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能效设计指数(EEDI)对客滚船的要求于2014年4月的第66次环保会上给出。与常规船不同,客滚船属于定制型船舶,影响EEDI结果的参数众多,而且参数之间相互影响、制约。文章首先对计算公式做了详细分析,之后针对几型具有代表性的客滚船的载重量、航速、吃水、主机功率,分析其变化对EEDI的影响敏感度,得出国内航行及中韩航线客滚船当前的EEDI水平,并对如何有效地提高EEDI给出了合理的建议。此外,还对EEDI于客滚船的意义及当前规范存在的某些不合理之处给予了适当评价。  相似文献   

朱静波 《江苏船舶》2022,39(1):44-46
针对需要满足安全返港(SRTP)的客滚船进水探测报警系统冗余性的问题,以某高端客滚船3 100 m车道进水探测系统为研究对象,首先以规范和规格书为最基本要求,构思了整个系统的功能;其次通过各系统的组成和接口建立设计了系统框架和原理;最后对设计中存在的问题进行了分析并提出解决方案。结果表明:通过进水探测报警系统与全船自动化(IAS)集成后,系统的冗余性、安全性、集成性大大提升,系统设备的费用大大降低,且满足了安全返港的规范要求。  相似文献   

离网型太阳能光伏系统在内河滚装船上的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
太阳能光伏技术的不断进步正在为太阳能船舶的快速发展提供新的契机。在船舶平台上应用太阳能光伏系统最为核心的环节是在不改变常规船舶电力系统既有架构的基础上,集成整套光伏系统设备并能够始终高效利用光伏电能。针对长江航线上营运船舶绿色化和节能减排的实际需求,设计了首套应用于JD800PCC-4#内河商品汽车滚装船的船基离网型太阳能光伏系统并投入实际运行。实船运行监测数据表明:该套系统中各设备之间的技术参数设计合理,各项技术指标满足船级社规范要求。光伏系统设备与蓄电池储能装置自动匹配运行能够实现所供照明负载24h不间断运行,通过最大程度上利用太阳能光伏电可以实现日均节能约120kWh,且能够在不同运行模式下安全、可靠地切换运行。  相似文献   

董帝尧 《江苏船舶》2020,37(1):38-40
针对客滚船薄板分段制作过程中易变形,以及分段整体尺寸、甲板面平整度和壁板垂直度较难控问题,以2800客邮轮型客滚船居住舱室薄板分段为例,研究生产设计、材料订货及转运、施工工艺要点。实船建造表明:该工艺满足5~7 mm薄板立体分段的公差要求,提高了薄板分段质量,降低了建造成本。  相似文献   

孙家鹏  张敏健 《船舶工程》2019,41(10):29-32
破舱稳性新规范SOLAS 2020将于2020年1月1日生效,该规范大幅度提高了对客滚船破损稳性的要求。本文首先对规范进行了简要的解析,随后基于国内最近生效的一条满足SOLAS 2009的大型客滚船进行大量的方案研究,对如何满足SOLAS 2O2O给出了的分析及合理且有效的建议。  相似文献   

川江汽车滚装船是近年来万州水运市场的一个热点.在水运市场全面萧条的状况下,业内有识之士看准了进出川江汽车翻山越岭的艰辛,将半舱机驳船割除船首加装跳板装上汽车,千里川江一泻而下,陆路的天险顷刻转为水上通途.这种运输方式一出现,立即受到市场青睐.但在一哄而上的竞争中,大部分滚装船的建造质量令人堪忧.  相似文献   

孙寒冰  昝立儒  孙志远  邹劲 《船舶》2019,30(1):17-24
为准确分析客滚船在不同风向角下的流场分布,基于PIV技术研究了某型客滚船在25m/s风速下,5个不同风向角的风阻变化和流场分布;利用PIV技术得出某型客滚船纵向、横向以及水平方向的空气流场特性。结果表明:随着风向角的增加,纵向风轴阻力和横向侧向力呈"抛物线"规律变化,偏航力矩呈"正弦曲线"分布,并存在两个方向相反的阻力峰。利用PIV流场分布图与常规测力试验的风阻曲线对客滚船风阻流场进行分析研究,所得结果可为以后的CFD计算验证以及后期风阻优化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

根据目前三峡船闸上下游已有的滚装港口和公路、水路资源.提出“水陆”和“水陆水”联运的川江滚装船“翻坝转运”4种方案,通过社会性和经济性分析,建议采用“水陆水”右岸“翻坝转运”方案。  相似文献   

Perhaps the most critical issue facing seaports is their survival and growth in today's highly competitive environment. Seaports are facing challenging times as the once monopolistic position of having captive markets diminishes. This situation is being replaced by growing sections of the hinterland now being considered by competing seaports as being contestable. In effect, for many business opportunities, captive and contestable hinterland regions are blurring resulting in attracting and retaining trade throughput becoming a major key to seaport survival and growth. One strategic tool that seaport management can utilize to both attract new customers and retain current customers is the use of marketing communications. An examination of the literature on marketing communication efforts by seaports tends to focus mainly on advertising and activities more suited to promoting physical products. Instead, this paper argues the need for a much broader approach to marketing communications that takes into account the challenges of seaports that are service-based businesses. That is, there tends to be a greater need for marketing communication efforts to be able to tangibilise the intangible service offered by seaports to reduce perceptions of increased risk and uncertainty on using another seaport. The purpose of this paper is to examine the benefits to seaports of managing marketing communications strategically and holistically for effective outcomes. More specifically, this paper explains the role of public relations, publicity, personnel selling, sales promotions, word-of-mouth communications, electronic communications, and the management of the seaport's servicescape and the sources of physical evidence provided by seaports in developing a broader and services-based approach to marketing communications. This includes thinking wider than attracting and retaining customers as being the purpose of marketing communications but to also include informing and educating other stakeholders such as employees and the local community about the benefits provided by the seaport. Also discussed is the necessity of a consistent message being provided by all marketing communication activities to customers and stakeholders that results in the development of a desired image of the seaport and appropriate positioning of the seaport in relation to competitors. To facilitate discussion, results from a recent empirical study of the Australian seaport sector are used.  相似文献   

孙士国 《集装箱化》2008,19(7):37-37
随着全球经济一体化的发展,货物在全球范围内的运输周转将更加频繁,物流业的竞争将更加激烈。对货物包装实行通用化、标准化是降低物流成本的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

为验证扭曲舵的抗空化效果,在前期完成扭曲舵设计及实船换装工作的基础上,首次在国内开展了扭曲舵和普通舵的空化实船观测对比试验,对两种舵在设计航速和最大航速下固定舵角工况和直航自动舵工况的空泡进行了比较.结果表明:在相同航速工况下,扭曲舵的舵面空化起始舵角可提高10°左右,可以消除舰船常用航行状态下舵面的空化问题;在高航速大舵角工况时,扭曲舵的空化面积远小于常规舵;在扭曲舵优化的基础上,防腐蚀电极新型安装结构和舵下端导流罩可以有效解决防腐蚀电极和舵下端面的空化问题.通过扭曲舵空泡观测实船试验,证明了扭曲舵具有良好的抗空化性能,为抑制水面舰船舵空化剥蚀、降低船尾振动噪声提供了有效途径,具有优良的应用前景.  相似文献   

实船舵空化现象试验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空化是高航速下水面舰船螺旋桨及舵等附体上常见的现象,空化的产生会带来振动、噪声和空蚀等一系列问题,直接影响舰船的舒适性和局部结构的安全性.而由于国内有关实尺度舵空化数据的缺乏,导致人们对于实船舵空化的状况仍知之甚少.本文通过试验方法观察了某一实船舵在一定航速、一定舵角下的空化状况,获得了实船舵空化出现的位置及程度,为实尺度舵空化问题的认识和优化提供了一定参考.  相似文献   

Seaports provide multiple services to ships, cargo and passengers. The size of the port and type of service they offer are two key elements when deciding whether competition is feasible and how to promote it or, conversely, regulation is needed. Analysing this requires a profound knowledge of the cost structure of the activity involved. This means not only knowing total costs for different volumes of aggregated traffic, but also the behaviour of costs when part of the bundle is produced, i.e. when the mix changes. The optimal organization of the industry can be studied by means of cost and production functions. This paper offers a review of the relatively scarce literature about econometric ports' cost structure, and highlights the role of the multioutput approach as the correct one because it allows the calculation of key cost indicators (economies of scale, scope and so forth) to determine the optimal port industrial structure for a given forecast of demand (traffic mix and volume).  相似文献   

A key question is whether the service quality instruments developed for other services’ industries may be used to gauge service quality perceptions in shipping. Grounded on similar studies that test the most widely used American service quality instrument, SERVQUAL, in the commercial shipping sector, this study examines its applicability in the passenger shipping realm. Based on a survey of 436 passengers in Piraeus port, SERVQUAL's five main dimensions have been checked regarding their fit with the use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results support that this is a valid instrument for measuring service quality in passenger shipping besides certain considerations regarding its dimensionality. A more parsimonious two-factor model seems more applicable and should therefore be also considered. Finally, it is evident from the study that passengers place more importance to the physical than the interactive elements of service to form their overall satisfaction.  相似文献   

The Russian port of Vladivostok, closed to foreigners since before the Second World War, hsa been opened to foreign commerce by the government of the newly-created Russian Rupublic. Although the port faces many difficulties in establishing itself, many nations, Japn and the United States included, believe that Vladivostok will become a major centre to commerce between Russian and other Pacific nations. This article examine; (1) problems facing Vladivostok and the Russian Far Eatern Ports, (2) recent cargo throughputs and potential for growth, (3) investements by Japanese and United States corporations, (4) recent policy of the Japanese and United States governments regarding economic aid and cooperation with Russia. By analysing these data, it is possible to test the hypothesis that because of Japn' geographic advantage, its reliance on imports of raw materials that could easily be supplied by Russia,and its pre-eminence as an economic power in the region, Japnese corporation will become the major economic force in the development of the Russian Far East and the Port of Vladivostok in particular.  相似文献   

根据巴拿马某工程水、陆域特点,从国内外规范要求和船舶操纵模拟试验情况,探讨该项目港池水域尺度布置的合理性,其设计思想对国内狭窄水域布置大型深水码头具借鉴意义。  相似文献   

2005年2月21日—23日,中国船级社2005年工作会议在广东省南海市召开,交通部徐祖远副部长在百忙之中亲临大会并发表重要讲话。在讲话中,徐副部长对CCS在过去一年里取得的成绩给予了充分肯定,并希望CCS在2005年再接再厉,争取更好的成绩,在实现争创国际一流船级社的目标上迈出实质性的一步。  相似文献   

An unmanned automated boat equipped with an acoustic Doppler current profiler was used in field surveys at a tidal inlet, the Southwest Pass of Vermillion Bay, Louisiana on Sept 6 and Oct 6, 2007. During the first survey, under calm weather conditions, a small scale eddy with a diameter of 300 m was discovered with strong upwelling and downwelling zones. A detailed analysis of this small eddy shows that the eddy's velocity field is relatively uniform in the vertical and the eddy is formed by a flow convergence, tidal velocity shear induced relative vorticity, and the interaction between the horizontal flows and bathymetry. The major upwelling area is where an uphill flow occurs while the major downwelling area is where a downhill flow occurs. The vorticity of this eddy is on the order of 0.013 s? 1, which is two orders-of-magnitude larger than the planetary vorticity, and one-order-of magnitude larger than that in a typical tidal inlet without eddies. The Coriolis effect is thus insignificant and the generation of the eddy cannot be affected by the earth rotation. The maximum upwelling and downwelling velocities exceed 0.3 m/s. This high vertical velocity in a tidal inlet does not appear to have been reported before. The second survey, conducted under a thunder storm condition, did not reveal a similar eddy at the same location during roughly the same tidal phase. Though the measurements of 3-D flow structure under a thunder storm condition in a tidal channel does not appear to have been reported before, the second survey is of important value in providing support of the mechanism of the eddy formation during the first survey: the wind tends to produce downwind flow in shallow water than in deep water, producing a velocity shear counterproductive to the formation of the eddy. Therefore, the second survey under a thunder storm condition did not show an eddy. A scaling analysis of the non-hydrostatic flow shows that the uphill and downhill flows introduce a non-hydrostatic flow component proportional to the square of the bottom slope which leads to the conclusion that the non-hydrostatic flow component affects less than 10% of the vertical momentum balance.  相似文献   

船舶在岸时电力供应主要来源于船舶辅机,因此在岸船舶尾气排放来自于船舶辅机,目前船舶排放相关研究多集中于船舶排放清单,对船舶实际航行中实际排放测试研究较少,船舶辅机实际排放也没有引起重视。该文通过对测试仪器的选型以及测试系统的搭建,构建出一套检测大型船舶辅机尾气排放的PEMS( 车载排放测试系统);在实际船舶辅机排放测试中测得某在岸船舶在300kw和600kw两个工况下NOX,CO,CO2以及颗粒物的排放特性,并对测试工况对排放特征的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

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