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用于不平路面车辆动力学仿真的轮胎模型综述   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
管迪华  范成建 《汽车工程》2004,26(2):162-167
介绍了轮胎在不平路面的动力学特性。在回顾不平路面轮胎动力学模型发展的基础上,以近期的研究工作为重点,对用于不平路面车辆动力学仿真的轮胎模型进行了较为系统的介绍。概要地阐述了各种轮胎模型的建模理论、方法,并进行了分析和评述。最后,总结了不平路面轮胎力学建模的核心问题及发展方向,对不平路面车辆动力学仿真选择合适的轮胎模型给出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper outlines various analytical approaches of varying complexities to model the wheel in the ride dynamic formulation of off-road tracked vehicles. In addition to a proposed model, four analytical models available in the literature are compared to study their effectiveness in modeling the wheel/track-terrain interaction for ride dynamic evaluation of typical high mobility tracked vehicles. The ride dynamic model used in this study describes the bounce-pitch plane motion of an armoured personnel carrier (Ml 13 APC) traversing over an arbitrary rigid terrain profile at constant speed. The ride dynamic response of the tracked vehicle is evaluated with different wheel models, and compared against field-measured ride data. The relative performance of different wheel models are assessed based on the accuracy of response prediction and associated computational time. The proposed wheel model is found to perform very well in comparison, and is equally applicable for the case of wheeled vehicles.  相似文献   

稳态条件下用于车辆动力学分析的轮胎模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对稳态条件下可用于车辆动力学分析的轮胎理论模型和半经验模型,包括纵滑侧偏特性、纯纵滑特性和纯侧偏特性模型,进行了综合与分析,并讨论了各种模型间的相互关系。为车辆动力学分析提供了具体的轮胎模型和选用依据。  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we derive a new dynamic friction force model for the longitudinal road/tire interaction for wheeled ground vehicles. The model is based on a dynamic friction model developed previously for contact-point friction problems, called the LuGre model. By assuming a contact patch between the tire and the ground we develop a partial differential equation for the distribution of the friction force along the patch. An ordinary differential equation (the lumped model) for the friction force is developed, based on the patch boundary conditions and the normal force distribution along the contact patch. This lumped model is derived to approximate closely the distributed friction model. Contrary to common static friction/slip maps, it is shown that this new dynamic friction model is able to capture accurately the transient behaviour of the friction force observed during transitions between braking and acceleration. A velocity-dependent, steady-state expression of the friction force versus the slip coefficient is also developed that allows easy tuning of the model parameters by comparison with steady-state experimental data. Experimental results validate the accuracy of the new tire friction model in predicting the friction force during transient vehicle motion. It is expected that this new model will be very helpful for tire friction modeling as well as for anti-lock braking (ABS) and traction control design.  相似文献   

Dynamic Friction Models for Road/Tire Longitudinal Interaction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary In this paper we derive a new dynamic friction force model for the longitudinal road/tire interaction for wheeled ground vehicles. The model is based on a dynamic friction model developed previously for contact-point friction problems, called the LuGre model. By assuming a contact patch between the tire and the ground we develop a partial differential equation for the distribution of the friction force along the patch. An ordinary differential equation (the lumped model) for the friction force is developed, based on the patch boundary conditions and the normal force distribution along the contact patch. This lumped model is derived to approximate closely the distributed friction model. Contrary to common static friction/slip maps, it is shown that this new dynamic friction model is able to capture accurately the transient behaviour of the friction force observed during transitions between braking and acceleration. A velocity-dependent, steady-state expression of the friction force versus the slip coefficient is also developed that allows easy tuning of the model parameters by comparison with steady-state experimental data. Experimental results validate the accuracy of the new tire friction model in predicting the friction force during transient vehicle motion. It is expected that this new model will be very helpful for tire friction modeling as well as for anti-lock braking (ABS) and traction control design.  相似文献   

应用于车辆实时动力学仿真的悬架模型   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
管欣  张威  叶显峰 《汽车工程》2003,25(5):477-480
针对车辆动力学实时仿真的要求提出一种新的悬架建模方法。将悬架系统视为车身与车轮之间的无质量复合约束,利用悬架杆系的多体运动学模型和准动力学模型来分析悬架系统的运动和力学传动特性,从而悬架动力学问题简化为代数方程组的求解。与基于侧倾/力矩中心理论建立的等交悬架模型相比,该方法可分析悬架杆系内部作用力,并能更准确地描述悬架在水平方向的约束作用;与应用传统多体动力学理论建立的模型相比,该方法解决了仿真实时性的问题。基于这种方法建立了国产某轿车麦弗逊式悬架模型,并将仿真结果和道路试验及ADAMS仿真结果进行了对比,有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

基于MATLAB汽车动力学仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对影响汽车行驶安全的各方面因素进行了较为深入的分析和研究,建立车体6个自由度加上前轮转向系统1个自由度的汽车数学模型;该汽车数学模型不需引入很多的人为假设;可以实现给定汽车前轮转角,也可以不给定前轮转角;不依赖需要复杂测定的侧向力函数及相关模型参数;考虑了轮胎的滚动特性。利用MATLAB语言开发了一个模块化的仿真软件,该软件能够满足所建模型的校验和在特殊工况下的仿真研究;也可以进一步完善该软件使之服务于汽车运行的其他方面的仿真研究。  相似文献   

汽车动力学仿真模型的发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
汽车动力学包括对一切与车辆系统相关运动的研究,其最核心的是平顺性和操纵稳定性这两大领域。在简要说明了汽车动力学发展过程的基础上介绍了平顺性和操纵稳定性两大领域的模型发展过程。平顺性模型主要经过集中质量-弹簧-阻尼模型、有限元模型和动态子结构模型阶段;而操纵稳定性模型从低自由度线性模型、非线性多自由度模型发展到多体模型。最后提出了汽车动力学仿真模型的发展动向。  相似文献   

王乾廷  周晓军 《汽车工程》2006,28(3):292-295
首先根据越野汽车的结构特点和平顺性试验方法建立越野汽车静态模型;然后把平顺性虚拟测试过程视为变化的系统,从集合观点建立其动态模型,并把多种越野路面包括在模型中。测试结果表明,该建模方法可以用来表征不同越野车型随时间和空间变化的激励与响应特征,扩大了越野汽车平顺性虚拟测试系统的适用范围。  相似文献   

本文中进行整车动力学仿真,以研究轮胎性能对车辆操纵稳定性影响。首先,对3组轮胎进行轮胎力学性能试验,利用所获得的力和力矩数据建立Unitire轮胎模型。然后,用Car Sim软件进行车辆动力学建模、仿真和试验验证。最后,利用所建车辆模型进行稳态回转试验、转向盘角阶跃试验和双移线试验,对试验数据进行分析,并客观评价了轮胎性能对车辆操纵稳定性影响。  相似文献   

轮胎气压监测与爆胎自动减速系统   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
傅建中  石勇 《汽车工程》2006,28(2):199-202,171
开发出一种汽车轮胎气压监测与爆胎自动减速系统。选用有ABS功能的Passat轿车和无ABS功能的Santana轿车,进行了19次电雷管爆胎试验,试验车速范围99~167.1km/h,系统反应时间范围48~180m s,制动痕迹无明显偏航。试验表明系统在驾驶员制动反应时间内制动减速,对化解因爆胎产生的危险具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

介绍了用于汽车驾驶模拟器动力学模拟的STI(Systems Technologies Inc)轮胎半经验模型,建立了该轮胎模型的复合滑移率、横向刚度和纵向刚度以及横向力和纵向力的计算方程,并利用Vc++6.0编程计算得到的理论值与实验值对比,对该模型进行了分析和验证。分析结果表明,该轮胎模型用于车辆动力学模拟时有较好的精度。  相似文献   

车辆动力学控制的模拟   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
程军 《汽车工程》1999,21(4):199-205,256
本文用模拟方法研究了车辆动力学控制系统。采用闭环的横摆角速度及车辆侧偏角控制,用它们之间的相平面分析确定控制策略。这一控制集成了基于滑移率控制的ABS系统,实施简单,鲁棒性强,模拟结果显示该系统能有效地改善车辆的动力学性能。  相似文献   

初步探讨了面向开发型驾驶模拟器的具有模块化结构的汽车动力学仿真模型建立方法,从而可以在此基础上进一步建立一套通用的面向结构的汽车动力学仿真程序,便捷地在开发型驾驶模拟器上实现对不同类型或同类型不同结构车辆性能的仿真。  相似文献   

轮胎磨损解析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
车辆在使用过程中,轮胎往往出现不均匀磨损(又称轮胎偏磨),从而严重影响了轮胎的使用寿命。文中主要是在轮胎一般偏磨机理研究的基础上,应用CAE手段,探讨汽车悬架以及轮胎定位参数对轮胎偏磨的作用及针对性的修正措施。经过分析认为,轮胎气压对于轮胎磨损的影响是相当小的,而在轮胎磨损中起主导作用的是轮胎外倾角参数的设置,并且通过试验对此进行了验证。  相似文献   

In the dynamic simulation of vehicle straight line motion, a vehicle model usually drifts from its intended straight path even in the case of no external input. This is particularly true when a tire model based on experimental data is used. The purpose of this paper is to provide an enhancement of a basic understanding of a tire/vehicle system behavior in the straight line motion and to identify the effect of the tire on that motion. Through the analysis of a two degrees of freedom vehicle model, tire characteristic which causes a lateral drift in the straight line motion is identified. Then the results are confirmed from vehicle test and the simulations with a more complex full-car model.  相似文献   

In the dynamic simulation of vehicle straight line motion, a vehicle model usually drifts from its intended straight path even in the case of no external input. This is particularly true when a tire model based on experimental data is used. The purpose of this paper is to provide an enhancement of a basic understanding of a tire/vehicle system behavior in the straight line motion and to identify the effect of the tire on that motion. Through the analysis of a two degrees of freedom vehicle model, tire characteristic which causes a lateral drift in the straight line motion is identified. Then the results are confirmed from vehicle test and the simulations with a more complex full-car model.  相似文献   


In the scope of the European Prometheus project a passenger car with active rear wheel steering was developed by TNO in cooperation with PSA. During development and engineering of the rear wheel steering system simulation tools have been used to reduce development costs. This paper describes the evaluation of different simulation models, from simple to complex, with results of full vehicle driving tests. The optimal balance for model complexity and accuracy was achieved with a 2-dimensional model with an added roll degree of freedom. The results show that validation using time responses can give ambiguous and inaccurate results, and that frequency response functions are much more usable in validation.  相似文献   

In the scope of the European Prometheus project a passenger car with active rear wheel steering was developed by TNO in cooperation with PSA. During development and engineering of the rear wheel steering system simulation tools have been used to reduce development costs. This paper describes the evaluation of different simulation models, from simple to complex, with results of full vehicle driving tests. The optimal balance for model complexity and accuracy was achieved with a 2-dimensional model with an added roll degree of freedom. The results show that validation using time responses can give ambiguous and inaccurate results, and that frequency response functions are much more usable in validation.  相似文献   

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