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The scaling approach is a statistical estimation method that allows for differences in the amount of unexplained variation in different types of data, which can then be used together in the analysis. This approach has been mostly used in context of combining Stated Preference and Revealed Preference data, but has also been used as a method of identifying systematic differences in the variance of choices within a single Stated Preference data set, e.g. for investigation of learning and fatigue effects. This paper investigates whether a scaling approach is suitable for handling inconsistencies in Stated Choice data. Both the number of inconsistent choices, based on a test of violations of the transitivity axiom, and education are used as scaling variables. Scaling effects appear to exist due to inconsistent choices, and the amount of unexplained variance is shown to increase as the number of inconsistent choice increase. Scaling due to inconsistencies significantly improves the models and reduces the valuations of travel time. In addition, the scaling approach makes the valuations of travel time from the Stated Choice data more consistent with the valuations from Contingent Valuation data included in the same study. In spite of the fact that education is the only significant explanatory variable for the number of inconsistent choices, scaling due to education gives no significant improvement in the model.  相似文献   

Road pricing may provide a solution to increasing traffic congestion in metropolitan areas. Route, departure time and travel mode choices depend on risk attitudes as commuters perceive the options as having uncertain effects on travel times. We propose that Experimental Economics methods can deliver data that uses real consequences and where the context can be varied by the researcher. The approach relies on the controlled manipulation of contexts, similar to what is done in the Stated Choice approach, but builds in actual consequences, similar to the Revealed Preference approach. This paper investigates some of the trade-offs between the cost of conducting Experimental Economics studies and the behavioral responses elicited. In particular, we compare responses to traditional lottery choice tasks to the route choice tasks in simulated driving environments. We also compare students (a low cost convenient participant pool) to field participants recruited from the driving population. While we see initial differences across our treatment groups, we find that their risk taking behavior converge with minimal repetition.  相似文献   

Beaton  Patrick  Chen  Cynthia  Meghdir  Hamo 《Transportation》1998,25(1):55-75
Stated Choice models expand the ability of transportation planners to forecast future trends. The Stated Choice approach can forecast demand for new services or policies. However, Stated Choice models are subject to a range of experimental error not found within Revealed Preference (RP) designs. Primary among the concerns facing researchers is the ability of respondents to understand and operate upon hypothetical choice scenarios in a manner that will reproduce choices made under actual situations. These concerns are specified in the magnitude of a scaling factor. Efforts to estimate the scaling factor has proceeded by linking real decisions taken from a revealed preference survey with comparable decisions made under hypothetical conditions. However, where the alternative is new, actual decision data is not available. This study examines the level of error incorporated in a study where no RP data is available. The test of predictive validity focuses on the switching behavior of commuters at a single employment site. The actual data used to test the forecast is limited to company wide or aggregate ridership levels on the public transit mode taken two years after estimation of the SC model. The Fowkes and Preston hypothesis is examined and shown to bound the future actual value between forecasts derived from probabilistic and deterministic methods. The results show that with the passage of time, the probabilistic method approaches the reported ridership levels within 15 percent error.  相似文献   


The paper provides a comprehensive review of a large amount of previously unpublished British evidence about the valuation of new railway rolling stock and its effects on demand. An important conclusion is that incentives to bias Stated Preference responses and unfamiliarity with the rolling stock being considered have led to inflated values. This has broader implications for the use of Stated Preference techniques. Also provided is fresh empirical evidence for a range of different types of rolling stock and specific rolling stock attributes. A novel aspect of the research was the use of disaggregate Revealed Preference choice data. The estimated rolling stock values are much lower than those obtained from previous studies.  相似文献   

In this study environmental problems related to urban traffic are valued by Stated Choice. Stated Choice is a Stated Preference method in which non-market goods are assessed relatively to each other and not in absolute amounts as with the more common Contingent Valuation Method. The use of Stated Choice to estimate people’s willingness to pay to reduce environmental problems caused by road traffic can be seen as an extension of the established use of Stated Choice in transport research. Despite the fact that the results from this study have been used by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in their cost benefit analyses since 1995, this paper points to the fact that considerable uncertainty remains with regard to (1) the area of validity of the results, (2) the impact on the valuations of interaction effects and other general methodological problems with Stated Preference methods, and (3) problems related to the complex choice situation of Stated Choice.  相似文献   


This paper develops a Stated Preference (SP) experiment that provides a way to measure service quality in public transport. The paper introduces an empirical procedure for optimising the SP experiment. This procedure permits the identification of the choice alternatives defining the experiment by simulating the choices of a user sample. By using the data collected from an experimental survey, a Multinomial Logit model was calibrated. This model is a way of identifying the importance of service quality attributes on global customer satisfaction and calculating a Service Quality Index, which provides an operationally appealing measure of current or potential service effectiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the standard discrete choice modelling framework by allowing for random variations in the substitution patterns between alternatives across respondents, leading to increased model flexibility. The paper shows how such a Mixed Covariance model can be specified either with purely random variation or with a mixture of random and deterministic variation. Additionally, the model can be based on an underlying GEV or ECL structure. Finally, the model can be specified as a continuous mixture or as a discrete mixture. An application on Stated Preference data for the choice of departure time and travel mode shows that important gains in model performance can be obtained by allowing for random covariance heterogeneity. Furthermore, the approach leads to significant differences in the implied willingness to pay measures, and the substitution patterns between alternatives.  相似文献   

Revealed Preference(RP) studies based on actual behaviour suffer from a number of statistical problems. Furthermore, RP methods are of little use when the effects of a new or radically altered service need to be considered. As a result, for a case study of demand forecasting for new passenger rail services, a new approach has been developed. Our starting point is to seek what we call Stated Intentions (SI) responses as to the likely usage of a new rail service. However, due to a combination of systematic biases, these responses may be taken to be gross overestimates. A check on the biases of this SI data may be supplied by a Stated Preference (SP) survey. Respondents are asked to make hypothetical choices which are sufficiently complex for there to be little chance of policy bias. It is ensured that choices presented contain useful ‘boundary values,’ being the relative valuation for which respondents would be indifferent between two offered alternatives. It is, however, crucial to ensure that the SP survey is simple enough for respondents to manage, since excessive error variability in the responses will cause the calibrated coefficients to be rescaled, presenting problems for forecasting. From the SP surveys, it is estimated that SI data overstates usage of new rail services by around 50%, even if it is assumed that nonrespondents to the SI survey are nonusers. It is concluded that an SI/SP approach can potentially provide accurate forecasts, but there are a number of practical constraints that may prevent this.  相似文献   

This paper assesses travellers’ responses to the use of existing Park-and-Ride (P&R) services based on an economical welfare maximisation approach. Specifically, the paper presents a modelling framework to estimate consumer surplus and producer surplus (business profits) on the basis of modal choice probabilities. The paper draws on evidence from Stated Preference surveys conducted around two P&R sites in Sapporo, Japan, where P&R services occupy a modest market space. Overall, the results suggest that business profit increases when economical welfare is maximised, as a consequence of increased demand. It is also shown that P&R choice is not only influenced by parking fees, but also by the fares and other attributes of alternative transportation modes. Accordingly, the interactions of P&R with alternative transportation modes should be taken into consideration in any strategic transportation policies oriented towards motivating sustainable transport mode choices.  相似文献   

This research proposes an extension to the traditional compensatory utility maximization framework which has guided most theoretical and statistical work in choice modeling applications, including those in transportation demand estimation work. Attribute cutoffs are incorporated into the decision problem formulation; it is then argued on extant empirical evidence that individuals may view these constraints as “soft”. This leads to the formulation of a penalized utility function that allows for constraint violation, but at a cost to the overall evaluation of the good. The proposed model is able to represent fully compensatory, conjunctive and disjunctive choice strategies, as well as combinations thereof. The properties of the proposed theoretical model are examined and discussed. From the theoretical framework, statistical models of choice behavior are easily derived; in their simplest forms, these models can be estimated using existing software. A Stated Preference choice experiment is analyzed using the proposed model, which is found to be highly consistent with observed choices and superior to a structural two-stage choice set formation model.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study in investigating user heterogeneity of Value of Time (VOT) and Value of Reliability (VOR). Combined Revealed Preference (RP) and Stated Preference (SP) data were used to understand traveler choice behavior regarding the usage of managed lanes (MLs). The data were obtained from the South Florida Expressway Stated Preference Survey, which focused on automobile drivers who had traveled on the I-75, I-95, or SR 826 corridors in South Florida. Mixed logit modeling was applied and indicated an average value of $13.55 per hour for VOT and $16.13 per hour for VOR. Potential sources of heterogeneity in user sensitivities to time, reliability, and cost were identified and quantified by adding interaction effects of the variables in the mixed logit model. The findings indicated that various socioeconomic demographic characteristics and trip attributes contributed to the variations in VOT and VOR at different magnitudes. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding on what attributes lead to higher or lower VOT and VOR and to what extent. These findings can be incorporated into the demand forecasting process and lead to better estimates and enhanced analytical capabilities in various applications, such as toll feasibility studies, pricing strategy and policy evaluations, and impact analysis.  相似文献   

Stated choice surveys are used extensively in the study of choice behaviour across many different areas of research, notably in transport. One of their main characteristics in comparison with most types of revealed preference (RP) surveys is the ability to capture behaviour by the same respondent under varying choice scenarios. While this ability to capture multiple choices is generally seen as an advantage, there is a certain amount of unease about survey length. The precise definition about what constitutes a large number of choice tasks however varies across disciplines, and it is not uncommon to see surveys with up to twenty tasks per respondent in some areas. The argument against this practice has always been one of reducing respondent engagement, which could be interpreted as a result of fatigue or boredom, with frequent reference to the findings of Bradley and Daly (1994) who showed a significant drop in utility scale, i.e. an increase in error, as a respondent moved from one choice experiment to the next, an effect they related to respondent fatigue. While the work by Bradley and Daly has become a standard reference in this context, it should be recognised that not only was the fatigue part of the work based on a single dataset, but the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice in stated choice survey design and implementation has moved on significantly since their study. In this paper, we review other literature and present a more comprehensive study investigating evidence of respondent fatigue across a larger number of different surveys. Using a comprehensive testing framework employing both Logit and mixed Logit structures, we provide strong evidence that the concerns about fatigue in the literature are possibly overstated, with no clear decreasing trend in scale across choice tasks in any of our studies. For the data sets tested, we find that accommodating any scale heterogeneity has little or no impact on substantive model results, that the role of constants generally decreases as the survey progresses, and that there is evidence of significant attribute level (as opposed to scale) heterogeneity across choice tasks.  相似文献   

The layout of seating within train carriages, of which there are numerous possibilities, and also the occupancy of that seating can be expected to impact on passengers’ experiences of a train journey. However, there is very little evidence on how rail passengers value different seating experiences. On the back of exploratory research, and including attitudinal evidence, this paper provides significant and original insights into rail passengers’ preferences in this area. The primary evidence base is a Stated Preference experiment, complemented by a novel Revealed Preference exercise that uses CCTV footage to observe where rail passengers prefer to sit.The valuations, expressed as travel time multipliers, obtained from the Stated Preference exercise are generally plausible and exhibit a wide range according to the precise seating configuration, the occupancy level and the seating position within a layout. The innovative Revealed Preference analysis provides an encouraging degree of support to the Stated Preference results which, reassuringly, can themselves be reconciled with related valuations widely used in the railway industry in Britain and also the findings of the exploratory and attitudinal research. Whilst we are interested here solely in obtaining valuations, we demonstrate how they can be used in demand forecasting.  相似文献   

Stated preference analysis of travel choices: the state of practice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Stated preference (SP) methods are widely used in travel behaviour research and practice to identify behavioural responses to choice situations which are not revealed in the market, and where the attribute levels offered by existing choices are modified to such an extent that the reliability of revealed preference models as predictors of response is brought into question. This paper reviews recent developments in the application of SP models which add to their growing relevance in demand modelling and prediction. The main themes addressed include a comparative assessment of choice models and preference models, the importance of scaling when pooling different types of data, especially the appeal of SP data as an enriching strategy in the context of revealed preference models, hierarchical designs when the number of attributes make single experiments too complex for the respondent, and ways of accommodating dynamics (i.e. serial correlation and state dependence) in SP modelling.An earlier modified version was presented as the keynote address to the 1993 National Conference on Tourism Research, held at the University of Sydney, 19 March 1993. The comments of Jordan Louviere, Lester Johnson, Paul Hooper, W.G. Waters II and Mark Bradley are appreciated.  相似文献   

This paper uses a Stated Preference approach to undertake a detailed assessment of the effect on drivers’ route choice of information provided by variable message signs (VMS). Although drivers’ response to VMS information will vary according to the availability of alternative routes and the extent to which they are close substitutes, our findings show that route choice can be strongly influenced by the provision of information about traffic conditions ahead. This has important implications for the use of VMS systems as part of comprehensive traffic management and control systems. The principal findings are that the impact of VMS information depends on: the content of the message, such as the cause of delay and its extent; local circumstances, such as relative journey times in normal conditions; and drivers’ characteristics, such as their age, sex and previous network knowledge. The impact of qualitative indicators, visible queues and delays were examined. It was found that not only is delay time more highly valued than normal travel time, which is to be expected, but that drivers become more sensitive to delay time as delay times increased across the range presented.  相似文献   

This paper aims at investigating the over-prediction of public transit ridership by traditional mode choice models estimated using revealed preference data. Five different types of models are estimated and analysed, namely a traditional Revealed Preference (RP) data-based mode choice model, a hybrid mode choice model with a latent variable, a Stated Preference (SP) data-based mode switching model, a joint RP/SP mode switching model, and a hybrid mode switching model with a latent variable. A comparison of the RP data-based mode choice model with the mode choice models including a latent variable showed that the inclusion of behavioural factors (especially habit formation) significantly improved the models. The SP data-based mode switching models elucidated the reasons why traditional models tend to over-predict transit ridership by revealing the role played by different transit level-of-service attributes and their relative importance to mode switching decisions. The results showed that traditional attributes (e.g. travel cost and time) are of lower importance to mode switching behaviour than behavioural factors (e.g. habit formation towards car driving) and other transit service design attributes (e.g. crowding level, number of transfers, and schedule delays). The findings of this study provide general guidelines for developing a variety of transit ridership forecasting models depending on the availability of data and the experience of the planner.  相似文献   

Freight carried by rail has traditionally been mainly low value bulk commodities. The market for transport of such commodities appears at best static and is forming a smaller proportion of the total demand for freight transport. There is thus an urgent need for rail operators to develop practical and cost effective inter-modal systems, which offer high quality services to consignors of consumer goods whose premises are not usually connected to the rail network. Much long-haul traffic of this type is international. In continental Europe, a number of inter-modal technologies—including swapbodies and piggyback—have long been in use. Development of similar technologies for use within the more constrained loading gauge of Great Britain, has received a great boost from the impending opening of the Channel Tunnel. The alternative technologies are discussed, before turning to ways of stimating the market for them. A large part of the paper is devoted to reporting on a computerised survey using our LASP (Leeds Adaptive Stated Preference) technique. The reason for using hypothetical Stated Preference data is the inadequate nature and extent of data on actual choice decisions, particularly in circumstances in which confidential freight rates are individually negotiated and little general merchandise goes by rail. By bringing together the results of this survey with information on costs and quality of service, the likely future market for inter-modal freight technologies is assessed. It is seen that the potential for inter-modal services within Britain is very limited, although there should be a good opportunity on the major corridor from London to Scotland through the West Midlands and the North West. When the Channel Tunnel is opened, however, the potential for services between Britain and continental Europe will be enormous, provided that an adequate quality of service can be offered.  相似文献   

Most economic models assume that individuals act out their preferences based on self-interest alone. However, there have also been other paradigms in economics that aim to capture aspects of behavior that include fairness, reciprocity, and altruism. In this study we empirically examine preferences of travel time and income distributions with and without the respondent knowing their own position in each distribution. The data comes from a Stated Preference experiment where subjects were presented paired alternative distributions of travel time and income. The alternatives require a tradeoff between distributional concerns and the respondent’s own position. Choices also do not penalize or reward any particular choice. Overall, choices show individuals are willing forgo alternatives where they would be individually well off in the interest of distributional concerns in both the travel time and income cases. Exclusively self-interested choices are seen more in the income questions, where nearly 25 % of respondents express such preferences, than in the travel time case, where only 5 % of respondents make such choices. The results also suggest that respondents prioritize their own position differently relative to regional distributions of travel time and income. Estimated choice models show that when it comes to travel time, individuals are more concerned with societal average travel time followed by the standard deviation in the region and finally their own travel time, while in the case of income they are more concerned with their own income, followed by a desire for more variability, and finally increasing the minimum income in their region. When individuals do not know their fate after a policy change that affects regional travel time, their choices appear to be mainly motivated by risk averse behavior and aim to reduce variability in outcomes. On the other hand, in the income context, the expected value appears to drive choices. In all cases, population-wide tastes are also estimated and reported.  相似文献   

Stated Preference choice models may have incorrect scale properties, because their coefficients incorporate the influence of factors which do not affect actual behaviour, and this paper examines the consequences of this scale factor problem for demand forecasting. Empirical evidence is presented which suggests that the scale factor problem is not serious and the results are generalised to consider the consequences of the scale factor problem in situations other than those prevailing in the empirical example. The paper also examines the predictive performance of three procedures for forecasting changes to an existing demand in the light of the scale factor problem. This indicates that reliance should not be placed on the incremental logit model and that a simple procedure which amends a standard logit model forecast in the light of its performance in explaining the observed initial demand is generally preferred to unadjusted logit model forecasts.  相似文献   

A substantial amount of research is presently being carried out to understand the complexities involved in modelling the choice of departure time and mode of travel. Many of these models tend to be far too complex and far too data intensive to be of use for application in large scale model forecasting systems, where socio-economic detail is limited and detailed scheduling information is rarely available in the model implementation structure. Therefore, these models generally work on the basis of a set of mutually exclusive time periods, rather than making use of continuous departure time information. Two important questions need to be addressed in the use of such models, namely the specification used for the time periods (in terms of length), and the ordering of the levels of nesting, representing the difference in the sensitivities to shifts in departure time and changes in the mode of travel. This paper aims to provide some answers to these two questions on the basis of an extensive analysis making use of three separate Stated Preference (SP) datasets, collected in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands. In the analysis, it has proved possible to develop models which allow reasonably sound predictions to be made of these choices. With a few exceptions, the results show higher substitution between alternative time periods than between alternative modes. Furthermore, the results show that the degree of substitution between time periods is reduced when making use of a more coarse specification of the time periods. These results are intended for use by practitioners, and form an important part of the evidence base supporting the UK Department for Transport’s advice for practical UK studies in the WebTAG system.1  相似文献   

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