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Based on the traditional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) algorithm, the linked-list search algorithm combined with the variable smoothing length and square support domain was put forward to improve the calculation efficiency and guarantee the calculation accuracy. The physical process of high velocity fragment impact on a broadside liquid cabin was programmed for simulation. The numerical results agreed well with those of the general software ANSYS AUTODYN, which verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of the numerical method. From the perspective of the outer plate thickness of the liquid cabin, the width of the liquid cabin, and incident angle of the fragment, the influence of these parameters on protective mechanisms was analyzed to provide a basis for protective design of a broadside liquid cabin. Results show that the influence of outer plate thickness is not obvious; therefore, the conventional design can be adopted in the design of the outer plate. The width of the liquid cabin has a great influence on the residual velocity of the fragment and the width of the liquid cabin should be designed to be as wide as possible under the premise of meeting other requirements. There is a certain incident angle in which the velocity attenuation of the fragment is most obvious, and the high-pressure zone near the inner plate is asymmetric. The inner plate of liquid cabin should be strengthened according to the hull form, principal dimensions, and vulnerable points.  相似文献   

In the exploitation of ocean oil and gas, many offshore structures may be damaged due to the severe environment, so an effective method of diagnosing structural damage is urgently needed to locate the damage and evaluate its severity. Genetic algorithms have become some of the most important global optimization tools and been widely used in many fields in recent years because of their simple operation and strong robustness. Based on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure, the damage diagnosis of a jacket offshore platform is attributed to an optimization problem and studied by using a genetic algorithm. According to the principle that the structural stiffness of a certain direction can be greatly affected only when the brace bar in the corresponding direction is damaged, an improved objective function was proposed in this paper targeting measurement noise and the characteristics of modal identification for offshore platforms. This function can be used as fitness function of a genetic algorithm, and both numerical simulation and physical model test results show that the improved method may locate the structural damage and evaluate the severity of a jacket offshore platform satisfactorily while improving the robustness of evolutionary searching and the reliability of damage diagnosis.  相似文献   

采用遗传算法进行球鼻艏优化的流体动力计算(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computational fluid dynamics(CFD) plays a major role in predicting the flow behavior of a ship.With the development of fast computers and robust CFD software,CFD has become an important tool for designers and engineers in the ship industry.In this paper,the hull form of a ship was optimized for total resistance using CFD as a calculation tool and a genetic algorithm as an optimization tool.CFD based optimization consists of major steps involving automatic generation of geometry based on design parameters,automatic generation of mesh,automatic analysis of fluid flow to calculate the required objective/cost function,and finally an optimization tool to evaluate the cost for optimization.In this paper,integration of a genetic algorithm program,written in MATLAB,was carried out with the geometry and meshing software GAMBIT and CFD analysis software FLUENT.Different geometries of additive bulbous bow were incorporated in the original hull based on design parameters.These design variables were optimized to achieve a minimum cost function of "total resistance".Integration of a genetic algorithm with CFD tools proves to be effective for hull form optimization.  相似文献   

At present,equivalent water depth truncated mooring system optimization design is regarded as the priority of hybrid model testing for deep sea platforms,and will replace the full depth system test in the future.Compared with the full depth system,the working depth and span are smaller in the truncated one,and the other characteristics maintain more consistency as well.In this paper,an inner turret moored floating production storage & offloading system(FPSO) which works at a water depth of 320m,was selected to be a research example while the truncated water depth was 80m.Furthermore,an improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm(INSGA-II) was selected to optimally calculate the equivalent water depth truncated system,considering the stress condition of the total mooring system in both the horizontal and vertical directions,as well as the static characteristic similarity of the representative single mooring line.The results of numerical calculations indicate that the mathematical model is feasible,and the optimization method is fast and effective.  相似文献   

A route optimization methodology in the frame of an onboard decision support/guidance system for the ship’s master has been developed and is presented in this paper.The method aims at the minimization of the fuel voyage cost and the risks related to the ship’s seakeeping performance expected to be within acceptable limits of voyage duration.Parts of this methodology were implemented by interfacing alternative probability assessment methods,such as Monte Carlo,first order reliability method(FORM) and second order reliability method(SORM),and a 3-D seakeeping code,including a software tool for the calculation of the added resistance in waves of NTUA-SDL.The entire system was integrated within the probabilistic analysis software PROBAN.Two of the main modules for the calculation of added resistance and the probabilistic assessment for the considered seakeeping hazards with respect to exceedance levels of predefined threshold values are herein elaborated and validation studies proved their efficiency in view of their implementation into an on-board optimization system.  相似文献   

In considering the theory of structural dynamic optimization design, a design method of the structural style of ship composite brace with rigid vibration isolation mass was studied. Two kinds of structural dynamic optimization formulations minimizing the vibration acceleration of the non-pressure hull on the restraining condition of the gross weight of the ship cabin were established: 1) dynamic optimization of the sectional dimensions of the rigid vibration isolation mass in the composite brace; 2) dynamic optimization of the arranging position of the rigid vibration isolation mass. Through the optimization results, sectional dimensions and the arranging position of the rigid vibration isolation mass with better performance in reducing vibration were gained, and some reference was provided for practical engineering designs as well as enrichment of the design method of a novel ship vibration-isolation brace.  相似文献   

In this paper,an underwater vehicle was modeled with six dimensional nonlinear equations of motion,controlled by DC motors in all degrees of freedom.Near-optimal trajectories in an energetic environment for underwater vehicles were computed using a numerical solution of a nonlinear optimal control problem(NOCP).An energy performance index as a cost function,which should be minimized,was defined.The resulting problem was a two-point boundary value problem(TPBVP).A genetic algorithm(GA),particle swarm optimization(PSO),and ant colony optimization(ACO) algorithms were applied to solve the resulting TPBVP.Applying an Euler-Lagrange equation to the NOCP,a conjugate gradient penalty method was also adopted to solve the TPBVP.The problem of energetic environments,involving some energy sources,was discussed.Some near-optimal paths were found using a GA,PSO,and ACO algorithms.Finally,the problem of collision avoidance in an energetic environment was also taken into account.  相似文献   

The double-peak characteristic of underwater radiated noise in the near field on top of the target submarine was analyzed in depth on the basis of submarine test data on the sea. The contribution of three major noise sources to the radiated noise of a submarine were compared and analyzed, and emphasis was put on the original source, production mechanism, and their correlative characteristics. On the basis of analysis on underwater tracking and pass through characteristics of the target submarine, the double-peak phenomenon was reasonably interpreted. Furthermore, the correctness of the theoretical interpretation was verified adequately in real submarine tests. The double-peak phenomenon indicates that the space distributing character on submarine radiated noise are both asymmetrical with time and space, whereas that is provided with directivity. Studying the double-peak phenomenon in depth has important reference value and meaning in engineering practice for understanding the underwater radiated noise field of submarines.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the generation of waves due to initial disturbances at the upper surface of a two-layer fluid, as the upper layer is covered by an inertial surface and the lower layer extends infinitely downwards. The inertial surface is composed of thin but uniform distribution of non-interacting material. In the mathematical analysis, the Fourier and Laplace transform techniques have been utilized to obtain the depressions of the inertial surface and the interface in the form of infinite integrals. For initial disturbances concentrated at a point, the inertial surface depression and the interface depression are evaluated asymptotically for large time and distance by using the method of stationary phase. They are also depicted graphically for two types of initial disturbances and appropriate conclusions are made.  相似文献   

In this paper a hybrid process of modeling and optimization,which integrates a support vector machine(SVM) and genetic algorithm(GA),was introduced to reduce the high time cost in structural optimization of ships.SVM,which is rooted in statistical learning theory and an approximate implementation of the method of structural risk minimization,can provide a good generalization performance in metamodeling the input-output relationship of real problems and consequently cuts down on high time cost in the analysis of real problems,such as FEM analysis.The GA,as a powerful optimization technique,possesses remarkable advantages for the problems that can hardly be optimized with common gradient-based optimization methods,which makes it suitable for optimizing models built by SVM.Based on the SVM-GA strategy,optimization of structural scantlings in the midship of a very large crude carrier(VLCC) ship was carried out according to the direct strength assessment method in common structural rules(CSR),which eventually demonstrates the high efficiency of SVM-GA in optimizing the ship structural scantlings under heavy computational complexity.The time cost of this optimization with SVM-GA has been sharply reduced,many more loops have been processed within a small amount of time and the design has been improved remarkably.  相似文献   

殷洪  赵耀 《船海工程》2003,(3):15-17
介绍国内第一艘大型半潜式旅游潜艇的主尺度、总体性能、总布置、艇体结构及主要设计特点。  相似文献   

开展潜艇升降桅杆回转机构改进设计,减小桅杆回转力矩,以便于艇员操作使用。通过对升降桅杆回转机构进行分析,采用增加推力滚子轴承的方式以降低回转力矩,并通过台架试验进行测试验证。研究结果表明,改进方案在保持桅杆对外接口不变情况下,显著降低了桅杆回转力矩,台架测试最大值远小于指标值。改进设计解决了潜艇升降桅杆回转力矩过大问题,工程实施性好。  相似文献   

潜艇模块化设计与建造技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宁  张海宽  刘宇 《中国修船》2006,19(Z1):19-22
传统的潜艇设计与建造已不能满足海军作战的需求,将被潜艇现代模块化设计与建造技术取代。文章从论述潜艇设计与建造中出现的新问题,提出实现模块化设计与建造的阶段性关键性技术,并以此为基础,探讨潜艇模块设计与建造技术发展方向。  相似文献   

随着水下作业机器人在探测、打捞、管线检测与修复等领域的应用不断深入,水下多指机械手的研制和开发逐渐受到各国机器人研究者的关注和重视.文中基于对非水环境机械手设计经验的总结,设计了三指水下机械手及其防腐密封结构,对结构参数进行了优化设计,根据优化设计结果研制了三指水下机械手原理样机,测试结果表明该手可灵活抓取多种复杂表面的物体,能部分代替人工水下作业.  相似文献   

潜艇结构快速设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了采用Sysware平台对潜艇结构快速设计模块的设计与开发.主要介绍采用参数化的设计界面利用规范计算公式、迁移矩阵法计算程序及板架与刚架的计算程序对潜艇基本结构实施快速优化设计及计算报告的快速替换.本快速设计模块,输入方便直观、前后处理功能强、计算正确、快速、实用,为实施潜艇结构快速设计方案,提供了强有力计算工具.  相似文献   

某型援潜救生船的月池舱口盖设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贝贝 《船舶》2012,23(4):71-74
某型援潜救生船首次采用月池吊放潜水钟进行潜救作业任务。因月池舱口盖的特殊性,在设计中就内部冲击载荷、隔离介质和特殊的作业要求等新问题进行了充分研究分析,找到了解决方法,最终确定该舱口盖的设计方案并经过实船试验验证。  相似文献   

小型高速水洞收缩段的优化设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简要介绍了小型高速水洞收缩段设计的原则,收集对比了几种典型的收缩曲线。利用商业化的计算流体动力学软件—Fluent,结合实例,采用二维轴对称模型对收缩段的长度进行了选择,对不同收缩曲线型面的流场品质进行了对比分析:优化的三次曲线(n=7、xm=0.4)或Batchelor-Shaw曲线的出口流场均匀性较好,移轴的Witozinsky曲线出口湍流度较小,五次方曲线进出口损失水头较小;采用三维对称模型简单模拟了矩形截面的情况,结果显示其出口截面上的流速和压力等值线近似呈圆形,沿轴向进口和出口附近壁面会出现流速的降低和过冲,角部附近速度分布严重不均匀。  相似文献   

潜艇指挥室围壳顶部型线构型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜波  黄建伟  陈源 《船海工程》2007,36(2):107-110
采用求解RANS方程的数值计算方法,运用计算流体力学数值计算手段,对不同的指挥室围壳顶部外型进行阻力、流场、压力分布数值模拟及数值优化分析,并验证了数值计算方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

蓬莱19-3钻井平台泥浆搅拌器的成功改造,解决了传动轴与搅拌轴连接法兰易开焊脱落、齿轮易磨损等问题,延长了泥浆搅拌器的使用寿命,保证了海洋平台石油生产的连续性及高效率。  相似文献   

The strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) is able to provide continuous estimates of a vehicle??s velocity, position and attitude. As a rule, the SIMS component known as a high accuracy strapdown inertial measurement unit (SIMU) is an exceptionally expensive system. Less expensive SIMUs comprised of low cost sensors suffer from degraded performance, but this can be compensated for, in part, by addition of a velocity data recorder (VDR) to accompany the SINS. In this configuration, the need frequently arises to align the SINS of a submarine to in order to avoid a long run-up of the inertial system before a start command is issued. This in-motion alignment (IMA) can be accomplished by integrating SINS data with some external aiding source, such as the VDR, by using some form of measurement matching method. Accordingly, this paper demonstrates a consistent IMA scheme for a low-cost SIMU using a robust Kalman/ $ H_{\infty } $ filter structure. An error model of the SINS is derived in which the state vector includes attitude, velocity, position and sensor errors. Velocity information from the VDR is used as a measurement to the proposed filter. All significant equations concerning navigation are presented in conjunction with argument. Results show the advantages of the approach and emphasize diverse aspects of the SINS.  相似文献   

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