stress component due to slip-stick behavior is considered and energy conservation principle considering sliding-caused heat consumption is employed in the analytical model. Besides, a finite element model estimating mechanics of unbonded flexible risers' bending is proposed. In the finite element model, couplings between bending moment–curvature and axial stress as well as contact interaction among layers and tendons have been considered. The theoretical and numerical results were validated against the corresponding experimental data in literature and mutually compared in analyzing nonlinear bending behavior of flexible risers. Moreover, the impacts of axisymmetric loads on riser's bending behavior have been further investigated.  相似文献   

高云  宗智  周力  曹静 《船舶力学》2012,(8):943-953
针对钢悬链式立管的结构特性,采用了简化后的振动模型。先对立管进行了模态分析;再根据立管的模态特性结合环境水流参数,采用模态叠加法对立管进行了涡激振动疲劳损伤分析。分析过程中,通过改变流速大小、立管壁厚、立管外径、内部介质以及抑制立管涡激振动的螺旋列板长度等参数,对立管的涡激振动疲劳损伤进行了相应的参数分析。结果表明:立管疲劳损伤随水流速度的增大、立管外径的增大以及内部介质密度的降低呈现上升趋势,但是壁厚变化对立管疲劳损伤大小影响却不显著。  相似文献   

As offshore hydrocarbon production moves towards ultra-deep water, flexible risers have to withstand the huge hydro-static pressure without collapse. They are designed with strong collapse capacities, allowing them to operate under the condition where their annuli are flooded by the seawater. However, initial imperfections can weaken the collapse capacity under such a flooded condition, triggering the so-called “wet collapse”. Two common initial imperfections, the carcass ovality and the radial gap between the carcass and pressure armor, would reduce the collapse strength of flexible risers significantly. Mostly, collapse analyses are performed through numerical simulations, which are less feasible for the design stage of flexible risers comparing with analytical models. To date, there are few analytical models available in public literature to predict the wet collapse pressure of flexible risers accounting for initial ovality and gap. To meet this demand, an analytical model is established in this paper to address these issues. This model is developed as a spring-supported arch, solving the collapse pressure with stability theories of ring and arched structures. This analytical model is verified by numerical simulations, which gives prediction results that correlate well with the numerical ones.  相似文献   

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