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光中 《中国船检》2005,(3):28-30
中国与美国海上运输船队分居世界第五位和第四位,两个海运大国握手言欢,对发展全球经贸有着重大的意义。2004年,中国输往美国的货物又比上年增长了 16%。中美两国既是重要的贸易伙伴,同时也是世界上两个重要的航运大国,海运是保障两国正常贸易往来最重要的运输方式,中美海运关系也成为两国经贸关系的重要组成部分。两国新的海运协定生效和中国扩大对美贸易,更有利于保障中美海运关系的健康发展,将为双方经贸合作带来更多的商业利益。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the past, present and future of the maritime transportation industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian seaborne trade and the shipping capacity are analysed for the past 15 years. Relationships between the declining Saudi shipping capacity and other economic measures are identified. Analysis of the Saudi Arabian maritime transportation is performed with respect to the world carrier fleets and models are developed to determine the theoretical shipping capacity required for transportation of the national seaborne cargo. Forecasts of the future shipping capacity requirement for the Kingdom are also presented. This paper illustrates the general approach for analysing a country's maritime industry and thus could help other researchers in that respect.  相似文献   

The Central Bank of the Turkish Republic (TCMB) in Turkey has announced the data of freight revenues. The data that have been announced depends on the information obtained from the port customs and compiled by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). Because of the distinctive structure of the freight market, certain requisite generalizations and projections are used for data calculation. Accordingly, calculations that depend on generalizations and predictions are likely to weaken the effectiveness of the decisions already made or going to be made. The aim of this study is to calculate more realistically the real freight revenues of ships that have carried out loading or discharging operations in Turkish ports. In accordance with this purpose, the volume of freight revenues and their distribution between Turkish and foreign flagged ships is calculated. A Microsoft SQL-based algorithm is developed in order to do the calculation. Within the scope of the study, the total fright revenue of Turkey-oriented shipping industry is calculated to be USD 5.8 billion. Proportionately, 79.53% of the revenue belongs to foreign flagged ships, 12.70% of it belongs to foreign flagged ships with Turkish owners, and only 7.78% of it belongs to Turkish flagged ships.  相似文献   

主要介绍电子海图(ECDIS)、船舶自动识别系统(AIS)、船载航行数据记录仪(VDR)在航海中的运用。  相似文献   

邵士君 《水运管理》2010,32(10):4-6,9
在现代法学中,国际货物贸易合同的相关法律问题与国际海上货物运输合同的相关法律问题分属不同领域,被不同的部门法所制约。在通常情况下,学者和实务操作者亦将二者割裂对待,分别研究。然而,一个不可忽视的事实是:国际货物贸易与国际海上货物运输之间具有紧密的相关性。在实践中,  相似文献   

针对海上应急物资运输的特点,综合考虑物联网技术优势与海上应急物资运输的要求,引入模糊时间窗函数,结合最优适应度函数等主要约束条件,构建以配送距离最短、花费时间最少、配送成本最低、客户满意度最大的物联网的海上应急物资运输路径优化模型,在Matlab 2017a平台上进行仿真。结果表明,改进后的遗传算法能够找到最优配送路径,达到了智能化海上应急物资运输配送的要求。  相似文献   

The 2010 Manila amendments to the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code (STCW) was adopted by the idea to render the profession more attractive to the seafarers, particularly to cadets. It is possible to ensure greater attraction only by providing suitable and safe working conditions on board to cadets. This study analyses occupational accidents and near misses encountered by ocean going deck cadets, who received A-II/I training, during their sea training. The aim of this study was to determine causal factors influencing work accidents and to propose several recommendations for the safety of deck cadets. A total of 857 officer candidates, who received maritime education at university level in Turkey, were interviewed. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used in the study to analyse the occupational accidents. As a result of this study on deck cadets, the most risky areas for work accidents were found to be the deck (39.9%), cargo areas (35.7%), areas used for manoeuvring operations (including winch areas and areas in which berthing, unberthing, and anchoring operations take place) (16.1%), and accommodation areas (8.3%). The most important root causes for occupational accidents were identified as not using personal protective equipment (24.2%), haste (22.6%), and presence in inappropriate places (13.6%). This study offers some important insight into the prevention of occupational accidents, and includes suggestions and advisory opinions of sector representatives. As a result of this study, several recommendations for the prevention of accidents are proposed.  相似文献   

Global offshoring has increased the need for transport of half-finished goods and components, along with finished goods. The auto-parts industry in Korea has also entered the global market as Korean car manufacturers have started to build overseas factories. Maintaining cost competitiveness by minimising total logistics costs will thus be a critical strategy for the industry. This research compares the total annual costs of four feasible transport routes from Korea to the US using the inventory-theoretic model, which encompasses direct transport costs, in-transit carrying costs, and warehouse inventory costs. We apply this model to real transport data collected from a Korean auto-parts company. A static analysis shows that inventory costs can play a decisive role in altering the cost competitiveness of different routes. In addition, sensitivity and scenario analyses with changes in variables and the market situations reveal that the cost structure of each route plays an important role in determining their relative cost competitiveness in varying market conditions.  相似文献   

薛宁地 《世界海运》2010,33(5):42-43
介绍无线电测向与定位技术的功能、相关设备和使用情况,阐述这项技术在保障海洋运输安全方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

为了解决现有航线实时更新模型中存在的更新时延长问题,构建了海上货船运输航线的优化模型。以海平面为模型环境搭建空间坐标系,在该坐标系下分别确定运输货船的初始位置、实时位置与终点位置。按照位置定位的时间,依次连接坐标节点,生成货船的实时运输路线。为了测试更新优化模型的性能设计实验,通过实验分析发现,传统更新模型的平均更新时延为73.2 s,与传统模型相比,设计的实时更新优化模型的平均更新时延降低了44.8 s。  相似文献   

Maritime Transportation Systems (MTSs) are essential for world trade; it is crucial to understand how these systems may fail, to be able to maintain their capacity. In this paper, the MTS is seen as a throughput mechanism; a technical system which serves its purpose by moving goods for its dependents. Understanding which key functions and capabilities are prerequisite for the ability to move goods, the loss of which are the failure modes, allows for the creation of a ‘business continuity plan’ for the MTS. Through two surveys and interviews with maritime transportation industry stakeholders, it was observed that while stakeholders in the industry have a solid focus on frequent operational risks, there is a lack of awareness of vulnerabilities, as well as methods for addressing and planning for low-frequency high-impact disruption scenarios. The presented approach provides a structured set of matrices of the key functions of the MTS, allowing stakeholders to increase the system's resilience through preparing to restore this limited number of critical functions.  相似文献   

Recently, the melting of Arctic sea ice and development of maritime technology are enabling the regular voyages in Arctic waters. However, the Arctic maritime transportation system (AMTS) is a complex and dynamic system with respect to human, technical, environmental and organizational issues. For example, ships operating in Arctic waters suffer severe weather conditions, fully and partially ice-covered waters, and are also difficult to search and rescue in ice-covered Arctic waters due to remoteness from lands. These risk factors will influence the safety and security of ships operating in Arctic waters. For this, this paper identifies potential risk influencing factors (RIFs) for the AMTS from human, technical (ship), environmental and organizational aspects. An analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method is used to analyze the hierarchical relationships and calculate the relative importance of the selected RIFs. Due to the complexity and uncertainty involved in the comprehensive analysis of RIFs for the AMTS, fuzzy sets are incorporated into AHP analysis to represent and treat the epistemic uncertainty. The identified critical RIFs in this study can be used to propose specific guidance for the operations of crews on board, ship owners, and ship managers.  相似文献   

随着SOLAS公约第Ⅶ章修正案于2004年1月1 日正式生效,《国际海运危险货物规则》(以下简称《国际危规》,IMDG Code)的大部分章节成为强制性的规则。《国际危规》第七部分的7.2.2.3节明确规定“需相互隔离的危险货物不得在同一货物运输组件内装运。需先‘远离’的危险货物经主管机关批准,可以在同一运输组件内装运,但须坚持等效的安全标准”。根据这一规定, 两种或两种以上危险货物在同一集装箱内拼箱运输时, 必须事先得到主管机关的批准。  相似文献   

概括了“中国交通教育研究会航海教育研究分会2005年学术年会”总体情况,并本次会议就有关船员考证、航海教育可持续发展、航海教育观转变等问题达成的共识及不同看法作了综述,旨在全面深入地贯彻落实本次会议精神。  相似文献   

Lack of a clear understanding regarding the economic impacts of non-motorized modes is a major reason why they are excluded from the transportation development agenda of cities in India. Keeping this aspect in mind the present study has been divided in to two parts. The first part tries to understand the non-motorized traffic evolution in India. It focuses on the declination of non-motorized modes, necessity to revamp it, the favorable conditions to promote them in India and the relative problems associated with it. It is found here that there is a necessity for defining the role of non-motorized modes in India for the viable implementation of infrastructure and policies related with it.  相似文献   

邵琳  纪永波  李清 《集装箱化》2010,21(7):10-13
介绍亚欧集装箱运输通道的发展现状,比较各运输通道的运输费用和运输时间,考虑受货物价值影响的库存成本,分析各运输通道的经济性,指出亚欧铁路集装箱运输通道有较大发展潜力。  相似文献   

游勇 《集装箱化》2010,21(7):14-17
<正>我国焦炭年产量约3亿t,由于焦炭资源地与消耗地脱节,大量焦炭通过沿海和内河船舶散装运输,不仅严重污染环境,还形成自然损耗,如果不采用新的运输方式,该问题很难得到有效解决。2004年,我国天津港、连云港港和日照港等沿海港口开始尝试外贸焦炭的集装箱海上运输,为焦炭运输集装箱化积累了经验。焦炭采用集装箱运输  相似文献   

Commercial maritime management activities have significant industrial and socio-economic dimensions that need to be addressed from the onset of the policy planning and policy-making process. This commentary addresses the importance of industrial and socio-economic dimensions and the need to formalize their role in newly developed ecosystem based fisheries management plans that are currently being considered in the USA. It builds upon a discussion presented in this journal by Everett (2005).  相似文献   

Commercial maritime management activities have significant industrial and socio-economic dimensions that need to be addressed from the onset of the policy planning and policy-making process. This commentary addresses the importance of industrial and socio-economic dimensions and the need to formalize their role in newly developed ecosystem based fisheries management plans that are currently being considered in the USA. It builds upon a discussion presented in this journal by Everett (2005).  相似文献   

浅议海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
证据是指用于证明某一事物客观存在或某一主张成立的有关事实证明。无论海事调查还是海事诉讼过程中,证据无疑是至关重要的,它是海事部门查明事实的基础,也是海事法院审判的依据。由于海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据都是对事实的证明,因此这两种证据有很多方面是相同的,但由于调查取证的方法、证明的侧重点、法律规定的不同,海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据必然存在不同之处。本文通过对两种证据在各个方面的比较分析,并参照国外海事调查情况,提出海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据的关系。海事部门海事调查的性质和目的我国自建国以来,直到《海上交通安…  相似文献   

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