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我国交通安全宣传教育的问题分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通安全的宣传教育作为交通安全管理的重要内容,在宣传道路交通法律法规、预防和控制交通事故、促进道路交通综合治理等方面起着重要作用,但目前我国的道路交通安全宣传教育存在着法律欠完善、体制欠周全以及工作有待深入等一系列问题。从分析道路交通事故的整体特点入手,阐述道路交通安全宣传教育的重要性,分析了我国交通安全宣传教育过程中存在的问题并提出相关建议,供相关部门参考。  相似文献   

编辑同志:为使广大驾驶员、学生及农村群众在春运期间接受一次交通安全知识教育,增强交通安全防范意识,确保每位出行者的人身安全,保证道路安全畅通,富川瑶族自治县交警大队采取四项措施开展春运交通安全宣传教育,使春运安全宣传工作达到浓厚的氛围和效果。  相似文献   

中学生交通安全教育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道路机动化的发展将交通安全宣传教育尤其是针对中学生的宣教提到了新的高度,通过对国外成功案例的剖析并结合我国中学生成长及受教育特点,提出将交通安全知识与传统的物理、英语教学相融合的创新宣传教育方式,为我国交通安全宣传的有效实施提供参考性建议。  相似文献   

交通安全宣传片作为道路交通安全宣传作品的重要组成部分,其创作和传播是交通安全宣传的重要手段之一,创作质量和创作理念,对其宣传效果有着不容忽视的影响。长久以来,西方发达国家在其道路安全宣传工作中,极为重视交通安全宣传片的创作,其作品大多制作精良,不但有很强的教育意义和实用价值,还具备很高的观赏性和艺术性。其中德国DOE系列交通安全公益广告便具有很强的代表性。笔者撷取上述代表作宣传片,对其策划理念、创作特点进行分析,对其鲜明突出的主题,丰富而极富针对性的内容、简而精当的提示语,张弛有度的叙事节奏变化,匠心独运的镜头语言进行了细致的研究和分析,并分析其借鉴价值,以期为国内的交通安全宣传片的策划和创作提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

白项林 《驾驶园》2008,(6):103-103
"六一"前夕,为从源头上预防和减少道路交通事故,保护中小学生的生命安全,河南省商丘市公安局交警支队一大队民警深入辖区学校开展交通安全宣传教育活动。活动中,民警深入学校,通过授课、播放专题教育片、设立校园交通安全宣传橱窗、张贴宣传挂图、黑板报巡展等方式,广泛向学  相似文献   

道路交通安全教育是调节道路交通管理机关与交通参与行为的重要手段。而搞好交通安全宣传教育必须了解交通安全宣传的主体、客体特征,本对道路交通安全传教育的主体、客体特征作了简要分析。  相似文献   

抓好宣传教育,增强安全意识一要注重交通法规教育和安全知识宣传工作。预防车辆事故应该从增强驾驶员的安全行车意识入手。要利用各种宣传工具进行全方位、多角度的宣传教育,使驾驶员增强安全行车意识,懂得基本的交通安全知识,主动关心和支持预防车辆事故工作。同时,还应根据天  相似文献   

正为进一步加强道路交通安全管理,改善道路通行环境,切实保障人民群众出行安全。四川交警深入客货运企业开展交通安全宣传教育活动,进一步提高驾乘人员交通安全意识和自我保护能力,全力预防和遏制交通事故的发生。近日,乐山交警组织民警到辖区公司开展春季交通安全培训,通报了近期涉及客运车辆的道路交通事故,剖析事故成因,详细讲解客运车辆应注意的安全问题,要求客运企业加强内部管理,强化源头管控,坚决杜绝道路交通事故的发生。  相似文献   

<正>江苏省交管部门坚持将交通安全宣传教育工作作为道路交通事故预防“减量控大”工作的重要着力点和落脚点,通过“依托政府,借力社会,立足职能”三方面发力,不断提升交通安全宣传教育水平和广大群众的交通安全意识,全省道路交通安全形势持续稳定。常州武进“四力齐发”构建交通事故预防新格局今年以来,江苏省常州市公安局武进分局聚焦道路交通事故预防“减量控大”工作,在宣传动员方面持续发力,构建起交通事故预防新格局,辖区道路交通安全形势持续好转,交通事故亡人数同比下降33.3%。  相似文献   

提出将多重对应分析引入到在交通安全宣传的受教对象重点群体的识别中,并以酒后驾驶的这一违法行为为例进行了验证.在搜集某地1 075个酒后驾驶人的人口特征数据基础上,通过多重对应分析发现,在酒后驾驶这一违法行为中,存在(外地、低学历、男性)和(高学历、女性)等2个交通安全宣传的重点群体.研究者建议,应该将这两个群体作为交通安全宣传教育的重点群体,并制定更加具有针对性的宣传策略.最后,探讨了多重对应分析在未来其他交通安全宣传重点群体识别中的应用前景.  相似文献   

刘东波  杨轸  唐磊 《城市道桥与防洪》2013,(1):129-132,151,13,14
目前,道路交通安全宣传教育面临的最大问题就是教育的针对性,尤其是教育对象及其所受教育的特征的确定。该文首先对交通安全宣教群体进行初步划分,然后通过对浙江、山东、广东地区交通事故和违法资料的统计分析,结合相关部门专家的调研与座谈,初步确定了交通安全宣教人群的重点,并采用模糊综合评价法和层次分析法确定十类重点教育人群,最后从受教群体自身的特征和受教群体所接触的环境两个方面进行分析,对十类重点群体的受教特征进行分析与总结,为交通安全宣教内容和方法的研究提供参考与依据。  相似文献   

随着近几年学校生源结构的变化,校内的交通工具种类和数量也在不断增多,这使得校园交通管理压力增大。通过对校园车辆类型和数量的分析,结合校园道路设计的实际情况,从后勤管理、安全保卫和宣传教育等方面采取相应的预防措施,提高校园师生的校园交通安全意识,预防各类校园交通事故的发生。从而增强师生的全员交通安全意识,保障师生的正常工作学习安全。  相似文献   

依托公安交通管理综合平台中事故处理模块的相关功能,结合南京市宁杭高速交警大队事故处理工作,对宁杭高速近年来的交通事故情况进行统计、梳理,并对该路段的交通事故情况开展致因分析,最后从道路设计、交通标志设置、速度管控、违法治理、宣传教育方面提出事故预防工作对策。  相似文献   

张骞 《汽车与安全》2014,(10):80-86
互联网络的出现与兴起,为交通安全宣传教育工作的具体实施开辟了全新领域。本文将在分析我国地方公安交通管理部门官方政务网站的基础上,针对当前实际需求,从建设目标、内容设置、技术方案等方面研究交通安全宣传教育专业化网站建设新模式、分析发展新趋势,以此来提升我国交通安全宣传教育工作和相关网站的整体水平,最终达到全民交通安全意识整体提升的目标。  相似文献   

This article provides the background to the special issue by reviewing the status of traffic problems in South East Asian countries, and in particular, the case of Cambodia. The “Make Roads Safe” report by the Commission for Global Road Safety (2011) confirms traffic accidents as the primary cause of youth mortality worldwide. Thus, the United Nations declared the decade from 2011 to 2020 as the “UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020”, promoting road safety and to reduce the number of deaths in road accidents by 2020. Furthermore, the “Sustainable Development Goals” adopted in 2015 highlight the important role of sustainable transport in tackling the exclusion of vulnerable groups. On the other hand, the World Health Organization in 2015 indicate an increase in the death rate due to traffic accidents in low-income countries since 2000. Traffic accidents were already recognized as a social problem before the 2000s in countries such as Thailand and the Philippines. At the same time, other ASEAN member states such as Vietnam and Cambodia which have experienced rapid economic growth since the 2000s are now experiencing the seriousness of traffic problems. It is said that 70% of road accidents in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos involve motorcycles and three-wheelers, but despite this situation, the regulatory framework for motorcycles remains undeveloped. In the case of Cambodia, speeding by young people remains the major cause of road deaths and this can be explained by the fact that people can now travel at a higher speed because of road developments but remaining challenges related to underdeveloped traffic legislation, and limited public awareness and knowledge of road safety are overlooked. In 2010, the Cambodian National Road Safety Action Plan 2010–2020 was drafted, aiming to halve the number of deaths in traffic accidents in 2020. However, in reality, the number of road deaths did not decrease to the level anticipated in the action plan until 2016. In this article, the authors emphasize the importance of implementing the “three Es” namely Engineering, Enforcement and Education in developing countries such as Cambodia. In particular, the authors claim that the role of education to increase people's road safety awareness is neglected compared to the other two dimensions and thus, it is highly important to raise people's road safety awareness through education among the young people.  相似文献   

This paper presents the historical and cultural background relating to road improvement and road safety characteristics in Kenya, a developing country in East Africa. Some who come from low-developed areas of developing countries often take time to comprehend the modern transportation infrastructure, especially roads, and have difficulty assimilating and customizing the same to their culturally tailored modes.This paper discusses two case studies: one on the socio-economic impact following improvements to a 50-km, high-class, high-traffic-volume road and the other on the monitoring and evaluation of road safety aspects along the Northern Corridor in Kenya also following major road improvements.The road improvements to the Nairobi-Thika Highway (a trunk road) have attracted many investors along the highway corridor. The high-speed road has also brought with it the unfortunate consequence of speeding vehicles colliding with pedestrians crossing the road at undesignated locations.The Northern Corridor, the transportation corridor that links the Great Lakes Countries of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda from the port of Mombasa in Kenya, has had high accident rates for a considerable amount of time. The results of monitoring and evaluation exercises on the Northern Corridor have shown that drivers are the major contributors in causing accidents, with a component ratio of 49.4%; pedestrians are next at 21.7%. Data also shows that 24% of the accidents along the Northern Corridor are fatal, which is of major concern. The study additionally indicated that the majority of road users have not been exposed to education or training on road safety.This paper presents a number of recommendations arising from the road safety study regarding possible improvements in aspects of road safety along the corridor and potential applications of those changes to other roads in general. For example, there are recommendations related to the geometric design of the road, driver training and behavior, vehicle maintenance, and the need to enhance road safety through the utilization of road safety parks where road users can undergo training and drills on road safety aspects.In conclusion, we argue that the rehabilitation of the Northern Corridor from Mombasa on the Kenyan coast to the border with Uganda has led to significant road safety improvement.  相似文献   

随着汽车数量的迅猛增长,在给人们带来出行便利的同时,道路交通事故也居高不下。中小学生是道路交通事故的主要受害者之一,而中小学生生理机能限制和交通安全意识淡薄是交通事故频发的主要原因。本文针对我国中小学生交通安全教育形式、内容、覆盖范围、时间和通道进行了分析,在对比研究国外儿童道路交通安全教育特点的基础上,提出了加强我国中小学生交通安全教育的建议。  相似文献   

Motorcycle injuries have caused serious implications for public health and national economies in many ASEAN countries. Drivers' lack of road safety awareness and low level of voluntary compliance hinder the promotion of traffic safety. Against this background, the Vietnamese government cooperated with motorcycle manufacturers in a wide range of educational activities. This study evaluates the effectiveness of cross-sector collaborative education programs implemented in Vietnam through a series of statistical analyses. Utilizing a sample of 600 respondents, we focus on the educational effects on riders' attitudes, behaviors, accident prevention, and riders' psychological changes after participating in safety activities. The results show that the effectiveness of rider training differed depending on riders' experience. Motorcyclists' improvement in risk awareness mainly results from the enhancement of safety awareness. The structural model revealed that safety activities have positive effects on motorcyclists' riding confidence, safety awareness, joy and comfort while riding, independence and freedom in daily life, and perspective-taking abilities. Altruistic motivation is suggested as the key factor to encourage motorcyclists' safe riding, highlighting the importance of building up traffic moral and expanding traffic safety culture across the country. With an attempt to find out the insufficient and missing content from the present training programs, this study seeks to inform policy decisions on accident prevention as well as promote motorcyclists' well-being based on the sustainable motorcycle culture in ASEAN countries.  相似文献   

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