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LNG加注船作为一种为LNG燃料动力船提供加注的新型加注基础设施船舶,在国内尚处于初步研究阶段。基于已有事故案例的危险性,并结合《液化天然气燃料加注作业指南(2017)》的相关要求,开展加注船加注过程的泄漏火灾事故定量风险分析。通过简化加注过程泄漏火灾事故树,求取顶上事件的概率和个人风险值,并以失效概率为判断标准,选取加注软管为泄漏对象,通过10 mm(易发生状况)和50 mm(最危险状况)两种孔径工况的泄漏,针对5 000 m~3加注船运用PHAST软件进行泄漏扩散和火灾后果模拟分析,最后提出相关的控制措施建议,这对LNG加注船加注过程泄漏火灾事故发生可能性的降低具有积极意义。  相似文献   

为了研究满足国际海事组织(IMO)制定的压载水排放标准的处理技术,建立了臭氧联合过氧化氢(O3/H2O2)的新型高级氧化技术体系(AOP),以单类藻种(青岛大扁藻、新月菱形藻)和混合藻种(青岛大扁藻:新月菱形藻=1∶1)为目标微藻,通过改变藻的种类、初始藻密度,氧化剂的浓度以及反应时间来探究此技术处理船舶压载水中微藻的杀灭效果。结果表明:在高剂量的TRO(>2 mg/L)浓度下,反应时间在20 s的时候就能达到D-2的要求,在面对复杂的混合藻种时,臭氧的生物杀灭功效比起处理单种藻类时更高也更快见效,当达到一定的臭氧浓度后,再继续通入臭氧也只会保持原有的生物杀灭速度。杀灭时间较短时(<10s),不同藻种中杀灭难度最大的是青岛大扁藻,最易杀灭的是混合藻;杀灭时间为20 s~40 s时,最易杀灭的藻是混合藻,单一藻种的杀灭效果相差不大;反应时间在40 s~60 s时,各种藻种的杀灭速度均小于前40 s的杀灭速度;杀灭时间大于60 s时,最难杀灭的是新月菱形藻,最易杀灭的是混合藻。该实验结果对探究高效的船舶压载水处理...  相似文献   

船舶压载水污染的处理方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了国内外船舶压载水的处理技术的研究进展,从机械法、物理法和化学法处理压载水等几个方面,探讨了各自方法的优缺点,并展望了该领域的研究前景。  相似文献   

随着船舶压载水及沉积物在世界各地间流动的有害水生生物,细菌和病原菌等对很多国家附近的海域造成了一定的污染。文中总结了对于船舶压载水及沉积物的治理技术,并分析了各种方法的作用原理和优缺点。  相似文献   

船舶压载水处理装置及其产业发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理公约》于2004年2月通过后,将于近期满足生效条件。文章对近年来国际上出现的船舶压载水处理技术以及各国生产商的产品现状进行了介绍和分析,对船舶压载水处理装置市场竞争、产业发展趋势进行了论述和探讨,并对我国企业如何应对未来竞争提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

鉴于对船舶压载水处理要求日趋严格的形势,提出基于"过滤+紫外线杀菌+超声波清洁"相结合来处理船舶压载水的方法,设计系统整体结构,完成了紫外线处理单元(EPT单元)与自清洗过滤器等重要设备的设计与选型,开发了控制系统,并制造出一套可供实船应用的压载水处理系统样机,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

船舶压载水处理综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了国际组织及各主要航运大国船舶压载水管理法规的发展和完善过程,对各种压载水处理技术进行分类.综合分析了各种处理技术的原理和优缺点.对船舶压载水处理技术和装备的发展前景作出了展望.  相似文献   

国内外船舶压载水处理技术现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
此文综述了国外船舶压载水的处理技术,介绍了国内所进行的研究工作。  相似文献   

本文对照IMO组织的《国际船舶压载水和沉淀物控制与管理公约》,通过对当前船舶压载水处理技术进行分析,找出船厂及营运船公司近期及远期适应压载水公约的应对措施。  相似文献   

单一方法处理船舶压载水行不通   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
船舶压载水引起的危害已经引起国际社会的广泛关注,尽管已有多种方法处理船舶压载水,但到目前为止还没有哪一种方法能满足国际海事组织(IMO)的要求。本文通过分析比较目前多种压载水处理方法的优缺点,认为单一的压载水处理方案满足不了IMO关于压载水处理要求,综合法处理船舶压载水是一种比较有前景的方法。  相似文献   

为提高船机零部件的耐磨性,减少零部件的磨损,通过在电镀液中添加Al2O3纳米颗粒的方法,制备出含有Al2O3纳米颗粒的复合镀铁层。对制备出的镀层进行硬度、表面形貌、元素成分和摩擦磨损性能分析。结果表明:Al2O3纳米颗粒成功进入了镀层,含有Al2O3颗粒的复合镀层相对普通镀铁层有明显提高;含有40g/L Al2O3的复合镀层的摩擦系数相对普通镀层下降了25%,磨损量也大幅下降;经过摩擦磨损后复合镀层的表面状态良好。  相似文献   

As part of the preparations for entry into force of the Ballast Water Convention (2004), the International Maritime Organization has initiated a process to evaluate the safety and efficacy of potential technologies for disinfecting ballast water on board ships. Ballast Water Management Systems intended to remove potentially ‘harmful aquatic organisms’ are subjected to a review process, one aspect of which is aimed at ensuring safety by assessing the risks of the systemto the environment, human health (including the ships crew) as well as the safety of the ship. With 25 systems in the various stages of the evaluation process and some already approved, this paper takes a first look at the types of systems under development, especially their environmental characteristics and look for any emerging trends. Quite awide range of different technologies are being developed based on chemical, physicochemical and physical mechanisms. Of these, chlorination by electrolysis in-situ is the most common and indications are that such systems may become even more common.  相似文献   

在船用钢薄板的焊接过程中,不但会产生常见的焊接变形,也有可能产生焊接失稳变形。本文以焊缝的固有变形为依据,阐明船用钢薄板对接焊失稳变形产生的内在机理;同时,以固有变形为输入参数,通过弹性有限元分析的数值模拟,预测出可能产生的失稳变形模态和变形值;最终,通过四种不同的工艺方法(激光焊、瞬态热拉伸、随焊激冷和间断焊等),来减小固有变形的数值,并控制薄板对接焊接头可能产生的失稳变形。  相似文献   

分析了潜艇舱室固态胺CO2吸附及水蒸气再生的反应机理,指出了CO2水合反应和水合CO2分解反应分别为吸附与再生过程的慢反应.在实际工况下,固态胺吸附CO2的速率受传质控制,水蒸气再生过程很快,其速率不是主要关注的问题.基于双膜理论及双电层理论,分析讨论了固态胺吸附传质过程,推导出了CO2总的传质速率方程,给出了影响速率的2个可调因素--温度及固态胺的含水量.  相似文献   

  目的   为提高过硫酸钠(Na2S2O8)湿法氧化脱硝的效率以及药品利用率,利用水力空化强化Na2S2O8开展湿法氧化脱硝实验。   方法   探究水力空化强化Na2S2O8脱硝的可行性,研究溶液温度、Na2S2O8浓度、氯离子(Cl)等因素对脱硝效果的影响以及相关机理。   结果   实验结果表明:水力空化产生的特殊环境有利于活化Na2S2O8,提高脱硝效率,但整体脱硝效果不佳;在实验条件下,当温度从30 ℃升到80 ℃时,一氧化氮(NO)去除率从7%提升至43%;提高Na2S2O8的浓度有利于提高NO脱除率;在高温工况下,提高Na2S2O8的浓度对提高整体脱硝率的促进作用更明显;Cl的存在可以极大地提高NO的脱除率,当Cl浓度与Na2S2O8浓度配比达到0.15∶0.1时,NO的脱除率高达94%。   结论   水力空化可促进Na2S2O8去除NO的反应速率,Cl在水力空化创造的特殊反应环境中能产生更多的氧化性物质,提高脱硝效果。  相似文献   

为提高有效氯溶液对船舶尾气同时脱硫、脱硝的性能,将紫外光(UV)辐照与有效氯溶液相结合,开展脱硫、脱硝试验。基于UV-鼓泡光催化反应器搭建模拟实验平台,进行UV辐照和无UV辐照环境下氧化溶液脱硫脱硝的对比试验和UV灯的功率、有效氯的浓度等因素对脱除率影响的试验。结果表明:在40℃的气液反应温度下,UV辐照能大幅度提高浓度为250 mg/L[CL2]的有效氯溶液对模拟烟气中NO、NOX和SO2的脱除能力;UV灯的功率从5W增加到16W,NO和NOX的脱除率近乎线性上升;将有效氯的浓度从250 mg/L[CL2]升高至1 500 mg/L[CL2],NO和NOX的脱除率缓慢上升;有效氯溶液对SO2的脱除率始终为100%。此外,对可能的反应机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

The air–sea CO2 exchange is primarily determined by the boundary-layer processes in the near-surface layer of the ocean since it is a water-side limited gas. As a consequence, the interfacial component of the CO2 transfer velocity can be linked to parameters of turbulence in the near-surface layer of the ocean. The development of remote sensing techniques provides a possibility to quantify the dissipation of the turbulent kinetic energy in the near-surface layer of the ocean and the air–sea CO2 transfer velocity on a global scale. In this work, the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy in the near-surface layer of the ocean and its patchiness has been linked to the air–sea CO2 transfer velocity with a boundary-layer type model. Field observations of upper ocean turbulence, laboratory studies, and the direct CO2 flux measurements are used to validate the model. The model is then forced with the TOPEX POSEIDON wind speed and significant wave height to demonstrate its applicability for estimating the distribution of the near-surface turbulence dissipation rate and gas transfer velocity for an extended (decadal) time period. A future version of this remote sensing algorithm will incorporate directional wind/wave data being available from QUIKSCAT, a now-cast wave model, and satellite heat fluxes. The inclusion of microwave imagery from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) and the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) will provide additional information on the fractional whitecap coverage and sea surface turbulence patchiness.  相似文献   

Air–sea fluxes in the Caribbean Sea are presented based on measurements of partial pressure of CO2 in surface seawater, pCO2sw, from an automated system onboard the cruise ship Explorer of the Seas for 2002 through 2004. The pCO2sw values are used to develop algorithms of pCO2sw based on sea surface temperature (SST) and position. The algorithms are applied to assimilated SST data and remotely sensed winds on a 1° by 1° grid to estimate the fluxes on weekly timescales in the region. The positive relationship between pCO2sw and SST is lower than the isochemical trend suggesting counteracting effects from biological processes. The relationship varies systematically with location with a stronger dependence further south. Furthermore, the southern area shows significantly lower pCO2sw in the fall compared to the spring at the same SST, which is attributed to differences in salinity. The annual algorithms for the entire region show a slight trend between 2002 and 2004 suggesting an increase of pCO2sw over time. This is in accord with the increasing pCO2sw due the invasion of anthropogenic CO2. The annual fluxes of CO2 yield a net invasion of CO2 to the ocean that ranges from − 0.04 to − 1.2 mol m− 2 year− 1 over the 3 years. There is a seasonal reversal in the direction of the flux with CO2 entering into the ocean during the winter and an evasion during the summer. Year-to-year differences in flux are primarily caused by temperature anomalies in the late winter and spring period resulting in changes in invasion during these seasons. An analysis of pCO2sw before and after hurricane Frances (September 4–6, 2004), and wind records during the storm suggest a large local enhancement of the flux but minimal influence on annual fluxes in the region.  相似文献   

Data from two cruises, one in April/May 1996 and one in December/January 1993, covering the same wide area in the offshore Weddell Sea, were used to derive the annual extent of entrainment and the capacity of the biological pump. The former property was obtained with the help of dissolved oxygen data, whereas the latter was approximated with nutrients. Especially the data from April/May, representing the initial state of the winter surface layer, were crucial to assess the annual extent of these processes. The results were applied to our carbon dioxide data. The annual increase of the Total CO2 (TCO2) concentration in the surface layer due to vertical transport amounts to 16.3 μmol kg−1. An entrainment rate of deep water in the surface layer amounting to 35±10 m yr−1 was deduced. The compensating, biologically mediated TCO2 reduction was calculated to be larger than the TCO2 increase due to vertical transport. Since the balance of these two processes determines whether the Weddell Sea is a source or a sink of CO2, this indicates that the Weddell Sea, albeit upwelling area, is definitely a sink for atmospheric CO2 on an annual basis. This conclusion is further supported by contemplations that the biological drawdown of CO2 in the Weddell Sea as a whole is probably underestimated by our calculations. The new production for the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis was found to be much higher than that for the Antarctic Ocean, when the latter value is being obtained by traditional biological methods. On the other hand, the CO2 uptake by the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis is somewhat smaller than the CO2 uptake by the world ocean.  相似文献   

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