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本文通过模拟仿真和理论分析的方法,对客车正面碰撞中不同乘坐位置和不同约束条件下乘员损伤情况进行了对比分析。针对客车上三种典型的乘员约束条件:无安全带约束、两点式安全带约束和三点式安全带约束,详细阐明了约束条件和座位位置对客车正面碰撞事故中乘员损伤部位的影响,以及不同约束条件下约束系统对乘员的保护效果,有利于提出合理的客车乘员约束系统性能要求。  相似文献   

汽车安全装备主要包括安全带、防撞式车身和安全气囊防护系统(SRS)等,为了在短暂时间里减轻对乘员的伤害,安全气囊系统通信应用了具有通信速度快、可靠性高等优点的CANBUS系统。当安全气囊系统发生故障时,必须及时到维修站将故障排除,以保证行车安全。  相似文献   

正面和斜侧碰撞 有资料介绍:客车正面碰撞和斜侧碰撞占总事故的40%~60%.在正面碰撞中,减速度由保险杠向车尾逐渐减小.驾驶员由于其所处的位置,首当其冲.其中约有一半对驾驶员造成严重伤害.中型客车除一些采用短头结构(如子弹头结构)的车型,碰撞时对驾驶员的缓冲增大、产生的危险也较小外,大多数采用平头结构,因车身小,驾驶员受伤害的程度更大.  相似文献   

<正>保障交通安全卧铺客车停运就更安全吗8月26日凌晨发生在陕西延安境内的特大交通事故,引发卧铺客车存废之争。停止卧铺客车的生产和运营,就能提高长途客运的安全性吗?从数据上看有可能,但长途客运安全机制的效率不会实质提高。卧铺客车数量占大客车的比例约1%,但其事故死亡人数占大客车事故死亡人数比例达10%,但同时应该看到双层卧铺客车  相似文献   

一辆客车正准备超过一辆货车.突然.货车后面猛的出现一辆轿车,意图从客车与货车之间的狭窄缝隙中穿过.但是小车不幸碰撞到客车,然后失控冲出护栏.弹回来第二次碰撞到客车前部,小车内两人当场殒命.大客车也险些侧翻……  相似文献   

福伊特缓速器进入中国市场已经近20年,其最早是作为凯斯鲍尔豪华大客车的标准配置为中国客车用户所熟悉.目前,中国高三级营运客车中,已有70%以上的客户使用福伊特液力缓速器产品.  相似文献   

客车在出厂的时候,安全带标配的车辆能占几成?各个客运站又有多少辆客车装配了安全带?国内各家客车企业的公路客车都装配有安全带。然而对以后安全带是否能成为标配,各家客车企业给出了不同的答案。一些客车却没有配备安全带,而即使客车配备了安全带,近九成的乘客也没有系安全带的意识。然而,系安全带是必须的。  相似文献   

近门,记者从国内领先客车制造商-厦门金龙联合汽车工业有限公司(简称“大金龙”)获悉,日前,该公司旗下一款中型客车XMQ6900Y在北京交通部汽车试验场完成了国内首次正面100%重叠刚性壁障碰撞实验“中国客车正面第一碰”由此诞生。  相似文献   

说“车祸猛于虎”一点也不为过,驾驶过程中一个小失误,很可能就天人相隔。而如果营运客车发生车祸,因荷载人数多,造成的损失就更难以估摸了。据有关部门统计,2005至2011年,全国共发生因营运车辆(含营运客车和营运货车)肇事导致一次死亡10人以上特大道路交通事故(以下简称营运车辆lO人事故)186起,造成2963人死亡、2997人受伤。  相似文献   

<正>一组发人深省的安全数据显示:如果不系安全带,行车时速到达19公里就有可能造成生命危险;后排乘客佩戴安全带也可以减少25%~75%的危险;边驾车边用手机的事故发生几率会提高5倍;疲劳驾驶会使事故发生几率是正常情况下的8倍;如果骑车时佩戴头盔,发生事故时的致死率可以减少40%;相比国内严重偏低的儿童座椅普及率,发达国家的普及率则超过90%;使用儿童约束系统,能降低车内1至7岁儿童50%~70%的死亡率。  相似文献   

为判断汽车座椅骨架的结构合理性,文章利用ANSA建立了某乘用车座椅骨架总成及假头型有限元模型,对该座椅骨架进行了模态分析与基于显式动力学有限元的头枕吸能性仿真试验,得到前四阶固有频率和振型、头枕前碰仿真分析加速度时间历程图。结果表明,该座椅骨架自由模态频率避开了人体最敏感的共振频率范围,整个碰撞过程假头型减速度超过80 g的连续作用时间未超过3 ms。  相似文献   

This study examines the potential effects the installation of seat belts on school buses would have on the fleet capacity in Alabama and the resulting cost implications. The study also documents the myriad research studies and professional opinions offered on the potential safety effects of equipping school buses with safety restraints/seat belts. Four seat configurations for the school buses were analyzed. The first configuration represents the most common current bus seating configuration without seat belts, 3 seats on each side of the aisle and 12 rows (3/3-12). The physical space required for seat belt hardware may result in a loss of a row of seats and may reduce the number of students seated per row. Thus, three more configurations were studied: loss of a row of seats (3/3-11), loss of one seat per row (3/2-12), and loss of both a row of seats and a seat per row (3/2-11). The capacity for each configuration for each bus using current pupil loads was determined. The costs associated with installation of seat belts, and purchase and operation of new buses were obtained. Should school bus seat belts become mandatory in Alabama, the results obtained in this study can be used by any school system to determine the optimum configuration for their pupils, which will identify the number of additional buses that must be purchased by the school system. This study found that many of the buses that would become overloaded due to seat belt installation and the resultant loss of seating will be carrying only a few excess pupils. Transportation supervisors may be able to handle such overloads by transferring these pupils to other buses or by adjusting their bus routes to minimize purchase of new buses. Additional suggestions for handling bus overloads were offered in the body of this report.  相似文献   

为了对比研究A类防撞等级中F型混凝土护栏和直壁型混凝土护栏的防护性能,建立两种护栏与客车的有限元模型,运用ANSYS Workbench软件中显式动力学模块,控制仿真碰撞的试验参数,将大客车模型以规定的初速度和碰撞角度进行计算机仿真碰撞试验,从车辆的加速度、车辆运行轨迹、护栏的最大动态变形量等方面综合对比两种护栏的防护性能。结果表明:相比直壁式护栏,F型混凝土护栏防撞性能、安全性能、导向性能较好。  相似文献   

The current study contributes to the existing injury severity modeling literature by developing a multivariate probit model of injury severity and seat belt use decisions of both drivers involved in two-vehicle crashes. The modeling approach enables the joint modeling of the injury severity of multiple individuals involved in a crash, while also recognizing the endogeneity of seat belt use in predicting injury severity levels as well as accommodating unobserved heterogeneity in the effects of variables. The proposed model is applied to analyze the injury severity of drivers involved in two-vehicle road crashes in Denmark.The empirical analysis provides strong support for the notion that people offset the restraint benefits of seat belt use by driving more aggressively. Also, men and those individuals driving heavy vehicles have a lower injury risk than women and those driving lighter vehicles, respectively. At the same time, men and individuals driving heavy vehicles pose more of a danger to other drivers on the roadway when involved in a crash. Other important determinants of injury severity include speed limit on roadways where crash occurs, the presence (or absence) of center dividers (median barriers), and whether the crash involves a head-on collision. These and other results are discussed, along with implications for countermeasures to reduce injury severities in crashes. The analysis also underscores the importance of considering injury severity at a crash level, while accommodating seat belt endogeneity effects and unobserved heterogeneity effects.  相似文献   

Aural comfort is negatively affected during a train’s passage through various tunnel environments. The objective of this study was to propose a prediction model for determining optimal operation parameter combinations to improve train occupants’ aural comfort. High-speed train model tests, combined with a mathematical transfer model, were used to obtain the interior pressure transients under varying speeds, tunnel lengths and seal indexes. Then, a middle ear finite element model was used to simulate the dynamic responses under the pressure transients, and three indicators were employed to assess the severity of aural sensations. Meanwhile, the aural discomfort were classified into four groups according to the duration. Based on the simulation results, the ordinal regression analysis method was used to reveal the effects of the considered factors on aural comfort. The results indicate that aural discomfort sensations begin when a train runs in the middle of a tunnel but are mitigated when it approaches the tunnel exit. Furthermore, aural discomfort is positively correlated with the train speed and the distance from the driver cabin of the head car but negatively correlated with the seal index and tunnel length. As a conclusion, a mathematical prediction model was established that incorporates factors including the train speed, seal index, tunnel length and car position. It can not only forecast aural sensations under certain operation parameters and tunnel environments but also be used for determining the optimal operation parameters to ensure the best aural sensations for high-speed-train occupants.  相似文献   

This is a two‐part study. The main part reports on all car occupant patients coming to the accident and emergency departments of 14 hospitals in the United Kingdom in the years immediately before and after the introduction of seat belt legislation. This included about 5% of such casualties in the country. Using the strict methodology of stating expected changes in the form of hypotheses prior to analysis, it was confirmed that a large number of improvements occurred. These included a reduction in the total number of patients, number of bed days, multiplicity of injuries, injuries to the brain and chest, and many facial injuries. It was confirmed that after legislation there was some increase in neck sprains and sternum fractures. Front‐seat passengers obtained much greater benefits than did drivers.

In a much smaller study in fatalities (again covering about 5% of fatalities in the country) it appeared that improvements occurred in head, chest, and abdomen injury, while limb injuries were not greatly changed and spinal injuries increased.  相似文献   

Vehicle speed is an important attribute for analysing the utility of a transport mode. The speed relationship between multiple modes of transport is of interest to traffic planners and operators. This paper quantifies the relationship between bus speed and average car speed by integrating Bluetooth data and transit signal priority data from the urban network in Brisbane, Australia. The method proposed in this paper is the first of its kind to relate bus speed and average car speed by integrating multi-source traffic data in a corridor-based method. Three transferable regression models relating not-in-service bus, in-service bus during peak periods and in-service bus during off-peak periods with average car speed are proposed. The models are cross-validated and the interrelationships are significant.  相似文献   

Local bus services were deregulated in October 1986 in all areas of Britain except London. Government policy is to extend deregulation to London, though not in the current parliament. This paper analyses statistics on bus accidents from the national road accident database from 1981 to 1991 to compare results for London and the rest of Great Britain, and to consider whether deregulation has affected safety. The conclusions depend on the assumption that accident recording practice was not itself affected by deregulation.Bus accident rates are higher in London than on built-up roads elsewhere, partly apparently because of road traffic conditions in London, and partly because open-platform buses have higher accident rates involving occupants, including boarding and alighting accidents, than buses with doors.The main safety effects of deregulation operate through its effects on bus activity, though there is also some evidence that the rate per bus-kilometre of accidents involving other road users fell slightly. This may be due in part to the trend towards smaller buses associated with deregulation. Deregulation has led to a fall in bus patronage, and thus to a fall in occupant casualties; and to a rise in bus-kilometres, and thus to a rise in casualties among other road users in accidents involving buses. The number of fatal and serious casualties among other road users involved in bus accidents is larger than the number among bus occupants, so deregulation in London could lead on balance to a small rise in fatalities involving buses. On the other hand, the number of slight casualties among other road users involved in bus accidents is smaller than the number among bus occupants, so deregulation in London could lead to a fall in the number of slight casualties involving buses.Although there were fears that changes in the management of bus operations or financial pressures might lead to increased accident rates following deregulation, there no evidence in the findings to support such fears.This paper was first presented at the 3rd International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Surface Public Transport at Mississauga, Canada on 25–29 September 1993. The author is grateful to the Department of Transport for the speed and efficiency with which they provided special tabulations from the road accident database for this study.  相似文献   

文章根据客车车架设计理论和某长途客车底盘参数,设计出适用于客车底盘总成布置的三段式车架,并应用有限元分析软件Ansys WorkBench进行车架静力学分析,同时根据分析结果对车架薄弱部位进行了改进设计。  相似文献   

微型客车覆盖件抗凹性有限元分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用有限元数值模拟方法模拟了车门外板凹陷变形过程,对其抗凹性进行了分析和评价,并采用数值模拟的方法对优化方案的可行性进行了验证。研究表明,有限元方法可以便利地预测和评定覆盖件的抗凹性能,为覆盖件结构的优化设计和材料选取提供理论指导和数据依据。  相似文献   

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