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郑勋 《集装箱化》2005,(2):29-30
随着经济的全球化和现代物流的发展,激烈的市场竞争和不断变化的客户需求对货代企业提出了更新、更高的要求。为了应对市场竞争和满足客户需求,我国货代企业要提升核心竞争力,建立健全服务网络,向网络化发展。  相似文献   

中国国际货运代理企业发展环境及战略选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨中国国际货运代理企业在市场竞争环境下如何调整和制定企业发展战略,调整市场定位和业务发展方向,提出货代业务发展战略。  相似文献   

企业的生存与发展取决于企业的核心竞争力水平。国际市场竞争的焦点越来越明显地集中在核心竞争力的较量方面。就国有大型造船企业集团来说,如何培育和提高核心竞争力,积极主动地应对和赢得严峻的市场竞争,是需要认真研究解决的重大课题。一、提高企业核心竞争力的主要目  相似文献   

企业要想在竞争日益激烈的国际市场中有一个立足之地,就必须提升企业的竞争力。核心竞争力对企业在激烈的市场竞争中的生存非常重要,它为企业创造了明显的竞争优势。国际知名的企业几乎都具有若干个其他企业难以模仿的专长,从而形成了强大的核心竞争力,在残酷的市场竞争中取得了明显的优势。这些企业通过其强大的核心竞争力的优势,从市场中收获了巨大的利益。随着市场经济的发展,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,而竞争的胜败取决于企业核心竞争力的强弱。  相似文献   

狄仲捷  戴军 《集装箱化》2018,29(8):14-15
正传统货代企业接受收发货人委托,作为代理人从事报关、报检、仓储、代运等物流活动。在市场竞争加剧和行业利润率整体下滑的背景下,传统货代企业发展进入瓶颈期。本文针对传统货代企业面临的发展困境,提出依托港口物流服务与港口企业合作共赢的思路,以期实现传统货代企业转型发展。  相似文献   

论航运企业的竞争策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽梅 《世界海运》2003,26(5):26-27
阐述了21世纪的航运市场出现的竞争形势,科技与人才、知识与信息、服务与质量的竞争已成为当今市场竞争的核心。我国航运企业应及时认清新的竞争形势,根据自己的实际情况,及时制定出新的竞争策略,提高市场竞争力。  相似文献   

企业核心营销能力是打造企业核心竞争力的基础。经济全球化的竞争,实际上是全球化的市场竞争。在全球化的市场竞争中,企业的核心竞争力理所当然的体现在企业的"营销能力"方面,企业生产出来的产品价值必须通过市场配置才能体现。企业在竞争中面临客户议价能力、供应商议价能力、替代品的威胁、潜在进入者以及竞争对手的威胁。因此,企业必须具备独特的营销竞争力。才能够巩固现有的市场份额,开拓新的市场,化解各种潜在的威胁,航运企业也不例外。航运企业的核心营销能力包括以下几个方面。  相似文献   

成灶平 《中国水运》2011,(11):46-47
积极培育和大力发展货代企业创新能力已经成为当前货代企业发展中的一个重要问题。本文从概念、特点、结构和动力机制等方面对货代企业创新能力进行了研究,并且总结了提高货代企业创新能力的举措。货代企业创新能力是指在企业内外环境条件下,货代企业以市场为导向,为供应链中上下游客户提供的创造性的产品和服务,不断提高客户的满意度,为企业带来持续经济效益、持久发展空间和长期竞争优势的多层次综合性能力。  相似文献   

企业战略变革是企业实现从优秀到卓越的必经之路,好的变革能提升企业的核心竞争力。随着我国加入WTO,国内企业要想在市场竞争中保持持续的优势,就要不断审视自己和竞争对手,不断学习和创新,不断培育、维护和提升自己的核心竞争力。为此企业必须改进管理模式。  相似文献   

随着物流和信息化的发展,传统货代向物流企业转变,货代和物流密切相关,货代行业是现代物流的核心环节,是服务贸易的重要组成部分。全球货代业的权威组织一国际货运代理协会联合会(FIATA)已修订了其宗旨为:国际货代物流“(GLOBE LOGESTICS FOMARDEAS)。目前纯粹的货运代理几乎没有,许多货代企业购置了运输工具,具备了无船承运人的资格,此外原来传统的国际海运公司,  相似文献   

加入WTO后,随着货代行业的进一步对外开放和众多外企的进入,我国货代行业将呈现6大发展变化趋势。把握行业走势,对引导我国货代企业的良性发展将是十分有益的。  相似文献   

虚拟物流企业——中小货代企业的未来之路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨汉鸣  真虹 《世界海运》2002,25(3):25-26
加入WTO后,航运市场势必面临新一轮更大的冲击,众多中小货运代理企业规模小,抗风险能力弱,在这种情况下,很有可能举步维艰。针对从传统货代业与当今新兴的物流业的比较,探索出中小货代企业的出路——虚拟物流企业。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to compare vertical and horizontal cooperation among freight forwarders. The paper analyses three freight forwarders (‘players’) with two different means of transportation. The first two players are truck-operating freight forwarders. The third player is a freight forwarder with its own ship. For the purposes of analysis, the paper applied a two-stage game. The results revealed that the best form of cooperation is the one in which the large truck-operating company would establish a coalition with the ship-operating company; that is, vertical cooperation. This cooperation would generate better payoffs in the form of profit, not only to the members of this coalition, but also to the player that has not joined the coalition. However, user surplus is negative in all coalitions, which shows that the establishment of these kinds of cooperation is not beneficial (in terms of prices) for the users of these service providers.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is that of illustrating a methodology to derive, in terms of trade-offs, the relative values of transport service attributes for logistics operators. In particular, the analysis yields insights on the preferences for time-savings, frequency and reliability of the transport service in terms of price, of a sample of freight forwarders located in the South of Italy. The data is gathered using an Adaptive Stated Preference application and the estimates are obtained through a Tobit ML estimator on both company specific data and pooled data. The results show that frequency is the most highly rated characteristic of the service together with reliability. The value of time is significantly lower in both cases. The outcome is consistent across estimations and, substantially in line with the outcome of previous studies carried out on operators active at different levels of the transport-logistic chain. Until now, in fact, studies have been carried out uniquely on carriers or producers. The selection of freight forwarders allows to shed light on a segment of the market that accounts for more than half of the transport-related decisions. Furthermore, the present study focuses on a comparison between all land transport and maritime ro-ro alternatives, in line with the growing interest on the integration among transport modes. The output signals both the absence of any a priori preclusion for ro-ro maritime services and the extremely important role that frequency of service assumes for the development and the establishment of maritime services as realistic alternatives to all land transport.  相似文献   

This paper, in two parts, reports on the perceptionof route competition via seaports in the European Communities Research Project wherein 72 interviews were held with freight forwarders throughout Europe (for the locations of the interviews see Part I, figure 1). This second part of the paper reports on the analysis of the openended tape-recorded responses of the interviewees to six separate sets of propositions they were shown; and there are extensive verbatim quotations. These quotations become longer as respondents warmed to the procedure. They tend to emphasize the increasing symbiosis of the land and sea operations within international transport. Among many vital topics of concern in a freight forwarder's life are costs and time. Not only does elapsed time equate with money expended, but also time limits equate with credit limits; any delay or unreliability results in sudden and enormous escalation of costs. Movement between countries in the mainland European Communities (EC) is more by truck than short-sea shipping. Customs are widely criticized as a cause of delays. The unfair (according to EC rules discrimination against UK forwarders by conferences tend to foster feeder services to mainland ports for British exports. But the opinion is that the power of conferences has declined markedly in recent years with the concomitant growth of independent lines. Freight forwarders may decline in numbers as their function changes. More capital is now required for computerizatio and credit bonds. There is a tendency to provide a more integrated service which would be symbolized by a growth of delivered price trading compared with free-on-board deliveries.  相似文献   

The two main value propositions in international container transport are ‘port-to-port’ services and ‘door-to-door’ services. In port-to-port services, buyers ‘just’ purchase maritime transport from a shipping line. Door-to-door services comprise the total transport chain and include land-based transport. Carriers as well as forwarders offer these door-to-door services. In this paper we provide a qualitative assessment of an emerging third value proposition that is centred around inland terminals (ILTs). Such a value proposition consists of transport up to the ILT, and may have advantages over port-to-port services, such as better leverage of scale economies, better repositioning of empty containers and better alignment with the business model of forwarders. This paper conceptually and empirically explores such a value proposition.  相似文献   

Freight forwarding fulfils the role of information processor. The past decade has seen considerable change in the information industry. Combine these two facts and we can begin to explain why freight forwarders have a vested interest in using computer based information systems to their full. Many organizations have tried, some with considerable success, but in others a lack of real commitment and professionalism has cost considerable sums. In this paper the background to the industry is reviewed together with an analysis of the reasons for the poor implementation of successful systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to explore the relative importance of factors that determine container port competitiveness from the users' perspective. Three groups of port users – shipping liners, forwarders and shippers – are considered in this paper. The importance of the various factors is determined on the basis of survey results from the industry experts and then obtained via the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Furthermore, we use the results to evaluate ports in Mainland China, Hong Kong and other Asian cities. Given our results, operators of our sample ports could benchmark their performance with their competitors and identify the areas that they need to improve.  相似文献   

Containerization, inter-port competition, and port selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the criteria shippers employ in the port selection process. By focusing on the containerized traffic between the North American Mid-West and Western Europe, the factors considered by exporters and freight forwarders are examined. The findings suggest that decision-makers are influenced more by price and service considerations of land and ocean carriers than by perceived differences in the ports of entry and exit. Port infrastructures do not appear to play an important role in the routeing decisions made by an important group of independent businesses involved in the North Atlantic container trade.  相似文献   

This paper, in two parts, reports on the Perception of Route Competition via Seaports in the European Communities Research Project wherein a total of 72 interviews were held in 11 European countries. Respondents were also asked to fill in a questionnaire, and it is these questionnaire findings that are reported in this first part of the paper. These is a perhaps surprisingly widespread belief that frequency of shipping service is a main reason for choice of seaport in cargo movement. Time on the route and labour problems at ports are major concerns of freight forwarders whose minds are powerfully imbued with the spirit of free enterprise(absence of governmental or other planning agency intervention). Among other major conclusions are a preference for 'delivered price' consignments and the belief in the importance of port charges in route determination (see table 2 for summary of major conclusions).  相似文献   

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