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The major characteristics of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are an enterprise-wide system that covers all the business functions and information resources, integrated database, built-in best industry practice, packaged software and open architecture. ERP enables reduction of system development time, flexibility, standardization of workflow and effective business planning capability. ERP is mainly for the manufacturing industry. However, the principles of ERP can also be applied to container terminal operating systems. This paper presents an ERP system approach for a container terminal. It has clustered the workflow of a container terminal and analysed the business process to generate the best workflows. The integrated database is designed to eliminate redundancy and keep integration. The core of ERP for container terminal is the planning facility such as berth planning and yard planning. The planning capability is very tightly coupled with data flow from client entities such as shipping companies. The ERP can handle the existing problems of container terminal operation that are mainly caused by lack of integration of a whole information resource in a container terminal, ad-hoc and poor planning capability, disconnected and incorrect data from client companies. The ERP approach can not only resolve the problems of container terminals but also promote adoption of information systems for container terminals in the world that have not yet implemented terminal operating systems.  相似文献   

The major characteristics of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are an enterprise-wide system that covers all the business functions and information resources, integrated database, built-in best industry practice, packaged software and open architecture. ERP enables reduction of system development time, flexibility, standardization of workflow and effective business planning capability. ERP is mainly for the manufacturing industry. However, the principles of ERP can also be applied to container terminal operating systems. This paper presents an ERP system approach for a container terminal. It has clustered the workflow of a container terminal and analysed the business process to generate the best workflows. The integrated database is designed to eliminate redundancy and keep integration. The core of ERP for container terminal is the planning facility such as berth planning and yard planning. The planning capability is very tightly coupled with data flow from client entities such as shipping companies. The ERP can handle the existing problems of container terminal operation that are mainly caused by lack of integration of a whole information resource in a container terminal, ad-hoc and poor planning capability, disconnected and incorrect data from client companies. The ERP approach can not only resolve the problems of container terminals but also promote adoption of information systems for container terminals in the world that have not yet implemented terminal operating systems.  相似文献   

Risk analysis in seaports plays an increasingly important role in ensuring port operation reliability, maritime transportation safety and supply chain distribution resilience. However, the task is not straightforward given the challenges, including that port safety is affected by multiple factors related to design, installation, operation and maintenance and that traditional risk assessment methods such as quantitative risk analysis cannot sufficiently address uncertainty in failure data. This paper develops an advanced Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach through incorporating Fuzzy Rule-Based Bayesian Networks (FRBN) to evaluate the criticality of the hazardous events (HEs) in a container terminal. The rational use of the Degrees of Belief (DoB) in a fuzzy rule base (FRB) facilitates the implementation of the new method in Container Terminal Risk Evaluation (CTRE) in practice. Compared to conventional FMEA methods, the new approach integrates FRB and BN in a complementary manner, in which the former provides a realistic and flexible way to describe input failure information while the latter allows easy updating of risk estimation results and facilitates real-time safety evaluation and dynamic risk-based decision support in container terminals. The proposed approach can also be tailored for wider application in other engineering and management systems, especially when instant risk ranking is required by the stakeholders to measure, predict and improve their system safety and reliability performance.  相似文献   

基于集装箱码头生产过程的成本控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为加强集装箱码头生产过程的成本控制,以作业成本法为理论基础,提出集装箱码头生产过程成本控制模型,并针对集装箱码头成本控制面临的问题提出相应的措施和建议:强化劳动力计划管理,降低劳动力成本;全面实施"油改电",降低能源成本;提高设备作业效率和利用率,降低单箱成本;合理配置码头机械设备;通过非价格途径提高码头竞争力。  相似文献   

Dual cycling is an operation technique whereby quay cranes perform loading and unloading operations simultaneously in the same ship bay. In this article, a mixed-integer programming model for quay crane dual-cycling scheduling is developed. The model considers the stowage plan of outbound containers and the operation sequence of quay cranes. To solve the model, a heuristic method, called bi-level genetic algorithm, is designed. Meanwhile, a simulation optimization method integrating the intelligent decision mechanism of the optimization algorithm and evaluation function of simulation model is proposed. Numerical experiments indicate that dual cycling can reduce the operation time of quay cranes compared to the method of scheduling loading and unloading separately. Moreover, the model and algorithms developed in this article can tackle quay crane dual-cycling problem efficiently.  相似文献   

金健 《集装箱化》2010,21(7):26-28
<正>1集装箱码头配积载概述作为集装箱船舶装卸作业过程的重要环节之一,集装箱码头配积载既要满足船舶稳性、船体强度等方面的要求,又要满足码头生产组织方面的要求,是船公司与集装箱码头之间围绕多重因素展开博弈和权衡利弊的过程。船公司主要考虑的是船体强度、船舶稳性、装载能力等,其中,在装载能力方  相似文献   

An optimization model for scheduling of quay cranes (QCs) and yard trailers was proposed to improve the overall efficiency of container terminals. To implement this model, a two-phase tabu search algorithm was designed. In the QCs scheduling phase of the algorithm, a search was performed to determine a good QC unloading operation order. For each QC unloading operation order generated during the QC's scheduling phase, another search was run to obtain a good yard trailer routing for the given QC's unloading order. Using this information, the time required for the operation was estimated, then the time of return to availability of the units was fed back to the QC scheduler. Numerical tests show that the two-phase Tabu Search algorithm searches the solution space efficiently, decreases the empty distance yard trailers must travel, decreases the number of trailers needed, and thereby reduces time and costs and improves the integration and reliability of container terminal operation systems.  相似文献   

随着集装箱业务的发展,越来越多的投资者青睐集装箱码头,导致我国集装箱码头企业竞争进一步加剧。集装箱码头企业开始着手引进先进的集装箱码头操作系统以提高码头作业效率和服务质量,加强其竞争优势。如何选择既适合集装箱码头企业当前实际情况又能适应企业未来业务发展需要的码头操作系统至关重要。笔者通过多年来对不同集装箱码头企业的了解及实施集装箱码头操作系统的经验提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

In this paper a conventional low volume maritime terminal equipped with straddle carriers is compared against an advanced automatic stacking crane/automatic guided vehicle alternative. For both configurations a convenient layout was designed, a reasonable level of service (common for both terminals) was adopted, and the required amount of equipment was determined using computer simulation. The results indicate that the total cost per container and the area requirements do not differ considerably between the two configurations although there exist differences in the investment capital and the personnel required.  相似文献   

中小型集装箱码头一般使用简单、灵活的装卸设备,国内常使用集装箱正面吊,极少使用国外常用的集装箱跨运车.分析2种装卸设备对于码头作业模式、平面经济指标、整体造价的影响,讨论跨运车对于中小型集装箱码头的适用性,列举设计过程中的主要问题,对类似项目设计具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

衣忠哲 《集装箱化》2009,20(10):20-21
源于美国次贷危机的金融风暴来势凶猛,已严重影响我国实体经济。一段时间以来,“失业”“裁员”“减薪”“出口下滑”等词汇充斥于各类媒体,向人们传递经济“严冬”到来的信息。2008年底,由我国25家集装箱码头企业参与的问卷调查显示,这些企业均在不同程度上受到金融危机的负面影响,其中:业务量下降20%及以下的企业有19家,占调研企业的76%;业务量下降20%以上的企业有4家,占调研企业的16%;还有2家企业“有影响但不能确定比例”。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the optimization of yard operations, which are critical for the terminal efficiency. A linear mixed integer programming (MIP) model is proposed for scheduling different types of equipment and planning the storage strategy in an integrated way. We also investigate a nonlinear mixed integer programming (NLMIP) model to reduce the number of constraints and the computational time. A set of numerical results are carried out for the comparison between the linear model and the nonlinear model. Finally, we propose a genetic algorithm for the MIP model to illustrate how large scale problems can be solved and to show the effect of different factors on the performances of the optimization model.  相似文献   

王彤 《集装箱化》2008,19(8):22-24
现代化的集装箱码头要在日趋激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,必须全方位地应用现代化管理手段,提高管理水平。通过实施智能化管理,缩短船舶在港停泊时间,提高码头堆场周转能力,加快船舶装卸速度,进而改善码头作业效率。  相似文献   

GPS技术在集装箱码头的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王彤 《集装箱化》2009,20(3):28-29
随着国际航运市场竞争日益激烈,远洋集装箱船舶日趋大型化,对集装箱码头装卸技术的要求也越来越高。当前全球正经历百年不遇的金融危机,国际航运市场进人萎缩期,港口企业应该以此为机遇,从技术和管理创新上增强企业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

梁浩  吴邵强  刘汉东 《水运工程》2022,(10):185-189
采用磁钉导航定位技术的自动导引运输车(AGV)对堆场平行布置的集装箱码头存在应用局限性,本文以广州港南沙四期自动化集装箱码头工程为依托,在分析采用“卫惯导航+多传感器融合”定位技术的新型智能导引运输车(IGV)技术特点和优点的基础上,详细阐述了IGV定位导航、能源补充、维护保养等码头基础设施的设计要点,可为类似自动化集装箱码头工程的设计和建造提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

简要归纳现代集装箱港区的设计理念创新,提出现代集装箱港区的功能横断面布置模式和有利于高效运行的生产能力不平衡配置模式,介绍虚拟仿真技术在集装箱码头设计中的应用情况,对集装箱码头装备的发展趋势做了初步分析.  相似文献   

近年来,随着港口货运量的增长及船舶大型化的发展,集装箱码头为降低成本和增强竞争力,不断研究新技术,加强系统管理。其中,集装箱卡车(以下简称集卡)的路径安排对码头生产效率有着很大的影响,已成为国内外研究的热点之一。  相似文献   

靠港船舶岸电系统具有可以减少污染物排放和提高能源利用率的优点,正在我国港口大力推广。为探讨岸电系统在集装箱码头的应用前景,以大窑湾北岸某集装箱码头为例,利用仿真模型核算多种情景下2020年大窑湾北岸集装箱码头船舶使用岸电前后的碳排放量,并分析不同装卸效率对船舶的碳排放的影响。结果表明,集装箱码头使用岸电系统可实现低碳效益,提高装卸效率有利于船舶碳排放的减少,但应考虑提高装卸效率会引起装卸机械碳排放增加。  相似文献   

李艳 《集装箱化》2009,20(10):9-11
2008年金融风暴导致我国进出口额大幅下降,外贸集装箱码头遭遇前所未有的危机,各地港口争先推出各种营销手段争取货源。本文探讨国内集装箱码头服务营销竞争的理论依据。  相似文献   

随着海铁联运运量的不断增长,“最后一公里”邻而不接、接而不畅的问题突出,依托钦州港自动化集装箱码头进行海铁联运设计方案研究,探索一种实现自动化集装箱码头海铁联运无缝衔接的新模式,并介绍其设计原则、空中轨道车技术可行性、路线规划、主要组成和优点等。结果表明,该模式能够有效解决海铁两种不同集疏运方式切换环节时间长、无法达到真正意义上的高效畅通、影响海铁联运的时效和增加运输成本的问题。  相似文献   

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