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郑溶 《中国水运》2007,7(5):243-244
从德国法视角重新划分了海上货物运输合同,揭示了海上货物运输的本质,即货物在特定时间段经由海路发生空间上的变动。此外,从承运人两项基本的义务出发,把海上货物运输合同准确地定位为承揽合同,有助于合理地厘定承运人的责任、深化对海上货物运输合同的认识。  相似文献   

享有《海商法》第89条规定的解除权人仅为托运人。海上货物运输合同的托运人,包括件杂货运输和多式联运合同托运人,还包括航次租船合同的承租人,而航次租船合同的承租人又包括租用整船的承租人和租用部分舱位的承租人。遗憾的是,《海商法》第89条对此并未区别对待。根据合同解除的不可分原则,笔者认为,《海商法》第89条仅适用于整船运输解除的情形。  相似文献   

张虎 《珠江水运》2006,(Z1):147-149
货物交付是海上货物运输中十分重要的一环。本文即从民法原理出发,结合海上货物运输的实际分析在各种情形下货物交付的法律性质。  相似文献   

巨乐 《世界海运》2012,35(7):49-51
海上货物运输期间,承运人保证集装箱适载的责任期间如何确定?承运人自身在将集装箱交给托运人前的预检和出入境检验检疫局对集装箱进行的适载检验能否证明承运人已尽了谨慎的义务,从而免除其在航行过程中因集装箱质量问题而导致货损的赔偿责任?  相似文献   

王龙 《世界海运》2013,(11):46-47
在我国领域外形成的证据未经办理公证认证,法院能否予以采信? 办理公证认证手续是确认在我国领域外形成证据真实性的最有力依据,除对方当事人确认以外,一般情况下法院会要求提供证据一方办理境外公正认证手续,否则法院难以准确判断其真实性。拒不履行公证认证手续的,将面临败诉的风险。  相似文献   

孙光 《世界海运》2013,36(6):41-43
[提要]1.如何确定卸货港无单放货的法律适用?2.如何认定承运人及其代理人对卸货港无单放货的法律责任?3.如何依据卸货港国家的法律认定承运人未履行交货义务?4.如何认定提单持有人的损失?  相似文献   

联合国国际贸易法律委员会(UNCITRAL)经过六年艰巨工作,于2008年7月3日在维也纳第41届大会上制订了《联合国全程或者部分国际海上货物运输合同公约》(UN Convention on Contract for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by sea)(以后简称“新公约”)草案,并经2008年12月第63届联合国大会67次会议审议通过。  相似文献   

倪学伟 《珠江水运》2009,(12):38-41
FOB价格条件下的卖方,是法定的海上货物运输合同的发货托运人,享受托运人的权利,并应承担相应义务。  相似文献   

董俊武  陈震红 《中国水运》2006,4(7):142-143
随着知识经济时代的到来,国际贸易出现了新的变化.本文从知识经济的四大主要特征出发,分析了知识经济时代国际贸易出现的四项主要特点,并提出我国水运行业相应的对策.  相似文献   

光中 《中国船检》2005,(3):28-30
中国与美国海上运输船队分居世界第五位和第四位,两个海运大国握手言欢,对发展全球经贸有着重大的意义。2004年,中国输往美国的货物又比上年增长了 16%。中美两国既是重要的贸易伙伴,同时也是世界上两个重要的航运大国,海运是保障两国正常贸易往来最重要的运输方式,中美海运关系也成为两国经贸关系的重要组成部分。两国新的海运协定生效和中国扩大对美贸易,更有利于保障中美海运关系的健康发展,将为双方经贸合作带来更多的商业利益。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the past, present and future of the maritime transportation industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian seaborne trade and the shipping capacity are analysed for the past 15 years. Relationships between the declining Saudi shipping capacity and other economic measures are identified. Analysis of the Saudi Arabian maritime transportation is performed with respect to the world carrier fleets and models are developed to determine the theoretical shipping capacity required for transportation of the national seaborne cargo. Forecasts of the future shipping capacity requirement for the Kingdom are also presented. This paper illustrates the general approach for analysing a country's maritime industry and thus could help other researchers in that respect.  相似文献   

彭传圣 《水运管理》2009,31(4):37-39
美国是全球经济、贸易和海运强国,美国次贷危机导致的金融危机自2008年开始对全球实体经济产生明显影响,这种影响也直接反映在美国与其贸易伙伴间海运的发展变化上。我国与美国贸易关系紧密,港口和航运业直接感受到这种变化。本文根据美国联邦政府部门提供的2008年国际贸易海运统计数据,对美国国际贸易海运发展,特别是美国与我国(文中数据仅包括大陆和港澳地区)间海运的发展变化情况进行分析。  相似文献   

This paper tests two fundamental hypotheses concerning international maritime statistics. The first one deals with the question of stationary of the maritime market statistics. The second hypothesis tested is the assumption that the international maritime statistical time series are not distributed according to a normal of Guassian probability law, but rather belong to the same family of distributions with distinctly different critical parameters. Through well documented statistical methods, the paper concludes that the international freight rates observed on a day to day basis are generated by a random walk process. The paper finds that the shipping industry's conventioal wisdom is essentially correct. 'Last done' is as good a forecast of tomorrow's freight rate as any other generated by more sophisticated forecasting methods. Furthermore, freight rates and secondhand tonnage prices fluctuate closely together. The freight rates are generated by stochastic processes fully described by the Paretian family of distributions. The critical parameters of these distribution, the characteristic exponents, are such that the risk conscious ship operator can indeed reduce his exposure to risk by securing a correct set of freight rate contracts.  相似文献   

This paper tests two fundamental hypotheses concerning international maritime statistics. The first one deals with the question of stationary of the maritime market statistics. The second hypothesis tested is the assumption that the international maritime statistical time series are not distributed according to a normal of Guassian probability law, but rather belong to the same family of distributions with distinctly different critical parameters. Through well documented statistical methods, the paper concludes that the international freight rates observed on a day to day basis are generated by a random walk process. The paper finds that the shipping industry's conventioal wisdom is essentially correct. ‘Last done’ is as good a forecast of tomorrow's freight rate as any other generated by more sophisticated forecasting methods. Furthermore, freight rates and secondhand tonnage prices fluctuate closely together. The freight rates are generated by stochastic processes fully described by the Paretian family of distributions. The critical parameters of these distribution, the characteristic exponents, are such that the risk conscious ship operator can indeed reduce his exposure to risk by securing a correct set of freight rate contracts.  相似文献   

The free trade agreement (FTA) implemented in 1988 by the United States and Canada will complete the integration of the economics of the world's two largest trading partners. While the vast bulk of US-Canadian trade is transported overland, the FTA will also affect the volume, commodity composition, and spatial distribution of maritime trade. The spatial structure of US-Canadian water-borne trade is examined followed by an investigation of the short-run (non-investment related) impacts of the FTA on the US port system. Commodity-specific analyses of tariffs and non-tariff barriers and elasticities of demand are employed to estimate the sectoral and spatial changes in water-borne trade volumes since 1988 that are attributable to the FTA.  相似文献   

国际海事条约在我国的适用方式和范围   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩丹 《水运管理》2007,29(10):33-36
为帮助海事管理机构有效实施国际海事条约,切实履行"船旗国"及"港口国"监督管理义务,从国际条约在国内适用的一般原则出发,结合海事管理现状对调整海事行政关系的国际海事条约在我国的适用方式和范围进行分析,澄清在适用国际海事条约时存在的不确定性认识,解决目前在海事管理实践中困扰海事执法人员的条约适用问题,认为国际海事条约在我国应以直接适用作为主要适用方式,除条约自身有特殊规定外,其适用范围应仅限于涉外法律关系。  相似文献   

Marine transportation is a vital component of the world’s economy and transportation network. The number of people using passenger ships around the globe is increasing worldwide. Similar to other transportation systems, passenger safety is critical in maritime shipment. As emergency evacuation processes for ships are highly different from and more complicated than those for buildings and other vehicles, many researchers have published a vast range of documents related to this peculiar research area. However, there is a tangible lack of sufficient literature review studies that investigate marine emergency evacuation (MEE). That being the case, the potential of marine transportation and the effect of emergency evacuation operation on life safety have inspired the proposal of this study. This paper offers a review of the available literature on MEE modelling, analysis and planning during the period from 1973 to 2017 using a systematic approach. After reviewing relevant academic journals, peer-reviewed conference papers, and technical reports of agencies, relevant literature is analysed. In addition, the literature review is extended by means of proposing a framework methodology which considers different possible conditions and situations during MEE. Finally, insights for ship managers and policymakers are discussed and potential future research directions are identified.  相似文献   

郑和航海是我国历史乃至人类社会发展史上具有划时代意义的壮举.在上海加快建设国际航运中心和国际金融中心之际,考察郑和航海国际贸易合作路径的探索性实践,特别是探寻东南亚航运贸易圈的形成历史,笔者发现:以船舶为主要运输工具的海路贸易是国际贸易的主体方式;郑和航海在海路贸易国际合作的环境条件、运输便利、专业团队和交易规则等方面进行了开拓性的实践,其创造的海路国际交往辉煌历史对推动世界贸易事业的发展乃至当今我国航运贸易工作的创新都具有久远的影响和深刻的启迪作用.  相似文献   

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