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The national governments have committed to various sustainable development goals (SDGs); however, actions have to be taken by the local administrations at the city level. In this paper, the city administrations' understanding and preparedness for implementing specific activities related to SDG targets 3.6, 3.9, and 11.2 are discussed. The results of how local communities can participate in prioritizing the implementation of SDG targets at the city level are also presented. Three small cities in India, namely Bulandshahr, Patiala, and Nainital, were monitored for three years. The research team worked closely with the local administrations and local citizens. This paper presents an analysis of the various activities undertaken by the research team and concludes that SDGs can be used as tools for providing ready targets to the authorities, bringing them to a common working ground. The SDG implementation in India follows the top–down approach; however, to achieve the SDG targets, the bottom–up approach should be followed. SDGs are not a priority for several city governments. Cities need encouragement and national support to adopt and implement these SDGs. We have to think of how SDGs can be used to influence day-to-day decisions. SDGs can also be a part of the outcome-based budget of municipalities to prioritize the implementation of SDG-oriented urban infrastructure and plans.  相似文献   

Localization of sustainable development goals (SDGs) was given a boost at the 2019 Seville commitment, which highlighted the importance of local governments on sustainability. Various cities worldwide are at different stages of the localization program. Therefore, in this paper, we discuss two small cities in India that have advanced towards collectively achieving certain targets in SDGs 3, 9, and 11, despite having a small budget, limited human resources, and less international exposure. By utilizing the plan, do, access or analyze, report, and utilize (PDARU) cycle and logic model, we accessed the methods that led to the development of SDG-oriented street designs. The findings show that consensus building of different stakeholders eases data collection and analysis. Residents are adamant to adopt SDGs, but once they are sensitized, they become willing to contribute towards their realization. This exchange of ideas among different government sectors and the residents depicts a cross-sectoral cooperation that is a backbone in localizing SDGs. Despite the fact that social and environmental issues are more dire today, residents understand economic issues better because they directly affect their livelihood in the short run. Therefore, to set realistic localized goals, baselines must reflect residents' short and long-term requirements. Furthermore, by focusing on the top three problems of the locality, other problems are either directly or indirectly addressed. To create a similar strategy in other cities, a back-casting Theory of Change was adopted to propose a methodology for implementation.  相似文献   

As India's economy grows, so too does the number of people who can afford to own vehicles. A downside of this rapid increase in private vehicle ownership is a corresponding increase in traffic congestion, air pollution, and carbon emissions. Although affordability may be one reason for the shift toward commuting via private vehicles, another contributing factor could be the quality of public transportation. The objective of this paper is to determine whether private vehicle ownership in large urban areas in India is influenced by the presence of high quality dedicated public transit systems. Consumer expenditure survey data acquired from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) for the year 2009–2010 were used to develop a vehicle ownership model for 26 Indian cities with a population of at least one million. The results show that the availability of public transportation has a negative correlation to motorcycle/moped ownership but has no strong effect on car ownership. These results should encourage governments in developing economies to invest in high-quality dedicated public transit systems.  相似文献   

老城区排水系统现状和近期以合流制为主,部分城区远期雨污分流后以分流制为主.为了控制合流制排水系统溢流污染,调蓄池是一项重要的工程措施.以武汉老城区CB小流域为例,对武汉城区的降雨资料进行分析,得出武汉城区降雨量与降雨强度的关系,推导出CB小流域合流制排水系统的截流倍数与溢流外排量之间的关系,并参考远期控制径流污染所需的调蓄池有效容积,进而得到CB小流域合流制排水系统溢流调蓄池的推荐有效容积.  相似文献   

杨海燕  金秋  孙广东  陈义华 《隧道建设》2017,37(11):1373-1378
目前我国管廊建设主要集中在大城市及以上规模的城市,中小城市由于条件限制开展相对滞后,发展较为缓慢,且缺乏中小城市管廊建设的实践经验。为解决中小城市管廊建设经验缺乏的问题,对开展管廊建设的中小城市管廊建设规模和建设位置进行调研和分析。经分析可知:1)中小城市管廊的建设位置主要为城市主干道和新区建设区域;2)2016年管廊的开工建设长度非试点中等城市基本上在20 km以内、小城市基本上在10 km以内,试点城市平均在20 km以上。  相似文献   

利用"GPS定位技术和废气分析仪"构建的机动车车载实时排放测试系统研究了深圳市城市道路机动车不同行驶工况排放特征以及速度、加速度等参数对其排放特征的影响规律,并与国内主要大城市城市道路机动车不同行驶工况排放特征相比较。研究结果表明,改善城市交通状况和优化机动车综合行驶工况点的燃烧质量是减少深圳市机动车大气污染的关键所在。  相似文献   

United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 11 aims to promote inclusiveness and sustainable urbanization, such that cities can become productive and accessible places for attracting talent, encouraging innovation, and creating economic growth. SDG Target 11.2 specifically mentions urban transport. Localizing SDG Target 11.2 involves city governments ensuring a public transport (PT) system that has at least two dimensions of accessibility: physical and economic. This translates to ensuring barrier-free physical access to the PT system, as well as affordable fares for using the PT system. This study presents a process for operationalizing the SDG Target 11.2 indicator for small cities in India. The study focuses on addressing physical access to quality public transport system. Presently, the commuters in these cities are dependent on intermediate PT (IPT) systems to meet their mobility needs.Small cities lack a detailed database for planning PT systems. Master plans are generally prepared by planning authorities to guide the future development of cities; however, the master plan documents lack discussion and vision for future mobility, as required by SDG Target 11.2. This study concludes that the current indicator for SDG Target 11.2 requires modification to ensure SDG-compliant PT systems in small cities. An integrated IPT and PT system is required to improve access to high-quality PT systems, in line with SDG Target 11.2.  相似文献   

在众多小城镇分类标准中,对小城镇的概念及定义做了明确界定,分析了小城镇的几个重要特征,即社会经济水平、土地利用特征、居民出行特征、公交需求特征和供给特征。采集了一些典型小城镇的交通特征指标,并就这些特征指标值和大中城市做了相应对比,明确了小城镇概念及其交通系统特性。重点关注目前我国小城镇公交发展的实际情况,结合小城镇公交运行的实际情况,给出小城镇公交线网规划指标的推荐数值。   相似文献   

交通空气污染问题作为交通问题重要部分,因危及到人体健康而越发受到人们的重视。文章将对近年来关于交通空气污染对人体健康影响的相关研究进行综述,并从不同交通空气污染物导致的相关疾病及其与特定污染物暴露研究方法分析介绍,从而更为系统全面了解地交通相关空气污染物作用于人体相关生物机理,为交通相关空气污染控制与防护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

岩溶地区公路路侧土壤中重金属污染及其评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鲁光银  熊瑛  朱自强 《公路》2007,(3):147-151
在2002年和2004年,分别对地处岩溶地区的衡昆高速公路湖南段、207国道、322国道的多个路段,在距离公路5 m、10 m、15 m、25 m、40 m、60 m、80 m、100 m、120 m、150 m处采集土壤样品,采用原子吸收光谱法测试土壤中的Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd等重金属元素的含量,并对其结果进行了分析与评价。研究结果表明,岩溶地区公路两侧土壤中的Pb、Zn、Cd等重金属元素的含量在公路运营之后显著增加,其中,土壤中Cd元素的污染严重,轻度污染的元素为Pb、Zn,基本上未受到Cu的污染影响,土壤对重金属元素的吸附及污染程度为:Cd>Pb>Zn>Cu。重金属污染影响范围自公路起大约80~100 m;岩溶地区公路路侧水田中重金属元素含量较旱地、果园低,但影响范围更广。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国城市化进程的不断加快,城市高架的数量也与日俱增,但高架桥在缓解交通拥堵的同时也给城市道路空气污染扩散分布带来了新的影响。为了探讨这一新问题,采用实地监测和数值模拟相结合的方法,基于计算流体力学原理(CFD)建立RNG k-ε模型及离散相(DPM)模型,分析对称型街道峡谷内高架桥沿线交通颗粒物的扩散机制。研究结果表明:高架桥的存在会影响街道峡谷内的空气流场,导致桥面颗粒物向桥下地面沉积,造成地面颗粒物浓度增大;高架引桥沿线的交通状态对街谷内湍流动能的分布也有较大影响,进而改变了颗粒物的分布状态,通过模拟发现,车辆湍动能VIT的存在使颗粒物平均浓度相比于未考虑VIT时降低了3.77%,并且加重了高架桥的“盖子效应”,使高架桥面高度以下的颗粒物的平均浓度发生变化,迎风侧浓度增长11.46%~16.52%,而背风侧浓度下降2.82%~8.65%,高架桥源颗粒物在垂直方向上更加容易扩散;同时发现,高架引桥各位置处对应的街谷内颗粒物浓度要高于高架桥面高度处的颗粒物浓度。研究成果可为制定城市高架地区的交通污染控制对策提供理论参考。  相似文献   

为解决小汽车保有量增加过快引发的交通相关问题,国内外许多城市开始实施限行政策.本文梳理总结了国内外城市限行政策的演化进程,发现尽管限行政策对缓解交通拥堵和改善空气污染有一定的作用,但不同城市的限行措施和限行效果也各有差异,出行者的一些规避限行的行为可能会对限行政策的实施效果产生一定的影响.  相似文献   

交通污染已经成为我国城市空气和噪声的主要污染源,严重影响了城市的经济发展和居民的生活质量。用牺牲环境及资源来解决交通问题是城市交通发展的一大误区。该文在分析城市交通污染现状的基础上,从可持续发展的角度,按照以人为本的理念,提出了治理交通污染的宏观政策与具体对策。  相似文献   

本文根据低洼地区防洪排涝特点及该地区小城镇防洪排涝现状 ,指出了低洼地区小城镇规划建设中存在的问题 ,并提出了解决问题的方法 ,以便减少不必要的洪涝损失 ,供低洼地区小城镇建设者参考  相似文献   

In this paper, we use estimates of the effectiveness of existing road safety technologies and interventions to estimate the reduction in road safety deaths in six Indian cities over the next decade, in order to achieve the SDG 3.6 goal of a 50% reduction by 2030. Only the existing interventions are considered and technologies that might be available in the future are not accounted for. The results show that similar policies for all cities will not produce the same results, and that achieving the SDG 3.6 goal does not automatically reduce fatality rates in cities with high fatality rates. The introduction of safer cars with currently available safety technologies, although necessary, will have much less effect than the combined effect of motorcycle safety technologies, speed control and traffic calming. This study suggests that while SDG 3.6 targets may be satisfied by 2030 with great effort in India, the presently available safety interventions may not be adequate to bring about death rates below 2.0 per hundred thousand persons. Since the situation differs significantly between cities, it will be important to evolve city-specific policies for safety intervention priorities and changes in travel behavior. The desired reduction in road traffic injuries in India will not be possible without much greater investment in road safety research and road design for safer travel.  相似文献   

路面温度对城市热岛的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了城市热岛形成的主要原因,指出城市下垫面特性、城市大气污染和城市人工热源是城市热岛形成的主要影响因素。通过试验数据和数学计算论证了路面温度对城市大气温度的影响。介绍了太阳辐射、云层状况、大气相对湿度、风速、降水等环境因素对路面温度的影响,并利用数据、公式和图表重点讨论了路面反照率、路面湿度等路面特性因素对城市路面温度的影响。根据路面反照率与路面温度的数值关系,提出通过铺装水泥混凝土路面或碎石封层的方式提高路面反照率,缓解大城市热岛效应;根据路面湿度与路面温度的关系,提出通过增加透水性路面面积,缓解大城市热岛效应。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断发展,大城市对于人口的吸引力日渐增强,作为解决大城市中心区住房难问题的一种方式,大型居住区在各大城市的数量也逐年增加.其巨大的出行需求使大型居住区成为城市动静态交通最为繁忙的地区,由此引发的一系列交通问题尤为严重.作者以大型居住区为研究对象,主要对居住区与周边道路衔接以及居住区周边配套公共交通设施完善等问题进行研究.通过实际调查对具体交通情况以及居民满意度进行分析,并通过对现有交通系统进行优化改进,以期改善当地的交通拥堵现状.  相似文献   

京津都市圈空间运输联系的分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘昕  吴永平  付鑫 《公路交通科技》2006,23(10):155-158
区域空间运输联系的分布特征是研究空间运输联系的重要组成部分,针对都市圈出现的以轨道交通为骨干,公路交通为主体,支线航空为补充的综合快速客运系统格局,分析了都市圈空间运输联系的基本特征。在京津都市圈现有的区域性交通运输网络体系基础上,通过对其各主要城市之间的客流量的分布状况和运输联系强度,并利用非均衡系数、集中度、公路旅客运输联系强度3个指标来分析京津都市圈空间运输联系的分布特征。结果表明:京津都市圈空间运输联系指向于北京和天津两个中心城市,并且各城市客流分布不均衡。  相似文献   

雨水径流污染是制约我国城市水环境质量提升的重要原因。为解决这一难题,在径流污染源解析计量、排水管道精确检测和原位修复、污染系统阻控技术体系等领域开展研究,形成了系列技术和装备,突破高密度建成区排水系统提质增效技术壁垒。研发成果在福州、厦门、上海等多地应用,取得了良好的环境和社会效益,为我国城市水环境改善提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

明确影响不同规模城市中居民出行方式选择的关键因素及其影响路径,有助于采取针对性策略调节城市居民出行结构,进而提高城市交通系统效率,缓解交通拥堵、空气污染等"城市病".现有研究较少关注中、小城市的居民出行方式选择,较缺少同省份居民出行方式选择的跨城市规模对比分析,不利于策略制定者运用出行方式关键影响因素调节居民出行行为....  相似文献   

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