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The national governments have committed to various sustainable development goals (SDGs); however, actions have to be taken by the local administrations at the city level. In this paper, the city administrations' understanding and preparedness for implementing specific activities related to SDG targets 3.6, 3.9, and 11.2 are discussed. The results of how local communities can participate in prioritizing the implementation of SDG targets at the city level are also presented. Three small cities in India, namely Bulandshahr, Patiala, and Nainital, were monitored for three years. The research team worked closely with the local administrations and local citizens. This paper presents an analysis of the various activities undertaken by the research team and concludes that SDGs can be used as tools for providing ready targets to the authorities, bringing them to a common working ground. The SDG implementation in India follows the top–down approach; however, to achieve the SDG targets, the bottom–up approach should be followed. SDGs are not a priority for several city governments. Cities need encouragement and national support to adopt and implement these SDGs. We have to think of how SDGs can be used to influence day-to-day decisions. SDGs can also be a part of the outcome-based budget of municipalities to prioritize the implementation of SDG-oriented urban infrastructure and plans.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use estimates of the effectiveness of existing road safety technologies and interventions to estimate the reduction in road safety deaths in six Indian cities over the next decade, in order to achieve the SDG 3.6 goal of a 50% reduction by 2030. Only the existing interventions are considered and technologies that might be available in the future are not accounted for. The results show that similar policies for all cities will not produce the same results, and that achieving the SDG 3.6 goal does not automatically reduce fatality rates in cities with high fatality rates. The introduction of safer cars with currently available safety technologies, although necessary, will have much less effect than the combined effect of motorcycle safety technologies, speed control and traffic calming. This study suggests that while SDG 3.6 targets may be satisfied by 2030 with great effort in India, the presently available safety interventions may not be adequate to bring about death rates below 2.0 per hundred thousand persons. Since the situation differs significantly between cities, it will be important to evolve city-specific policies for safety intervention priorities and changes in travel behavior. The desired reduction in road traffic injuries in India will not be possible without much greater investment in road safety research and road design for safer travel.  相似文献   

Localization of sustainable development goals (SDGs) was given a boost at the 2019 Seville commitment, which highlighted the importance of local governments on sustainability. Various cities worldwide are at different stages of the localization program. Therefore, in this paper, we discuss two small cities in India that have advanced towards collectively achieving certain targets in SDGs 3, 9, and 11, despite having a small budget, limited human resources, and less international exposure. By utilizing the plan, do, access or analyze, report, and utilize (PDARU) cycle and logic model, we accessed the methods that led to the development of SDG-oriented street designs. The findings show that consensus building of different stakeholders eases data collection and analysis. Residents are adamant to adopt SDGs, but once they are sensitized, they become willing to contribute towards their realization. This exchange of ideas among different government sectors and the residents depicts a cross-sectoral cooperation that is a backbone in localizing SDGs. Despite the fact that social and environmental issues are more dire today, residents understand economic issues better because they directly affect their livelihood in the short run. Therefore, to set realistic localized goals, baselines must reflect residents' short and long-term requirements. Furthermore, by focusing on the top three problems of the locality, other problems are either directly or indirectly addressed. To create a similar strategy in other cities, a back-casting Theory of Change was adopted to propose a methodology for implementation.  相似文献   

Cycling is a vital transport mode for many of the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) cities given the limited transport options that exist. Despite its enormous commuting importance in SSA cities, little scientific research has attempted to identify key factors influencing cycling adoption, and most existing cycling promotional initiatives are often not contextualised to the African cities. To underpin appropriate incentives to promote bicycle commuting, this study conducts a literature review to identify key determinants of bicycle use in SSA cities. Moreover, it identifies key differences and similarities with cycling studies from the developed world cities (DWC). A survey of relevant literature was conducted through the Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed and Google scholar. This allowed gathering 61 relevant empirical study materials that helped to identify main factors influencing cycling in both SSA and DWC urban contexts, based on the socio-economic, built-environment, weather conditions and environmental and attitudinal factors. The results found that the vast list of factors influencing cycling, such as gender, education level, income, street signage, road encroachment, weather change, travel distance, the opportunity for flexible jobs and image prestige present a deep difference between studies in the two urban contexts. Street lighting, rain and tree cover present more consensual understanding among researchers in both urban contexts. This study reinforces that knowledge on cycling and its promotional initiatives should not be generalized, but rather be focused on the contextual setting of a particular city. In review of the past studies the limitation observed is that some specific characteristics of cycling in SSA cities such as the use of bicycle for commercial purpose is not covered in most cycling literature from the DWC. Given the observed contextual differences between cities from SSA and DWC, the study suggests the need for further research in quantifying and comparing the strength of the similarities and differences in cycling behaviour influences.  相似文献   

轻型商用车辆占商用车市场份额40%,这个数字近年还在不断的增长,原因首先是厂家相继推出自己的新产品。现在世界上流行一种厢式轻型商用车,这种厢式商用车特别适合一些小商小贩,另外一些运输公司也特别青睐这种厢式车,这二者都有自己不同的需求,前者对它的期望接近于轿车,后者主要注重理性和经济性。作为商贩的赚钱工具,厢式货车被要求能够满足客户多个方面的基本要求:有足够的空间;比较大的载货量;上下车方便;移动自如等。这些在厢式货车上都能得到足够的体现。另外,厢式货车在设计中对人机工程学和方便使用做了很大的努力,使驾乘变得简单舒适。对于运输企业,经济性是他们购买的重要因素,在世界一些发达国家,有50名员工的企业大多采用租车从事经济活动,他们对车辆的公里成本有非常理性的管理(油耗、维修、折旧成本)。由于是作为经营的工具,厢式货车必定不同于轿车,他们必须考虑在城区里不断发生的碰擦,因此厢式货车必须有宽大的保险杠、包裹式的保护设计,尾灯设计在高处等。驾驶员的舒适性已被列入高的标准,另外,转向和空调也是购车者的选择内容之一。厢式货车的设计无论是厢式货车还是面包车都具备轻型商用车应有的功能,比如可靠性、耐久性(耐久性为25万km,保证...  相似文献   

格林 《城市车辆》2009,(10):7-8
9月22日早晨7点30分,28辆苏州金龙海格大型公交车投入镇江市第一条大运量公交线使用。此举标志着我国中小城市开始试水BRT(快速公交系统),国家公交优先战略开始向纵深推进。  相似文献   

本文以2008年春秋两季对成都、西安等大中城市公交客车车型、高峰时段各车型载客情况以及公交公司运营情况的全面调查为基础,分析了目前以成都、西安为代表的大中城市公交客车的营运状况,并与国外大城市公交客车的运行情况作了比较,提出在今后一定时期内,我国大中城市公交客车市场需要应是车长适中(10~11m)的大容量公交客车。  相似文献   

任翔 《城市车辆》2003,(4):23-24
车辆停放问题越来越受到大中城市交通主管部门和市民的关注,在分析目前我国城市机动车停放设施现状的基础上,结合国内外实践经验,提出修建立体式停车场是解决未来城市停车难问题的最佳途径。  相似文献   

周晶 《城市车辆》2009,(10):20-20
米其林(中国)投资有限公司近日宣布,上半年米其林在北至沈阳,南到广西防城港的62个城市中的85个小区顺利完成了对12782辆家用汽车的免费轮胎安全检测。在接受检测的车辆中,约有58%的家用汽车存在轮胎安全隐患。米其林社区轮胎安全检测从2005年开始至今已有连续近5年的历史,  相似文献   

<正>来自公安部的消息,到去年年底,全国机动车数量突破2.5亿辆,机动车驾驶人近2.8亿人。共有31个城市的汽车数量超过100万辆。去年,我国汽车保有量达1.37亿辆,是2003年汽车保有量的5.7倍,占全部机动车比率达到54.9%,比2003年提高了29.9%。全国有31个城市的汽车数量超过100万辆,其中北京、天津、成都、深圳、上海、广州、苏州、杭州等8个城市汽车数量超过200万辆,北京市汽车超过.500万辆。  相似文献   

我国大城市停车问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

水下隧道工程实践面临的挑战、对策及思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱七虎 《隧道建设》2014,34(6):503-507
首先介绍钻爆法、TBM/盾构法以及沉管法3种主要水下隧道建设方法的优点及不足,进而从地质条件、水流速度、水面交通、隧道埋深、通行车道数量、渗漏情况、工程总量、施工工期、施工安全、工程造价等方面对3种修建方法进行对比分析。最后重点分析当前水下隧道工程建设过程中存在的主要挑战与相应对策,主要包括:沉管法施工中河床冲刷、管段局部高出河床、埋深增大的挑战及对策,盾构穿越浅覆土层、刀盘刀具磨损、埋深提高、轴承损坏及盾构通过断层和破碎地层施工中的挑战与对策。  相似文献   

基于抽样理论、最优化理论和出行需求预测方法,提出了以中小城市起讫点(OD)交通调查费用最小为目标,以调查精度为约束的最优抽样量计算模型和算法。实践结果表明:该方法有效地解决了调查费用和精度的矛盾,减少抽样量,仅用国际上推荐抽样率的1/10的抽样量就能得到预定精度的预测结果;对于具有简单交通流向的中小城市,能明显提高OD调查工作效率。  相似文献   

文风 《城市车辆》2007,(1):62-62
建设部近日发出通报,表彰全国城市公共交通文明企业、文明线路、标兵、先进个人和优先发展城市公共交通示范城市.城市公共交通是与人民群众生产生活息息相关的重要基础设施.优先发展城市公共交通是符合中国实际的城市发展和交通发展的正确战略思想;是贯彻落实科学发展观,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,构建和谐社会的重要举措.  相似文献   

随着我国交通强国战略目标的提出!交通建设正逐渐由规模速度型向质量效率型转变!现代综合交通运输体系的快速构建带动了隧道及地下工程的全面发展!川藏铁路等重难点工程的建设给本领域带来了新的机遇和挑战。为及时总结重难点隧道工程的最新研究成果!推动该领域的技术创新和应用!《中国公路学报》编辑部邀请天津大学张稳军教授%我刊副主编&作为专刊组稿负责人!陈湘生院士、李术才院士、郭陕云教授级高工、何川教授、袁大军教授、朱合华教授、朱伟教授、陈建勋教授、王华牢教授级高工、吴德兴教授级高工、李国良教授级高工、肖明清教授级高工、史海欧教授级高工、洪开荣教授级高工、马栋教授级高工和赵勇教授级高工等!位专家和学者作为专刊组稿咨询专家!丁文其教授、汪波教授、张成平教授、叶飞教授、王树英教授、陈馈教授级高工、郭小红教授级高工、汪成兵教授级高工、陈健教授级高工等58位专家和学者作为专刊组稿专家!以专刊形式出版重大隧道工程关键技术领域高水平、创新性研究成果本期专刊共组稿件100余篇!经编辑部组织专家审阅!最终录用21篇。本专刊主要针对重大隧道工程关键技术领域相关研究进展进行了归纳、总结和梳理主要包括以下几方面的内容:(1)综述:主要综述内容包括隧道建设面临的若干挑战与技术突破、盾构隧道实用抗震计算方法、超高水压越江海长大盾构隧道工程安全、长大隧道工程结构安全风险精细化感控、公路隧道近%&年的发展趋势与思考、蒙华重载铁路矿山法隧道设计与施工关键技术、盾构隧道壁后注浆试验与浆液扩散机理、土-结构动力作用体系混合试验。(2)基础理论:主要研究成果包括交通)水工隧道中基于预应力锚固系统的及时主动支护理念及其技术实现、盾构隧道管片接缝密封垫防水性能及受施工荷载影响、大直径盾构隧道斜螺栓环缝抗剪特性、基于小孔扩张弹塑性理论注浆起始劈裂压力、高水压泥水平衡盾构掘进模型试验平台的研制与应用、基于!3DZI的隧道开挖与支护质量检测技术、不同渗透系数地层中泥浆渗透成膜试验、深埋隧道注浆加固围岩非达西渗流场及应力场。(3)工程实践:主要研究成果包括绿泥石片岩地层大跨度公路隧道大变形控制及合理支护形式现场试验、土压平衡盾构不满舱施工遇到的问题及对策、超大跨度隧道上台阶CD法中隔壁施工力学行为、高地应力千枚岩隧道二次衬砌施作时机、石膏质岩隧道新置换衬砌结构受力特征重大隧道工程关键技术突破及应用所涉及的新理论、新工法、新技术和新材料将为我国从“隧道大国”向“隧道强国”迈进奠定坚实的基础《中国公路学报》将持续关注重大隧道工程关键技术突破及应用的最新科研成果!以期为广大专家、学者及工程技术人员提供更好的知识服务与交流沟通平台!促进中国公路交通行业的安全、健康与可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the appropriateness of the “3-stage urban transport policy development cycle” hypothesis proposed by Professor Peter Jones and the importance of both local development context and motorization transport culture in transport policy. It then makes some observations on the future prospects for sustainable cities and transport through major technological innovations in connected and autonomous vehicles, that is, in “Auto Sapiens” as next generation vehicles.  相似文献   

自动驾驶汽车不仅是对道路交通具有革命性影响的工具,更是新时代人类进步的一大表现。不过,自动驾驶汽车的独特性、复杂性也意味着其在完善过程中会遇到各种挑战和问题。对此,本文通过对国内外自动驾驶汽车发展现状的分析,探寻其发展中面临的挑战,展望其未来,希望能推动该领域的研究发展,为推动自动驾驶汽车发展提供参考。  相似文献   

低散热柴油机取消了传统的液体冷却系统,将传到冷却介质中的能量损失转换成曲轴输出功,以降低发动机的油耗。但节省的大部分冷却能量并不能直接增加输出功,而是传递到了排气之中,因而排气能量的回收成了一个现实的课题。低散热发动机燃烧温度较高,使NOx排放增加;气缸绝热只影响对流热损失的问题仍存在着争议;对流热损失的循环情况,灼热碳粒的幅射,气缸绝热引起的高温需要对润滑改进等问题都值得注意。同时必须处理好脆性陶瓷损坏的概率特性,确定采用整体陶瓷还是陶瓷涂层更适合于气缸的绝热。本文就上述方面论述了低散热发动机的发展前景和面临的课题。  相似文献   

我国城市道路面临的交通压力与日俱增,要实现安全、高效、经济、环保的高品质城市道路,就需要科学合理地规划、设计与管理,道路横断面是城市道路规划设计的关键要素之一.文章分析了城市道路横断面在规划、设计、相关规范等方面存在的问题,并对在城市规划阶段需考虑的因素、道路空间资源的分配优先度、交通功能与绿化的协调、设计的人性化、规划设计的流程与规范等方面提出了建议.最后,给出了各类道路横断面的规划设计模式示例.  相似文献   

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