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中国的改革开放已走过20年.20年来,航运市场的开放领域不断扩展.1984年中国批准了第一家外国航运公司的班轮挂靠我国港口,1986年批准了第一家外国航运公司在华设立代表处和第一家中外合资国际航运企业及第一家中外合资国内航运企业;1991年批准了第一家外国航运公司在华设立独资航务公司.目前,经批准设立的中外合资航运企业已达120多家,航运代表处350多个,独资子公司及其分支机构70多个,8家国外船级社在我国设立了15个办事处.中国政府已和52个国家签订了海运协定.  相似文献   

Spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) represents one of the most lucrative fisheries in the State of Florida, and a majority of the catch is landed in the Florida Keys. Over the past three decades, the industry grew significantly, and by the end of the 1980s, state fishery managers agreed that the fishery was overextended. In 1991, the Florida Legislature passed the Spiny Lobster Trap Certificate Program (LTC), created to stabilize the industry by reducing the total number of traps while allowing fishers to transfer trap certificates in a market-based system akin to individual transferable quotas. Data from a survey study suggest that a majority of the respondents are dissatisfied with the LTC, which they view as transitory and unsustainable. The fishers' negative views are motivated by sociocultural changes in the fishing community. Managers need to consider modifications to the LTC and other such marketbased programs to minimize sociocultural impacts and retain small-scale fisher participation in such fisheries.  相似文献   

王峰 《中国船检》2002,(2):50-51
扬州市地处苏北水网地区,南临长江,举世闻名的京杭大运河纵贯南北,历史上水运业就十分发达.改革开放20年来,随着乡镇水运业的蓬勃发展,全市乡镇造船工业也异军突起,在经历了起步与发展、整合与优化、提高与壮大几个阶段后,扬州已逐步发展成为华东地区重要的内河小型船舶建造基地,造船量占全省30%左右.1999~2000年两年间,全市取得<认可证书>的各类船舶修造厂家共有88家,共检验各类新建船舶约1560艘,188969总吨,造船能力和检验能力都名列全省前茅.  相似文献   

近几年来,国内经济较发达的城市纷纷将物流产业作为城市经济新的增长点,作为支柱产业之一加以运作。沿海主要港口城市的工作力度更大,并纷纷将港口作为物流发展中不可或缺的中心节点,凸显港口在物流产业发展中的地位、作用与价值。如拥有国内重要集装箱码头的深圳市,在1998年就提出,在深圳建立现代化物流系统,进入2000年又将物流产业、高新技术产业、现代金融业一起列为深圳未来10年的发展目标,使现代物流业成为深圳市迈入现代化国际性城市的三大支柱产业之一,成为深圳21世纪经济持续增长的重要动力。厦门市则明确提出…  相似文献   

A sustainable fisheries development indicator system (SFDIS) is proposed in this article to monitor management of Taiwan's offshore and coastal fisheries. Demonstration of its application shows that the ecological index is tending toward sustainability but to conserve fisheries’ resources it is necessary to strengthen habitat protection and management through a partnership approach. The economic index is tending toward unsustainability as a result of a decline in fisheries’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP), value, economic production, and investment. An aging fisherman population and decreasing social performance and resilience contribute to unsustainability of the social index. By contrast, the institutional index is sustainable because of improved management efficiency, ability, and capacity-building. However, some problems exist with regard to compliance and acceptability of institutional expense. Overall, the SFDIS suggests that an increase in employee number, incorrect statistical data, and unacceptable institutional expense will make Taiwan's offshore and coastal fisheries unsustainable in the long run.  相似文献   

通过总结农渔用小艇的设计与建造的经验,论述了农渔用小艇的特征、参数、设计时考虑的因素,对按<内河船舶稳性规范>小型船舶简易衡准法等3个公式核算提出了自已的看法.  相似文献   

斯里兰卡渔业码头项目普遍采用石笼作为小型码头和护岸的主体结构,石笼结构简单,施工简便,无需大型施工设备,值得推广。  相似文献   

着重围绕渔业船舶评估技术规范、评估特点、参数选取、范围界定、不确定影响因素及勘验评估等方面进行规范性的研究,为渔业船舶抵押贷款、海损事故、保险理算等价格评估的公正性和正确性提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

梁东 《港工技术》2013,(3):14-15,22
基于天津滨海新区临港经济区南部区域的开发建设实践,以项目区分理论为基础研究区域开发过程中公共基础设施资产管理的相关问题,通过对各类公共基础设施的对比分析,针对不同类型公共基础设施资产管理的模式提出初步建议,为创新区域开发管理模式提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

李英  李婧一  孙向东 《船舶工程》2019,41(12):119-127
对于深水管道,止屈器起到了很好的防止屈曲传播的作用,但是在卷管法安装中,管道在上卷和退卷的过程中将产生塑性变形,而由于止屈器导致的管道壁厚几何不连续性将使局部管段的变形增大,可能加剧塑性变形的影响。针对这个问题,建立ABAQUS非线性有限元模型模拟管道安装过程,研究上述问题对卷管铺管中管道性能的影响并作参数敏感性分析。结果表明,壁厚所致几何不连续性的存在导致卷管安装时管道局部曲率及应变明显增大;回拉力、管径与卷筒直径之比及管道壁厚等参数也将产生影响。另外,增加回拉力可降低上述不连续性的影响,但管道残余椭圆度也将增加;增大卷筒半径(或减小管道直径)将使不连续性的影响降低;增大管道壁厚可降低不连续性影响,但随之建造成本也将增加。本文研究结论可为卷管法安装中管道设计提供理论指导。  相似文献   

以千岛湖内河新型渔政执法艇“中国渔政33511”为例,对设计过程中涉及的总体布置、结构、性能和特点等问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The contribution that Leigh Marine Reserve in northern New Zealand makes to the local spiny lobster fishery was examined by comparing the catch characteristics of Jasus edwardsii around the reserve boundary with those from Coastal Leigh, 0.3-2 km from the reserve, and Little Barrier Island, 22-30 km from the reserve. Seasonal trends were apparent in the reserve catch characteristics, consistent with lobster movements into and out of offshore fishing areas adjacent to the boundary. No significant difference was detected in catch per unit effort (kg.trap haul -1 ) among locations. However, the catch around the marine reserve consisted of fewer but larger lobsters than at Little Barrier Island, while the size and number of lobsters caught per trap haul at Coastal Leigh was intermediate between the other two locations. Catch rates around the reserve were more variable than at the other sites, but on average, the amount of money made per trap haul was similar to Little Barrier Island and Coastal Leigh.  相似文献   

挪威王国位于北欧斯堪的那维亚半岛的西北部,西濒挪威海,海岸线曲折长达5.7万公里,多峡湾和岛屿,岛屿超过15万个,为世界上峡湾最多的国家。挪威航海业发达,以航海国家著称于世。挪威人口约4500万,其中80%的人口居住在沿海岸线10公里的狭长地域内,而且除少数偏远小镇外,大部分城市和乡镇均顺着海岸线分布。海岸线上60个公共港口和众多的私营港口星罗棋布,良好的条件使挪威的海运业得到了极大的发展。一、海上运输状况自古以来,海运业一直对挪威的经济发展起着至关重要的作用。目前,海运仍是挪威对外贸易的主要运输方式,占对外贸易的90%。其中…  相似文献   

Researchers are turning to alternative data sources (e.g., resource user knowledge) to provide information required for wildlife management. Little is known about the reliability of data elicited from resource users relative to data obtained from user-independent approaches (e.g., observations of fish catches). We test for consensus among three methods that quantify past (1996 to 2007) seahorse catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for a small-scale, data-poor fishery in the Philippines: interviews with fishers about good, bad, and typical catch; fisher logbooks; and observations of catch landings. Interviews and logbooks indicated no trends in CPUE through time, consistent with results from the fisher-independent metric, catch landings. Although interview estimates of “typical” CPUE greatly exceeded “typical” observed catches and logbook estimates, interview estimates of “bad” CPUE were comparable. Catch landings estimates for a fisher in a particular year were uncorrelated to what he reported during retrospective interviews. Interviews should be used cautiously to inform specific catch targets (e.g., total allowable catches), although including interview questions about a range of catch experiences (e.g., good, bad and typical), may improve interview-derived data. Logbooks are particularly useful for capturing information about fishing expeditions that produce no fish, which are largely missed by other methods.  相似文献   

Coastal sediment cells have been identified for the Scottish coast and, following the example of England and Wales, a trend is emerging towards the production of shoreline management plans (SMPs) for parts the Scottish coast. However, much of the Scottish coast does not have the degree of intracoastal sediment exchange that gives coastal sediment cells their integrity, and so a cell-based strategy for coastal management may not be a suitable response. This article examines the nature of the sediment cells in Scotland, questions whether the adoption of SMPs for all sections of the coastline is an appropriate management response, and suggests alternatives that may better link to integrated coastal zone management.  相似文献   

通过分析影响区域高等教育教学质量的相关因素,提出构建高等教育质量保障体系的必要性,结合目前辽宁省高等教育质量的现状提出一套可持续发展背景下辽宁省高等教育质量保障体系的构想。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate and analyse the internal pre-purchase transport choice behaviour of Chinese and Australian tourists in Scotland. A literature review was carried out to explore the pre-purchase internal transport choice behaviour of tourists. A questionnaire was designed based on the findings of the literature review. A convenience sampling plan was developed to achieve a valid and statistically significant sample size for the two selected markets: Chinese and Australian tourists. Surveys were distributed directly within the Highlands and indirectly through tour operators. A number of significant differences in pre-purchase transport choice behaviour were found between independent and tour travellers and between Chinese and Australian tourists. A number of other variables including English language capabilities, country of residence, education levels and previous travel experience were also found to have significant influences on the process. A number of recommendations relating to market analysis and research, promotion and product development were made to Scottish tourism transport providers based on the findings.  相似文献   

文章介绍北海渔业基地港建成后,在东防波堤内测发生泥沙淤积,并分析其原因。  相似文献   

The geoduck clam fishery, worth approximately CDN $40 million 1 US $ equivalence: 35 million (Bank of Canada exchange rate on February 1, 2006). in annual landed value, is British Columbia's most valuable invertebrate fishery. This fishery has been co-managed by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the Underwater Harvesters Association (UHA) since 1989. Earlier input control measures such as effort regulation, seasonal closures, and licenses failed to work effectively for more than ten years, resulting in excess fishing capacity, over harvesting, poor economic returns, and unsafe fishing practices. Output control measures such as the individual vessel quota system (IVQ) have, to some extent, proven successful in improving revenues, controlling excess fishing capacity, gaining compliance with regulations, and involving fishers in the joint decision-making processes. However, there are public concerns about a common property resource at risk of being dominated by a few UHA license holders. Additionally, there are concerns about the job losses resulting from IVQ implementation, as well as distribution and equity issues. This article traces and examines the policy context for fisheries management in the British Columbia (BC) geoduck fishery, discusses the major concerns surrounding the exploitation of long lived Methuselah's clams and concludes with areas for further research in sustaining this lucrative fishery.  相似文献   

李纳  梁建生 《造船技术》2020,(2):23-25,51
选取某近海小型渔政船典型船型,研究艏艉线型和附体对船舶阻力性能的影响。通过对线型、船型系数以及舭龙骨、压浪板、呆木等常规附体对小型渔政船航行性能的影响进行数值模拟分析,优化船舶线型,针对小型渔政船的功能需求选取合适的附体组合形式,并通过实船运行验证优化后的渔政船航行性能有所改善,达到预期目标,可为同型船舶设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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