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The light is always identical in its composition, but it falls on a great variety of objects, and by so falling is first revealed to us, not in its own form, for it is formless, but in theirs; in like manner, thought only appears in the objects it classifies.  相似文献   

A cross-cutting Maritime Policy can ensure that climate change threats and challenges in regards to seas and oceans are dealt with in a wide policy framework that takes into account the impacts that climate change may have on other sectors and vice versa.  相似文献   

Government recently introduced the Transport Law Reform Bill, which if passed by Parliament, will allow foreign vessels to uplift and discharge cargoes and passengers along the coast of New Zealand. Coastal shipping is part of the domestic transport industry, which has benefitted from deregulation and considerable restructuring over the last decade. This paper provides a brief review of the coastal shipping industry in New Zealand and an overview of international cabotage laws. An alternative open coast shipping policy proposed by the New Zealand Shipping Federation, which is based on ‘level playing fields’ principles, is presented. The scope of cost benefit analysis is outlined and the potential costs and the potential costs and benefits of the Government's open coast shipping policy are summarized. Despite the potential costs to New Zealand of an open coast policy appearing to be considerably greater than the potential benefits. Government officials have not undertaken an empirical cost benefit analysis. The paperr concludes that hte clauses of the Transport Law Reform Bill relating to an open coast policy should be withdrawn and a full empirical cost benefit analysis should be undertaken to determine the best coastal shipping policy for New Zealand.  相似文献   

根据我国及日本海上CDM施工实例以及有关资料,论述了海上CDM工法有关拌和用水和水灰比、室内配合比试验与设计强度、地基的隆起及预估、隆起土的有效利用、穿透硬夹层和硬质地基着底施工、搭接与冷缝的处理等技术问题。对海底深层水泥搅拌加固地基工程的设计和施工具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Organizational Effectiveness (OE) is a rather new concept in the port business literature and not widely studied before. From the systems perspective, this concept focuses on the goals of the organization, the resources needed to achieve these goals, and the relationship between the organization and its environment. The reason behind choosing a systems approach is the significant role of seaports as open systems affected by changes and developments in world trade, supply chain and logistics trends, maritime transport, and technological developments. While seaports are multi-faceted organizations that constitute different interdependent and integrated units in their structure, they can also be regarded as the subsystems of the supply chain system. As being the social and technical systems, port organizations have unique characteristics that should be examined in detail to assess their effectiveness. To assess the effectiveness of port organizations, principally a set of effectiveness measures applicable to seaports should be determined. The main aim of this study is to assess the relative importance of the main effectiveness criteria in seaports and to determine the significance of main inputs and port subsystems which can be referred as the means to achieve effectiveness. By using the systems approach, the inputs, the processes, and the outputs of the port organizations are clearly defined with a conceptual model. Thirty-three statements have been developed under the main categories in the systems model and a two-round delphi survey is conducted, and qualitative analysis of the experts’ opinions is carried out. The results of the delphi survey show that the main port inputs are port infrastructure, equipments, technology, and port labor; the major port processes are ship and cargo operations together with the logistics services, safety and security, information technologies, and marketing; and the most important effectiveness measures for the seaports are productivity, efficiency, service quality, adaptability, information and communication management, profitability, human resource quality, and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

丁度华 《中国水运》2007,5(9):18-19
贵州航首整治工程量大,时间紧迫。进入90年代,人们逐步从粗放型管理向集约型管理进行转变,从计划经济向社会主义市场经济进行转变。航道整治工程的组织者们结合施工组织、工程进度、质量控制、费用控制等方向摆脱旧的思想观念的束缚,逐步从"人治"向"法制"转变,走出了一条崭新的工程施工组织管理之路。  相似文献   

我国航海类人才培养存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对航海类人才培养中存在的不足,对比国内外的航海教育体系,提出提高航海类人才竞争力的关键措施是深化航海教育体制改革,即加强实践教学环节,打造全国性的航海类实践实验教学基地,提高英语水平,加快推进航海教育国际化,整合教育培训资源,改革航海类人才考核和发证体系。  相似文献   

李岩 《中国水运》2002,(11):34-35
WTO的绝大部分规则都是为成员国政府定的,政府首先应转换职能,适应新的角色.作为政府执法部门的海事主管机关更应该与时俱进,因此,笔者试从以下几个方面谈一谈目前海事工作中亟待解决的几个问题.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the economic literature relating to aviation safety; analyzes the safety record of commercial passenger aviation in the United States and abroad; examines aviation security as a growing dimension of aviation safety; and identifies emerging issues in airline safety and challenges for aviation safety research. Commercial airline safety has improved dramatically since the industry's birth over a century ago. Fatal accident rates for large scheduled jet airlines have fallen to the level where (along many dimensions) aviation is now the safest mode of commercial transportation. However, safety performance has not been evenly distributed across all segments of commercial aviation, nor among all countries and regions of the world. The finding that developing countries have much poorer safety records has been a persistent conclusion in aviation safety research and continues to be the case. Unfortunately, operations data are not available for many of the airlines that experience fatal accidents, so it is not possible to calculate reliable fatality rates for many segments of the worldwide aviation industry. Without more complete information, it will likely be difficult to make substantial improvements in the safety of these operations. Challenges to improving aviation security include: how much to focus on identifying the terrorists as opposed to identifying the tools they might use; determining how to respond to terrorist threats; and determining the public versus private roles in providing aviation security. The next generation of safety challenges now require development and understanding of new forms of data to improve safety in other segments of commercial aviation, and moving from a reactive, incident-based approach toward a more proactive, predictive and systems-based approach.  相似文献   

对中国航海职业教育发展过程中存在的规模与结构亟待调整、教育模式亟待改革创新、船员适任评估与考试的有效性亟待提高等问题进行分析,提出解决相关问题的途径:航海职业教育人才培养模式创新与改革、航海教育立法、改革船员适任评估机制与方法。  相似文献   

This brief paper examines some of the problems of interpretation of documents and procedures given in English faced by non-English seafarers, and suggests the use of 'controlled' English to simplify these problems.

' Speak English ', said the Eaglet, ' I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and what's more, I don't believe you do either. '

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll  相似文献   

船舶优先权与海事赔偿责任限制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓松  敖小勇  赵伟 《水运管理》2005,27(5):29-32
从船舶优先权和责任限制权的性质出发,分析两种制度所要解决的不同核心问题,并阐述责任限制基金设立后对二可能产生的影响,以此探讨二之和谐关系。  相似文献   

文章论述了我国航海教育质量监控、评估体系与方法对航海教育的作用,分析了存在的问题对培养人才适任能力的影响和解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

刘璐  肖灵 《中国舰船研究》2017,8(4):132-139
  目的  混合驱动水下滑翔机是一种融合了传统自主式无人潜航器(AUV)和水下滑翔机(AUG)驱动方式的新型水下航行器。为研究混合驱动水下滑翔机自噪声的噪声源分布及基本特征,  方法  首先进行自噪声采集系统的设计与研制,并在消声水池中进行噪声分析实验。以2016年8月南海某海域1 000 m深度范围内的观测数据为研究对象,通过分步运转法,得到实航下滑翔机平台不同工作状态下的自噪声数据。  结果  试验分析与研究结果表明,设计和研制的自噪声采集系统工作稳定,在滑翔工作模式下水下滑翔机的机械噪声对自噪声的贡献最大,500 Hz以上的高频段时自噪声与浮力调节单元工作密切相关,在1 kHz达到峰值。  结论  所得结论对水下滑翔机减振降噪措施的实施和性能的改进可提供一些指导。  相似文献   

我国航海教育国际化进程中存在的主要问题及其应对措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析我国航海教育国际化发展进程中存在的主要问题,并从教育理念、政策法律体系的建立和完善、人才培养目标、开展国际交流与合作等方面,提出加快我国航海教育国际化发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

影响我国航海教育质量的几个问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对航海教育师资,教材,教学及船员适任考试问题的思考,提出了保证和提高航海教育质量的思路与对策。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the past, present and future of the maritime transportation industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian seaborne trade and the shipping capacity are analysed for the past 15 years. Relationships between the declining Saudi shipping capacity and other economic measures are identified. Analysis of the Saudi Arabian maritime transportation is performed with respect to the world carrier fleets and models are developed to determine the theoretical shipping capacity required for transportation of the national seaborne cargo. Forecasts of the future shipping capacity requirement for the Kingdom are also presented. This paper illustrates the general approach for analysing a country's maritime industry and thus could help other researchers in that respect.  相似文献   

海事请求保全是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,为保障其海事请求的实现,对被请求人的财产(如船舶、货物)所采取的强制措施.<中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法>(以下简称<海事诉讼法>)第二十三条规定在五种情形下,海事法院可以扣押当事船舶.<海事诉讼法>关于海事请求保全程序的规定概括起来有六个步骤,即申请、担保、审查、裁定、执行、解除保全.这些规定多数置于海事请求保全一章的第一节"一般规定"中,表明其适用于各种形式的海事请求保全,即将诉讼前扣押船舶的程序扩大适用于所有的海事请求保全.海事请求保全的措施有查封、冻结和扣押财产三种.  相似文献   

航海模拟器的发展既受到各种技术进步的影响,也深受相关条约法规的制约。挪威船级社2007年10月对航海模拟器系统认证标准的修改充分印证了这一点。跨入新世纪以来,随着虚拟现实技术的进步,尤其是图形技术的快速发展为实时生成具有影视级真实感视景成为可能,图形生成系统从高档图形工作站到微机集群的转换,软件几何校正边缘融合技术在宽视场角环幕投影中的应用大幅度降低了视景系统在航海模拟器中的开发成本,为多本船航海模拟器系统创造了条件,包括多本船体系结构在内的综合化趋势将越来越明显。另一方面,六自由度船舶运动数学模型的研究也显得越来越迫切,需要投入更多的精力。  相似文献   

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