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阐述上海石化仓储航运有限公司在企业流程再造实践中如何应用扁平化管理理念,指出整合物流理念与供应链过程一体化管理已成为传统储运企业发展的一个主流。 相似文献
对现金的管理,是企业财务管理的基本内容,涉及投资管理、筹资管理、利润分配以及资本管理等,历来受到大型企业或集团企业的重视,对于集装箱航运企业来说,也是日常财务管理工作的重中之重. 相似文献
2006年4月27日,在热烈欢庆中远成立45周年之际,中远集团研究制订了《中远集团“精益管理年”活动实施方案》,正式确定2006年为中远第一个“精益管理年”,以45年的辉煌成就作为落实“科学发展观”再创辉煌新的起点,以汇萃45年丰富的经营管理,围绕“两个转变-系统集成-双百中远”的战略思路,积极引进和吸收“精益管理”的先进巴想实施管理创新,实现与现有管理理念、管理方法和管理化的有机融合,不断提升核心竞争力,为实现中远集团全面、协调和可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。 相似文献
基于物流服务的航运企业业务流程再造研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
从航运企业业务流程的现状出发,结合航运企业开展现代物流服务的需要,分析了航运企业业务流程中存在的主要问题与矛盾;在此基础上研究航运企业业务流程再造的出发点与目标,系统分析研究了航运企业业务流程再造的基本思路,主要包括服务管理机制再造、财务管理机制再造和操作管理机制再造,指出了航运企业业务流程再造过程中应注意的问题。 相似文献
<正>一、精益六西格玛发展概述精益六西格玛管理概念是精益管理理论和六西格玛管理理论的结合。精益管理理论起源于20世纪50年代丰田汽车公司的"丰田生产方式"。精益生产主要研究时 相似文献
为提高集装箱航运企业客户管理水平,介绍分析型客户管理体系在集装箱航运企业中的应用,分析其建立的必要性、模式及实施步骤,并举例说明马尔可夫过程模型在市场占有率和客户分析管理中的应用。 相似文献
当前,集装箱码头正朝着专业化、大型化方向发展,集装箱码头的计费系统等管理流程必须适应新形势,不断实现流程优化,以提高运行质量和效益。本文以大连港湾集装箱码头(以下简称大港集箱)为例,分析集装箱码头计费系统的流程优化,以期为集装箱码头的科学管理提供参考。 相似文献
企业流程再造(BPR)理论在我国造船业中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业流程再造(BPR)是实现我国造船业转模的手段之一,能帮助船厂大幅度提高诸多性能(时间、质量、成本、服务)指标.本文从多个方面研究了BPR理论与造船业转模的关系,指出了我国造船业当前实施BPR的重点及注意事项,为我国造船业早日成为世界第一造船大国在提高生产效率方面提供了理论指导. 相似文献
0引言2009年,集装箱航运市场受到全球经济衰退的严重打击,集装箱码头运营业是受打击最严重的行业之一。截至2009年底的统计数据显示,业内顶尖港口的集装箱吞吐量较2008年下降25%,2009年成为海运集装箱化以来首个业内公认的全球性业务倒退年。在这样的大环境中, 相似文献
M. G. Graham 《Maritime Policy and Management》1994,21(4):331-337
Return to scale are important in container shipping: service operators are continuing to increase the size of their vessels. Mr Seok-Min Lim's article 'Economies of container ship size' (Maritime pollicy and Management,21(2) pages 149-160, 1994) uses a sample of transPacific voyages to evaluate the effect of vessel scale on revenue and cost.Although the results are inconclusive,his study is of value in drawing attention to the revenue-side problems of large containerships. More data need to be collected before the effects of topping up with low-rated cargo on unit revenue retention can be assessed. Meanwhile the pursuit of scale aggravates over-tonnaging. The required response is further rationalization, through the medium of the conferences and the container consortia. In Europe both are under political attack. Operators need to convince the authorities of the soundness of the soundness of their case for adapting these institutions to the neeeds of times.Otherwise the scramble for scale could spell disaster. 相似文献
This article discusses the employment of Kiribati seafarers on German owned and flagged shipping. The authors examine the origins of the German shipping industry sponsored training and recruitment programmes on the Kiribati atolls. The implications of the creation of a manorial ‘internal’ labour market for German container shipping in the South West Pacific is assessed. The impact of labour participation in the international shipping industry on Kiribati's former fisherfolk is also examined. 相似文献
Photis M. PanayidesAuthor Vitae Robert Wiedmer Author Vitae 《Research in Transportation Economics》2011,32(1):25-38
The economic crisis in the years between 2008 and 2010 has demonstrated the necessity for substantial adjustments on behalf of container lines. Capacities were shifted quickly to emerging and less affected markets allowing a faster recovery of globally organized companies. This paper illustrates the dynamics in the container shipping market. Alongside the main characteristics of the Top 20 ocean shipping companies, liner services are described. These services are classified by geographic coverage and vessel deployment. In addition, this paper provides a better understanding of the collaboration among service providers. Starting from a general framework of co-operative liner services, in-depth analyses of the global alliances in liner shipping are obtained. These formations - Grand Alliance, New World Alliance and CKYH Alliance - are compared with alternative forms of collaboration in the liner shipping industry. The analysis of alliance announcements which are related to operational and strategic changes indicates that the “global alliances” cannot be regarded as closed corporate-like entities. In effect, service agreements are not only negotiated with the focal members of the specific alliance. Instead, every service is arranged individually and under specific conditions. By understanding the dynamics within alliances, we are able to develop an assessment relating to the stability of collaborations. Ultimately, these insights direct us to several paths for future research. 相似文献
The shipping industry was transformed by the expansion of international trade and technological innovation, notably containerization, since the 1960s. Accordingly, this was followed by a significant increase in research addressing different aspects of container shipping. Despite such availability, important questions have remained unanswered: what are the major contributions that the research community has made to the container shipping industry, global and regional economies? Have their contributions been skewed towards particular themes, directions, and geographical areas? What can the shipping research community learn from the evolution and trends of container shipping research so that they can continue to contribute to the well-being of the global and regional economies? To address these questions, the paper undertakes a critical review and analysis on the evolution and trends of research in container shipping in the past four decades, based on a collection of 282 papers investigating different topics in container shipping featuring in major scholarly journals between 1967 and 2012. The study enables the shipping research community to enhance self-understandings and identifies major gaps for further research. 相似文献
This study empirically identifies crucial green shipping management capability and examines its impact on firm performance using survey data collected from container shipping firms, including shipping companies and agencies. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis is performed to identify three critical green shipping management capability dimensions, namely, greener policy, greener ships, and greener suppliers. In this study, firm performance is categorized into environmental performance and financial performance. The results indicate that a greener policy has a direct and positive influence on both the greener ships and the greener suppliers factors. Greener ships and greener suppliers are found to have an indirect and positive influence on financial performance through environmental performance. Accordingly, this study suggests that container shipping managers could focus on organizational green shipping management capability, specifically regarding policies, ships, and suppliers, to improve their environmental and financial performance. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings for container shipping firms have been discussed. 相似文献
为加强船公司海外代理的应收运费管理,介绍集装箱海运费的构成及其结算业务流程,分析影响应收运费的风险因素,从应收运费内部控制制度、客户信用动态管理体系、重点业务及事项控制活动等方面进行实务探讨。 相似文献