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Red light cameras (RLCs) have been used to reduce right‐angle collisions at signalized intersections. However, the effect of RLCs on motorcycle crashes has not been well investigated. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of RLCs on motorcycle safety in Singapore. This is done by comparing their exposure, proneness of at‐fault right‐angle crashes as well as the resulting right‐angle collisions at RLC with those at non‐RLC sites. Estimating the crash vulnerability from not‐at‐fault crash involvements, the study shows that with a RLC, the relative crash vulnerability (RCV) or crash‐involved exposure of motorcycles at right‐angle crashes is reduced. Furthermore, field investigation of motorcycle maneuvers reveal that at non‐RLC arms, motorcyclists usually queue beyond the stop line, facilitating an earlier discharge, and hence become more exposed to the conflicting stream. However at arms with a RLC, motorcyclists are more restrained to avoid activating the RLC and hence become less exposed to conflicting traffic during the initial period of the green. The study also shows that in right‐angle collisions, the proneness of at‐fault crashes of motorcycles is lowest among all vehicle types. Hence motorcycles are more likely to be victims than the responsible parties in right‐angle crashes. RLCs have also been found to be very effective in reducing at‐fault crash involvements of other vehicle types which may implicate exposed motorcycles in the conflicting stream. Taking all these into account, the presence of RLCs should significantly reduce the vulnerability of motorcycles at signalized intersections. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the profit maximizing behavior of a private firm which operates a toll road competing against a free alternative in presence of cars and trucks. Trucks differ from cars in value of time (VOT), congestion externality, pavement damage, and link travel time function. We find that the firm takes either a car-strategy or a truck-strategy for profit maximization. For a traffic mix with relatively large car volume and small truck volume, the car-strategy results in no trucks using the toll road, while the truck-strategy results in all trucks using the toll road. We derive the equilibrium flow pattern under any combination of car-toll and truck-toll, based on which we identify a profit-maximizing frontier and a strategy-switching frontier in the car-toll and truck-toll two-dimensional space. By geometrically comparing the two frontiers, we establish general conditions under which each strategy will be taken, which suggest that the truck-to-car VOT ratio, the total traffic demand, and the difference in travel distance between the two roads are critical in shaping the firm's strategy.  相似文献   

Reduced visibility conditions increase both the probability of rear-end crash occurrences and their severity. Crash warning systems that employ data from connected vehicles have potential to improve vehicle safety by assisting drivers to be aware of the imminent situations ahead in advance and then taking timely crash avoidance action(s). This study provides a driving simulator study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Head-up Display warning system and the audio warning system on drivers’ crash avoidance performance when the leading vehicle makes an emergency stop under fog conditions. Drivers’ throttle release time, brake transition time, perception response time, brake reaction time, minimum modified time-to-collision, and maximum brake pedal pressure are assessed for the analysis. According to the results, the crash warning system can help decrease drivers’ reaction time and reduce the probability of rear-end crashes. In addition, the effects of fog level and drivers’ characteristics including gender and age are also investigated in this study. The findings of this study are helpful to car manufacturers in designing rear-end crash warning systems that enhance the effectiveness of the system’s application under fog conditions.  相似文献   


In this article, an "intelligent" airline seat inventory control system is developed. Applications of the system are considered for both nonstop flights and flights with stopovers. The system developed is able to recognize a situation characterized by the number of reservations made by individual passenger classes and the number of canceled reservations at a certain moment in time before departure. The system can also make the appropriate decision without knowing the functional relationships in effect between individual variables. As in other intelligent systems, the "intelligent" airline seat inventory control system proposed here is able to generalize, adapt and learn based on new knowledge and new information. The "intelligent" airline seat inventory control system is based on fuzzy logic. The system makes on-line decisions as to whether to accept or reject any passenger request using established fuzzy rules. The "intelligent" system's results are compared with those of the EMSR model for nonstop flights. The results for flights with stopovers are compared with those obtained using integer programming. The final conclusions are very promising.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method for designing a statistically valid sample of bridges is proposed. The need for such a sampling procedure arises from the impracticality of a detailed analysis of the structural effects of new candidate truck configurations on the whole bridge inventory. In this study, a set of bridges from the national inventory was determined for the purpose of selecting a bridge sample. This set of bridges is referred to as the population. The selection of bridges for inclusion in the population was based on the status of the bridge, type of service, structural material, structural system type and functional class. The stratified sampling method was used in the determination of the required sample sizes. According to this method, the population was first divided into sub-populations, or strata. These sub-populations were non-overlapping. In turn, each strata was divided into sub-strata. The characteristics of each sub-stratum were estimated and combined to determine the characterics of the strata. Then the characteristics of the strata were combined to determine the characteristics of the bridge population. A comparison of the results based on the sample and bridge population was conducted in order to verify the validity of the proposed sampling procedure.  相似文献   

In current transportation modelling, travel time is the most important factor in decisions regarding transport modes, destinations and routes. The calculation of travel time is deployed by volume-delay functions (VDFs), a sub-model of route assignment procedure, using the correlation between increasing numbers of vehicles on a road and the road's restrictive capacity. By investigating existing VDFs, a clear gap is seen, demonstrating that current functions are not suited to reflect the empirically known large impact of trucks on passenger car travel times. This issue becomes crucial when transport models are used to reflect future scenarios where goods transportation is expected to increase greatly, and when transport models combine passenger and commercial traffic. This paper presents a new VDF which successfully includes trucks’ impact on traffic flow in the case of Germany and, with slight deviations, for North America. The function is developed using ideal-type data for German motorways. The differences between German and US data and their implications for VDFs are also discussed.  相似文献   

春节临近,作为春运主力军的道路客运业开始洋溢出"节日"的浓浓气氛.记者来到北京木犀园和六里桥长途汽车站,与约好的四位客运公司主管进行了推心置腹的交流,才发现他们的抱怨可真不少.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology for computing passenger car equivalents at signalized intersections that is based on the delay concept. Unlike the commonly used headway-based methods that consider only the excess headway consumed by trucks, the delay-based approach fully considers the additional delay heavy vehicles cause on traffic stream. Delay-based passenger car equivalents are not constant, but depend on traffic volume, truck type and truck percentage. The field data indicated that the passenger car equivalents increase as the traffic volume and the percentage of heavy vehicles increase. The field data were used to calibrate TRAF-NETSIM simulation model that was used to cover a broad range of traffic conditions. Mathematical models to estimate the equivalencies were developed. The passenger car equivalent for single unit trucks vary from 1.00 to 1.37, and for combination trucks 1.00–2.18 depending on traffic volume and truck percentage. The passenger car equivalents are highly correlated with traffic volume and, to some degree, with percentage of heavy vehicles. Although the PCE of 1.5 recommended in the 1985 HCM seems to be more reasonable than the 2.0 recommended in the 1994 and 1997 HCM, both overestimate the impact of single unit trucks. For combination trucks, the 1997 HCM overestimates the capacity reduction effects of the trucks in most cases.  相似文献   

Inspired by the rapid development of charging-while-driving (CWD) technology, plans are ongoing in government agencies worldwide for the development of electrified road freight transportation systems through the deployment of dynamic charging lanes. This en route method for the charging of plug-in hybrid electric trucks is expected to supplement the more conventional charging technique, thus enabling significant reduction in fossil fuel consumption and pollutant emission from road freight transportation. In this study, we investigated the optimal deployment of dynamic charging lanes for plug-in hybrid electric trucks. First, we developed a multi-class multi-criteria user equilibrium model of the route choice behaviors of truck and passenger car drivers and the resultant equilibrium flow distributions. Considering that the developed user equilibrium model may have non-unique flow distributions, a robust deployment of dynamic charging lanes that optimizes the system performance under the worst-case flow distributions was targeted. The problem was formulated as a generalized semi-infinite min-max program, and a heuristic algorithm for solving it was proposed. This paper includes numerical examples that were used to demonstrate the application of the developed models and solution algorithms.  相似文献   

Weaving segments are potential recurrent bottlenecks which affect the efficiency and safety of expressways during peak hours. Meanwhile, they are one of the most complicated segments, since on- and off-ramp traffic merges, diverges and weaves in the limited space. One effective way to improve the safety of weaving segments is to study crash likelihood using real-time crash data with the objective of, identifying hazardous conditions and reducing the risk of crashes by Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) traffic control. This study presents a multilevel Bayesian logistic regression model for crashes at expressway weaving segments using crash, geometric, Microwave Vehicle Detection System (MVDS) and weather data. The results show that the mainline speed at the beginning of the weaving segments, the speed difference between the beginning and the end of weaving segment, logarithm of volume have significant impacts on the crash risk of the following 5–10 min for weaving segments. The configuration is also an important factor. Weaving segment, in which there is no need for on- or off-ramp traffic to change lane, is with high crash risk because it has more traffic interactions and higher speed differences between weaving and non-weaving traffic. Meanwhile, maximum length, which measures the distance at which weaving turbulence no longer has impact, is found to be positively related to the crash risk at the 95% confidence interval. In addition to traffic and geometric factors, wet pavement surface condition significantly increases the crash ratio by 77%. The proposed model along with ITS, e.g., ramp metering, Dynamic Message Sign (DMS), and high friction surface treatment can be used to enhance the safety of weaving segments in real-time.  相似文献   

Accurate crash location data in crash databases can be shown to be essential for crash modelling, crash mapping, hazardous road segment identification and other studies that aim to decrease the number of crashes within a network area. In this paper a generic and high-accuracy automatic crash mapping method is developed and presented. The methodology is based on a transformed map-matching method for candidate road segment identification and on a fuzzy logic inference system for the final road segment selection. The method is implemented by employing all injury and fatal crashes that occurred during 2012 in the UK Strategic Road Network but can be transferred to other network/crash data. The accuracy of the developed method is estimated to be 98.9% (±1.1%) correct matches. The results of this method are compared to other less advanced crash mapping methods.  相似文献   

Germany is by far the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union but adopted its own climate action plan to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. The country’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions is the transportation sector. As of January 2019, 99.7% of heavy-duty trucks registered in Germany run on diesel while the share of alternative fuel-powered passenger cars increases steadily. Apart from rising emissions, the industry faces a growing shortage of qualified truck drivers. A solution to increasing emissions and the shortage of drivers are autonomous and alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks. We employed a choice-based conjoint analysis with employees from freight companies in Germany to find out how they assess the main attributes of innovative trucks. Our results reveal that the maximum driving range is the most important attribute followed by the refueling/recharging time. Tank-to-wheel emissions, on the other hand, was ranked as the least relevant attribute. Moreover, we present customers’ preference shares for future heavy-duty trucks until 2035. According to our results, freight companies are generally open to switching from conventional to low emission and (conditionally-) automated heavy-duty trucks, however, a close collaboration between truck manufacturers, customers, infrastructure companies, and policymakers is essential to spur the penetration of autonomous and alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks.  相似文献   

A large number of heavy-duty trucks idle a significant amount. Heavy-duty line-haul truck engines idle about 20–40% of the time the engine is running, depending on season and operation. Drivers idle engines to power climate control devices (e.g., heaters and air conditioners) and sleeper compartment accessories (e.g., refrigerators, microwave ovens, and televisions) and to avoid start-up problems in cold weather. Idling increases air pollution and energy use, as well as wear and tear on engines. Efforts to reduce truck idling in the US have been sporadic, in part because it is widely viewed in the trucking industry that further idling restrictions would unduly compromise driver comfort and truck operations. The auxiliary power units (APUs) available to replace the idling of the diesel traction engine all have had limited trucking industry acceptance. Fuel cells are a promising APU technology. Fuel cell APUs have the potential to greatly reduce emissions and energy use and save money. In this paper, we estimate costs and benefits of fuel cell APUs. We calculate the payback period for fuel cell APUs to be about 2.6–4.5 years. This estimate is uncertain since future fuel cell costs are unknown and cost savings from idling vary greatly across the truck fleet. The payback period is particularly sensitive to diesel fuel consumption at idle. Given the large potential environmental and economic benefits of fuel cell APUs, the first major commercial application of fuel cells may be as truck APUs.  相似文献   

Many highway agencies are evaluating the impacts of long combination vehicles on two-lane freeway operations. A critical element of this evaluation is the impact of the large trucks on the passing sight distances required for safe overtakes. This paper reviews recent analyses of the passing maneuver and highlights a number of inconsistencies in these approaches. The paper then introduces a modified model that better reflects the characteristics of the passing maneuver and illustrates the effects of different assumptions about acceleration, deceleration, and vehicle clearances on passing sight distance requirements. The paper concludes with some passing sight distance recommendations for different design speeds and overtaken vehicle lengths. The introduction of long combination vehicles on two-lane roads would increase passing sight distances for design and marking by substantial amounts.  相似文献   

Typical engineering research on traffic safety focuses on identifying either dangerous locations or contributing factors through a post-crash analysis using aggregated traffic flow data and crash records. A recent development of transportation engineering technologies provides ample opportunities to enhance freeway traffic safety using individual vehicular information. However, little research has been conducted regarding methodologies to utilize and link such technologies to traffic safety analysis. Moreover, traffic safety research has not benefited from the use of hurdle-type models that might treat excessive zeros more properly than zero-inflated models.This study developed a new surrogate measure, unsafe following condition (UFC), to estimate traffic crash likelihood by using individual vehicular information and applied it to basic sections of interstate highways in Virginia. Individual vehicular data and crash data were used in the development of statistical crash prediction models including hurdle models. The results showed that an aggregated UFC measure was effective in predicting traffic crash occurrence, and the hurdle Poisson model outperformed other count data models in a certain case.  相似文献   

汽车综合性能测试仪VGQT测试分析结果表明,货车在主制动气瓶压力不同时,各轴制动气室所能达到的最大压力也不相同[1],除此之外,本试验中N类载货汽车0型制动试验表明,主气瓶气压不同时,各轴气室制动压力变化曲线以及有效最大减速度MFDD也不相同。载货汽车绝大部分是用于长途运输,尤其是N2、N3类载货汽车,由于其满载质量大,长途运输中制动效能对于行驶安全性有着很大的影响,尤其在我国西南部山道纵横,长时间上下坡很容易造成制动器的热衰退,这是引起交通事故的主要诱因之一[2,3]。本文以实际试验结果为研究对象,分析了主气瓶在不同压力下各轴制动气室压力的变化以及0型制动试验中制动气压曲线的变化和有效最大减速度的变化,这对于行驶安全性和燃油经济性都有一定的意义,进而对排放和环境造成影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, a powerful tool for analyzing motor vehicle data based on the vector quantization (VQ) technique is demonstrated. The technique uses an approximation of a probability density function for a stochastic vector without assuming an “a priori” distribution. A self‐organizing map (SOM) is used to transform accident data from an N‐dimensional space into a two‐dimensional plane. The SOM retains all the original data yet provides an effective visual tool for describing patterns such as the frequency at which a particular category of events occurs. This enables new relationships to be identified. Accident data from three cities in Italy (Turin, Milan, and Legnano) are used to illustrate the usefulness of the technique. Crashes are aggregated and clustered crashes by type, severity, and along other dimensions. The paper includes discussion as to how this method can be utilized to further improve safety analysis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nature, and impact of the reporting bias associated with the police-reported crash data on inferences made using this data. In doing so, we merge a detailed emergency room data and police-reported crash data for a specific region in Denmark. To disentangle potentially common observable and unobservable factors that affect drivers’ injury severity risk and their crash reporting behavior, we formulate a bivariate ordered-response probit model of injury severity risk and crash reporting propensity. To empirically identify the reporting bias in this joint model, we exploit an exogenous police reform that particularly affects some specific municipalities of the region under consideration. The empirical analysis reveals substantial reporting bias in the commonly used police-reported road crash data. This non-random sample selection associated with the police-reported crash data leads to biased estimates on the effect of some of the explanatory variables in injury severity analysis. For instance, estimates based on the police-reported crash data substantially underestimate the effectiveness of seat belt use in reducing drivers’ injury severity risk.  相似文献   

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