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我国现有6000多种危险化学品,其中常用的有2000多种,从生产、储存领域到消费领域的过程中,大多通过道路运输进行的。根据危险化学品的特性,运送化学危险品的车辆好像是“流动的定时炸弹”,稍有不慎,就会有灾难性的后果发生,以浙江省为例[下同],自2001年3月实行“纳轨”以来,截止到去年底,全省有从事道路危险货物企业619家,运输车辆13398辆,驾驶员、押运员从业人员分别为19012、21157人,所承运货物种类几乎涵盖了所有九大类危险化学品。  相似文献   

针对当前道路运输危险化学品现状、安全监管状况和存在的主要问题,提出了防范道路运输危险化学品监管的工作机制和思路。  相似文献   

背景:2005年3月29日,京沪高速公路江苏淮安段发生35吨液氯槽罐车与一货车相撞事故,导致槽罐车液氯大面积泄漏。由于肇事的槽罐车驾驶员逃逸,延误了最佳抢险救援时机,造成29人中毒死亡,公路旁3个乡镇大量村民中毒,京沪高速公路宿迁至宝应段关闭20个小时。事故从一个侧面反映出运输企业危险化学品运输应急救援预案存在的问题。危险化学品的运输安全管理因交通运输行业本身的高风险性和危险化学品品种的多样性、潜在的高危险性、事故高危害性而日益受到全社会的高度关注。如何提高危险化学品运输应急救援预案的针对性、适用性和可操作性,从而提…  相似文献   

<正> 一、引言 随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,经济体制的不断完善,运输企业间的竞争日趋激烈,在这种情况下,国营运输企业不再是“皇帝的女儿不愁嫁”,只有深化改革,转变思想,不断提高运输管理的科技含量,发挥大企业优势,实现规模效益才能在竞争中立于不败之地,在对国营运输企业进行体制改革时,我们认为最根本的一点就是要端正运输企业对其自身地位的认  相似文献   

正"做好职工思想政治工作,创新职工思想教育方式,使职工充分了解企业的发展方向、总体目标及达到目标的方法,凝聚共识,主动投身到企业创新的各项工作中,才能保证企业转型的成功。"经济新常态指的是中国经济增长速度向中高速换挡,经济结构向创新、节能、专业化转变的态势,对于道路客运企业而言,是挑战,更  相似文献   

在现代经济生活中,进入流通环节的危险货物(也称危险物品或危险品)将从生产环节转向消费环节,进而实现其应有的用途和功能.它们不仅被用来发电、取暖、降温和驱动车辆,也用于清洁水源和制造肥料、药品以及名目繁多的其他消费品.  相似文献   

在现代经济生活中,进入流通环节的危险货物(也称危险物品或危险品)将从生产环节转向消费环节,进而实现其应有的用途和功能。它们不仅被用来发电、取暖、降温和驱动车辆,也用于清洁水源和制造肥料、药品以及名目繁多的其他消费品。  相似文献   

7月31日,国家质检总局和国标委发布2012年第17号中国国家标准公告,《危险货物例外数量及包装要求》和《危险货物有限数量及包装要求》两项标准正式发布,二者标准号分别为GB28644.1-2012和GB286442-2012,于2012年12月1日起正式实施。近日,本刊记者特别邀请两项标准主要起草人彭建华,对标准制定进行深度解读,兹录于下。豁免一箭上弦待发记者:这两项标准制定的意义何在?彭建华:随着运输行业竞争日益加剧,国家监管也越来越严,企业利润正逐渐缩减,越来越多的运输经营  相似文献   

以鹤岗至哈尔滨高速公路伊春至绥化段工程为实例,运用概率估算法预测了运营期危险品运输污染风险发生概率,对危险品运输环境风险做出了评价分析,并提出了防护和应急措施。  相似文献   


This article applies a methodology for selecting carriers for the transportation of dangerous goods by road, with a special focus on risk management aspects. The methodology makes use of Stated Preference techniques and verifies the most critical risk-related variables influencing decision-making from the shippers' point of view. It embraces the planning and execution stages, an evaluation of the contracted company and a feedback process. The methodology was effectively applied to the case of liquid fuel shippers in the Brazilian middle-west region where it proved possible to identify which dangerous goods road transport company to contract in accordance with the risk management factors selected by the decision makers.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to establish the procedures necessary to the development of a model for the environmental risk assessment of accidents involving Transporting Hazardous Materials by Road (THMR). Quantifying the environmental risk is useful in identifying areas with a high risk of accidents, which can be later discarded as main routes; orienting efficient emergency response operations; and assessing policies aimed at reducing these risks. Taking this into consideration, this study endeavors to identify the methodological aspects make possible the assessment of the impacts that arise from accidents involving the transportation of hazardous materials by road and to implement such methodological aspects in a Geographic Information System (GIS).  相似文献   

Using a deliberative approach 228 members of the public from four locations in the United Kingdom took part in six focus groups that met on three occasions. Applying a model based on two interlocking sets of theories (Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behaviour and Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory) in the analysis of participants' responses, the paper explores the social and environmental systems that an individual interacts with in the articulation of risky behaviours on the road. Participants discussed how taking risks changed over their lifecourse and how they became safer with age. Social norms and perceived behavioural control influence road user safety behaviour through the exchanging of attitudes, and younger drivers especially are more likely to embrace the symbolic role of the car. The paper concludes that the nature of identity and culture within risk taking is important when designing interventions on the ground.  相似文献   

This paper aims at examining the possibility of setting up a model terminal for the transportation of dangerous goods. It should be designed in such a manner that its use would be possible for any kind of transportation.

This consideration has been prompted by the interface between transportation planning and technology, as well as by the tendency for harmonizing international recommendations pertaining to the transportation and handling of dangerous goods, especially during the last decades where unified transport has gained ground due to the advantages provided for the safe consignment of dangerous cargoes.

Since the large increase in terminal productivity is due to the heavy investments that were effected in terminal installations and to the modernization of the administration‐management of terminals, a mathematical simulation has been adopted to assist the determination of the capacity of a terminal for dangerous goods.

It is evident that different criteria and various assumptions have been taken into account in order to facilitate a deeper analysis, without ignoring the contribution of dangerous goods to the socio‐economic development.

From the outset of the study, it was already clear that the said process will make it possible to present—as a model—a simple but well defined situation for the purpose of drawing useful conclusions.  相似文献   

危货运输管理向军队看齐 学习规划化管理 根据《道路危险货物运输管理规定》,道路危险货物运输企业开业条件之一是要有健全安全生产管理制度.  相似文献   

Because of certain requirements under US federal law, many studies have been published in recent years on the role of fixed-route transit and paratransit in meeting the travel needs of persons with disabilities. Although persons with disabilities are several times more likely to take rides from household members than to take public transit, little research has been conducted to explore the circumstances under which such rides are given or taken. To address this gap in literature, this study examines the role of household members in transporting persons with disabilities in contemporary America. It explores how the circumstances for the ride takers may change in the future, identifies future challenges in providing mobility to persons with disabilities, and examines ways to meet those challenges. Using nationwide data from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey, the study compares the rides taken by persons with disabilities from household members with trips made by other travel modes, the persons who take rides with those who do not take rides, and the drivers who provide rides with those who do not provide rides. Probit models are used for the comparisons. Implications of the findings are discussed in light of potential demographic changes in the future, especially the growth of single-person households and the consequent loss of household support for transportation. Due to similarities in circumstances in other developed countries, an international context to the study is also provided.  相似文献   

"四化"管理作为一种理念,对公路工作有着很强的指导性和针对性。实施"四化"管理,对实现收费公路科学发展、和谐发展和可持续发展有着深远的意义。构建和谐征缴关系,最关键就是处理好征费管理者与服务对象的关系。理顺征缴关系,就是要理顺缴费群体和内部事务关系。抓住"以人为本",促进征缴双方和谐,才能实现通行费征收事业全面协调发展。  相似文献   

鉴于承运人与旅客之间形成的客运合同关系和经营者与消费者的关系,有人援引有关法规,提出承运人应对旅客在运输过程中的伤亡承担无过错责任.  相似文献   

2005年发生的几次危险品运输事故已引起有关部门的足够重视,经调查发现,农村道路危运市场仍存在三重危机.  相似文献   

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