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Length-based vehicle classification is an important topic in traffic engineering, because estimation of traffic speed from single loop detectors usually requires the knowledge of vehicle length. In this paper, we present an algorithm that can classify vehicles passing by a loop detector into two categories: long vehicles and regular cars. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of event-based loop detector data that contains every vehicle detector actuation and de-actuation “event”, therefore time gaps between consecutive vehicles and detector occupation time for each vehicle can be easily derived. The proposed algorithm is based on an intuitive observation that, for a vehicle platoon, longer vehicles in the platoon will have relatively longer detector occupation time. Therefore, we can identify longer vehicles by examining the changes of occupation time in a vehicle platoon. The method was tested using the event-based data collected from Trunk Highway 55 in Minnesota, which is a high speed arterial corridor controlled by semi-actuated coordinated traffic signals. The result shows that the proposed method can correctly classify most of the vehicles passing by a single loop detector.  相似文献   

The paper presents an algorithm for matching individual vehicles measured at a freeway detector with the vehicles’ corresponding measurements taken earlier at another detector located upstream. Although this algorithm is potentially compatible with many vehicle detector technologies, the paper illustrates the method using existing dual-loop detectors to measure vehicle lengths. This detector technology has seen widespread deployment for velocity measurement. Since the detectors were not developed to measure vehicle length, these measurements can include significant errors. To overcome this problem, the algorithm exploits drivers’ tendencies to retain their positions within dense platoons. The otherwise complicated task of vehicle reidentification is carried out by matching these platoons rather than individual vehicles. Of course once a vehicle has been matched across neighboring detector stations, the difference in its arrival time at each station defines the vehicle’s travel time on the intervening segment.Findings from an application of the algorithm over a 1/3 mile long segment are presented herein and they indicate that a sufficient number of vehicles can be matched for the purpose of traffic surveillance. As such, the algorithm extracts travel time data without requiring the deployment of new detector technologies. In addition to the immediate impacts on traffic monitoring, the work provides a means to quantify the potential benefits of emerging detector technologies that promise to extract more detailed information from individual vehicles.  相似文献   

Traffic waves are phenomena that emerge when the vehicular density exceeds a critical threshold. Considering the presence of increasingly automated vehicles in the traffic stream, a number of research activities have focused on the influence of automated vehicles on the bulk traffic flow. In the present article, we demonstrate experimentally that intelligent control of an autonomous vehicle is able to dampen stop-and-go waves that can arise even in the absence of geometric or lane changing triggers. Precisely, our experiments on a circular track with more than 20 vehicles show that traffic waves emerge consistently, and that they can be dampened by controlling the velocity of a single vehicle in the flow. We compare metrics for velocity, braking events, and fuel economy across experiments. These experimental findings suggest a paradigm shift in traffic management: flow control will be possible via a few mobile actuators (less than 5%) long before a majority of vehicles have autonomous capabilities.  相似文献   

Conventional vehicle detectors are capable of monitoring discrete points along the freeway but do not provide information about conditions on the link between detectors. Knowledge of conditions on the link is useful to operating agencies for enabling timely decisions in response to various delay causing events and hence to reduce the resulting congestion of the freeway system. This paper presents an approach that matches vehicle measurements between detector stations to provide information on the conditions over the link between the detectors rather than relying strictly on the aggregate point measurements from the detectors. In particular this work reidentifies measurements from distinct vehicles using the existing loop detector infrastructure. Here the distinct vehicles are the long vehicles, but depending on the vehicle population or type of detector used, one might chose to use some other reproducible feature.This new methodology represents an important advancement over preceding loop based vehicle reidentification, as illustrated herein, it enables vehicle reidentification across a major diverge and a major merge. The examples include a case where the reidentification algorithm responded to delay between two detector stations an hour before the delay was locally observable at either of the stations used for reidentification. While previous loop based reidentification work was limited to dual loop detectors, the present effort also extends the methodology to single loop detectors; thereby making it more widely applicable. Although the research uses loop detector data, the algorithm would be equally applicable to data obtained from many other traffic detectors that provide reproducible vehicle features.  相似文献   

Use of electric vehicles (EVs) has been viewed by many as a way to significantly reduce oil dependence, operate vehicles more efficiently, and reduce carbon emissions. Due to the potential benefits of EVs, the federal and local governments have allocated considerable funding and taken a number of legislative and regulatory steps to promote EV deployment and adoption. With this momentum, it is not difficult to see that in the near future EVs could gain a significant market penetration, particularly in densely populated urban areas with systemic air quality problems. We will soon face one of the biggest challenges: how to improve efficiency for EV transportation system? This research takes the first step in tackling this challenge by addressing a fundamental issue, i.e. how to measure and estimate EVs’ energy consumption. In detail, this paper first presents a system which can collect in-use EV data and vehicle driving data. This system then has been installed in an EV conversion vehicle built in this research as a test vehicle. Approximately 5 months of EV data have been collected and these data have been used to analyze both EV performance and driver behaviors. The analysis shows that the EV is more efficient when driving on in-city routes than driving on freeway routes. Further investigation of this particular EV driver’s route choice behavior indicates that the EV user tries to balance the trade-off between travel time and energy consumption. Although more data are needed in order to generalize this finding, this observation could be important and might bring changes to the traffic assignment for future transportation system with a significant share of EVs. Additionally, this research analyzes the relationships among the EV’s power, the vehicle’s velocity, acceleration, and the roadway grade. Based on the analysis results, this paper further proposes an analytical EV power estimation model. The evaluation results using the test vehicle show that the proposed model can successfully estimate EV’s instantaneous power and trip energy consumption. Future research will focus on applying the proposed EV power estimation model to improve EVs’ energy efficiency.  相似文献   

Origin-destination (OD) pattern estimation is a vital step for traffic simulation applications and active urban traffic management. Many methods have been proposed to estimate OD patterns based on different data sources, such as GPS data and automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) data. These data can be used to identify vehicle IDs and estimate their trajectories by matching vehicles identified by different sensors across the network. OD pattern estimation using ALPR data remains a challenge in real-life applications due to the difficulty in reconstructing vehicle trajectories. This paper proposes an offline method for historical OD pattern estimation based on ALPR data. A particle filter is used to estimate the probability of a vehicle’s trajectory from all possible candidate trajectories. The initial particles are generated by searching potential paths in a pre-determined area based on the time geography theory. Then, the path flow estimation process is conducted through dividing the reconstructed complete trajectories of all detected vehicles into multiple trips. Finally, the OD patterns are estimated by adding up the path flows with the same ODs. The proposed method was implemented on a real-world traffic network in Kunshan, China and verified through a calibrated microscopic traffic simulation model. The results show that the MAPEs of the OD estimation are lower than 19%. Further investigation shows that there exists a minimum required ALPR sampling rate (60% in the test network) for accurately estimating the OD patterns. The findings of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in OD pattern estimation.  相似文献   

Roadway usage, particularly by large vehicles, is one of the fundamental factors determining the lifespan of highway infrastructure. Operating agencies typically employ expensive classification stations to monitor large vehicle usage. Meanwhile, single-loop detectors are the most common vehicle detector and many new, out-of-pavement detectors seek to replace loop detectors by emulating the operation of single-loop detectors. In either case, collecting reliable length data from these detectors has been considered impossible due to the noisy speed estimates provided by conventional data aggregation at single-loop detectors. This research refines non-conventional techniques for estimating speed at single-loop detectors, yielding estimates that approach the accuracy of a dual-loop detector’s measurements. Employing these speed estimation advances, this research brings length based vehicle classification to single-loop detectors (and by extension, many of the emerging out-of-pavement detectors). The classification methodology is evaluated against concurrent measurements from video and dual-loop detectors. To capture higher truck volumes than empirically observed, a process of generating synthetic detector actuations is developed. By extending vehicle classification to single-loop detectors, this work leverages the existing investment deployed in single-loop detector count stations and real-time traffic management stations. The work also offers a viable treatment in the event that one of the loops in a dual-loop detector classification station fails and thus, also promises to improve the reliability of existing classification stations.  相似文献   

Traffic safety of highway vehicles under strong crosswind gust and other hazardous driving conditions has become a pressing issue for modern highway transportation and economy. It is known that the actual wind environment at the typical height of a moving vehicle varies considerably from one segment to another even on the same highway, because of influence of the specific terrain and surroundings. Therefore, accurate crosswind velocity data in both time and spatial domains are needed, for a rational assessment of traffic safety risks for various moving vehicles on highways in windy conditions. In addition to site-specific wind data which can be used for most vehicles, vehicle-specific crosswind velocity is often required for an accurate safety assessment of high-sided vehicles with unique shapes. A mobile mapping technology aiming at collecting site-specific as well as vehicle-specific wind velocity data for traffic safety evaluations was developed. Such technology integrates a 3D sonic anemometer and geospatial video mapping system, mounted on a vehicle driven along highways at a normal (cruising) speed. As a result, both vehicle-specific and general site-specific crosswind velocity can be directly “sensed” and collected by using a high-sided vehicle or a streamlined car as the test vehicle. A field test of the developed technology with a high-sided truck driven on mountainous sections of the interstate I-70 (in Colorado) was conducted. The crosswind data at six selected feature locations along I-70, representing different roadside environments, was analyzed. Wind-tunnel investigations employing the scaled models of the truck used in the field test as well as a common streamlined sedan car were conducted to evaluate the accuracy and the feasibility of the developed technology.  相似文献   

The use of probe vehicles to provide estimates of link travel times has been suggested as a means of obtaining travel times within signalized networks for use in advanced traveler information systems. Previous research has shown that bias in arrival time distributions of probe vehicles will lead to a systematic bias in the sample estimate of the mean. This paper proposes a methodology for reducing the effect of this bias. The method, based on stratified sampling techniques, requires that vehicle count data be obtained from an in-road loop detector or other traffic surveillance method. The effectiveness of the methodology is illustrated using simulation results for a single intersection approach and for an arterial corridor. The results for the single intersection approach indicate a correlation (R2) between the biased estimate and the population mean of 0.61, and an improved correlation between the proposed estimation method and the population mean of 0.81. Application of the proposed method to the arterial corridor resulted in a reduction in the mean travel time error of approximately 50%, further indicating that the proposed estimation method provides improved accuracy over the typical method of computing the arithmetic mean of the probe reports.  相似文献   

Certain details of traffic evolution were studied along a 2 km, homogenous freeway segment located upstream of a bottleneck. By comparing (transformed) cumulative curves constructed from the vehicle counts measured at neighboring loop detectors, it was found that waves propagated through queued traffic like a random walk with predictable statistical variation. There was no observed dependency of wave speed on flow. As such, these waves neither focused nor fanned outward and shocks arose only at the interfaces between free-flowing traffic and the back of queues. Although these traffic features may have long been suspected, actual observations of this kind have hitherto not been documented. Also of note, the shocks separating queued and unqueued traffic sometimes exhibited unexpectedly long transitions between these two states. Finally, some observations presented here corroborate earlier reports that, in unqueued traffic, vehicle velocity is insensitive to flows and that forward-moving changes in traffic states therefore travel with vehicles. Taken together, these findings suggest that certain rather simple models suffice for describing traffic on homogeneous freeway segments; brief discussion of this is offered in Section 5.  相似文献   

Oversized vehicles, such as trucks, significantly contribute to traffic delays on freeways. Heterogeneous traffic populations, that is, those consisting of multiple vehicles types, can exhibit more complicated travel behaviors in the operating speed and performance, depending on the traffic volume as well as the proportions of vehicle types. In order to estimate the component travel time functions for heterogeneous traffic flows on a freeway, this study develops a microscopic traffic‐simulation based four‐step method. A piecewise continuous function is proposed for each vehicle type and its parameters are estimated using the traffic data generated by a microscopic traffic simulation model. The illustrated experiments based on VISSIM model indicate that (i) in addition to traffic volume, traffic composition has significant influence on the travel time of vehicles and (ii) the respective estimations for travel time of heterogeneous flows could greatly improve their estimation accuracy. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Probe vehicles provide some of the most useful data for road traffic monitoring because they can acquire wide-ranging and spatiotemporally detailed information at a relatively low cost compared with traditional fixed-point observation. However, current GPS-equipped probe vehicles cannot directly provide us volume-related variables such as flow and density. In this paper, we propose a new probe vehicle-based estimation method for obtaining volume-related variables by assuming that a probe vehicle can measure the spacing to its leading one. This assumption can be realized by utilizing key technologies in advanced driver assistance systems that are expected to spread in the near future. We developed a method of estimating the flow, density, and speed from the probe vehicle data without exogenous assumptions on traffic flow characteristics, such as a fundamental diagram. In order to quantify the characteristics of the method, we performed a field experiment at a real-world urban expressway by employing prototypes of the probe vehicles with spacing measurement equipment. The result showed that the proposed method could accurately estimate the 5 min and hourly traffic volumes with probe vehicle penetration rate of 3.5% and 0.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider connected cruise control design in mixed traffic flow where most vehicles are human-driven. We first propose a sweeping least square method to estimate in real time feedback gains and driver reaction time of human-driven vehicles around the connected automated vehicle. Then we propose an optimal connected cruise controller based on the mean dynamics of human driving behavior. We test the performance of both the estimation algorithm and the connected cruise control algorithm using experimental data. We demonstrate that by combining the proposed estimation algorithm and the optimal controller, the connected automated vehicle has significantly improved performance compared to a human-driven vehicle.  相似文献   

This work examines the impact of heavy vehicle movements on measured traffic characteristics in detail. Although the number of heavy vehicles within the traffic stream is only a small percentage, their impact is prominent. Heavy vehicles impose physical and psychological effects on surrounding traffic flow because of their length and size (physical) and acceleration/deceleration (operational) characteristics. The objective of this work is to investigate the differences in traffic characteristics in the vicinity of heavy vehicles and passenger cars. The analysis focuses on heavy traffic conditions (level of service E) using a trajectory data of highway I‐80 in California. The results show that larger front and rear space gaps exist for heavy vehicles compared with passenger cars. This may be because of the limitations in manoeuvrability of heavy vehicles and the safety concerns of the rear vehicle drivers, respectively. In addition, heavy vehicle drivers mainly keep a constant speed and do not change their speed frequently. This work also examines the impact of heavy vehicles on their surrounding traffic in terms of average travel time and number of lane changing manoeuvres using Advanced Interactive Microscopic Simulator for Urban and Non‐Urban Networks (AIMSUN) microscopic traffic simulation package. According to the results, the average travel time increases when proportion of heavy vehicles rises in each lane. To reflect the impact of heavy vehicles on average travel time, a term related to heavy vehicle percentage is introduced into two different travel time equations, Bureau of Public Roads and Akçelik's travel time equations. The results show that using an exclusive term for heavy vehicles can better estimate the travel times for more than 10%. Finally, number of passenger car lane changing manoeuvres per lane will be more frequent when more heavy vehicles exist in that lane. The influence of heavy vehicles on the number of passenger car lane changing is intensified in higher traffic densities and higher percentage of heavy vehicles. Large numbers of lane changing manoeuvres can increase the number of traffic accidents and potentially reduce traffic safety. The results show an increase of 5% in the likelihood of accidents, when percentage of heavy vehicles increases to 30% of total traffic. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The number of vehicles on the road (worldwide) is constantly increasing, causing traffic jams and congestion especially in city traffic. Anticipatory vehicle routing techniques have thus far been applied to fairly small networked traffic scenarios and uniform traffic. We note here a number of limitations of these techniques and present a routing strategy on the assumption of a city map that has a large number of nodes and connectivity and where the vehicles possess highly varying speed capabilities. A scenario of operation with such characteristics has not previously been sufficiently studied in the literature. Frequent short‐term planning is preferred as compared with infrequent planning of the complete map. Experimental results show an efficiency boost when single‐lane overtaking is allowed, traffic signals are accounted for and every vehicle prefers to avoid high traffic density on a road by taking an alternative route. Comparisons with optimistic routing, pessimistic routing and time message channel routing are given. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interest in vehicle automation has been growing in recent years, especially with the very visible Google car project. Although full automation is not yet a reality there has been significant research on the impacts of self-driving vehicles on traffic flows, mainly on interurban roads. However, little attention has been given to what could happen to urban mobility when all vehicles are automated. In this paper we propose a new method to study how replacing privately owned conventional vehicles with automated ones affects traffic delays and parking demand in a city. The model solves what we designate as the User Optimum Privately Owned Automated Vehicles Assignment Problem (UO-POAVAP), which dynamically assigns family trips in their automated vehicles in an urban road network from a user equilibrium perspective where, in equilibrium, households with similar trips should have similar transport costs. Automation allows a vehicle to travel without passengers to satisfy multiple household trips and, if needed, to park itself in any of the network nodes to benefit from lower parking charges. Nonetheless, the empty trips can also represent added congestion in the network. The model was applied to a case study based on the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Several experiments were done, comparing scenarios where parking policies and value of travel time (VTT) are changed. The model shows good equilibrium convergence with a small difference between the general costs of traveling for similar families. We were able to conclude that vehicle automation reduces generalized transport costs, satisfies more trips by car and is associated with increased traffic congestion because empty vehicles have to be relocated. It is possible for a city to charge for all street parking and create free central parking lots that will keep total transport costs the same, or reduce them. However, this will add to congestion as traffic competes to access those central nodes. In a scenario where a lower VTT is experienced by the travelers, because of the added comfort of vehicle automation, the car mode share increases. Nevertheless this may help to reduce traffic congestion because some vehicles will reroute to satisfy trips which previously were not cost efficient to be done by car. Placing the free parking in the outskirts is less attractive due to the extra kilometers but with a lower VTT the same private vehicle demand would be attended with the advantage of freeing space in the city center.  相似文献   

Vehicle classification is an important traffic parameter for transportation planning and infrastructure management. Length-based vehicle classification from dual loop detectors is among the lowest cost technologies commonly used for collecting these data. Like many vehicle classification technologies, the dual loop approach works well in free flow traffic. Effective vehicle lengths are measured from the quotient of the detector dwell time and vehicle traversal time between the paired loops. This approach implicitly assumes that vehicle acceleration is negligible, but unfortunately at low speeds this assumption is invalid and length-based classification performance degrades in congestion.To addresses this problem, we seek a solution that relies strictly on the measured effective vehicle length and measured speed. We analytically evaluate the feasible range of true effective vehicle lengths that could underlie a given combination of measured effective vehicle length, measured speed, and unobserved acceleration at a dual loop detector. From this analysis we find that there are small uncertainty zones where the measured length class can differ from the true length class, depending on the unobserved acceleration. In other words, a given combination of measured speed and measured effective vehicle length falling in the uncertainty zones could arise from vehicles with different true length classes. Outside of the uncertainty zones, any error in the measured effective vehicle length due to acceleration will not lead to an error in the measured length class. Thus, by mapping these uncertainty zones, most vehicles can be accurately sorted to a single length class, while the few vehicles that fall within the uncertainty zones are assigned to two or more classes. We find that these uncertainty zones remain small down to about 10 mph and then grow exponentially as speeds drop further.Using empirical data from stop-and-go traffic at a well-tuned loop detector station the best conventional approach does surprisingly well; however, our new approach does even better, reducing the classification error rate due to acceleration by at least a factor of four relative to the best conventional method. Meanwhile, our approach still assigns over 98% of the vehicles to a single class.  相似文献   

This paper presents a thorough microscopic simulation investigation of a recently proposed methodology for highway traffic estimation with mixed traffic, i.e., traffic comprising both connected and conventional vehicles, which employs only speed measurements stemming from connected vehicles and a limited number (sufficient to guarantee observability) of flow measurements from spot sensors. The estimation scheme is tested using the commercial traffic simulator Aimsun under various penetration rates of connected vehicles, employing a traffic scenario that features congested as well as free-flow conditions. The case of mixed traffic comprising conventional and connected vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control, which feature a systematically different car-following behavior than regular vehicles, is also considered. In both cases, it is demonstrated that the estimation results are satisfactory, even for low penetration rates.  相似文献   

With trajectory data, a complete microscopic and macroscopic picture of traffic flow operations can be obtained. However, trajectory data are difficult to observe over large spatiotemporal regions—particularly in urban contexts—due to practical, technical and financial constraints. The next best thing is to estimate plausible trajectories from whatever data are available. This paper presents a generic data assimilation framework to reconstruct such plausible trajectories on signalized urban arterials using microscopic traffic flow models and data from loops (individual vehicle passages and thus vehicle counts); traffic control data; and (sparse) travel time measurements from whatever source available. The key problem we address is that loops suffer from miss- and over-counts, which result in unbounded errors in vehicle accumulations, rendering trajectory reconstruction highly problematic. Our framework solves this problem in two ways. First, we correct the systematic error in vehicle accumulation by fusing the counts with sparsely available travel times. Second, the proposed framework uses particle filtering and an innovative hierarchical resampling scheme, which effectively integrates over the remaining error distribution, resulting in plausible trajectories. The proposed data assimilation framework is tested and validated using simulated data. Experiments and an extensive sensitivity analysis show that the proposed method is robust to errors both in the model and in the measurements, and provides good estimations for vehicle accumulation and vehicle trajectories with moderate sensor quality. The framework does not impose restrictions on the type of microscopic models used and can be naturally extended to include and estimate additional trajectory attributes such as destination and path, given data are available for assimilation.  相似文献   

Estimation of time-dependent arterial travel time is a challenging task because of the interrupted nature of urban traffic flows. Many research efforts have been devoted to this topic, but their successes are limited and most of them can only be used for offline purposes due to the limited availability of traffic data from signalized intersections. In this paper, we describe a real-time arterial data collection and archival system developed at the University of Minnesota, followed by an innovative algorithm for time-dependent arterial travel time estimation using the archived traffic data. The data collection system simultaneously collects high-resolution “event-based” traffic data including every vehicle actuations over loop detector and every signal phase changes from multiple intersections. Using the “event-based” data, we estimate time-dependent travel time along an arterial by tracing a virtual probe vehicle. At each time step, the virtual probe has three possible maneuvers: acceleration, deceleration and no-speed-change. The maneuver decision is determined by its own status and surrounding traffic conditions, which can be estimated based on the availability of traffic data at intersections. An interesting property of the proposed model is that travel time estimation errors can be self-corrected, because the trajectory differences between a virtual probe vehicle and a real one can be reduced when both vehicles meet a red signal phase and/or a vehicle queue. Field studies at a 11-intersection arterial corridor along France Avenue in Minneapolis, MN, demonstrate that the proposed model can generate accurate time-dependent travel times under various traffic conditions.  相似文献   

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