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This paper presents estimates of the rebound effect and other elasticities for the Canadian light-duty vehicle fleet using panel data at the provincial level from 1990 to 2004. We estimate a simultaneous three-equation model of aggregate demand for vehicle kilometers traveled, vehicle stock and fuel efficiency. Price and income elasticities obtained are broadly consistent with those reported in the literature. Among other results, an increase in the fuel price of 10% would reduce driving by ~2% in the long term and by 1% the average fuel consumption rate. Estimates of the short- and long-term rebound effects are ~8 and 20%, respectively. We also find that an increase in the gross domestic product per capita of 10% would cause an increase in driving distance of 2–3% and an increase of up to 4% in vehicle stock per adult. In terms of policy implications, our results suggest that: (1) the effectiveness of new fuel efficiency standards will be somewhat mitigated by the rebound effect and (2) fuel price increases have limited impacts on gasoline demand.
Philippe BarlaEmail:

Philippe Barla   is full professor at the economics department of Université Laval. He is currently the director of the research center GREEN and is a member of CDAT. He is conducting theoretical and empirical research on energy efficiency in the transportation sector. Bernard Lamonde   obtained his MA in economics in 2007 working on this project. He is working as an economist for Agence de l’efficacité énergique du Québec. Luis Miranda-Moreno   is professor at McGill Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics. He was post-doctoral student at CDAT when this research was carried out. His research interests include road safety, travel behaviour and demand modeling. Nathalie Boucher   holds a PhD in economics from Queens’ University. She is the executive director the CDAT a research center dedicated to improving knowledge about energy use in the Canadian private and commercial transportation sector.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been studies of the influence of neighborhood or built environment characteristics on residential location choice and household travel behavior. Interestingly, there is no uniform definition of neighborhood in the literature and the definition is often vague. This paper presents an alternative way of defining neighborhood and neighborhood type, which involves innovative usage of public data sources. Furthermore, the paper investigates the interaction between neighborhood environment and household travel in the US. A neighborhood here is spatially identical to a census tract. A neighborhood type identifies a group of neighborhoods with similar neighborhood socio-economic, demographic, and land use characteristics. This is accomplished by performing log-likelihood clustering on the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 2000 data. Five household travel measures, i.e., number of trips per household, mode share, average travel distance and time per trip, and vehicle miles of travel (VMT), are then compared across the resulting 10 neighborhood types, using the 2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) household and trip files. It is found that household life cycle status and residential location are not independent. Transit availability at place of residence tends to increase the transit mode share regardless of household automobile ownership and income level, and job-housing trade-offs are evident when mobility is not of concern. The study also reveals racial preference in residential location and contrasting travel characteristics among ethnic groups.
Liang LongEmail:

Dr. Jie Lin   (Jane) is an assistant professor in Department of Civil and Materials Engineering and a researcher with the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy at University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research is focused on transportation demand analysis, data mining, and transportation sustainability in private, freight, and public transportation systems. Dr. Liang Long   received a Doctorate degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering) from Tongji University. She is currently with Cambridge Systematics as a transportation modeler with expertise in travel demand forecasting, geographic information systems (GIS) and market research.  相似文献   

Suburban sprawl has been widely criticized for its contribution to auto dependence. Numerous studies have found that residents in suburban neighborhoods drive more and walk less than their counterparts in traditional environments. However, most studies confirm only an association between the built environment and travel behavior, and have yet to establish the predominant underlying causal link: whether neighborhood design independently influences travel behavior or whether preferences for travel options affect residential choice. That is, residential self-selection may be at work. A few studies have recently addressed the influence of self-selection. However, our understanding of the causality issue is still immature. To address this issue, this study took into account individuals’ self-selection by employing a quasi-longitudinal design and by controlling for residential preferences and travel attitudes. In particular, using data collected from 547 movers currently living in four traditional neighborhoods and four suburban neighborhoods in Northern California, we developed a structural equations model to investigate the relationships among changes in the built environment, changes in auto ownership, and changes in travel behavior. The results provide some encouragement that land-use policies designed to put residents closer to destinations and provide them with alternative transportation options will actually lead to less driving and more walking.
Susan L. HandyEmail:

Xinyu (Jason) Cao   is a research fellow in the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at North Dakota State University. His research interests include the influences of land use on travel and physical activity, and transportation planning. Patricia L. Mokhtarian   is a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chair of the interdisciplinary Transportation Technology and Policy graduate program, and Associate Director for Education of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. She specializes in the study of travel behavior. Susan L. Handy   is a professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy and Director of the Sustainable Transportation Center at the University of California, Davis. Her research interests center around the relationships between transportation and land use, particularly the impact of neighborhood design on travel behavior.  相似文献   

The majority of comparisons between state transportation systems do not control for characteristics that may vary greatly between states (e.g., vehicle miles traveled). A shortcoming of such analyses is that a state’s individual characteristics can be highly influential in determining how transportation policy is set and funds are spent. The purpose of this paper is to extend previous efforts to create groups of similar peer states by developing a new methodological framework that incorporates demographic, temporal, and locational variability into the peer group delineations. We collected historical data for 42 variables on transportation infrastructure, population, economy, growth, topography and weather. To examine trends before and after the passage of ISTEA we gathered data over two time periods: 1985 through 1990 and 1995 through 2000. Using principal components analysis (PCA) we reduced variables into seven components, and then statistically clustered states into peer groups for each time period based on the components and the remaining variables. We identified a range of cluster solutions and demonstrate how cluster statistics help to describe the contextual basis behind the peer grouping. The results of this study are to provide government agencies, researchers and the public with a systematic methodological framework for identifying peer states that reflect similar attributes contributing to the development and maintenance of state transportation systems.
Debbie A. Niemeier (Corresponding author)Email:

Cynthia Chen  Jie Lin 《运输评论》2013,33(6):731-748

According to the US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the number of publicly owned vehicles in the USA reached 3 913 999 in 2003. In order to maintain a stable vehicle fleet, government agencies must repeatedly make vehicle scrappage decisions because older vehicles must first retire to make room for newer vehicles. Typically, these decisions are made based on a deterministic ranking evaluation model to select candidate vehicles for replacement. The paper applied an objective and probabilistic method to a vehicle dataset collected by the DuPage County Forest Preserve District ((DCFPD), in the state of Illinois). A Weibull‐form survival model with time‐varying covariate and unobserved heterogeneity was estimated on the dataset. The results suggest that in addition to the fact that vehicle age is negatively related to the vehicle’s survival probability, there are other variables that also appear influential. The survival probabilities of alternative fuel vehicles are similar to those of reformulated unleaded gasoline vehicles. The results suggest that a probabilistic and objective model can benefit government agencies in their vehicle scrappage decisions.  相似文献   

The French government has implemented a periodical vehicle inspection program, which aims at maintaining proper functioning of the vehicle and ensuring the emissions control systems installed on the vehicle work properly. Also, an incentive program for scrapping old vehicles was introduced in 1994 through 1996 to promote the replacement of those vehicles with higher emissions by newer vehicles with lower emissions. A hazard-based duration model of household vehicle transaction behavior has been developed in this study to examine the effects of the inspection program and the grant for scrappage on vehicle transaction timing. The model is developed as a competing risks model assuming the following three types of competing risks: replacing one of the vehicles in the household fleet, disposing of one vehicle in the fleet, and acquiring one vehicle to add to the fleet. The empirical analysis is carried out using the panel data of French households' vehicle ownership from 1984 to 1998, obtained by the panel survey called Parc-Auto, which has been conducted by a French marketing firm, SOFRES, since 1976. The long panel observation period facilitates the introduction of macro-economic indicators into the model, enabling the analysis to distinguish the effects of policy measures from macro-economic factors. The empirical results indicate that the expected vehicle holding duration becomes 1.3 years longer under the inspection program than before the program commenced, given that the vehicle is replaced by another vehicle at the end of the holding duration; and that the conditional probability of replacing a vehicle aged 10 years and over becomes 1.2 times higher, and the average holding duration becomes shorter by 3.3 years, when the grant for scrappage is available.  相似文献   

Annual electric bike (e-bike) sales in China grew from 40,000 in 1998 to 10 million in 2005. This rapid transition from human-powered bicycles, buses and gasoline-powered scooters to an all-electric vehicle/fuel technology system is special in the evolution of transportation technology and, thus far, unique to China. We examine how and why e-bikes developed so quickly in China with particular focus on the key technical, economic, and political factors involved. This case study provides important insights to policy makers in China and abroad on how timely regulatory policy can change the purchase choice of millions and create a new mode of transportation. These lessons are especially important to China as it embarks on a large-scale transition to personal vehicles, but also to other countries seeking more sustainable forms of transportation.
Christopher CherryEmail:

Those who oppose tolls and other forms of road pricing argue that low-income, urban residents will suffer if they must pay to use congested freeways. This contention, however, fails to consider (1) how much low-income residents already pay for transportation in taxes and fees, or (2) how much residents would pay for highway infrastructure under an alternative revenue-generating scheme, such as a sales tax. This paper compares the cost burden of a value-priced road, State Route 91 (SR91) in Orange County, California with the cost burden under Orange County’s local option transportation sales tax, Measure M. We find that although the sales tax spreads the costs of transportation facilities across a large number of people inside and outside Orange County, it redistributes about $3 million (USD) in revenues from less affluent residents to those with higher incomes. The entire Measure M program redistributes an estimated $26 million from low-income residents to the more affluent. Low-income drivers as individuals save substantially if they do not have to pay tolls, but as a group low-income residents, on average, pay more out-of-pocket with sales taxes.
Brian D. TaylorEmail:

Lisa Schweitzer   is an assistant professor at the University of Southern California. Her work on environmental injustice in transportation has appeared in Urban Studies, Built Environment, and Transportation Research Parts A and D. Brian D. Taylor   is the Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies and Professor of Urban Planning at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research centers on how society pays for transportation systems and how these systems in turn serve the needs of people who have low levels of mobility.  相似文献   

In auto-oriented communities, access to an automobile is essential for good mobility, but not everyone owns a car or is able to drive. Little is known about how individuals in these circumstances might still use vehicles for transportation. To provide insight on the nature of vehicle use by those with potentially limited vehicle access, we present qualitative findings from focus groups with recent Mexican immigrants living in California, half of whom owned no cars. Our results demonstrate varying degrees of participants’ access to vehicle travel not always corresponding to auto ownership, with extensive sharing of cars, borrowing of cars, and getting rides. We describe the different dimensions of vehicle access that participants experienced and identify specific factors that seemed to influence their access levels. We discuss the implications of our findings for transportation policy and future research.
Susan HandyEmail:

The future of US transport energy requirements and emissions is uncertain. Transport policy research has explored a number of scenarios to better understand the future characteristics of US light-duty vehicles. Deterministic scenario analysis is, however, unable to identify the impact of uncertainty on the future US vehicle fleet emissions and energy use. Variables determining the future fleet emissions and fuel use are inherently uncertain and thus the shortfall in understanding the impact of uncertainty on the future of US transport needs to be addressed. This paper uses a stochastic technology and fleet assessment model to quantify the uncertainties in US vehicle fleet emissions and fuel use for a realistic yet ambitious pathway which results in about a 50% reduction in fleet GHG emissions in 2050. The results show the probability distribution of fleet emissions, fuel use, and energy consumption over time out to 2050. The expected value for the fleet fuel consumption is about 450 and 350 billion litres of gasoline equivalent with standard deviations of 40 and 80 in 2030 and 2050, respectively. The expected value for the fleet GHG emissions is about 1360 and 850 Mt CO2 equivalent with standard deviation of 130 and 230 in 2030 and 2050 respectively. The parameters that are major contributors to variations in emissions and fuel consumption are also identified and ranked through the uncertainty analysis. It is further shown that these major contributors change over time, and include parameters such as: vehicle scrappage rate, annual growth of vehicle kilometres travelled in the near term, total vehicle sales, fuel economy of the dominant naturally-aspirated spark ignition vehicles, and percentage of gasoline displaced by cellulosic ethanol. The findings in this paper demonstrate the importance of taking uncertainties into consideration when choosing amongst alternative fuel and emissions reduction pathways, in the light of their possible consequences.  相似文献   

Explaining obesity with urban form: a cautionary tale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in studies exploring associations between the built environment and obesity. Many studies have found that built environment characteristics, such as high-density land developments, mixed-land uses, and connected street networks, are associated with lower rates of obesity. However, depending on the research field and the researcher, how one specifies the experimental model and how sociodemographic characteristics of the population are defined and included in the model has led to different policy conclusions and implications. This is not a surprising observation; however, it is one that does seem to have been lost in current discussions. This article highlights several data-processing, model-specification, and model-estimation factors that should be comprehensively considered in studies of the built environment and obesity. Empirical results based on data from Atlanta, GA, USA, illustrate that the association between the built environment and obesity is sensitive to how age, income, and educational attainment are included in the model. Also, a detailed examination of land-use-mix measures shows that it is difficult to create this measure and that results are sensitive to the treatment of missing values. Models that distinguish between overweight and obese individuals are shown to provide richer insights into the associations among obesity, built environment, and sociodemographic characteristics for the Atlanta area. The article concludes by offering modeling recommendations for future studies.
Laurie A. GarrowEmail:

Tudor D. Bodea   is a doctoral student in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His doctoral work examines the integration of customer-choice models into optimization algorithms for travel-industry applications. Laurie A. Garrow   is an assistant professor in the School and Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research addresses the development and application of advanced models of travel demand that integrate discrete choice, econometric, and market research methods to enhance understanding of travel behavior. Michael D. Meyer   is professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the Georgia Transportation Institute at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has written over 160 technical articles and has authored or coauthored numerous texts on transportation systems, planning, and policy, including a college textbook. In 2006, he was the chairman of the Transportation Research Board Executive Committee. Catherine L. Ross   is Harry West professor in the City and Regional Planning Program and Director of the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She has published extensively in the fields of urban planning, transportation planning, and public participation. She is the coauthor of The Inner City: Urban Poverty and Economic Development in the next Century.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes transportation mode choice for short home-based trips using a 1999 activity survey from the Puget Sound region of Washington State, U.S.A. Short trips are defined as those within the 95th percentile walking distance in the data, here 1.40 miles (2.25 km). The mean walking distance was 0.4 miles (0.6 km). The mode distribution was automobile (75%), walk (23%), bicycle (1%), and bus (1%). Walk and bicycle are found less likely as the individual’s age increases. People are more likely to drive if they can or are accustomed to. People in multi-person families are less likely to walk or use bus, especially families with children. An environment that attracts people’s interest and provides activity opportunities encourages people to walk on short trips. Influencing people’s choice of transport mode on short trips should be an important part of efforts encouraging the use of non-automobile alternatives.
Gudmundur F. UlfarssonEmail:

In transportation studies, variables of interest are often influenced by similar factors and have correlated latent terms (errors). In such cases, a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model is normally used. However, most studies ignore the potential temporal and spatial autocorrelations across observations, which may lead to inaccurate conclusions. In contrast, the SUR model proposed in this study also considers these correlations, making the model more behaviorally convincing and applicable to circumstances where a three-dimensional correlation exists, across time, space, and equations. An example of crash rates in Chinese cities is used. The results show that incorporation of spatial and temporal effects significantly improves the model. Moreover, investment in transportation infrastructure is estimated to have statistically significant effects on reducing severe crash rates, but with an elasticity of only −0.078. It is also observed that, while vehicle ownership is associated with higher per capita crash rates, elasticities for severe and non-severe crashes are just 0.13 and 0.18, respectively; much lower than one. The techniques illustrated in this study should contribute to future studies requiring multiple equations in the presence of temporal and spatial effects.
Kara M. Kockelman (Corresponding author)Email:

Ms. Xiaokun Wang   is a doctoral student in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees at Tsinghua University, China. Her research topics range from travel demand modeling and integrated land use-transportation planning, to spatial econometrics, network analysis, and traffic safety analysis. She is a fellow of the International Road Federation. Dr. Kara Kockelman   is a Associate Professor of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering and the William J. Murray Jr. Fellow at the University of Texas, Austin. She holds a PhD, MS, and BS in Civil Engineering, a Masters of City Planning, and a minor in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. She is Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Travel Survey Methods. Her primary research interests include the statistical modeling of urban systems (including models of travel behavior, trade, and location choice), economic impacts of transport policy, crash occurrence and consequences, and transport policy-making.  相似文献   

Using input–output (I–O) accounts provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce, this study investigates the aggregate relationships between the transportation and communications inputs demanded (directly and in total) by all industries in the U.S., and compares the results across time. We analyzed five pairs of Spearman correlations of transportation and communications demands (utilities, manufacturing, and overall) using the direct and total coefficient tables from the ten benchmark input–output years spanning 1947 to 1997. To correctly represent the overall economy-wide relationship, each industry (direct table) or commodity (total table) in the correlation was weighted proportionately to the monetary value of its contribution to the U.S. economy. In the analysis using direct I–O coefficients, we found a pattern of predominant complementarity between transportation and communications manufacturing, and substitution between transportation and communications utilities. There are intriguing indications, however, of a shift from substitution to complementarity in the latter case, beginning around 1987. In the analysis using total I–O coefficients, we found a pattern of complementarity for all years between transportation and communications manufacturing, and a pattern changing from substitution to complementarity for the remaining four pairs (transportation manufacturing and communications utilities; transportation utilities and communications manufacturing; the utilities pair; and the overall pair). Thus, from the industrial perspective (which constitutes a sizable proportion of the total demand for communications and transportation), it is not realistic in modern times to expect telecommunications to substitute for travel. Nevertheless, further research is needed into the specific causes of the observed shift from substitution to complementarity, and current trends should continue to be monitored for any changes.
Patricia L. Mokhtarian (Corresponding author)Email:

Taihyeong Lee   is a Ph.D. candidate in civil and environmental engineering and a graduate student researcher of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. His research focuses on the study of travel behavior, and on the impacts of structural changes in industry on relationships between transportation and communications. Patricia L. Mokhtarian   is a professor of civil and environmental engineering, associate director of the Institute of Transportation Studies, and chair of the interdisciplinary Transportation Technology and Policy MS/PhD program at the University of California, Davis. She specializes in the study of travel behavior, and of the impacts of information and communications technology on transportation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a stated-preference study aimed at investigating how transport decisions are made by receivers or by transport operators about the potential use of an urban freight consolidation centre in the city of Fano, Italy. Because there are no revealed preference data, a stated-choice methodology is used. The stated-choice experiments present two alternatives—one using a private vehicle subject to various traffic regulations and one using the urban freight consolidation centre with varying cost and efficiency levels. Conventional discrete choice data modelling shows that the potential demand is influenced mainly by the distance of the parking bay from the shop, by access permit cost, by the service cost of the urban freight consolidation centre, and by the delay in delivery time. Simulations are then performed to assess how the potential demand is affected by various incentives and regulations affecting urban goods distribution.
Edoardo MarcucciEmail:

Edoardo Marcucci   is Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Roma Tre, Italy, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Transportation Economists, and co-founder of the Kuhmo—Nectar Conference and Summer School Series on Pricing, Financing, Regulating Transport Infrastructures and Services. He has studied freight transportation concentrating on interactions along logistic supply chains. Romeo Danielis   is Full Professor at the University of Trieste, Italy. He is managing editor of European Transport\Trasporti Europei. He has published articles on input-output modelling, regional environmental policy, social costing of transport externalities, EU enlargement and on several transport issues including road pricing, the Down-Thompson paradox, energy use and CO2 emissions, freight transport demand and stated preferences.  相似文献   

This paper presents an examination of the significance of residential sorting or self selection effects in understanding the impacts of the built environment on travel choices. Land use and transportation system attributes are often treated as exogenous variables in models of travel behavior. Such models ignore the potential self selection processes that may be at play wherein households and individuals choose to locate in areas or built environments that are consistent with their lifestyle and transportation preferences, attitudes, and values. In this paper, a simultaneous model of residential location choice and commute mode choice that accounts for both observed and unobserved taste variations that may contribute to residential self selection is estimated on a survey sample extracted from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area household travel survey. Model results show that both observed and unobserved residential self selection effects do exist; however, even after accounting for these effects, it is found that built environment attributes can indeed significantly impact commute mode choice behavior. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the model findings for policy planning.
Paul A. WaddellEmail:

The example of Singapore shows that rapid urban and economic growth does not have to bring traffic congestion and pollution. Singapore has chosen to restrain car traffic demand due to its limited land supply. Transport policy based on balanced development of road and transit infrastructure and restraint of traffic has been consistently implemented for the past 30 years. Combined with land use planning, it resulted in a modern transport system, which is free from major congestion and provides users with different travel alternatives. As the economic growth caused a substantial increase in demand for cars, several pricing policies were introduced with the aim of restraining car ownership and usage. Growth of the vehicle population is now controlled and potentially congested roads are subject to road pricing. These measures help to keep the roads free from major congestion, maintain car share of work trips below 25% and keep the transport energy usage low. Although Singapore conditions are in many aspects unique, its travel demand experience can provide useful lessons for other rapidly growing cities in Asia.
Piotr S. OlszewskiEmail:

In the US, the rise in motorized vehicle travel has contributed to serious societal, environmental, economic, and public health problems. These problems have increased the interest in encouraging non-motorized modes of travel (walking and bicycling). The current study contributes toward this objective by identifying and evaluating the importance of attributes influencing bicyclists’ route choice preferences. Specifically, the paper examines a comprehensive set of attributes that influence bicycle route choice, including: (1) bicyclists’ characteristics, (2) on-street parking, (3) bicycle facility type and amenities, (4) roadway physical characteristics, (5) roadway functional characteristics, and (6) roadway operational characteristics. The data used in the analysis is drawn from a web-based stated preference survey of Texas bicyclists. The results of the study emphasize the importance of a comprehensive evaluation of both route-related attributes and bicyclists’ demographics in bicycle route choice decisions. The empirical results indicate that travel time (for commuters) and motorized traffic volume are the most important attributes in bicycle route choice. Other route attributes with a high impact include number of stop signs, red light, and cross-streets, speed limits, on-street parking characteristics, and whether there exists a continuous bicycle facility on the route.
Chandra R. Bhat (Corresponding author)Email:

Ipek N. Sener   is currently a Ph.D. candidate in transportation engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. She received her M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and in Architecture, and her B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. Naveen Eluru   is currently a Ph.D. candidate in transportation engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He received his M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, and his Bachelors in Technology Degree from Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, India. Chandra R. Bhat   is a Professor in Transportation at The University of Texas at Austin. He has contributed toward the development of advanced econometric techniques for travel behavior analysis, in recognition of which he received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the 2008 Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting and the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we used the 10-wave Puget Sound Panel Dataset to investigate the response lag of a significant change in discretionary time use. In particular, we want to quantify the relative magnitude of the following factors: the built environment, family and social obligations, temporal constraints, or a psychological delay factor (people delay a behavioral change until the next life shock). To answer this question, we developed a survival model to treat (1) left-censoring, (2) partial observation, and (3) multi-type exits. The results suggest that family and social obligations, as well as temporal constraints, appear to play a more important role than the built environment. Support for the psychological delay factor is not evident. We also found that the probability of having a significant change in discretionary time use is negatively related to time progression, supporting the human adaptivity hypothesis.
Jason ChenEmail:

Cynthia Chen   is an assistant professor of Civil Engineering at the City College of New York. Her recent research interests have been in travel behavior dynamics and residential search and location process. Jason Chen   is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of civil engineering at the City University of New York. His research interests include travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling, and residential location analysis.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships between adoption and consideration of three travel-related strategy bundles (travel maintaining/increasing, travel reducing, and major location/lifestyle change), linking them to a variety of explanatory variables. The data for this study are the responses to a fourteen-page survey returned by nearly 1,300 commuting workers living in three distinct San Francisco Bay area neighborhoods in May 1998. We first identified patterns of adoption and consideration among the bundles, using pairwise correlation tests. The test results indicate that those who have adopted coping strategies continue to seek for improvements across the spectrum of generalized cost, but perhaps most often repeating the consideration of a previously-adopted bundle. Furthermore, we developed a multivariate probit model for individuals’ simultaneous consideration of the three bundles. It is found that in addition to the previous adoption of the bundles, qualitative and quantitative Mobility-related variables, Travel Attitudes, Personality, Lifestyle, Travel Liking, and Sociodemographics significantly affect individual consideration of the strategy bundles. Overall, the results of this study give policy makers and planners insight into understanding the dynamic nature of individuals’ responses to travel-related strategies, as well as differences between the responses to congestion that are assumed by policy makers and those that are actually adopted by individuals.
Patricia L. Mokhtarian (Corresponding author)Email:

Sangho Choo   is a Research Associate at The Korea Transport Institute. His research interests include travel demand modeling, travel survey methods with GPS, and travel behavior modeling. Patricia L. Mokhtarian   is a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, chair of the interdisciplinary Transportation Technology and Policy MS/PhD program, and Associate Director for Education of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. She has been modeling travel behavior and attitudes for more than 30 years.  相似文献   

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