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Three of the most highly regarded disaggregate mode split models incorporate very different estimates of the responsiveness, or elasticity, of mode choice to changes in auto travel times and costs. These differences appear to be due in part to the varying specifications used by the model, and particularly whether certain variables (such as a dummy variable for CBD destinations or automobile ownership) are included in addition to the more traditional variables (such as travel time, cost, and household income). More research is needed on the implications of the theory of traveler choices for model specification and the effect of alternative, but theoretically justifiable, specifications on elasticity estimates. Until this research reduces our uncertainty about the elasticity of demand, analysts evaluating transportation policies should assess the sensitivity of their results to the range of plausible elasticities or models.  相似文献   

Transport fuel consumption and its determinants have received a great deal of attention since the early 1970s. In the literature, different types of modelling methods have been used to estimate petrol demand, each having methodological strengths and weaknesses. This paper is motivated by an ongoing need to review the effectiveness of empirical fuel demand forecasting models, with a focus on theoretical as well as practical considerations in the model-building processes of different model forms. We consider a linear trend model, a quadratic trend model, an exponential trend model, a single exponential smoothing model, Holt’s linear model, Holt–Winters’ model, a partial adjustment model (PAM), and an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model. More importantly, the study identifies the difference between forecasts and actual observations of petrol demand in order to identify forecasting accuracy. Given the identified best-forecasting model, Australia’s automobile petrol demand from 2007 through to 2020 is presented under the “business-as-usual” scenario.  相似文献   

Current evidence on the transferability of disaggregate travel demand models is inconclusive. Adding to this body of research, the present analysis focuses upon the temporal characteristics of work trip behavior in the San Francisco Bay Area. Using before and after data sets associated with the BART Impact Travel Study, multinomial logit models of work trip modal choice are estimated. The results indicate that the general form and the coefficient estimates of a pre BART model are transferable in time. Moreover, when updated to reflect BART's presence, the model's predictive success and its implied elasticity measures are generally accurate, relative to those implied by reestimating the entire model on post BART data. Finally, as economic theory would predict, elasticity measures of the service related variables were found to increase over time.  相似文献   

Methods of updating disaggregate discrete choice models have been proposed as a means of obtaining better transferability. However, the temporal transferability of models updated for better spatial transferability has rarely been analysed, and the factors affecting temporal transferability have not been determined. This paper deals with one updating method—the use of disaggregate data to update alternative-specific constants—and investigates the factors affecting the temporal transferability of the updated constants. In the analysis, repeated cross-section data collected in the Chukyo metropolitan area are divided, efficiently generating many application areas. The analysis showed that the factors can depend on regional characteristics and past travel behaviours (inertia), and are anti-symmetric and path-dependent of changes in the level of service.  相似文献   

《Transportation Research》1978,12(5):349-353
In disaggregate work trip mode choice models, the wage of the worker often enters as an explanatory variable. In some models, the cost of travel is divided by the worker's wage, while in other models the travel times are multiplied by the wage. This paper analyzes the use of wage in mode choice models and shows how different assumptions about the worker's indifference mapping between goods and leisure lead to different methods of entering wage. Using a Cobb-Douglas utility function AG1−βLβ, where G is goods and L is leisure, it is shown that when β = 0 time should be multiplied by wage in the mode choice model and when β = 1 cost should be divided by wage. For values of β between 0 and 1 a more general model obtains in which the value of β is a parameter subject to estimation. Preliminary evidence indicates that the value of β is between 0.7 and 1.0.  相似文献   

Previous models of auto-type choice have not been able to disentangle very much of the structure of the household's auto-choice decision: the models assumed that very few auto characteristics affect choice, and often these few parameters were estimated with low precision. Hence the models had only limited use in forecasting the effects of government policies to influence transportation energy consumption. The present paper introduces a multinomial logit model for the type of car that households will choose to buy. The model includes a large variety of auto characteristics as explanatory variables, as well as a large number of characteristics of the household and the driving environment. The model fits the data quite well, and all of the variables enter with the correct signs and plausible magnitudes.  相似文献   

In transportation projects, uncertainty related to the difference between forecast and actual demand is of major interest for the decision-maker, as it can have a substantial influence on the viability of a project. This paper identifies and quantifies discrete choice model uncertainty, which is present in the model parameters and attributes, and determines its impact on risk taking for decision-making applied to a case study of the High-Speed Rail project in Portugal. The methodology includes bootstrapping for the parameter variation, a postulated triangular distribution for the mode-specific input and a probabilistic graphical model for the socio-economic input variation. In comparison to point estimates, the findings for mode shift results in a wider swing in the system, which constitutes valuable information for decision-makers. The methodology, findings and conclusions presented in this study can be generalized to projects involving similar models.  相似文献   

We present an integrated activity-based discrete choice model system of an individual’s activity and travel schedule, for forecasting urban passenger travel demand. A prototype demonstrates the system concept using a 1991 Boston travel survey and transportation system level of service data. The model system represents a person’s choice of activities and associated travel as an activity pattern overarching a set of tours. A tour is defined as the travel from home to one or more activity locations and back home again. The activity pattern consists of important decisions that provide overall structure for the day’s activities and travel. In the prototype the activity pattern includes (a) the primary – most important – activity of the day, with one alternative being to remain at home for all the day’s activities; (b) the type of tour for the primary activity, including the number, purpose and sequence of activity stops; and (c) the number and purpose of secondary – additional – tours. Tour models include the choice of time of day, destination and mode of travel, and are conditioned by the choice of activity pattern. The choice of activity pattern is influenced by the expected maximum utility derived from the available tour alternatives.  相似文献   

《Transportation Research》1978,12(3):167-174
A model of work trip mode choice was developed on a sample of workers taken before Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) opened for service. Validation tests of the model were performed on a sample of workers taken after BART service began. Two validation methods were used: (1) the actual mode shares in the post-BART sample were compared to the mode shares predicted by the models estimated on the pre-BART sample, and (2) the parameters of models estimated on the post-BART sample were compared with the parameters of the models estimated pre-BART. Three possible reasons were explored for the differences in actual and predicted shares and in the pre- and post-BART model parameters: (1) failure of the independence from irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property of the multinomial logit model, (2) non-genericity and incorrect data contributed substantially to the incorrect data for walk times. It was found that non-genericity and incorrect data contributed substantially to the mispredictions, while failure of the IIA property contributed less. The present study concerns only one model and one transportation environment. The results of this test, however, can be viewed along with the results of other validation studies to obtain a sense of the predictive ability of disaggregate mode choice models.  相似文献   

Models of household vehicle ownership decisions do not suffice as a basis for forecasting the size and composition of aggregate vehicle holdings. Forecasting applications require that such models be imbedded in systems describing the operation of the automobile market. This paper presents a new model of short run equilibrium in the automobile market. The short run is a period within which new car designs and prices are fixed but used car prices adjust competitively to market forces. The magnitude and mix of new car sales, the extent of used car scrappage and the composition of used car holdings are determined in equilibrium with used car prices. An econometric version of the market model has been estimated on Israeli data and applied to analyze the impact of vehicle tax policy on automobile holdings in Israel. The paper describes this application.  相似文献   


We propose a framework to find optimal price-based policies to regulate markets characterized by oligopolistic competition and in which consumers make a discrete choice among a finite set of alternatives. The framework accommodates general discrete choice models available in the literature in order to capture heterogeneous consumer behavior. In our work, consumers are utility maximizers and are modeled according to random utility theory. Suppliers are modeled as profit maximizers, according to the traditional microeconomic treatment. Market competition is modeled as a non-cooperative game, for which an approximate equilibrium solution is sought. Finally, the regulator can affect the behavior of all other agents by giving subsidies or imposing taxes to consumers. In transport markets, economic instruments might target specific alternatives, to reduce externalities such as congestion or emissions, or specific segments of the population, to achieve social welfare objectives. In public policy, different agents have different individual or social objectives, possibly conflicting, which must be taken into account within a social welfare function. We present a mixed integer optimization model to find optimal policies subject to supplier profit maximization and consumer utility maximization constraints. Then, we propose a model-based heuristic approach based on the fixed-point iteration algorithm that finds an approximate equilibrium solution for the market. Numerical experiments on an intercity travel case study show how the regulator can optimize its decisions under different scenarios.


Probabilistic discrete choice models of travel demand often are tested for the presence of specification errors by comparing the models' predictions of aggregate choice shares in population strata with observed shares. A model is rejected as misspecified if the differences between its predictions and the observations are judged too large. This judgement usually is made on intuitive grounds without use of formal statistical methods and, therefore includes no systematic method for distinguishing the effects of specification errors on differences between predictions and observations from those of random sampling errors. This paper represents formal statistical tests for comparing predicted and observed aggregate chioce shares in population strata and reports the results of an investigation of the power of the tests. The test statistics are asymptotically χ2 disturbed when the model being tested is correctly specified. The results of the power investigation suggests that greater power is obtained (i.e. there is ability to detect misspecified models) when all of the available data are used for both parameter estimation and specification testing than when the available data are divided into separate estimation and test data sets. Specification tests based on comparisons of predicted and observed aggregate choice shares appear to have less power than do likelihood ratio and likelihood ratio index specification tests when the alternative models required by the latter tests are correctly or approximately correctly specified. However, tests based on comparisons of predicted and observed shares ca have greater power than the other tests when the alternative models are seriouslymisspecified.  相似文献   

We present three extensions to a base optimization model for a transit line which can be used to strategically evaluate technology choices. We add to the base model optimal stop spacing and train length, a crowding penalty, and a multi-period generalization. These extensions are analytically solvable by simple approximations and lead to meaningful insights. Their significance is illustrated by means of an example in which two road modes and two rail modes are defined by a set of techno-economical parameters. These parameters loaded in the base model yield dominance of road modes for all but the largest demand levels. We consistently keep this set of parameters for all models, and show how the break-even points between road and rail modes progressively recede toward lower demand levels when model refinements – not parameter changes – are applied. Scenario analyses of plausible parameter sets highlight the model’s versatility, and caution on general conclusions regarding technology dominance.  相似文献   


Existing origin constrained and doubly constrained gravity models have not been compared, theoretically or empirically, in terms of their forecasting power. Due to the newly advanced technology of intelligent transport systems, the expanded data presently available have made various models more comparable in terms of forecasting power. This paper uses archived automatic passenger counting (APC) data for urban rail in the Seoul metropolitan area. The APC data contains information about each trip's origin, destination, ticket type, fare, and distance on a daily basis. The objective of this paper is to compare the goodness-of-fit of aggregate and disaggregate gravity modeling using these data. A Hyman aggregate gravity model is used as the aggregate model without the spatial effect. The disaggregate model adopts a multinomial logit as the destination choice model with the spatial effect. In general, while the formulation of aggregate and disaggregate gravity model models are similar, the calibration and parameter estimation methods of the two models are different. As a result, this empirical study demonstrates that the variation in goodness-of-fit and forecasting power largely depends on the estimation method and selected variables. The forecasting power of the disaggregate modeling approach outperforms that of the aggregate model. This paper further confirms that spatial arrangement plays important roles in gravity modeling.  相似文献   

We identify seven areas in which recent research on auto demand has made significant progress. We discuss the importance of these areas in understanding and predicting auto demand and describe the methods that researchers have used to address them. Finally, we identify the issues that this research indicates require further investigation.  相似文献   


This paper describes the development of railway station choice models suitable for defining probabilistic station catchments. These catchments can then be incorporated into the aggregate demand models typically used to forecast demand for new rail stations. Revealed preference passenger survey data obtained from the Welsh and Scottish Governments was used for model calibration. Techniques were developed to identify trip origins and destinations from incomplete address information and to automatically validate reported trips. A bespoke trip planner was used to derive mode-specific station access variables and train leg measures. The results from a number of multinomial logit and random parameter (mixed) logit models are presented and their predictive performance assessed. The models were found to have substantially superior predictive accuracy compared to the base model (which assumes the nearest station has a probability of one), indicating that their incorporation into passenger demand forecasting methods has the potential to significantly improve model predictive performance.  相似文献   

Mode choice under stochastically varying demand is studied via a dynamic mathematical model which describes the behavioural interactions between population groups. The model is developed by assuming competing attractivity functions for automobile and public transit which motivate their use subject to an overall demand for transportation. When this demand is allowed to vary stochastically, a set of stochastic differential equations describing the model are obtained. These are solved for their steady-state values. It is found that noisy demand can structure the system qualitatively differently than when the demand is fixed. The noise is found to generally reduce the level of public transit ridership, but it also changes the values of the threshold at which new regimes occur and, most interestingly, it induces new steady-state solutions for ridership at critical values of the variance of demand. In the latter case, noise becomes a source of new possibilities in the system by triggering a steady-state solution not present in the noise-free environment.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of adaptive expectations on the purchase of automobiles by income quintile. Through maximum likelihood estimation, it is found that the coefficients of adaptation to income exhibit a trend towards faster rates in the upper quintiles. The effects of a “truncation remainder” and of serial correlation are also noted.  相似文献   

We investigate parameter recovery and forecast accuracy implications of incorporating alternative-specific constants (ASCs) in the utility functions of vehicle choice models. We compare two methods of incorporating ASCs: (1) a maximum likelihood estimator that computes ASCs post-hoc as calibration constants (MLE-C) and (2) a generalized method of moments estimator that uses instrumental variables (GMM-IV) to correct for price endogeneity. In a synthetic study we observe significant coefficient bias with MLE-C when the price-ASC correlation (endogeneity) is large. GMM-IV successfully mitigates this bias given valid instruments but exacerbates the bias given invalid instruments. Despite greater coefficient bias, MLE-C yields better forecasts than GMM-IV with valid instruments in most of the cases examined, including most cases where the price-ASC correlation present in the estimation data is absent in the prediction data. In a market study of U.S. midsize sedan sales from 2002 – 2006 the GMM-IV model predicts the 1-year-forward market better, but the MLE-C model predicts the 5-year-forward market better. Including an ASC in predictions by any of the methods proposed improves share forecasts, and assuming that the ASC of each new vehicle matches that of its closest competitor vehicle yields the best long term forecasts. We find evidence that the instruments most frequently used in the automotive demand literature may be invalid.  相似文献   

This study uses probabilistic choice models to predict potential demand for electric cars. Survey data are employed to estimate separate utility functions for each of 51 subjects. This provides a sample distribution of consumer preferences for vehicle attributes including price, operating cost and range. The results indicate great diversity in individual trade-offs among attributes, with range and top speed generally being highly valued. The sample of utility functions is then used to predict potential market shares for various kinds of electric vehicles as second cars. Demand is quite limited, except when (a) electric cars are considerably more advanced than anything likely to be available in the near future, and (b) consumers fear massive gasoline shortages. The latter effect derives from an observed “bias” in favor of electric autos, which is plausibly interpreted as a hedge against disruptions in the gasoline market.  相似文献   

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