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基于抽样理论、最优化理论和出行需求预测方法,提出了以中小城市起讫点(OD)交通调查费用最小为目标,以调查精度为约束的最优抽样量计算模型和算法。实践结果表明:该方法有效地解决了调查费用和精度的矛盾,减少抽样量,仅用国际上推荐抽样率的1/10的抽样量就能得到预定精度的预测结果;对于具有简单交通流向的中小城市,能明显提高OD调查工作效率。  相似文献   

The national governments have committed to various sustainable development goals (SDGs); however, actions have to be taken by the local administrations at the city level. In this paper, the city administrations' understanding and preparedness for implementing specific activities related to SDG targets 3.6, 3.9, and 11.2 are discussed. The results of how local communities can participate in prioritizing the implementation of SDG targets at the city level are also presented. Three small cities in India, namely Bulandshahr, Patiala, and Nainital, were monitored for three years. The research team worked closely with the local administrations and local citizens. This paper presents an analysis of the various activities undertaken by the research team and concludes that SDGs can be used as tools for providing ready targets to the authorities, bringing them to a common working ground. The SDG implementation in India follows the top–down approach; however, to achieve the SDG targets, the bottom–up approach should be followed. SDGs are not a priority for several city governments. Cities need encouragement and national support to adopt and implement these SDGs. We have to think of how SDGs can be used to influence day-to-day decisions. SDGs can also be a part of the outcome-based budget of municipalities to prioritize the implementation of SDG-oriented urban infrastructure and plans.  相似文献   

“一边是提供高工资待遇和拥有高技术的日本和韩国,而另一边则是中国和印度。”  相似文献   

Cycling is a vital transport mode for many of the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) cities given the limited transport options that exist. Despite its enormous commuting importance in SSA cities, little scientific research has attempted to identify key factors influencing cycling adoption, and most existing cycling promotional initiatives are often not contextualised to the African cities. To underpin appropriate incentives to promote bicycle commuting, this study conducts a literature review to identify key determinants of bicycle use in SSA cities. Moreover, it identifies key differences and similarities with cycling studies from the developed world cities (DWC). A survey of relevant literature was conducted through the Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed and Google scholar. This allowed gathering 61 relevant empirical study materials that helped to identify main factors influencing cycling in both SSA and DWC urban contexts, based on the socio-economic, built-environment, weather conditions and environmental and attitudinal factors. The results found that the vast list of factors influencing cycling, such as gender, education level, income, street signage, road encroachment, weather change, travel distance, the opportunity for flexible jobs and image prestige present a deep difference between studies in the two urban contexts. Street lighting, rain and tree cover present more consensual understanding among researchers in both urban contexts. This study reinforces that knowledge on cycling and its promotional initiatives should not be generalized, but rather be focused on the contextual setting of a particular city. In review of the past studies the limitation observed is that some specific characteristics of cycling in SSA cities such as the use of bicycle for commercial purpose is not covered in most cycling literature from the DWC. Given the observed contextual differences between cities from SSA and DWC, the study suggests the need for further research in quantifying and comparing the strength of the similarities and differences in cycling behaviour influences.  相似文献   

United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 11 aims to promote inclusiveness and sustainable urbanization, such that cities can become productive and accessible places for attracting talent, encouraging innovation, and creating economic growth. SDG Target 11.2 specifically mentions urban transport. Localizing SDG Target 11.2 involves city governments ensuring a public transport (PT) system that has at least two dimensions of accessibility: physical and economic. This translates to ensuring barrier-free physical access to the PT system, as well as affordable fares for using the PT system. This study presents a process for operationalizing the SDG Target 11.2 indicator for small cities in India. The study focuses on addressing physical access to quality public transport system. Presently, the commuters in these cities are dependent on intermediate PT (IPT) systems to meet their mobility needs.Small cities lack a detailed database for planning PT systems. Master plans are generally prepared by planning authorities to guide the future development of cities; however, the master plan documents lack discussion and vision for future mobility, as required by SDG Target 11.2. This study concludes that the current indicator for SDG Target 11.2 requires modification to ensure SDG-compliant PT systems in small cities. An integrated IPT and PT system is required to improve access to high-quality PT systems, in line with SDG Target 11.2.  相似文献   

正所谓"买卖好做,伙计难搭",双方50:50的出资比例,在限制双方决策的效率同时,还会产生很多疑问。  相似文献   

Despite the limited transportation options, public buses have been proved unpopular in many Sub-Saharan African cities. While the declining use of local buses in the developed world is often associated with increasing number of transport alternatives, relatively little is known about African cities. A substantial number of studies are focused on how to replace buses with the rapid transportation modes and less diagnosis is applied to the factors affecting the use of buses. Using household information survey, this paper attempts to investigate the factors affecting the demand for buses in Maputo and Nairobi by employing logistic regression approach.Results show both similarities and variations among the factors affecting the likelihood of using buses. For example, the likelihood of using buses decreases with vehicle ownership and employment status in the two cities. In addition, gender (female) has no effect on the likelihood of choosing buses over paratransit in both cities. Second, while age decreases the likelihood of choosing buses and residence location increases that in Maputo, the opposite is observed in the case of Nairobi City. The main implication of these findings is that there is a need to share the roles of public transportation between buses and paratransit.  相似文献   

Current literature does not adequately discuss India's quickly changing transportation scenario, especially road traffic crash (RTC) concerns. The objectives of this work were to (a) present the national RTC framework and a case study of Andhra Pradesh (AP); (b) analyze and identify risk types; (c) discuss trends and data deficiencies; and (d) recommend prevention strategies. During the period 1970–2009, the nation's road length increased at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.2%, whereas the number of registered vehicles, RTCs, and fatalities grew at 12%, 3.8%, and 5.7% CAGR respectively. Exposure risk dropped from 103 to 11 fatalities per 10 000 vehicles but increased from 2.7 to 10.8 fatalities per 100 000 people.  相似文献   

Mathematical formulations linking road traffic fatalities to vehicle ownership, regional population, and economic growth continue to be developed against the backdrop of Smeed and Andreassen models. Though a few attempts were made, Smeed's law has not been fully tested in India. Using the 1991–2009 panel data from all states, this work (a) developed the generalized Smeed and Andreassen models; (b) evaluated if traffic fatalities were impacted by structural changes; and (c) examined if – in relation to the generalized model – the individual (time and regional) models are more relevant for application. Seven models (Smeed: original, generalized, time-variant, state-variant; and Andreassen: generalized, time-variant, state-variant) were developed and tested for fit with the actual data. Results showed that the per vehicle fatality rate closely resembled Smeed's formulation. Chow-test yielded a significant F-stat, suggesting that the models for four pre-defined time-blocks are structurally different from the 19-year generalized model. The counterclockwise rotation of the log-linear form also suggested lower fatality rates. While the new government policies, reduced vehicle operating speeds, better healthcare, and improved vehicle technology could be the factors, further research is required to understand the reasons for fatality rate reductions. The intercept and gradients of the time-series models showed high stability and varied only slightly in comparison to the 19-year generalized models, thus suggesting that the latter are pragmatic for application. Regional formulations, however, indicate that they may be more relevant for studying trends and tendencies. This research illustrates the robustness of Smeed's law, and provides evidence for time-invariance but state-specificity.  相似文献   

Riding Behaviour is found to be the main cause of Powered Two-Wheeler (PTW) crashes in more than90% of the crash events. The high percentage of PTW crashes resulting in fatalities has sought a serious need for research to examine risky riding Behaviour. A widely used instrument for measuring the self-reported riding Behaviour of PTW riders is the Motorcycle Rider Behaviour Questionnaire (MRBQ). In this study, exploratory factor analysis of the MRBQ revealed a four-factor solution viz., traffic errors, control errors, speed violations, and stunts. Despite the popularity of MRBQ, it is capable of covering only a small fraction of the large number of elements that affect the riding Behaviour. Many other elements remain overlooked in the analysis, resulting in unobserved heterogeneity. Therefore, the present study uses a random parameter negative binomial (RPNB) model to minimize the effect of unobserved heterogeneity. It was inferred from the RPNB model that variables like gender, control error, and speed violation have a randomly distributed regression coefficient. Further, it is found that traffic errors are the most significant predictor of crash risk. Additionally, results depict that male riders are positively associated with crashes, and they are more likely to involve in crashes as compared to female riders. The finding of this paper will be valuable for policymakers and decision-makers to improve the rider training program, licensing system, and design road safety campaigns.  相似文献   

<正>2010年1月8日,一批来自世界主要汽车生产制造国家的业内专家应邀参加了在印度首都新德里举办的2010印度汽车行业对话,会上讨论了各国在面对金融危机时针对汽车产业采取的政策。  相似文献   

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