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分析了我国水运企业分拆上市在证券市场上的发展基础,阐明了其现实的可行性客观条件;归纳提出了水运企业分拆上可资运用的几种常见操作模式;并从企业资本运动角度,论述了水运企业分析上市后的母子公司联运营效果;最后,指出了分拆上市在企业实践活动中的运用价值-给水运业引来源源不尽的财富泉水,为水运企业的发展提供了一条有效途径。 相似文献
截止今年6月底,宁波市已拥有水运运力160.8万吨,较2004年年底的136万吨,净增24.8万吨,水运业得到了持续高速发展。由于国家政策宏观调控的影响,如房产新政的出台,建筑市场开始回归。理性,水泥、钢材、沙石等大宗建材周转聚然减少,再者燃油价格持续高涨,水运成本陡然增加,运输价格大幅下跌,这一切都对宁波水运市场造成了一定冲击,个别水运企业也因此而萌生退意。 相似文献
11月7日,全国水运工作座谈会在广州召开。会议提出,"十二五"期间,要加快水运结构调整步伐,以"兴内河、优港口、强海运"为着力点,加快基础设施、运输装备结构优化升级,促进现代物流发展和综合运输体系建设,提升水运发展的质量、效益、竞争能力和服务水平,促进水运安全绿色发展,为2020年总体实现水路交通现代化奠定坚实的基础。 相似文献
西方航运资本的入侵与上海的近代海运业 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
鸦片战争之后西方资本入侵中国,洋轮直驶我国沿海江河,传统的木帆船运输业受到剧烈冲击,急速衰落,但以轮船为标志的近代海运业出现了。上海的近代海运业由外国资本、本国官僚资本和民族资本等3种成份构成。西方资本的航运企业垄断上海的航运业达100年,掠取了中国人民的巨额财富。官僚资本的轮船招商局在西方资本航运企业的刺激影响下出现,又在其排挤、打击下艰难地生存和发展。民族资本的轮船公司深受西方资本和官僚资本的双重抑制、打击,生存更为艰难,历程异常坎坷。 相似文献
3月23日,中远航运发布关于收购控股股东资产的董事会公告,宣布已与广州远洋运输公司签署<资产收购协议>,收购广远公司40艘船舶及其相关业务,并将广远公司几十年形成的业务市场网络、客户资源和航线一起整合入上市公司. 相似文献
台州:沿海运力为何大量外流 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
据市场调查,截止今年8月底,台州全市出售的船舶达125艘(不包括市内买卖),共43.6万载重吨,占2006年底全市总运力175.6万载重吨的1/4,而今年新建和从外 相似文献
厦门海事以"海洋更清洁、环境更友好"为目标,运用闭合式反馈管理开展限制船舶污染物排放专项行动,建设应急体系,开展合作交流,展开"绿色"工作。 相似文献
Dong-Hua Wang 《Maritime Policy and Management》2006,33(1):23-33
For many years, economists have pressed for the deregulation of the shipping industry, with studies purporting to show constant returns to scale in motor transport, and staggering losses inflicted on the economy by regulation. Deregulation is now the order of the day in the US, but during the deregulation process, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) struggled with strong pressure to remove anti-trust immunity historically enjoyed by ocean shipping conferences.
However, instead of entirely removing this anti-trust immunity, the US Congress passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) in 1998. OSRA, which came into effect on 1 May 1999, represents a logical continuation of the trend toward deregulation established by the Shipping Act of 1984. Although the Act (OSRA) maintains anti-trust immunity, its creation also established confidential service contracts between shippers and individual lines.
Because the actual effect of this Act has yet to be researched and reported in the transportation literatures, this paper assesses the impact of OSRA on the market structure of the container shipping industry. Three major east- and westbound arterial routes, as determined by Drewry Shipping Consultants and Containerisation International, are examined in this study to ascertain whether the markets are competitive or not 1, 2. The trade imbalance existing in all three trade routes (trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific, and from Asia to northern Europe) provides a basis from which to investigate the pricing structure in the container shipping market. The changing tariff structure of the trans-Atlantic lane in 1999 provides the foremost evidence of the impact of the Act to evaluate the new law's impact on the maritime industry. By examining the traffic volume and freight rates of inbound and outbound trades, this paper found that before the second quarter of 1999, the trans-Atlantic lane's market structure was non-competitive, but it became competitive after the third quarter of 1999. This paper concludes that OSRA did have substantial influence on the market structure of the trans-Atlantic lane since the Act came into effect on 1 May 1999. The Act laid a solid legal framework upon the industry that forced the carriers in the trans-Atlantic trade route to operate competitively. 相似文献
However, instead of entirely removing this anti-trust immunity, the US Congress passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) in 1998. OSRA, which came into effect on 1 May 1999, represents a logical continuation of the trend toward deregulation established by the Shipping Act of 1984. Although the Act (OSRA) maintains anti-trust immunity, its creation also established confidential service contracts between shippers and individual lines.
Because the actual effect of this Act has yet to be researched and reported in the transportation literatures, this paper assesses the impact of OSRA on the market structure of the container shipping industry. Three major east- and westbound arterial routes, as determined by Drewry Shipping Consultants and Containerisation International, are examined in this study to ascertain whether the markets are competitive or not 1, 2. The trade imbalance existing in all three trade routes (trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific, and from Asia to northern Europe) provides a basis from which to investigate the pricing structure in the container shipping market. The changing tariff structure of the trans-Atlantic lane in 1999 provides the foremost evidence of the impact of the Act to evaluate the new law's impact on the maritime industry. By examining the traffic volume and freight rates of inbound and outbound trades, this paper found that before the second quarter of 1999, the trans-Atlantic lane's market structure was non-competitive, but it became competitive after the third quarter of 1999. This paper concludes that OSRA did have substantial influence on the market structure of the trans-Atlantic lane since the Act came into effect on 1 May 1999. The Act laid a solid legal framework upon the industry that forced the carriers in the trans-Atlantic trade route to operate competitively. 相似文献
中国外轮理货总公司(以下简称中外理总公司)成立于1961年,是经交通运输部批准,专门从事船舶理货业务的国有重要骨干企业,在上海、天津、青岛、广州、大连、宁波、深圳、厦门等主要港口设有70多家分支机构.经营国际、国内航线船舶的理货,国际、国内集装箱理箱,集装箱装、拆箱理货,货物的计量、丈量,监装、监卸,货损、箱损检定等业务. 相似文献
随着油轮船队规模不断壮大,船舶吨位逐步升级,航行海域不断拓展,大连远洋运输公司(以下简称大远公司)领导深刻认识到,公司已经进入了高速发展的黄金发展期,能否肩负起同有企业在推进中国特色社会主义事业中所承担的重大的经济责任、政治责任和社会责任,能否实现集团确定的"中国第一、国际领先"的专业化液体散货运输企业的宏伟战略目标,能否实现企业又好又快发展,关键在于是否有一支高素质的油运管理人才队伍. 相似文献