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Prandtl’s lifting line theory was generalized to the lifting problem of a three-dimensional hydrofoil in the presence of a free surface. Similar to the classical lifting theory, the singularity distribution method was utilized to solve two-dimensional lifting problems for the hydrofoil beneath the free surface at the air-water interface, and a lifting line theory was developed to correct three-dimensional effects of the hydrofoil with a large aspect ratio. Differing from the classical lifting theory, the main focus was on finding the three-dimensional Green function of the free surface induced by the steady motion of a system of horseshoe vortices under the free surface. Finally, numerical examples were given to show the relationship between the lift coefficient and submergence Froude numbers for 2-D and 3-D hydrofoils. If the submergence Froude number is small free surface effect will be significant registered as the increase of lift coefficient. The validity of these approaches was examined in comparison with the results calculated by other methods. 相似文献
The development of a two dimensional numerical wave tank (NWT) with a rocker or piston type wavemaker based on the high order boundary element method (BEM) and mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian (MEL) is examined. The cauchy principle value (CPV) integral is calculated by a special Gauss type quadrature and a change of variable. In addition the explicit truncated Taylor expansion formula is employed in the time-stepping process. A modified double nodes method is assumed to tackle the corner problem, as well as the damping zone technique is used to absorb the propagation of the free surface wave at the end of the tank. A variety of waves are generated by the NWT, for example; a monochromatic wave, solitary wave and irregular wave. The results confirm the NWT model is efficient and stable. 相似文献
This paper numerically investigates the influence of separation variation of the outriggers on the hydrodynamic performance of a high speed trimaran (HST) aiming at improving its applicability in diverse realistic disciplines. The present investigation was performed within the framework of the 2-D slender body method (SBM) by calculating the resistance of three symmetric trimaran series moving in a calm free surface of deep water. Each trimaran series comprises of 4681 configurations generated by considering 151 staggers (50%≤α≤+100%), and 31 separations (100%≤β≤400%) for 81 Froude numbers (0.20≤Fn≤1.0). In developing the three trimaran series, Wigley-st, AMECRC-09, and NPL-4a models were used separately for both the main and side hulls of each individual series models. A computer macro named Tri-PL was created using the Visual Basic for Applications. Tri-PL sequentially interfaced Maxsurf then Hullspeed to generate the models of the three trimaran series together with their detailed hydrostatic particulars, followed by their resistance components. The numerical results were partially validated against the available published numerical calculations and experimental results, to benchmark the Tri-PL macro and hence to rely on the analysis outcomes. A graph template was created within the framework of SigmaPlot to visualize the significant results of the Tri-PL properly. 相似文献
Fracture processes in ship-building structures are in many cases of a 3-D character.A finite element (FE) model of an all fracture mode (AFM) specimen was built for the study of 3-D mixed mode crack fracture behavior including modes I,II,and III.The stress intensity factors (SIFs) were calculated by the modified virtual crack closure integral (MVCCI) method,and the crack initiation angle assessment was based on a recently developed 3-D fracture criterion––the Richard criterion.It was shown that the FE model of the AFM-specimen is applicable for investigations under general mixed mode loading conditions,and the computational results of crack initiation angles are in agreement with some available experimental findings.Thus,the applicability of the FE model of the AFM-specimen for mixed mode loading conditions and the validity of the Richard criterion can be demonstrated. 相似文献
Offshore observation platforms are required to have great ability to resist waves when they are operating at sea. Investigation on the motion characteristics of the platforms in the sea can provide significant reference values during the platform design procedure. In this paper, a series of numerical simulation on the interaction of a triple-hulled offshore observation platform with different incident waves is carried out. All of the simulations are implemented utilizing our own solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU, which is based and developed on the open source tools of OpenFOAM. Duration curves of motion characteristics and loads acting on the platform are obtained, and a comparison between the results of the amplitude in different incident waves is presented. The results show that the solver is competent in the simulation of motion response of platforms in waves. 相似文献
In this research,liquid sloshing behavior in a 2-D rectangular tank was simulated using ANSYS-FLUENT software subject to single or multiple-coupled external excitations(such as sway coupled with roll,and sway and roll coupled with heave).The volume of fluid(VOF) method was used to track the free surface of sloshing.External excitation was imposed through the motion of the tank by using the dynamic mesh technique.The study shows that if the tank is subjected to multiple coupled excitations and resonant excitation frequencies,liquid sloshing will become violent and sloshing loads,including impact on the top wall,will be intensified. 相似文献
论述了以共溶溶胶凝胶法,半透膜渗析技术,合成了SnO2纳米粉体.采用旁热式结构,制成了Al2O3(Pt)修饰SnO2双层膜的气体传感器.实验结果表明,Al2O3(掺3%Pt)修饰SnO2双层膜气体传感器对甲烷有好的选择性和较高的灵敏度,在5000ppm时灵敏度最高可达到5倍以上. 相似文献
二维水翼型空化流的数值计算 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In order to predict the effects of cavitation on a hydrofoil, the state equations of the cavitation model were combined with a linear viscous turbulent method for mixed fluids in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software FLUENT to simulate steady cavitating flow. At a fixed attack angle, pressure distributions and volume fractions of vapor at different cavitation numbers were simulated, and the results on foil sections agreed well with experimental data. In addition, at the various cavitation numbers, the vapor fractions at different attack angles were also predicted. The vapor region moved towards the front of the airfoil and the length of the cavity grew with increased attack angle. The results show that this method of applying FLUENT to simulate cavitation is reliable. 相似文献
为了提升翼型的水动力和空泡等性能,指定压力分布的翼型剖面设计的方法多数集中在给定攻角下的翼型剖面的设计,该方法存在计算量较大,收敛性不理想,特别是推广到三维问题时,上述问题尤为突出,限制了翼型设计的进一步发展。文章以势流理论面元方法为基础,通过求解指定压力分布条件下翼型表面的速度势通量,获得翼型表面形状的修正量,并将修正量分解为攻角的变化以及剖面自身的变化两部分,从而得到了翼型唯一的设计攻角和翼型剖面几何(厚度分布、拱度分布)。文中采用上述方法对二维翼型问题进行了设计验证,表明该方法可以设计任意指定压力分布的翼型剖面,理论上该方法可以用于全三维翼型的设计问题。 相似文献
水翼(机翼)的反设计一直是人们研究的热门课题,本文对定常反问题进行了研究.将翼型NACA2412作为计算对象.首先给出翼型的下半部形状,以及上表面的从正问题中计算出来的速度分布.在变分原理的基础上,用有限元方法对水翼进行了数值计算.结果表明,本文理论正确,方法可行. 相似文献
Investigation of cavitation inception characteristics of hydrofoil sections via a viscous approach 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Unlike traditional approaches based on potential theory, this work investigated the cavitation inception characteristics of hydrofoil sections by solving Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. The viscous effects at high Reynolds numbers were taken into account through calculation of the eddy viscosity using a k- model. This viscous approach delivers the lift and drag forces in a more self-contained way, which cannot be obtained directly from the potential theory. A comparison with smooth surface measurements validates the proposed numerical method. Two approaches to include the roughness effects are also described. The predictions of cavitation bucket characteristics based on potential theory are more conservative than those reached by the proposed viscous computations. Hydrofoil sections with different camber ratios, foil thicknesses, and Reynolds numbers were studied numerically. A decrease in the Reynolds number tends to increase the cavitation-free region without changing the shape of the steep region. An increase in foil thickness gives a range increase in the angle of attack where no cavitation is expected. An increase in the camber ratio moves the cavitation-free location of the angle of attack, and slightly increases its range. 相似文献
本文以E799A螺旋桨为研究对象,基于Fluent数值计算软件,采用结构网格和非结构网格共3套计算网格对其空泡性能进行计算。首先对J=0.71时全湿模态和空泡数为1.515下的推进系数与试验值进行对比,验证计算的准确性。然后选取了桨叶不同半径处的表面压力进行对比,与空泡图符合良好。通过对比气体体积分数分布图与试验空泡图,本文认为结构网格受网格质量影响较大,而非结构网格对于片空泡的模拟比较准确。而桨盘面处水流速度的轴向变化比较图,显示结构网格对于梢涡处流场的捕捉好于非结构网格,从侧面反映了结构网格更利于捕捉梢涡空泡。本文采用Fluent对E799A空泡性能计算进行初步探讨,对今后的研究工作有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
为探究螺旋桨各参数对螺旋桨性能影响关系,从面元法基本方程和面元法边界条件出发,建立螺旋桨参数影响分析的伴随方法.通过分析等压库塔条件,建立了伴随方程,基于伴随方程探究了螺旋桨性能与参数之间的敏感导数求解公式.选择DTMB4381桨作为研究对象,开展螺旋桨推力系数与螺距分布和拱弧分布之间的敏感导数求解,得到不同参数对螺旋桨性能的影响规律.数值结果表明,伴随方法计算得到的敏感导数与传统方法计算结果具有很好的一致性,但伴随方法的计算时间更短,且随着变量个数的增多,伴随方法计算效率的优势越大. 相似文献