The problems on scheduling and schedule co‐ordination usually have conflicting objectives related to user's cost and operator's cost. Users want to spend less time to wait, transfer and travel by public buses. Operators are interested in profit making by lesser vehicle operating cost and having a minimum number of buses. As far as level of service is concerned users are interested in lesser crowing while operators are concerned with maximizing profit and thus to have higher load factors. In schedule co‐ordination problems transfer time plays an important role. Users are interested in coordinating services with in acceptable waiting time whereas operators prefer to have lesser services and want to meet higher demands, which invariably increases waiting time. These problems have multiple conflicting objectives and constraints. It is difficult to determine optimum solution for such problems with the help of conventional approaches. It is found that Genetic Algorithm performs well for such multi objective problems. 相似文献
A discussion of the benefits of bus priority schemes shows the importance of providing adequate capacity for all streams of traffic. The analysis of capacity at a signal-controlled road junction is extended to cases where stages may be truncated or omitted in some cycles. The problem of finding signal settings which, when implemented with priority, emulate some which are known to provide a given level of capacity when implemented without priority is considered. Two commonly used rules to give priority by selective vehicle detection are analysed in detail and a third is considered briefly to illustrate the flexibility of the methods used. The range of conditions under which these priority methods can be implemented without causing any loss of capacity is quantified. If an additional rule is implemented to prevent priority from being granted too frequently, then this range covers most practical operating conditions. In cases outside this range, consequent losses of capacity can be estimated. A numerical example based upon a real bus priority experiment is provided. 相似文献
The paper explores how the coordination of vehicle schedules in a public transit system affects generalized costs. We consider an idealized system that delivers its users to a common destination by requiring each to transfer from a feeder- to a trunk-line vehicle. Continuum models are used first to analyze cases in which the trunk-line vehicle schedule is given exogenously. We find that when feeder vehicles are dispatched in coordination with this exogenous trunk-line schedule, the reduction in user cost often outweighs the added cost to the feeder operation. In cases when the frequencies of trunk and feeder services can be established jointly, the models show that coordination can be Pareto improving, meaning that operator and user costs both diminish. Conditions that give rise to these cost savings are specified. Practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
Work zones on motorways necessitate the drop of one or more lanes which may lead to significant reduction of traffic flow capacity and efficiency, traffic flow disruptions, congestion creation, and increased accident risk. Real-time traffic control by use of green–red traffic signals at the motorway mainstream is proposed in order to achieve safer merging of vehicles entering the work zone and, at the same time, maximize throughput and reduce travel delays. A significant issue that had been neglected in previous research is the investigation of the impact of distance between the merge area and the traffic lights so as to achieve, in combination with the employed real-time traffic control strategy, the most efficient merging of vehicles. The control strategy applied for real-time signal operation is based on an ALINEA-like proportional–integral (PI-type) feedback regulator. In order to achieve maximum performance of the control strategy, some calibration of the regulator’s parameters may be necessary. The calibration is first conducted manually, via a typical trial-and-error procedure. In an additional investigation, the recently proposed learning/adaptive fine-tuning (AFT) algorithm is employed in order to automatically fine-tune the regulator parameters. Experiments conducted with a microscopic simulator for a hypothetical work zone infrastructure, demonstrate the potential high benefits of the control scheme. 相似文献
Intelligent decision support systems for the real-time management of landing and take-off operations can be very effective in helping air traffic controllers to limit airport congestion at busy terminal control areas. The key optimization problem to be solved regards the assignment of airport resources to take-off and landing aircraft and the aircraft sequencing on them. The problem can be formulated as a mixed integer linear program. However, since this problem is strongly NP-hard, heuristic algorithms are typically adopted in practice to compute good quality solutions in a short computation time. This paper presents a number of algorithmic improvements implemented in the AGLIBRARY solver (a state-of-the-art optimization solver to deal with complex routing and scheduling problems) in order to improve the possibility of finding good quality solutions quickly. The proposed framework starts from a good initial solution for the aircraft scheduling problem with fixed routes (given the resources to be traversed by each aircraft), computed via a truncated branch-and-bound algorithm. A metaheuristic is then applied to improve the solution by re-routing some aircraft in the terminal control area. New metaheuristics, based on variable neighbourhood search, tabu search and hybrid schemes, are introduced. Computational experiments are performed on an Italian terminal control area under various types of disturbances, including multiple aircraft delays and a temporarily disrupted runway. The metaheuristics achieve solutions of remarkable quality, within a small computation time, compared with a commercial solver and with the previous versions of AGLIBRARY. 相似文献
One of the major foci in transport research is the identification of the temporal–spatial decision making structure embedded in activity scheduling and its linkage to actual activity execution. The latter part of the research in question has not been explored explicitly in real life situations due to the lack of effective data collection means. This paper presents a real-time activity scheduling, activity/travel survey system that incorporates the extraction of activity scheduling and the execution information within one unified data collection framework. These “revealed” data can be used for explicitly defining the mechanism of how people’s activity schedules dynamically adapt to social-demographic and temporal–spatial constraints and finally lead to the observed activity-travel patterns. 相似文献
At transit terminals where two routes interchange passengers, total system costs may be reduced by allowing some “slack” time in the vehicle schedules to decrease the probability of missed connections. Transfer cost functions are formulated and used to determine optimal slack time for simple systems with transfers between one bus route and one rail line. Some analytic results are derived for empirical discrete and Gumbel distributions of bus arrival times. Relations between the optimal slack times and headways, transfer volumes, passenger time values, bus operating costs, and standard deviations of bus and train arrivals are also developed numerically using normally distributed arrivals. However, the proposed numerical approach can optimize slack times for any observed arrival distributions. The results provide some guidelines on desirable slack times and show that schedule coordination between the two routes is not worth attempting when standard deviations of arrivals exceed certain levels. Possible extensions of this work are suggested in the last section. 相似文献
The insufficiency of infrastructure capacity in an air transport system is usually blamed for poor punctuality performance when implementing flight schedules. However, investigations have revealed that ground operations of airlines have become the second major cause of flight delay at airports. A stochastic approach is used in this paper to model the operation of aircraft turnaround and the departure punctuality of a turnaround aircraft at an airport. The aircraft turnaround model is then used to investigate the punctuality problem of turnaround aircraft. Model results reveal that the departure punctuality of a turnaround aircraft is influenced by the length of scheduled turnaround time, the arrival punctuality of inbound aircraft as well as the operational efficiency of aircraft ground services. The aircraft turnaround model proposed is then employed to evaluate the endogenous schedule punctuality of two turnaround aircraft. Model results, when compared with observation data, show that the operational efficiency of aircraft ground services varies among turnarounds. Hence, it is recommended that the improvement of departure punctuality of turnaround aircraft may be achieved from two approaches: airline scheduling control and the management of operational efficiency of aircraft ground services. 相似文献
Operations control is an important means of improving service quality for high-frequency transit. Past research on real-time control has focused on developing and evaluating the effectiveness of different control strategies, largely relying on running times and demand which are assumed to be static. We formulate a mathematical model for holding control optimization that reflects dynamic running times and demand. The model can be used to produce a plan of holding times that accounts not only for the current state of the system, but also for expected changes in running times and demand. We evaluate the effectiveness of the model within a simulation environment. The results show that control based on dynamic inputs outperforms its static equivalent in high demand cases where passengers can be left behind at stops, and to a lesser extent in low to moderate demand cases with time-varying running times. 相似文献
This paper presents a life cycle assessment comparing diesel buses with buses fueled by natural gas. The data for the emission of pollutants are based on the MEET Project of the European Commission (EC), supplemented by data measured for diesel and gas buses in Paris. The benefits of the gas fueled bus are then quantified using the damage cost estimates of the ExternE Project of the EC. A diesel bus with emissions equal to Standard EURO2 of the EC is compared with the same bus equipped with a natural gas engine, for use in Paris and in Toulouse. The damage cost of a diesel bus is significant, in the range of 0.4–1.3 /km. Natural gas allows an appreciable reduction of the emissions, lowering the damage cost by a factor of about 2.5 (Toulouse) to 5.5 (Paris). An approximate rule is provided for transferring the results to other cities. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to evaluate the effect of the evolution of the emissions standard towards EURO3, 4 and 5, as well as the effect of uncertainties. Finally a comparison is presented between a EURO2 diesel bus with particle filter, and a gas fueled bus with the MPI engine of IVECO, a more advanced and cleaner technology. With this engine the damage costs of the gas fueled bus are about 3–5 times lower than those of the diesel with particle filter, even though the latter has already very low emissions. 相似文献
A mathematical model for computing and analysing headway variance of fixed-route buses offering scheduled service is developed. The model assumes a situation where both the passengers' OD pattern and the bus-route structure do not have any particular form but the number of passengers served at any bus station is a stationary Poisson process. Basic probability concepts are mostly used in deriving the model. Innovations in the model are the inclusion of a skip probability at a stop and the correlation factors between successive bus loads at a loading point and between the travel times of successive buses on a link. The model is, therefore, applicable to a wider range of situations than was possible with the earlier models. Results indicate that bus loading conditions and traffic conditions along the route are the major factors responsible for headway variability. The developed model can be used to determine the relative importance of these factors on headway variance at individual stopping station and thereby simplify the task of evolving effective countermeasures in any given situation. A numerical example that illustrates the application of the model is also given. 相似文献
As is well known, bus systems are naturally unstable. Without control, buses on a single line tend to bunch, reducing their punctuality in meeting a schedule. Although conventional schedule-based strategies that hold buses at control points can alleviate this problem these methods require too much slack, which slows buses. This delays on-board passengers and increases operating costs.It is shown that dynamic holding strategies based on headways alone cannot help buses adhere to a schedule. Therefore, a family of dynamic holding strategies that use bus arrival deviations from a virtual schedule at the control points is proposed. The virtual schedule is introduced whether the system is run with a published schedule or not. It is shown that with this approach, buses can both closely adhere to a published schedule and maintain regular headways without too much slack.A one-parameter version of the method can be optimized in closed form. This simple method is shown to be near-optimal. To put it in practice, the only data needed in real time are the arrival times of the current bus and the preceding bus at the control point relative to the virtual schedule. The simple method was found to require about 40% less slack than the conventional schedule-based method. When used only to regulate headways it outperforms headway-based methods. 相似文献
This paper aims at examining the possibility of setting up a model terminal for the transportation of dangerous goods. It should be designed in such a manner that its use would be possible for any kind of transportation. This consideration has been prompted by the interface between transportation planning and technology, as well as by the tendency for harmonizing international recommendations pertaining to the transportation and handling of dangerous goods, especially during the last decades where unified transport has gained ground due to the advantages provided for the safe consignment of dangerous cargoes. Since the large increase in terminal productivity is due to the heavy investments that were effected in terminal installations and to the modernization of the administration‐management of terminals, a mathematical simulation has been adopted to assist the determination of the capacity of a terminal for dangerous goods. It is evident that different criteria and various assumptions have been taken into account in order to facilitate a deeper analysis, without ignoring the contribution of dangerous goods to the socio‐economic development. From the outset of the study, it was already clear that the said process will make it possible to present—as a model—a simple but well defined situation for the purpose of drawing useful conclusions. 相似文献
In the considered automated container terminal (ACT) that is designed for Shanghai Yangsha Terminal, two automated stacking cranes (ASCs) are configured for each block and they interact with automated lifting vehicles (ALVs) at the two ends of a block individually. To increase the capacity, container yards with multiple rows of blocks perpendicular to the terminal’s shoreline are considered. To utilize the yard spaces, the twin ASCs are devised to share the same tracks installed at the two sides of a block, while interferences between the ASCs challenge the routing and sequencing operations. To isolate the control and simplify the coordination of the two ASCs, the interference between ASCs is formulated by analyzing the minimal temporal intervals between any two tasks. Three models are then established to sequence the container handling tasks under the minimization of the makespan. An exact algorithm and a genetic algorithm are designed to solve the problem. Numerical experiments show that the algorithms are competitive comparing to on-the-shelf solvers. Practical implications are investigated based on the formulations and experimental results. The managerial implications and technological aspects of applying the formulations and algorithms to practical situations to real-world ACTs are discussed. 相似文献
This paper describes a simulation model of schedule design for a fixed transit route adopting the holding control strategy. The model is capable of determining the locations of time points and the amount of slack time allocated to each time point by minimizing the total cost associated with the schedule. The optimization is carried out through a process, which combines a heuristic search, enumeration, and population ranking and selection techniques. Examples showing applications and potential savings of the proposed model are given. It is shown that the model can serve as a practical tool for designing reliable, economical as well as operational transit schedules. 相似文献
The prediction of electric city bus energy demand is crucial in order to estimate operating costs and to size components such as the battery and charging systems. Unfortunately, there are unpredictable dynamic factors that can cause variation in the energy demand, particularly concerning driver choices and traffic levels. The impact of these factors on energy demand has been difficult to study since fast computing sufficiently accurate dynamic simulation models have been missing, properly quantified in terms of relevant inputs which contribute to energy demand. The objective is to develop and validate a novel electric city bus model for computing the energy demand, to study the nature and impact of various input factors. The developed equation-based model predicted real-world electric city bus energy consumption within 0.1% error. The most crucial unmeasurable input factors were the driven bus route, the number of stops, the elevation profile, the traffic level and the driving style. This understanding can be used to specify routes and stops for a given electric bus battery capacity. Worst-case scenarios are also necessary for electric bus sizing analysis. The best- and worst-case levels of the crucial factors were identified and with them synthetic best- and worst-case speed profiles were generated to demonstrate their effect to the energy demand. While the measured nominal consumption was 0.70 kWh/km, the computed range of variation was between 0.19 kWh/km and 1.34 kWh/km. For design sizing purposes, an electric city bus can have a broad range of possible energy consumption rates due to mission condition variations. 相似文献
In this study, we develop a real-time estimation approach for lane-based queue lengths. Our aim is to determine the numbers of queued vehicles in each lane, based on detector information at isolated signalized junctions. The challenges involved in this task are to identify whether there is a residual queue at the start time of each cycle and to determine the proportions of lane-to-lane traffic volumes in each lane. Discriminant models are developed based on time occupancy rates and impulse memories, as calculated by the detector and signal information from a set of upstream and downstream detectors. To determine the proportions of total traffic volume in each lane, the downstream arrivals for each cycle are estimated by using the Kalman filter, which is based on upstream arrivals and downstream discharges collected during the previous cycle. Both the computer simulations and the case study of real-world traffic show that the proposed method is robust and accurate for the estimation of lane-based queue lengths in real time under a wide range of traffic conditions. Calibrated discriminant models play a significant role in determining whether there are residual queued vehicles in each lane at the start time of each cycle. In addition, downstream arrivals estimated by the Kalman filter enhance the accuracy of the estimates by minimizing any error terms caused by lane-changing behavior. 相似文献
Simulations are used to estimate the impact on passenger time of a switch to articulated buses. The simulations are run under a variety of assumptions about bus operating characteristics and passenger behavior. The general implications are that articulated buses impose a fairly large time cost on passengers in high-density, short-haul routes. They are at less of a disadvantage on the long-haul routes, but even here their cost-effectiveness comes into question when the value of passenger time is taken into account. Those transit properties with articulated buses should consider concentrating them on their long-haul lines. As real wages rise over time, the disadvantage of the large buses can be expected to increase. 相似文献