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陈景胜 《汽车时代》2001,(11):76-77

最近到德国旅游,发现德国司机行车礼貌先行,着实让人感动,我们乘坐的是豪华旅游大巴,在拥挤的德国市内停车倒车掉头都显得很笨。每当遇到这种情况,  相似文献   

黄国强 《交通科技》2002,(3):74-75,78
介绍德国交通建设的管理方式和工程质量管理模式,以及作者从中受到的启示。  相似文献   

社会经济的发展与交通运输业相互影响相互联系,发展交通运输能力的提升,必然有利于经济的发展,优化交通必然带来经济市场的扩大和劳动分工并增强市场竞争能力。从而促进社会经济的全面发展。  相似文献   

首先简述公路养护施工区布局的意义以及我国公路养护施工区布局的现状;其次,叙述了我国与德国在公路养护施工区布局方面的不同之处,主要体现在道路封闭原则、标志设置方式、安全设施的差异、公路养护施工区各部分长度的确定等方面;最后,说明了德国的公路养护施工区布局在我国的适用性和借鉴意义,即应依照我国国情决定是否采用国外的布局方式。  相似文献   

北土 《汽车与安全》2010,(11):70-73
"当我环顾四周,却始终无法找到我的梦想之车时,我决心亲手打造一辆。"——费利·保时捷(Ferry Porsche)  相似文献   

盛慧 《驾驶园》2007,(12):95
智利首都圣地亚哥地处安第斯山脉和海岸山脉之间的谷地,市区空气流动受阻,空气污染物难以排出.智利国家环境委员会的统计显示,圣地亚哥城市空气中颗粒物的6.5%来自汽车尾气,78.9%来自道路上因车辆行驶而飞扬的尘土.  相似文献   

市场生态和中国载货汽车的总体特征 2006年,中国以71万9 212辆中、重型载货汽车产量超过日本,成为世界第1大中、重型载货汽车生产国:2007年,中国以超过日本15万9 707辆产量的绝对优势,再度戴上中、重型载货汽车第1生产大国的桂冠.  相似文献   

Behavioral determinants in the form of safety performance indicators (SPIs) are increasingly being applied in addition to road traffic crash statistics to evaluate road safety. These SPIs help understand driving behaviors and adopt preventive measures for crashes. Behavior-explaining determinants, including attitude or subjective norms, are defined in the theory of planned behavior and are collected through surveys. In this study, data from three traffic behavior surveys, conducted in Germany, were employed, taking the example of mobile phone use while driving, which causes distraction and represents a road safety risk. The surveys differ in their methodology and results. While the Traffic Climate in Germany has been surveying the determinants of mobile phone use in a representative sample for several years, the E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes (ESRA) is conducted in parallel in several countries and allows for comparison with Germany. The survey by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Science (IATSS) only included the group of young drivers in Germany. All three surveys demonstrate that although attitudes and subjective norms tend to be negative, mobile phones are nevertheless used while driving. Major differences exist depending on the mode of use (hands-free calling, texting) and recent developments. Thus, regularly surveying the determinants and mapping the latest developments in terms of content is critical. Together, these surveys provide comprehensive insights into the topic and enable prevention approaches, such as the concrete communication of information to young drivers and the emphasis on dangers, even during the hands-free use of mobile phones while driving.  相似文献   

Although the number of traffic accidents in Japan decreases each year, little is known about the annual trends of various types of traffic accidents. In this study, we used public domain to examine annual trends in the number of fatalities caused by traffic accidents by age and type of transportation. We found that such trends differed by age group and type, and that the number of deaths due to certain types of traffic accidents is increasing.Identification by DNA analysis is now widely used in traffic accident investigations, but the public is largely unaware of the components of DNA that are investigated and the way in which the analysis is conducted. For this reason, we introduced an outline of the DNA analysis that is conducted in the traffic accident investigations and present several cases in which DNA analysis has been effectively utilized in such investigations.  相似文献   

结合澳大利亚新南威尔士州道路交通规则2008年修订内容,提出了在制订和实施道路交通法规过程中应注重人性化与处罚有机结合的策略。  相似文献   

为了实现交通事故再现过程中对车辆三维模型的读取与控制,本文运用三维建模软件(3DMAX)对车辆进行建模,在VC++及OpenGL环境下读取并重绘模型,通过程序对模型进行控制。  相似文献   

2006年,全国道路交通安全形势总体趋向好转,交通事故各项指数大幅下降,死亡人数比上年减少9283人,下降9.4%.但是,必须承认,局势依然严峻,每天还有244人的生命葬送于交通事故.特别是几个与人民群众出行密切相关的交通行为或领域,俨然成为2006年的事故增长点!  相似文献   

刘勇 《天津汽车》2009,(7):47-51
为了使现代车身满足众多要求,保证非常好的静态和动态刚度,使整车具备良好的行驶性能,文章主要介绍了主流德系车白车身中具有代表性的覆盖件与结构件所用材料,及其在白车身的制造工艺和碰撞等性能中的作用和优缺点。指出未来铝镁合金将在车身材料的构成中占主导地位,车身材料必将沿着更环保、更经济、更高强度及更加轻量化的方向发展。  相似文献   

适于道路交通安全分析和管理的GIS研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
就GIS如何应用于道路交通安全分析和管理以及这一应用系统具体的 实现技术等几个方面的问题进行了搪塞 。  相似文献   

Routes optimization in urban freight distribution is usually an off-line process based on the knowledge of historical conditions on the network. Real-time data provided by Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) enable online re-optimization on the basis of actual traffic conditions.

?This paper evaluates the added value generated by re-optimizing the off-line solution with real-time information. The study is carried out for a practical application to the freight distribution of perishable goods in the city of Rome (Italy). The off-line problem is formulated as a vehicle routing problem with soft time windows while in the online problem it is also allowed to skip some customers or to re-sequence the deliveries. Both versions are solved with different algorithms and with different data sets. Results can be used to evaluate the potential return on investment on the acquisition of different kinds of traffic data. At the same time, results can be of interest for information providers, to fix the price of off-line and online information and/or to estimate the associated potential market share.  相似文献   

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