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苏伊士运河管理局称,苏伊士运河船舶通行费将从2007年4月1日起平均上调2.84%,即客船通行费上调1.14%,油船上调3.73%。  相似文献   

众所周知,世界上通行海洋船舶的最长的运河是苏伊士运河。它全长整整150公里,准确些说为161.9公里。现在,正在设计开通另一条水上通道:由地中海岸到红海(原则上通过死海水  相似文献   

苏伊土运河是连接红海与地中海的唯一通道。从北印度洋至欧洲或地中海的船舶,若绕道过好望角驶往目的地,所增加的航程或船期将有10~15天时间。尽管苏伊士运河当局不断提高过河费用及增收名目繁多的附加费,但船东们还是乐此不惫地选择过苏伊士运河。每天通过苏伊士运河的船舶均在百艘以上。可见它的经济价值是毋庸置疑的。  相似文献   

王栋 《航海技术》2020,(1):15-17
笔者曾担任2艘新造新型自航半潜船首任船长,首次引领船舶经过苏伊士运河(以下简称运河),根据新造船首次经过运河的经历及最新版《苏伊士运河规则》,结合自航半潜船的操纵特性,总结自航半潜船首次通过苏伊士运河的不同要求及注意事项,供同人参考。  相似文献   

张敏 《海运情报》2006,(6):15-15
苏伊士运河是连接红海与地中海的交通要道,承担着全球约8%的海运贸易量。由于地理位置的关系,华南和东南亚往美国的航线常取道苏伊士运河,而北亚往美国的航线则多取道巴拿马运河。  相似文献   

今年上半年,苏伊士运河运输收入刷新记录,达到32.9亿美元,同时,通过船舶16804艘次,698亿吨,报告显示,收入比去年同期上涨了20.2%。在过去几年里,通过的船舶平均尺寸也平稳增长,呈现大型化态势,2001年,平均每艘船的净吨位为35600吨,2006年则为39793吨,年均增长41%。  相似文献   

林德辉 《船舶》2018,29(4):88-96
苏伊士运河是在埃及境内,南北方向横跨苏伊士地峡,人工挖掘的无船闸海平面水道,其连接红海与地中海,该运河将非洲大陆与亚洲分隔开,且在欧洲与沿印度洋和西太平洋周边的陆地之间,提供了最短的海上航路。2015年8月6日,扩建后的苏伊士运河新航道开通。苏伊士运河由"苏伊士运河管理局"(SCA)负责管理、作业和维护,现行的SCA航行规则为2015年8月版,其与船舶设计、建造关系密切。文中对航行规则中的目次、舷梯和引水员软梯、系泊索、指示器、消防设备和起居舱室等作了介绍。  相似文献   

苏伊士运河型油船方案设计的经验公式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对苏伊士运河型油船最佳吨级及主尺度范围作了分析论证。文中介绍了在船舶初步设计阶段为大型油船船型技术经济论证所建立的主要数学模型,继而给出了对苏伊士运河型油船的论证分析结果。  相似文献   

This paper provides general background information relating to the physical characteristics and operations of the Suez Canal. In connection with the future development of the Canal, the research programme currently being undertaken by a British consortium is outlined, with particular reference to the traffic system presently operating.  相似文献   

This paper considers the determination of the maximum shipping capacity of the Suez canal. Initially, some assumptions are made in order to calculate the ‘theoretical’ maximum capacity in terms of ‘standard ships’. This last term defines ships which transit the Canal at a given speed and at a given time interval from the vessel ahead and astern.

Data has been collected from the Canal Zone, the analysis of which provides the necessary information regarding speeds of vessels at different sections of the Canal, time gaps between different classes of ship at different nodes of the Canal, and relationships between time widths of convoys and numbers of ships in those convoys at different points of the Canal.

This data has then been used to calculate the maximum capacity of the Canal in terms of ‘real ships’. For that purpose four schemes have been devised, each taking a different mix of categories of ships. A sensitivity analysis has been undertaken in order to investigate the effect of each class of ship on the real maximum shipping capacity of the Canal. The last two schemes take into consideration the effect of the future introduction of supertankers.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了苏伊士运河的概况,并分析了过运河的准备和手续,又进一步阐明了北上和南下船舶通过运河的基本方法,最后总结了过运河的体会和经验,供读者参考。  相似文献   

The choices faced by shippers are generally complex. Typically, the shipper is presented with a range of alternative carriers, each of which has its individual strengths and weaknesses. A survey of companies purchasing shipping services in an overnight RO/RO ferry trade was conducted to identify their priorities and to help understand and the decision-making process. The shippers were found to be conservative decision makers with a strong emphasis on quality of service.  相似文献   

Although the Suez Canal is the most important man-made waterway in the world, rivaled perhaps only by the Panama Canal, little research has been done into forecasting its traffic flows. This paper uses both univariate ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) and Neural network models to forecast the maritime traffic flows in the Suez Canal which are expressed in tons. One of the important strengths of the ARIMA modelling approach is the ability to go beyond the basic univariate model by considering interventions, calendar variations, outliers, or other real aspects of typically observed time series. On the other hand, neural nets have received a great deal of attention over the past few years. They are being used in the areas of prediction and classification, areas where regression models and other related statistical techniques have traditionally been used. The models obtained in this paper provide useful insight into the behaviour of maritime traffic flows since the reopening of the Canal in 1975—following an 8-year closure during the Arab–Israeli wars (1967–1973)—till 1998. The paper also compares the performance of ARIMA models with that of neural networks on an example of a large monthly dataset.  相似文献   

Although the Suez Canal is the most important man-made waterway in the world, rivaled perhaps only by the Panama Canal, little research has been done into forecasting its traffic flows. This paper uses both univariate ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) and Neural network models to forecast the maritime traffic flows in the Suez Canal which are expressed in tons. One of the important strengths of the ARIMA modelling approach is the ability to go beyond the basic univariate model by considering interventions, calendar variations, outliers, or other real aspects of typically observed time series. On the other hand, neural nets have received a great deal of attention over the past few years. They are being used in the areas of prediction and classification, areas where regression models and other related statistical techniques have traditionally been used. The models obtained in this paper provide useful insight into the behaviour of maritime traffic flows since the reopening of the Canal in 1975—following an 8-year closure during the Arab-Israeli wars (1967-1973)—till 1998. The paper also compares the performance of ARIMA models with that of neural networks on an example of a large monthly dataset.  相似文献   

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