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In this study, we allow using alternative transportation modes and different types of vehicles in the hub networks to be designed. The aim of the problem is to determine the locations and capacities of hubs, which transportation modes to serve at hubs, allocation of non-hub nodes to hubs, and the number of vehicles of each type to operate on the hub network to route the demand between origin-destination pairs with minimum total cost. Total cost includes fixed costs of establishing hubs with different capacities, purchasing and operational costs of vehicles, transportation costs, and material handling costs. A mixed-integer programming model is developed and a variable neighborhood search algorithm is proposed for the solution of this problem. The heuristic algorithm is tested on instances from the Turkish network and CAB data set. Extensive computational analyzes are conducted in order to observe the effects of changes in various problem parameters on the resulting hub networks.  相似文献   

Path queries over transportation networks are operations required by many Geographic Information Systems applications. Such networks, typically modeled as graphs composed of nodes and links and represented as link relations, can be very large and hence often need to be stored on secondary storage devices. Path query computation over such large persistent networks amounts to high I/O costs due to having to repeatedly bring in links from the link relation from secondary storage into the main memory buffer for processing. This paper is the first to present a comparative experimental evaluation of alternative graph clustering solutions in order to show their effectiveness in path query processing over transportation networks. Clustering optimization is attractive because it does not incur any run-time cost, requires no auxiliary data structures, and is complimentary to many of the existing solutions on path query processing. In this paper, we develop a novel clustering technique, called spatial partition clustering (SPC), that exploits unique properties of transportation networks such as spatial coordinates and high locality. We identify other promising candidates for clustering optimizations from the literature, such as two-way partitioning and approximate topological clustering. We fine-tune them to optimize their I/O behavior for path query processing. Our experimental evaluation of the performance of these graph clustering techniques using an actual city road network as well as randomly generated graphs considers variations in parameters such as memory buffer size, length of the paths, locality, and out-degree. Our experimental results are the foundation for establishing guidelines to select the best clustering technique based on the type of networks. We find that our SPC performs the best for the highly interconnected city map; the hybrid approach for random graphs with high locality; and the two-way partitioning based on link weights for random graphs with no locality.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-modal freight transportation model based on a digitized geographic network. A systematic analysis and decomposition of all the transport operations i.e. moving, loading and unloading, transshipping and transiting, leads to the development of a virtual network where each virtual link corresponds to a specific operation, and all transportation modes and means are inter-linked. Software, called NODUS, automatically generates the virtual network so that the model can be conveniently applied to large networks. The analytical structure of the links notation makes it easy to attach specific cost functions to each virtual link. The model is applied to the trans-European freight network of roads, railways and inland waterways for the transportation of wood. Cost functions are built up for each operation by each mode/means combination. A detailed point-to-point origin-destination matrix, calibrated on Eurostat statistics, is generated by a Monte-Carlo technique. Then, the total transportation cost is minimized with respect to the choices of routes, modes and means. This provides estimations of transportation services demands as well as modal splits, to the extent that the two hypotheses of demand based on generalized cost minimization and market contestability are accepted. A sensitivity analysis on the relative road cost is made, which provides measures of arc-elasticities.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated transit-oriented travel demand modeling procedure within the framework of geographic information systems (GIS). Focusing on transit network development, this paper presents both the procedure and algorithm for automatically generating both link and line data for transit demand modeling from the conventional street network data using spatial analysis and dynamic segmentation. For this purpose, transit stop digitizing, topology and route system building, and the conversion of route and stop data into link and line data sets are performed. Using spatial analysis, such as the functionality to search arcs nearest from a given node, the nearest stops are identified along the associated links of the transit line, while the topological relation between links and line data sets can also be computed using dynamic segmentation. The advantage of this approach is that street map databases represented by a centerline can be directly used along with the existing legacy urban transportation planning systems (UTPS) type travel modeling packages and existing GIS without incurring the additional cost of purchasing a full-blown transportation GIS package. A small test network is adopted to demonstrate the process and the results. The authors anticipate that the procedure set forth in this paper will be useful to many cities and regional transit agencies in their transit demand modeling process within the integrated GIS-based computing environment.  相似文献   

The paper shows that if the cost and demand functions satisfy certain weak smoothness conditions then the marginal cost taxation of a transportation network is optimal in the usual local sense. Interactions between the cost of travel along a link and flow along other links and between the demand for travel along a route and flow along other routes are permitted.  相似文献   

In determining the marginal cost of congestion, economists have traditionally relied upon directly measuring traffic congestion on network links, disregarding any “network effects,” since the latter are difficult to estimate. While for simple networks the comparison of the network-based congestion costs with the link-based ones can be done within a theoretical framework, it is important to know whether such network effects in real large-scale networks are quantitatively significant.In this paper we use a strategic transportation planning model (START) to compare marginal congestion costs computed link-by-link with measures taking into account network effects. We find that while in aggregate network effects are not significant, congestion measured on a single link is a poor predictor of total congestion costs imposed by travel on that link. Also, we analyze the congestion proliferation effect on the network to see how congestion is distributed within an urban area.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that while the TRANSYT traffic model simulates transit vehicles in mixed traffic operation, it does not adequately consider the effects of bus or streetcar stops on the travelled roadway near signalized intersections. Its assumption that the transit vehicles do not hold up other vehicles while they are loading and unloading passengers is also invalid when midblock stops occur in the travelled lanes. To account for the effects of transit stops, an alternative type of network formulation which uses dummy nodes and dummy links with appropriate link costs is proposed for modelling the effects of transit stops. It approximates transit stop dwells by discrete distributions, requiring 1 dummy node and 4 dummy links for each nonzero value used in the approximating distribution. Realism for such operation can be improved significantly, usually with the use of only 1 or 2 dummy nodes per transit stop. Parameters for the dummy links have been tested over a wide range, and a set of operational values is recommended. Flow profiles illustrating the need for and the effects of the recommended formulation are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

An analytical model that determines the optimal location and length of rail line along a crosstown transportation corridor with the objective of minimizing the total transportation cost is presented. A general, many-to-many passenger demand pattern is considered. The objective function, which includes the rail and bus riding costs, rail and bus operating costs, rail fleet costs and rail line costs, is minimized by using the classical optimization method with the aid of a computer program developed for the model. The model is applied to the Northwest-South transportation corridor in Calgary, Alberta, and the sensitivity of the optimal rail line location and length to the unit cost and demand parameters at their reasonable ranges is tested. It is found that although the total passenger demand, unit rail line cost, and unit bus operating cost have greater influence than the unit bus and rail riding costs, and unit rail fleet and operating costs, the optimal line length is generally insensitive to all these parameters. It is also found that the length of the existing LRT line in the corridor is comparable to the optimal line length obtained from the model, but the existing line should be extended further south in order to meet the heavier demand in that direction optimally.  相似文献   

We consider a city region with several facilities that are competing for customers of different classes. Within the city region, the road network is dense, and can be represented as a continuum. Customers are continuously distributed over space, and they choose a facility by considering both the transportation cost and market externalities. More importantly, the model takes into account the different transportation cost functions and market externalities to which different customer classes are subjected. A logit‐type distribution of demand is specified to model the decision‐making process of users' facility choice. We develop a sequential optimization approach to decompose the complex multi‐class and multi‐facility problem into a series of smaller single‐class and single‐facility sub‐problems. An efficient solution algorithm is then proposed to solve the resultant problem. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential applicability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The optimal transportation network design problem is formulated as a convex nonlinear programming problem and a solution method based on standard traffic assignment algorithms is presented. The technique can deal with network improvements which introduce new links, which increase the capacity of existing links, or which decrease the free-flow (uncongested) travel time on existing links (with or without simultaneously increasing link capacity). Preliminary computational experience with the method demonstrates that it is capable of solving very large problems with reasonable amounts of computer time.  相似文献   


In the transportation literature, two major and parallel approaches exist to identify the critical elements of a transportation system. On the one hand, conventional transportation engineering emphasizes travel demand, often in terms of traffic volume (i.e., demand side). On the other hand, newer techniques from Network Science emphasize network topology (i.e., supply side). To better understand the relationship between the two approaches, we first investigate whether they correlate by comparing traffic volume and node centrality. Second, we assess the impact of the two approaches on the connectivity and resilience of a transportation network; connectivity is measured by the relative size of the giant component, and resilience is measured by the network’s adaptive capacity (the amount of extra flow it can handle). The urban road system of Isfahan (Iran) is used as a practical case study. Overall, we find that traffic volume indeed correlates with node centrality. In addition, we find that the weighted degree of a node, i.e., the sum of the capacities of its incident links (for small disruptions) and node betweenness (for large disruptions), best captures node criticality. Nodes with high weighted degree and betweenness should therefore be given higher priority to enhance connectivity and resilience in urban street systems. Regarding link criticality, roads with higher capacities showed a more important role as opposed to betweenness, flow, and congestion.



This study focuses on the mode and route choices of a logistics company in a situation involving intercity transportation with networks of surface roads, highways and a railway. A method of transportation network analysis is applied to construct a logistics company mode and route choice models with the objective of minimizing total distribution and external costs. This study also assumes that the fleet number and vehicle capacities are given. Freight distributed from a distribution center to given retailers or consumers via surface road/highway links or via intermodal transportation involving surface road/highway links and a railway. In terms of model construction, this study first explores the routing and sequence of the retailers and consumers served by each vehicle. Second, the study internalizes the external cost of air pollution into the total distribution cost, to analyze the influences of external cost burdens on a logistics company mode and route choices from a user charge perspective. Finally, the study designs a heuristic algorithm for solving the above models, and illuminates the modeling process using a numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the adoption of an integrated inventory and transportation system (IITS) to minimize the total costs of inventory and transportation. A non-linear programing is developed by analyzing transportation and inventory costs with one supplier and many retailers in the distribution environment. The paper compares the proposed model with the traditional approach in computing total costs with numerical data. The results indicate that the total costs can be optimized by adopting integrated programing rather than the traditional approach, along with achieving improved customer service levels. In particular, sensitivity analysis is applied to determine the performance of the IITS under various transportation costs, holding costs and shortage costs. It shows that the transportation cost per unit is most sensitive in the proposed model. In this situation, the IITS is more effective for cost saving when set-up cost, holding and shortage costs are high, but is less effective for situations involving high per-unit transportation costs.  相似文献   

We present a quadratic programming framework to address the problem of finding optimal maintenance policies for multifacility transportation systems. The proposed model provides a computationally-appealing framework to support decision making, while accounting for functional interdependencies that link the facilities that comprise these systems. In particular, the formulation explicitly captures the bidirectional relationship between demand and deterioration. That is, the state of a facility, i.e., its condition or capacity, impacts the demand/traffic; while simultaneously, demand determines a facility’s deterioration rate. The elements that comprise transportation systems are linked because the state of a facility can impact demand at other facilities. We provide a series of numerical examples to illustrate the advantages of the proposed framework. Specifically, we analyze simple network topologies and traffic patterns where it is optimal to coordinate (synchronize or alternate) interventions for clusters of facilities in transportation systems.  相似文献   


This paper develops cost models for urban transport infrastructure options in situations where motorcycles and various forms of taxis are important modes of transport. The total social costs (TSCs) of conventional bus, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Monorail, Metro (Elevated Rail), car, motorcycle, Taxi and Uber are calculated for an urban corridor covering operator, user and external costs. Based on the parameters for a 7?km corridor in Hanoi, Vietnam, the results show the lowest average social cost (ASC) transport modes for different ranges of demand. Motorcycle might be the best option at low demand levels while conventional bus has advantages with low-medium demand. At medium demand levels, bus-based technologies and Monorail are competitive options while Metro, with a higher person capacity, is the best alternative at the highest demand levels. Compared to other modes, the ASCs of car and Taxi/Uber are greater because of high capital cost (related to vehicles) per passenger and low occupancy. Transport planners and decision makers in low and middle income countries (LMICs) can draw on the findings of this study. However, various limitations are identified and additional research is suggested.  相似文献   

Freight transportation by railroads is an integral part of the U.S. economy. Identifying critical rail infrastructures can help stakeholders prioritize protection initiatives or add necessary redundancy to maximize rail network resiliency. The criticality of an infrastructure element, link or yard, is based on the increased cost (delay) incurred when that element is disrupted. An event of disruption can cause heavy congestion so that the capacity at links and yards should be considered when freight is re-routed. This paper proposes an optimization model for making-up and routing of trains in a disruptive situation to minimize the system-wide total cost, including classification time at yards and travel time along links. Train design optimization seeks to determine the optimal number of trains, their routes, and associated blocks, subject to various capacity and operational constraints at rail links and yards. An iterative heuristic algorithm is proposed to attack the computational burden for real-world networks. The solution algorithm considers the impact of volume on travel time in a congested or near-congested network. The proposed heuristics provide quality solutions with high speed, demonstrated by numerical experiments for small instances. A case study is conducted for the network of a major U.S. Class-I railroad based on publicly available data. The paper provides maps showing the criticality of infrastructure in the study area from the viewpoint of strategic planning.  相似文献   

Two versions of an optimal network design problem with shipments proportional to transportation costs are formulated. Extensions of an algorithm developed in prior research for solving these problems are proposed and tested. The performance of the algorithms is found to improve substantially as the dependence of shipments on costs is increased. Moreover, the optimal solutions obtained are unexpectedly robust with respect to a wide range of transportation cost assumptions. These findings could have important computational and policy implications if applicable to larger networks.  相似文献   

Private provision of public roads signifies co-existence of free, public-tolled and private-tolled roads. This paper investigates the Pareto-improving transportation network design problem under various ownership regimes by allowing joint choice of road pricing and capacity enhancement on free links. The problem of interest is formulated as a bi-objective mathematical programming model that considers the travel cost of road users in each origin-destination pair and the investment return of the whole network. The non-dominated Pareto-improving solutions of toll and/or capacity enhancement schemes are sought for achieving a win-win situation. A sufficient condition is provided for the existence of the non-dominated Pareto-improving schemes and then the properties of those schemes are analyzed. It is found that, under some mild assumptions, the optimal capacity enhancement is uniquely determined by the link flow under any non-dominated Pareto-improving scheme. As a result, the joint road pricing and capacity enhancement problem reduces to a bi-objective second-best road pricing problem. A revenue distribution mechanism with return rate guarantee is proposed to implement the non-dominated Pareto-improving schemes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel application of static traffic assignment methods, but with a variable time value, for estimating the market share of high‐speed rail (HSR) in the northwest–southeast (NW–SE) corridor of Korea currently served by air, conventional rail and highway modes. The proposed model employs a time–space network structure to capture the interrelations among competing transportation modes, and to reflect their supply‐ and demand‐side constraints as well as interactions through properly formulated link‐node structures. The embedded cost function for each network link offers the flexibility for incorporating all associated factors, such as travel time and fare, in the model computation, and enables the use of a distribution rather than a constant to represent the time–value variation among all transportation mode users. To capture the value‐of‐time (VOT) of tripmakers along the target corridor realistically, this study has developed a calibration method with aggregate demand information and key system performance data from the NW–SE corridor.  相似文献   

A simultaneous equation model is developed to describe temporal trends and shifts in demand among five modes of passenger transportation in the Netherlands. The modes are car driver, car passenger, train, bicycle, and public transit (bus, tram, and subway). The time period is one year (1984–1985). The data are from the week-long travel diaries at six-month intervals of a national panel of households in the Netherlands. The model explains the weekly trip rates for each mode in terms of three types of relationships: links from demand for the same mode at previous points in time (temporal stability or inertia); links to and from demand for other modes at the same point in time (complementarity and competition on a synchronous basis); and links from demand for other modes at previous points in time (substitution effects). a significant model is found with 15 inertial links, 21 synchronous links, and 16 cross-lag links among the variables. It is proposed in interpretations of the link coefficients and overall effects of one variable on another that relationships among the modes are evolving over time. In particular, the model captures the effect of a public transit fare increase that occurred during the time frame of the panel data.  相似文献   

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