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4月16日,福建海峡高速客滚有限公司所属"海峡号"客滚船从闽江口移泊平潭金井码头.平潭综合实验区党工委书记、管委会主任龚清概和副厅长马继列等领导参加移泊航行并出席仪式."海峡号"客滚船两月前由福建海峡高速客滚公司出资3100万美元购买.  相似文献   

介绍了波纹管切口机的组成。通过对滚剪时作用力的分析,设计了滚剪机的主轴,并叙述了滚剪机的主要构造及使用方法,介绍了滚剪机进给结构的调整和刀具几何角度的确定。采用该设备后,提高了波纹管加工工效和加工质量,降低了生产成本,同时又改善了工作环境。  相似文献   

<正>为保障春运期间渤海湾客滚航线安全有序,自2月13日以来,烟台港公安局推行奥运安保标准,全警全力保障"海上春运"安全。该局警员带犬编入码头24小时机动小组,由两名民警分别携带搜爆犬备  相似文献   

文章结合桩基钢筋笼滚焊机的发展背景及巴巴奥约大桥的基本情况和特点,介绍了LHL2500B滚焊机的主要工作控制原理、性能指标以及钢筋笼的生产工艺。并通过经济分析以及生产实践,证明了应用滚焊机制作桩基钢筋笼产品具有质量稳定、生产效率高、资源消耗低等优点,在长、大型桥梁基础工程中有着良好的推广价值。  相似文献   

6月15日,交通运输部发出通知,决定于今年6月至9月底,在全国交通运输系统集中开展安全生产大检查。大检查将覆盖交通运输系统所有领域、所有单位以及企业,对查出的问题实行"零容忍"。据介绍,交通运输部将采取全面自查与重点抽查互查相结合、明查与暗访相结合、现场查验与听取汇报相结合、查阅台账与当面问询相结合、查找隐患与督导工作相结合的方式,重点对公路安保工程、道路客运、城市公交和轨道交通、水上客(滚)运、水上砂石运输、渡口渡船、通航桥区和过河建筑物、港口危化品罐区、危化品运输、长大桥隧、大型  相似文献   

天津客车展"虎虎生威"虎年国内首个大型客车展——2010中国(天津)国际客车及零部件展览会(以下简称"天津客车展")3月31日在天津国际展览中心开幕。  相似文献   

近两年,在渤海湾烟台至大连客滚运输航线上,出现了一种新的运输组织形式,这就是陆海甩挂运输。这种由陆路与水路两种运输方式结合的甩挂运输组织模式,已引起物流及运输业界的普遍关注。日前,《运输经理世界》记者与烟台市交通运输局相关负责人进行了座谈,参观了陆海甩挂运输作业现场,并考察了烟台打捞局、山东北明全程物流有限公司等甩挂运输试点企业,对此项工作进行了专题调研。  相似文献   

正2017年9月,《中共中央国务院关于开展质量提升行动的指导意见》明确指出,将质量强国战略放在更加突出的位置,开展质量提升行动,全面提升质量水平,推动质量评价由追求"合格率"向追求"满意度"跃升。今年1月,交通运输部办公厅印发了《交通运输部办公厅关于印发公路水运品质工程评价标准(试行)的通知》,强调以深入推进公路水运品质工程创建工作,引领和带动公路水运工程质量安全水平全面提升。  相似文献   

近日,在北京客车展上江淮星锐再次成为镁光灯下备受瞩目的焦点。5系新标准校车再次揽获年度"最佳校车奖",凭借其不俗的创新品质和品牌实力,再次获得行业专家的高度认可。这是江淮星锐继2011年以来,连续三届在客车展上大展非凡魅力。对此,江淮汽车多功能商用车营销公司总经理葛贤文表示,此次再度蝉联年度"最佳校车"大奖,是行业  相似文献   

柴油品质对车辆排放的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界各国对车辆排放提出更高要求的同时,燃油品质作为其重要影响因素引起了广泛的重视。本文阐明了燃油质量对发动机性能的影响,分析了我国目前的柴油质量现状,并与国际燃油规范进行了比较,提出了改善燃油质量的途径。  相似文献   

In-cabin exposure has increased in recent years due to longer commute and/or prolonged times in cars. The intrusion of the vehicle’s own exhaust into the passenger’s compartment has been recognized as a process that amplifies in-cabin passenger exposure. Quantifying its contribution is hampered by uncertainties associated with its measurement method such as trace tests and the lack of data regarding certain critical physical parameters, particularly those pertaining to air exchange rate (AER) and particulate matter deposition rate (DR). In this study, we present a hybrid methodology combining field measurements with a single-zone mass balance to estimate these parameters as well as the source term that represents vehicle self-pollution. In- and out-vehicle carbon monoxide (CO) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were monitored concurrently in test vehicles under idle and moving conditions using several common ventilation modes. In addition to defining a hybrid methodology to characterize the underlying physical parameters, this study found that vehicle self-pollution can account for approximately 15 and 30% of CO and PM2.5 exposure experienced by vehicle occupants respectively. Vehicle self-exhaust intrusion may constitute a significant PM exposure route for vehicle-based occupations or commuters with prolonged time in vehicles.  相似文献   

To determine ways to reduce commuters’ ultrafine particle exposure, factors such as ventilation condition, mechanical airflow rate, driving speed, cabin air filter quality, and cabin air filter use are examined. The results show that the in-cabin to on-roadway ratio is reduced by 20% when the fan is set to recirculation-on versus when set to recirculation-off because fewer ultrafine particles are exchanged between the inside and outside of the cabin. Also, when the fan is set to recirculation-off, the ratio is reduced by 40% at lower mechanical airflow rates. The thickest cabin air filter resulted in a 30% in-cabin to on-roadway ratio decrease compared with the thinnest. Thus, driving conditions with the least UFP in-cabin to on-roadway ratio is when a vehicle is operating with a high efficiency cabin filter, the ventilation set to fan-on and recycling is recirculation on, and at a high ventilation airflow rate. Furthermore, recirculating in-cabin air through a high efficiency particulate air filter was found to significantly reduce in-cabin UFP exposure.  相似文献   

本文将从航空经济链条体系结构入手,运用投入产出法对航空货运业与各产业部门的关联性进行定量分析,构建以运输成本为主要影响因素的区位选择指标分析货运枢纽机场的产业带动机制。最后本文对目前我国航空货运业对国民经济的整体贡献进行评价,并提出通过航空货运业带动区域经济发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

选取环境空气中PM2.5、PM10、CO、NO2、O3污染物及空气质量指数(AQI)分析乌鲁木齐市疫情期间交通流量对空气质量的影响。结果表明,在乌鲁木齐市两次疫情交通管制期间,交通流量显著降低,环境空气中PM2.5、PM10、CO、NO2、O3污染物浓度及AQI随之降低,尤其是PM10、CO和NO2浓度下降较为显著。自乌鲁木齐市解除交通管制,车辆恢复正常通行后,PM10、CO及NO2浓度逐渐增加甚至反超同期。鉴于PM、CO及NO2是汽车尾气的主要污染物,因此可推测交通流量增加或降低,环境空气质量也会随之发生变化,尤其是空气中PM10、CO及NO2污染物浓度呈正相关变化。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of the temporal variation of pollution dispersion, traffic flows and vehicular emissions on pollution concentration and illustrate the need for temporally differentiated road pricing through an application to the case of the congestion charge in Stockholm, Sweden. By accounting explicitly for the role of pollution dispersion on optimal road pricing, we allow for a more comprehensive view of the economy–ecology interactions at stake, showing that price differentiation is an optimal response to the physical environment. Most congestion charges in place incorporate price bands to mitigate congestion. Our analysis indicates that, to ensure compliance with air quality standards, such price variations should also be a response to limited pollution dispersion.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to propose a way of preparing information about in-cabin air quality for the car driver or passenger. It was assumed that information should be objective, relevant, current, complete and useful. The major elements of our concept were: (1) monitoring of selected air parameters inside the cabin, (2) determination of indicators that characterise indoor air, based on measurements, and (3) the method of information extraction. We proposed to realise the first task with a sensor system. The second and third goals were reached by categorisation. The basis for defining categories were ranges of values of measured parameters or their combinations. In a way, the categories were used to quantify indicators of air quality. Shannon entropy and mutual information were applied to find the best categorisation. The concept was investigated using experimental data from car cabin air monitoring in various driving conditions. We conclude that information about air quality in car cabins may be successfully conveyed using the following indicators: thermal conditions – determined based on temperature and relative humidity measurements; air exchange – determined based on CO2 concentration; and air freshness – determined based on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) content in car cabin air. Each indicator has three categories: bad, intermediate and good.  相似文献   


The impacts of air transport on the economy arise both directly, via activity in the aviation sector; and indirectly, via increased spending and wider economic benefits associated with improved access to resources, markets, technology and economic mass. Economic activity, in turn, supports and generates demand for air transport. Despite its potential importance, the reciprocal nature of the causal relationship between air transport and economic performance has remained somewhat understudied. This paper provides a synthesis review of the channels the aviation sector interacts with regional economy. The review focuses on quantitative studies that contribute to the state-of-the-art understandings of the causality. We find that the reciprocal causal relationship is more likely to prevail in less developed economies. For more developed economies, only one direction of the causality is recognised, which runs from air transport to economic growth. Especially substantial is the effect of airline enplanement on service-related employment. The reverse direction of the relationship is, however, not as significant as believed in a causal sense within the developed world. Therefore, cautions need to be taken when applying income elasticities (such as the elasticity of air passenger demand with respect to GDP) in air travel demand forecasting, which implicitly assumes that economic growth causally leads to air traffic increment. Based on the fundamental links between air transport and economic growth, some typical imperfections and inefficiencies in aviation markets are discussed and promising avenues for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

采用特征线法对瞬时关闭管道终端阀门 ,在安装和不安装空气罐两种状况时 ,管道压力的变化情况进行了数值模拟 ,并分析了空气罐初始容积、空气罐安装位置等参数对管道瞬态水击压力变化的影响 ,结果表明 :在输液管道的适当位置安装容积一定的空气罐能较好地控制水击的产生  相似文献   

轨顶风道是地铁车站通风系统中重要的内部结构构件,文章针对现浇钢筋混凝土轨道风道后浇法施工存在的问题,提出现浇轨道风道先浇法的施工工序,并结合长沙市轨道交通2号线一期工程光达站应用实例,介绍了现浇轨道风道先浇法的施工要点,评述了其施工应用效果。  相似文献   

本文选择浙江省沿海典型油气码头、干散货码头、件杂货码头和集装箱专用码头作为监测点,在一个自然年中分别选取代表日进行空气质量监测。根据污染物浓度水平,结合气象条件参数和交通流量参数,对大气污染物进行影响因素分析。结果表明:码头空气质量优于当地整体情况;SO_2、NO_2、PM2.5和PM10浓度变化与气温、湿度、风速呈负相关关系,与气压呈正相关关系,CO浓度受气象条件影响较小;靠港船舶和码头内作业车辆尾气是码头空气污染物的重要来源。  相似文献   

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