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This paper presents a multi‐objective optimization model and its solution algorithm for optimization of pedestrian phase patterns, including the exclusive pedestrian phase (EPP) and the conventional two‐way crossing (TWC) at an intersection. The proposed model will determine the optimal pedestrian phase pattern and the corresponding signal timings at an intersection to best accommodate both vehicular traffic and pedestrian movements. The proposed model is unique with respect to the following three critical features: (1) proposing an unbiased performance index for comparison of EPP and TWC by explicitly modeling the pedestrian delay under the control of TWC and EPP; (2) developing a multi‐objective model to maximize the utilization of the available green time by vehicular traffic and pedestrian under both EPP or TWC; and (3) designing a genetic algorithm based heuristic algorithm to solve the model. Case study and sensitivity analysis results have shown the promising property of the proposed model to assist traffic practitioners, researchers, and authorities in properly selecting pedestrian phase patterns at signalized intersections. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pedestrian scramble phasing is usually implemented to reduce pedestrian‐vehicle conflicts and therefore increase the safety of the intersection. However, to adequately determine the benefits of scramble phasing, it is necessary to understand how pedestrians react to such an unconventional design. This study investigates changes in pedestrian crossing behavior following the implementation of a scramble phase by examining the spatiotemporal gait parameters (step length and step frequency). This detailed microscopic‐level analysis provides insight into changes in pedestrian walking mechanisms as well as the effect of various pedestrian and intersection characteristics. The study uses video data collected at a scramble phase signalized intersection in Oakland, California. Gait parameters were found to be influenced by pedestrian gender, age, group size, crosswalk length, and pedestrian signal indications. Both average step length and walking speed were significantly higher for diagonally crossing pedestrians compared with pedestrians crossing on the conventional crosswalks. Pedestrians were found to have the tendency to increase their step length more than their step frequency to increase walking speed. It was also found that, compared with men, women generally increase their walking speed by increasing their step frequency more than step length. However, when in non‐compliance with signal indications, women increase their walking speed by increasing their step length more than step frequency. It was also found that older pedestrians do not significantly change their walking behavior when in non‐compliance with signal indications. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated model to design routing and signal plans for massive mixed pedestrian‐vehicle flows within the evacuation zone. The proposed model, with its embedded formulations for pedestrians and vehicles in the same evacuation network, can effectively take their potential conflicts into account and generate the optimal routing strategies to guide evacuees toward either the pickup locations or their parking areas during an evacuation. The proposed model, enhancing the cell transmission model with the notion of sub‐cells, mainly captures the complex movements in the vehicle‐pedestrian flows and can concurrently optimizes both the signals for pedestrian‐vehicle flows and the movement paths for evacuees. An illustrating example concerning the evacuation around the M&T Bank Stadium area has been used to demonstrate the application potential of the proposed model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At non‐signalized mid‐block street crossings in China's cities, pedestrians often weave between motor vehicle flows. This paper investigated the influence patterns of the gender and age of pedestrians, the presence of a pedestrian group, vehicles' interference and the crossing direction on the crossing time at non‐signalized mid‐block street crossings in Changsha, China. The results show that the crossing speed is approximately 1–1.1 m/s; the crossing time increases with increasing age, and the crossing speed of a pedestrian will be quicker when the time gap between the pedestrian and the oncoming vehicle is smaller if he/she decides to cross. This paper also analyzed the crossing time pattern when pedestrians cross lane by lane and found that pedestrians spend the most time crossing the first lane and the least time crossing the middle lane, regardless of whether they are crossing from the curb to the central island or from the central island to the curb. The crossing speed is an important input to the design of pedestrian facilities, so these findings can be applied to the assessment of pedestrian crossing safety in China's cities and can provide a basis for the design of pedestrian crossing facilities. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic delay model for signalized intersections with right‐turn channelization lanes considering the possibility of blockage. Right‐turn channelization is used to improve the capacity and to reduce delay at busy intersections with a lot of right‐turns. However, under heavy traffic conditions the through vehicles will likely block the channelization entrance that accrues delay to right‐turn vehicles. If the right‐turn channelization gets blocked frequently, its advantage in reducing the intersection delay is neglected and as a result the channelization lane becomes inefficient and redundant. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) neglects the blockage effect, which may be a reason for low efficiency during peak hours. More importantly, using HCM or other standard traffic control methods without considering the blockage effects would lead to underestimation of the delay. To overcome this issue, the authors proposed delay models by taking into account both deterministic and random aspects of vehicles arrival patterns at signalized intersections. The proposed delay model was validated through VISSIM, a microscopic simulation model. The results showed that the proposed model is very precise and accurately estimates the delay. In addition, it was found that the length of short‐lane section and proportion of right‐turn and through traffic significantly influence the approach delay. For operational purposes, the authors provided a step‐by‐step delay calculation process and presented approach delay estimates for different sets of traffic volumes, signal settings, and short‐lane section lengths. The delay estimates would be useful in evaluating adequacy of the current lengths, identifying the options of extending the short‐lane section length, or changing signal timing to reduce the likelihood of blockage. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a micro‐simulation modeling framework for evaluating pedestrian–vehicle conflicts in crowded crossing areas. The framework adopts a simulation approach that models vehicles and pedestrians at the microscopic level while satisfying two sets of constraints: (1) flow constraints and (2) non‐collision constraints. Pedestrians move across two‐directional cells as opposed to one‐dimensional lanes as in the case of vehicles; therefore, extra caution is considered when modeling the shared space between vehicles and pedestrians. The framework is used to assess large‐scale pedestrian–vehicle conflicts in a highly congested ring road in the City of Madinah that carries 20 000 vehicles/hour and crossed by 140 000 pedestrians/hour after a major congregational prayer. The quantitative and visual results of the simulation exhibits serious conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, resulting in considerable delays for pedestrians crossing the road (9 minutes average delay) and slow traffic conditions (average speed <10 km/hour). The model is then used to evaluate the following three mitigating strategies: (1) pedestrian‐only phase; (2) grade separation; and (3) pedestrian mall. A matrix of operational measures of effectiveness for network‐wide performance (e.g., average travel time, average speed) and for pedestrian‐specific performance (e.g., mean speed, mean density, mean delay, mean moving time) is used to assess the effectiveness of the proposed strategies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An on‐street parking maneuver can often start a temporary bottleneck, leading to additional delay endured by the following vehicles. If the maneuver occurs near a signalized intersection, the service rate of the intersection might be reduced. In this paper, a model is built to analyze the effects of parking maneuvers on the intersection service rate. Based on the hydrodynamic theory of traffic flow, the perturbation caused by the parking maneuver is analyzed. Using dimensional analysis, we illustrate the relation between the background conditions, the distance from the parking area to the intersection, and the intersection service rate. Based on this relation, one can compute the service rate reduction caused by existing on‐street parking areas. A minimum distance between the parking area and the intersection to avoid such reduction can be accordingly found. Numerical examples based on empirical data from the city of Zurich, Switzerland, are provided to illustrate the practical applications. Although the analysis is based on streets with a single lane per direction, the findings can provide some insights regarding different situations. We hope such findings can be used as a basis for developing on‐street parking design guidelines. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Existing research on platoon dispersion models either describe homogeneous traffic flow feature, or are in lack of analytical solutions. By analyzing the field data, the truncated mixed simplified phase‐type distribution is proved to be capable of capturing the characteristics of heterogeneous traffic flow with an excellent fitting result. In light of this, we derive a generic heterogeneous platoon dispersion model with truncated mixed simplified phase‐type of speed in the forms of integrable functions. Numerical case studies are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed model and the conventional models (i.e., the Robertson model and truncated mixed Gaussian model). The results show that the proposed model not only better captures the platoon dispersion laws of heterogeneous traffic flow, but also presents higher computational efficiency, which provides practical implications on traffic signal control. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The US Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology is used in Spain to evaluate traffic operation and quality of service. The effect of passing manoeuvre on two‐lane highway operational performance is considered through adjustment factors to average travel speeds and percent time spent following. The procedure is largely based on simulations in TWOPAS and passing behaviours observed during US calibrations in the 1970s. It is not clear whether US driving behaviour and vehicles' performance are comparable with Spanish conditions. The objective of this research is to adapt the HCM 2010 methodology to Spanish driver behaviour, for base conditions (i.e. no passing restrictions). To do so, TWOPAS was calibrated and validated based on current Spanish passing field data. The calibration used a genetic algorithm. The case study included an ideal two‐lane highway with varying directional traffic flow rate, directional split and percentage of trucks. The updated methodology for base conditions is simpler than the current HCM 2010 and does not rely on interpolation from tables. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated model for optimizing lane assignment and signal timing at tandem intersection, which is introduced recently. The pre‐signal is utilized in the tandem intersection to reorganize the traffic flow; hence, the vehicles, regardless of whether left‐turns or through vehicles, can be discharged in all the lanes. However, the previous work does not consider the extra traffic disruption and the associated delay caused by the additional pre‐signal. In the paper, the extra delay aroused by the coordination is incorporated in a lane assignment and signal timing optimization model, and the problem is converted into a mixed‐integer non‐linear programming. A feasible directions method is hence introduced to solve the mixed‐integer non‐linear programming. The result of the optimization shows that the performance of the tandem intersection is improved and the average delay is minimized. The comparison between the tandem and the conventional configuration is presented, and the results verify that the former shows better performance than the latter. In addition, the optimal sequence corresponding to the turning proportion and the optimal lane assignment at the upstream approach of the pre‐signal are presented. Furthermore, if the number of lanes is equal in all arms, the paper proves that the average delay will be reduced if lane assignment is proportional to the turning proportion and the vehicles with low proportion are discharged in advance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At hub airports, dominant airlines/alliance coordinate their flights in time with the aim of increasing the number (and quality) of connections, thus producing a wave‐system in traffic schedules. This paper addresses the impact of concentrating aircraft into waves on airport apron capacity. Existing models for apron capacity estimation are based on the number of stands, stand occupancy time, and demand structure, differing between representative groups of aircraft served at an airport. Criteria for aircraft grouping are aircraft type and/or airline and/or type of service (domestic, international, etc.). Modified deterministic analytical models proposed in this paper also take into account the wave‐system parameters, as well as runway capacity. They include the impact of these parameters on the number of flights in wave, stand occupancy time, and consequently apron capacity. Numerical examples illustrate the difference between apron capacity for an origin–destination airport and a hub airport, under the same conditions; utilization of the theoretical apron capacity at a hub airport, given the wave‐system structure; and utilization of the apron capacity at a hub airport when point‐to‐point traffic is allowed to use idle stands. Furthermore, the influence of different assignment strategies for aircraft stands in the case of hub airports is also discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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