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Environmental sustainability in the port industry is of growing concern for port authorities, policy makers, port users and local communities. Innovation can provide a solution to the main environmental issues, but often meets resistance. While certain types of technological or organisational innovation can be satisfactorily analysed using closed system theories, in the case of seaports and in particular in the area of environmental sustainability, more advanced conceptual frameworks have to be considered. These frameworks need to be able to account for the multiple stakeholder nature of the port industry and of the network and vertical interactions that environmental sustainability calls for. This article investigates successful innovations improving environmental sustainability of seaports. The proposed framework builds in part on research concepts developed in the InnoSuTra EU FP7 project. From a methodological perspective, this article develops a method for quantifying the degree of success of innovation with respect to a set of specific objectives. Several case studies are used to test the framework against real innovation examples, such as onshore power supply, or alternative fuels. In this article, we argue that only those innovations that fit dynamically port actors’ demands and the port institutional environment stand a chance to succeed.  相似文献   

The maritime and port sector is widely considered conservative concerning the ability to introduce innovation in respect to other industries. This may be due to the lack of cooperative interactions among the several players involved. It does not mean that innovation does not occur in this industry. Along with some technical innovations, managerial, organizational, and cultural innovations also take place in the sector. The literature has considered the assessment and effects of the adoption of particular innovation, but still few studies underline the innovation path in a broad sense with a specific focus on terminal operators. The present article aims at filling this gap through a field analysis grouping together case studies developed in different world regions and examining the adoption path of innovation through a mix of three different techniques (i.e. the H- and I-indexes, a Systems of Innovation Analysis, and a Qualitative Comparative Analysis). Research outcomes underline how, even if no unique recipe for success can be found, specific factors (e.g. a ranking of innovation objectives, coordination among actors, and institutions) can influence the achievement of success. The analyses allow suggesting strategic and policy advice that may help link in a better way the innovation drivers with their actual effects.  相似文献   


From simple organizations as gateways for goods and passengers, ports have evolved and transformed into complex organizational systems with multiple functions. Besides providing cargo, logistics, and other kinds of services to its customers, modern ports engage in the development of their hinterlands. Sustainability, evolving from environmental actions over the years, has become the core of many modern ports’ approach towards hinterland development and port competitiveness. While the literature is concerned with and presents examples of large ports implementing sustainability initiatives, the literature is scarce on smaller ports. This article addresses this gap by exploring qualitatively the case of the Port of Aalborg, a medium-sized port in Denmark, and its evolution towards using sustainability for port and hinterland development. The research focuses on the actions behind environmental development at the port. Its evolution is mapped and explored using the analytical framework developed based on the (larger) ports’ development and their roles. The findings from the Port of Aalborg case exemplify how smaller ports can evolve to drive the sustainable development of their hinterlands and contribute to a better understanding of this kind of port.  相似文献   

刘长兵 《水道港口》2012,33(6):532-535
以秦皇岛煤炭港口为例,筛选煤粉尘(TSP)作为典型大宗散货港口大气环境优先污染物,通过对港口区域现有重点煤尘污染源、烟尘污染源和工业粉尘污染源排放和治理状况以及大气污染物迁移扩散规律的研究,结合社会、经济和环境因素,以满足秦皇岛煤炭作业环境和周边地区大气环境功能区环境质量标准为约束条件,探求了港口大气污染物排放总量及环境承载力控制目标。  相似文献   

The Finnish maritime cluster is an important sector of Finland's economy. However, literature on innovative activities within the cluster is limited. This article focuses on Finnish shipbuilding and marine industry firms. Several innovation types are identified. These are analyzed according to general characteristics of firms. The data is from a survey of 148 shipbuilding and marine industry companies; most of the variables are ordinal scale and are analyzed with standard statistical survey methods. Considering the significance and past technological achievements of the sector the results indicate surprisingly low radical innovation related-activity and attitudes towards it. As well, the results provide no evidence to support previous research, suggesting that the shipbuilding and marine industry produces more organizational than technological innovations. The innovativeness of the firms varies according to distinct characteristics such as size, intensity of in-house and collaborative R&D activities, and level of internationalization. The empirical results provide a platform for policy implications and directions for future research; innovations concerning environmental efficiency are raised as an important future area of development.  相似文献   

蔡薇 《中国水运》2006,6(11):18-20
我国原油进口是一项长期的国家战略,原油进口量逐年增长,原油进口的的海运需求相当大,所以需要科学合理的原油运输系统的论证、设计和建设。本文从原油运输船型的发展和趋势出发,运用基于知识的最短路径模型,结合综合必要费率对包含船、港、航和货值的原油运输系统经济性进行了计算和分析,从而选择合理的原油运输船型和专用码头的合理吨位。  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify factors that promote innovation in shipping companies. The study is based on an empirical investigation of 63 companies headquartered in Norway. The results imply that organizational and interorganizational variables are important to innovation. Three aspects of innovation are focused on: (1) service/product innovations, (2) market innovations, and (3) production method innovations. The explanatory variables that are applied in this study capture between 13–51% of the variability of the measures of innovation. The results indicate that an explicit strategy that promotes innovation is very important for the actual level of innovation within shipping companies. In management literature, it is often assumed that organic organizational features like decentralized decision-making promote innovation. The opposite features are assumed to restrain innovation. However, the results do not support these basic assumptions. For example, it seems to be important that managers make precise decisions in order to promote innovation.  相似文献   

镇江港大港港区2#~5#泊位码头结构加固改造工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足靠泊5万~7万吨级散货船的需要,镇江港大港港区2#~5#泊位进行了码头结构加固改造。设计中采用增设桩基,并利用原结构体系新建系靠泊点的局部改造思路。实践证明:该码头改造方案充分利用原有码头资源,既保证了码头平稳生产,又节省了工程投资,可为类似工程参考。  相似文献   

伴随着粤港澳大湾区正式上升为国家战略,区域经济发展重心的新变化会对深圳港发展产生重要影响。通过系统梳理大湾区发展目标与战略部署,选取地区生产总值、产业结构、生态环保、固定资产投资与集疏运体系5个重要指标,分别与港口吞吐量构建双变量VAR模型进行脉冲响应分析,进而对深圳港提出发展建议。结果表明,地区生产总值、产业结构以及集疏运体系能够对港口吞吐量产生长期正向影响,生态环保能够对港口吞吐量产生长期负面影响,而固定资产投资对于港口吞吐量的影响较弱;优化港区布局、注重生态环保、加强通道建设等发展建议,可加快促进深圳港建设成为符合大湾区发展特色的新港口。  相似文献   

肖明 《港口科技》2014,(2):39-41
为提升港口管理水平,提高工作效率,开发了港口科技管理系统。港口科技管理系统是以港口企业每年申报的科技项目为基础,以科技项目的申报审批流程为主线的系统。介绍系统运行环境的搭建和分析与设计。着重介绍该项目主要的科技创新点。该项目的成功,使科技管理工作更加规范、高效。  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify factors that promote innovation in shipping companies. The study is based on an empirical investigation of 63 companies headquartered in Norway. The results imply that organizational and interorganizational variables are important to innovation. Three aspects of innovation are focused on: (1) service/product innovations, (2) market innovations, and (3) production method innovations. The explanatory variables that are applied in this study capture between 13-51% of the variability of the measures of innovation. The results indicate that an explicit strategy that promotes innovation is very important for the actual level of innovation within shipping companies. In management literature, it is often assumed that organic organizational features like decentralized decision-making promote innovation. The opposite features are assumed to restrain innovation. However, the results do not support these basic assumptions. For example, it seems to be important that managers make precise decisions in order to promote innovation.  相似文献   

马君 《水运工程》2019,(4):56-60
针对煤炭港口洒落煤尘的污染问题,通过分析研究并结合国内煤炭港口设备现状,提出煤炭转运系统湿式电除尘器、堆料作业精确洒水、装船机臂架洒落煤改造、皮带机头部粉尘收集装置、回程皮带清洁方案等一系列的技术措施,有效治理了装卸流程中的煤尘污染难点问题,将无组织的煤尘污染排放变为合理有序的收集利用,并设计煤粉尘处理车间,避免煤粉尘带来的二次污染,实现了煤粉尘科学环保的回收利用。  相似文献   

The traditional view of ports as evolving from human settlements to distribution centres is re-examined in an ecological context. The discussion is essential because of the persisting traditional approach to 'global' port development, i.e. directed primarily by technological optimization related to cargo transfer and ocean trasportation. Growing environmental concerns and realities indicate the need for a broader environmental view in which the port is recognized as part of a larger interactive coastal ecosystem, with environmental pressures by the port on the surrounding environment, as well as by the environment on the port. The paper argues for an ecological basis for coastal port development, analyses the environment implications of riverine linkages between port and hinterland, and details some environmental consequnces of changing industrialization and chemical practices. It also identifies initiatives for relevant planning and future port management.  相似文献   

俞武华 《水运工程》2011,(11):71-77
在长江上游重庆港寸滩港区工程项目设计中,通过理念创新和技术创新,在33 m大水位差、典型山区地形的建设条件下,首次成功地采用了集装箱岸桥装卸船工艺、空间框架式桩基码头结构、阶梯式集装箱堆场布置和较大的港内道路纵坡等设计创新技术,开创了大水差地区建设直立式集装箱码头的先例,促进了河港建港技术的发展。  相似文献   

文中通过对秦皇岛港东部城市污水处理场、西港区汤河水源的开发利用情况和产生的经济、环境、社会效益的分析,说明了水源开发利用为港口节能减排作出的重要贡献,同时也说明了进行水源的开发利用是实现港口可持续发展的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

港口建设项目环境影响因素的确定及其危害的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述港口建设项目环境影响评价的意义,从港口水环境、港口大气环境和港口声环境3个方面分别确定港口项目影响因素,最后评价这些影响因素的危害性。所得结论可作为港口建设项目环境影响经济评价的基础。  相似文献   

肖乾 《水运工程》2018,(8):55-59
重庆果园港是具有代表意义的内河第三代综合性港口,具有规模大、承担运输货种多、环境影响因素复杂的特点。通过对果园港的规划定位、装卸工艺、码头结构形式、总平面布置等关键技术方案进行分析,介绍了设计过程的主要理念,总结了在新的形势下长江上游港口总体设计的要点,为同类型港口的设计工作提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

我国沿海港口建设发展历程回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要回顾55年来我国港口建设发展的历程及成就,总结沿海港口专业化集装箱码头、煤炭码头、原油码头以及矿石码头的建设发展,港口水工建筑物的建设发展与技术创新,港口施工技术及设备的发展与创新,提出未来几年港口建设的重点工作。  相似文献   

赵启昌 《港口科技》2009,(10):17-19
为降低成本等,货主由港口装卸的粮食类货物呈现出散装集港的趋势。经研究,提出了新的散粮的场地堆存工艺、散粮集港入垛工艺和出垛工艺,解决了特殊堆存条件下的港口散粮集疏港的问题,在装卸生产实践中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

近十年来,我国水运工程发展迅猛,在优良岸线资源日趋减少和船舶大型化发展的环境条件下,水运工程发展凸现出深水化、外海化的趋势,有关单位相继建造购置了大量的大型高效率施工船舶和设备。在此背景下,水运工程设计的发展需要以新材料、新工艺和新型施工船机等施工条件在工程中的广泛应用作为依托,而施工条件的迅速发展及在工程中的应用又为水运工程设计的进步创造了基础条件。水运工程设计与施工条件相互促进,协调发展,共同促进了我国水运行业建设的健康发展。  相似文献   

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