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In a shipyard, line heating and triangle heating are two major processes carried out by skilled workers to form curved plates in various shapes under various heating conditions. There have been many studies on line heating, but triangle heating has rarely been studied owing to its complicated heating process with irregular multiheating paths and highly concentrated heat input. Triangle heating is the most labor-intensive job. Hence, it is essential for most shipyards to study the automation, as well as the improvement, of the triangle heating process in order to increase hull-forming productivity. In this study, a pioneering attempt to simulate triangle heating was made. A circular disk-spring model is proposed as an analysis model for the elastoplastic procedure of triangle heating, and the inherent strain method is also used to analyze the deformation of plates. The results of the simulation were compared with those of experiments and showed good agreement. It is shown that the present approach and the model used in this study are effective and efficient for simulating triangle heating for the steel plate forming process in shipbuilding.  相似文献   

对盲孔法测残余应力中的等轴三角应变花应变释放系数进行有限元标定和塑性修正,得到了塑性修正后的应变释放系数;采用盲孔法对高强度钢水下承压结构典型部位的焊接残余应力进行测量,根据测试得到各测点的释放应变值,结合修正后的应变释放系数计算得到了水下承压结构典型测点的残余应力值。结果表明,水下承压结构焊缝附近纵向残余应力可达0.5倍屈服极限,周向残余应力可达0.4倍屈服极限。  相似文献   

大型核电厚壁结构X射线衍射法残余应力测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用X射线衍射法( XRD)对大型核电厚壁结构堆芯板端面、堆芯板与吊篮筒体环焊缝焊前焊后残余应力进行无损测量。研究堆芯板端面、环焊缝焊前焊后残余应力的分布情况及变化规律。结果表明:堆芯板焊前残余应力主要是机加工应力,且焊接过程对其残余应力影响不大;1#和2#堆芯板环焊缝轴向残余应力分布趋势明显,呈现焊缝为压应力,母材为拉应力;测试的环向应力在各区域分布不一致;焊接对远离焊缝区域的应力没有影响,远离焊缝区域呈现较大的加工应力。  相似文献   

大型耐压壳环焊缝焊接残余应力实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用盲孔法对某大型耐压壳废弃壳圈环焊缝及两个模拟模型进行焊接残余应力测试,结果表明,焊接残余应力普遍较大,mises应力超过0.5σs的测点约占2/3左右,另有10%~20%的测点mises应力超过0.8σs,接近屈服极限.  相似文献   

应用固有应变法计算焊接变形时材料模型的选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用理想弹塑性模型和双线性强化模型,推导出各自的固有应变计算公式,研究不同材料模型对于焊接结构变形的影响。研究结果表明,两种固有应变计算公式所预测的变形结果之间相对误差较小,即不同材料模型的选择对预测结构焊接变形的影响可以忽略。  相似文献   

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