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Thelinearcontrolsystemunderstudyisddtx(t)=Ax(t) Bu(t), t>0x(0)=x0,(1)whereAisthegeneratorofanexponentiallystableC semigroupT(t)inaHilbertspaceX, andBisaboundedoperatorfromtheHilbertspaceYtoX.Eq. (1) hasreceivedmuchattentionunderthehy pothesisthatAgenerate…  相似文献   

Pipe flow is a classic hydrodynamic issue.Most pipelines contain bends,and bends cause energy loss and distort the flow because of secondary flow.Deflectors are...  相似文献   

This paper investigated the asymptotic behavior of global weak solutions of the initial boundary value problem for a class of nonlinear wave equations. Moreover, blowup of this kind of equations was also disscussed.  相似文献   

Substitution permutation network (SPN) is one important structure of block cipher cryptosystems. Pri or work has shown different fault analyses on SPN. The formalization of fault analysis of both attack and protect on SPN have been given. The overhead and time tolerance of fault detection have been discussed. The pseudoblinding method to detect fault attack is introduced, and the balance of the security, overhead and time tolerance based on the evaluation could be made.  相似文献   

Introduction Since Boneh et al[1]announced a model forbreaking public key cryptographic schemes by tak-ing advantage of random hardware faults in 1996,fault analysis has become an important aspect ofcrypto-analysis method. Fault analysis inducesfaults in tamper-resistant chips by means of radia-tion, X-rays, micro-probing or cut wires, so thatsome information of keys could leak from chips. Biham &Shamir applied fault attack to the ex-tension of block cipher cryptosystems such asDES, and call…  相似文献   

Consider a four-dimensional system having a two-dimensional invariant surface. By analyzing the solutions of bifurcation equations, this paper studied the bifurcation phenomena of a k multiple closed orbit in the invariant surface. Sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic orbits generated by the k multiple closed orbit were given.  相似文献   

IntroductionInhotforging,variationanddistributiol1oftemperatureplayveryimportantroIeinviewofthermalstressesorthermalstrainaswe1lasthemateria1properties.MechanicaldefOrmationcangenerateheatbyfrictionalslidingand/ordissipatiOI1ofplasticwork.Theboundaryconditionfortemperatureismodifiedbythechangeinmaterialshape.Dietemperatureusuallyislowerthanworkpiecetemperatureandthisfactresultsindiechilling.Itsignificantlyaffectsthetemperatureoftheworkpiecea11d,consequently,alterstheflowstress.Whenthedieisr…  相似文献   

Objective To study the changes in neuronal activity of the zone incerta (ZI) following the unilateral lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway. Methods Eiectrophysiological recordings of ZI neurons were made in normal rats and in two groups of rats at different time intervals after injection of 6-hydrodopamine (6-OHDA) into the pars compacta of snbstantia nigra by extracellular recording in vivo. Results The results showed a significant increase in the mean firing rate of ZI during the second and fourth weeks after 6-OHDA lesion [-n=32, (3.6±2. 2)Hz, P<0.001; n=35, (9.3±6.6)Hz, P<0. 001, respectively] compared to that of normal rats [n=39, (9.2±5.2)Hz]. However, no significant change was observed between two groups of 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. With regard to firing pattern, 7.7%(3/39) of ZI neurons discharged regularly, 82.1% (32/39) irregularly and 10. 3% (4/39) in bursts in normal rats. During the second week after 6-OHDA lesion, the regular, irregular and bursting firing neurons recorded in the ZI were 9.4% (3/32), 59. 4% (19/32) and 31.3% (10/32), and during fourth week, the regular, irregular and bursting firing neurons were 14.3% (5/35), 57.1% (20/35) and 28. 6% (10/35), respectively. The firing pattern of the neurons in the three different groups did not change significantly. Conclusion These results suggest that the firing rate of ZI neurons in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats is increased significantly, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

IntroductionItiswellknownthaphasetrapsformationsplayanimPortantroleontheresidualstressesandstrainsinducedbythermalprocessessuchasweldingandquenching.lnthispaPer,wefocusourattentiononthebehaviourofsteelsduringphasetransformations.AtheoreticalaPproachhasbeenachievedbyLeblondetal[1]andhasledtOamacroscopicmodelinthecaseofideal-plasticphases[2][3].Thenthemodelhasbeengeneralizedtotakestrainhardeningphenomenaintoaccount[4].ThetheoreticalaPproachhasbeenassessedandcompletedusingflniteelementsimulati…  相似文献   

Extracting geometric data of landmarks from fluoroscopic images plays an important role in camera calibration process of a fluoroscopic-image-based surgical navigation system. Connected components labeling is the essential technique for the extraction. A new fast connected components labeling algorithm was presented. The definition of upward concave set was introduced to explain the algorithm. Feasibility and efficiency of the algorithm were verified with experiments. This algorithm performs well in labeling non-upward concave set connected components and applies to landmarks labeling well. Moreover, the proposed algorithm possesses a desirable characteristic that will facilitate the subsequent processing of fluoroscopic images.  相似文献   

A two-level optimization method for the design of complex truss and parallel distributed implementation on a LAN is presented using parallel virtual machine (PVM) for Win 32 as message passing between PCs. The volumes of truss are minimized by decomposing the original optimization problem into a number of bar optimization problems executed concurrently and a coordinate optimization problem, subject to constraints on nodal displacements, and stresses, buckling and crippling of bars, etc. The system sensitivity analysis that derives the partial derivatives of displacements and stresses with respect to areas are also performed in parallel so as to shorten the analysis time. The convergence and the speedup performances as well as parallel computing efficiency of the method are investigated by the optimization examples of a 52-bar planar truss and a 3 126-bar three-diraensional truss. The results show that the ideal speedup is obtained in the cases of 2 PCs for the 3 126-bar space truss optimization, while no speedup is observed for the 52-bar truss. It is concluded that (1) the parallel distributed algorithm proposed is efficient on the PC-based LAN for the coarsegrained large optimization problem; (2) to get a high speedup, the problem granularity should match with the network granularity;and (3) the larger the problem size is, the higher the parallel efficiency is.  相似文献   

This paper considers the parallel machines scheduling problem where jobs are subject to different releas etimes. A constructive heuristic is first proposed to solve the problem in a modest amount of computer time. In general, the quality of the solutions provided by heuristics degrades with the increase of the probiem‘s scale. Combined the global search ability of genetic algorithm, this paper proposed a hybrid heuristic to improve the quality of solutions further. The computational results show that the hybrid heuristic combines the advantages of heuristic and genetic algorithm effectively and can provide very good solutions to some large problems in a reasonable amount of computer time.  相似文献   

1 Introduction  Itiswellknownthatthedirectionofskinfrictionisdecidedbytherelativedisplacementbetweenpileanditssurroundingsoil.Ifsettlementvelocityoftheneighboringsoilisgreaterthanthatofthepile ,therewillbenegativeskinfrictiononpile ,otherwiseitwillprod…  相似文献   

Objective To map a mouse deafness gene.identify the underlying mutation and develop a mouse model for human deafncss.Methods Genetic lindage cross and genome scan wer used to map a novel mutation named hypoplasia of the membranous labyrinth (hml),which causes hearing loss in mutant mice.Results ① hml was mapped on mouse Chr 10 (~43 cM from the centromere) suggests that the homologous human gene is on 12q22--q24, which was defined on the basis of known mouse-human homologies (OMIM,2004). ② This study has generated 25 polymorphic microsateUite markers, placed 3 known human genes in the correct order in a high-resolution mouse map and narrowed the hml candidate gene region to a 500 kb area.  相似文献   

IntroductionHeattreatinengineersmustfrequelltlycopewithmechanicalcomPonentsreadyforquenching,butmadeuPfrominadequatestee1sasaresultofapoorsteelselectiondecision.ThisProblemseemstobemoreimPOrtamwhenthecomPonefltstobeconstheCtCdaretoolsordiesfOrcoldworkngprocesses,suchasblanking,cuttng,formingorstmpingsteelorothermctalsheets.Atthispointthedesignengineerhasseveraltoolsteelaftematives.ThemostfrequentlyseIectedsteelsarethoseclassiliedintotheASTMDandOSteelGrouPs.Unfotwately,itisnotuncommonto…  相似文献   

Pochonia chlamydosporia (formerly Verticilli-um chlamydosporium) is a common nematophagousfungus with widespread distribution. Its occur-rence as a facultative parasite of sedentary stagesof endoparasitic nematodes has been well docu-mented[1]. It is thought to be one of the responsi-ble factors for a long-term stable suppression of ce-real cyst nematodes in the UK[2]. The biocontrolpotential of this fungus has been investigated forthe management of plant-parasitic nematodes on arange of agri…  相似文献   

Aiming at the cropping operations widely applied in practical industry production, a new method of bar cropping is presented. The rotational speeds of actuating motor of eccentric blocks are controlled by a frequency changer, and the shearing die provides the bar with the controllable force, frequency and amplitude of vibration. By utilizing the stress concentration at the bottom of V shape groove on the bar, the low stress bar cropping is realized. The bar cropping experiments of duralumin alloy and steel show that the shear surface has no radial distortion and deviation angle, the cutting force is lower and the die life is longer compared with the common bar cropping method. According to the special feature of cutting surface obtained by the new method, a new method of measurement is proposed and applied to assess the cutting surfaces obtained by the different control curves of frequency. The results show that the linear decrease control method is the best.  相似文献   

Objective To develop the numerical method for the steady and unsteady wet steam condensing flow in turbine stage. Methods An Eulerian/Eulerian numerical model is used to describe the spontaneous condensation flow in the steam turbine. For the steady condensing flow computations, the mixing plane model was used. For the unsteady condensing flow computations, the sliding mesh method was used to simulate the rotor-stator interactions. Results The numerical results showed the obvious differences between non-condensing and condensing flows. The results also showed the unsteadiness effect due to rotor-stator interactions had a deep influence on the formation and growth process of water droplets. Conclusion The numerical methods presented in this paper are valid for the condensing flow in the turbine stage.  相似文献   

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